How to call a doctor from the clinic to a child, an adult, pregnant at home for free and paid by phone, via the Internet? Is it possible to call a doctor at home and an adult at the weekend, not by registration, without registration, if there is no temperature, there is no policy?

How to call a doctor from the clinic to a child, an adult, pregnant at home for free and paid by phone, via the Internet? Is it possible to call a doctor at home and an adult at the weekend, not by registration, without registration, if there is no temperature, there is no policy?

Call a doctor at home if you can’t come to the clinic yourself. The doctor should come on the day of the call.

We all love to engage in self -medication, and delay the trip to the doctor to the last. But there are situations when you need to meet with a doctor urgently, for example, the temperature has risen or other symptoms appeared that do not require delay.

  • When a person finds himself in such a situation that he cannot cope with the disease on his own, he decides to go to the doctor.
  • But, if you can’t go to the clinic on your own because of poor health, then you need to call a doctor at home.
  • Everyone should remember that such health problems may arise when you cannot delay. In this case, the therapist’s waiting time for a house may not play in favor of the patient. It is urgent to call an ambulance.
  • In what cases do you need to call the clinic to call a doctor, and in which an ambulance will be described below.

How to call a doctor at home by phone?

How to call a doctor at home by phone?
How to call a doctor at home by phone?

Each therapist and children's pediatrician have its own site. Patients living in areas attached to this site should be recorded only to the doctor who leads this site. So how to call a doctor to the house by phone? There are several ways:

  • Call the dispatcher or to the registry your clinic. The specialist will ask your data: surname, address of residence and what bothers. The doctor will come on the same day.
  • Leave a request on the website of the medical institution. In many large cities, patients have the opportunity to use a network to call a doctor at home.
  • Visiting the hospital with relatives or acquaintances. It often happens that there is no way to call the clinic (the money ended on a mobile, but there is no stationary phone), then you can ask someone from the acquaintances who is going to go to the hospital. A person will contact the registry and make a call. But for this you need to inform your acquaintance personal data.

Important: the doctor comes on call for free. You should not pay anything to the doctor - this is his work. Visiting patients at home, if the application was issued in the registry, is a direct duty of each practitioner.

Is it possible to call a doctor on the Internet through the website of the State Services?

Is it possible to call a doctor on the Internet through the website of the State Services?
Is it possible to call a doctor on the Internet through the website of the State Services?

On the Internet you can call a doctor at home if the clinic has its own resource on the network. Through the website of public services, you can use the services of electronic registry. Record for your appointment, calling a doctor at home is carried out online.

Is it possible to call a doctor of a narrow specialist: Laura, therapist, narcologist, neurologist, surgeon, psychiatrist at home?

Is it possible to call a doctor of a narrow specialist: Laura, therapist, narcologist, neurologist, surgeon, psychiatrist at home?
Is it possible to call a doctor of a narrow specialist: Laura, therapist, narcologist, neurologist, surgeon, psychiatrist at home?

There are times when it is necessary to call a narrow specialist to the house, but for this it is necessary to have certain indications. If you call the registry and want to record a doctor at the house (Laura, Okulist, narcologist, neurologist, surgeon or psychiatrist), then they will answer you that the therapist will come home.

  • The call of a narrow specialist to the house is directly possible only for the disabled, veterans and their widows, lying sick or elderly people aged 80 years.
  • The therapist comes to other patients. If there are certain indications, a person is sent to a hospital for further examination and treatment.
  • In case of refusal of the hospital, the therapist makes an entry in a special book in the clinic, and only then a narrow specialist can come to you. During a home examination, the doctor will conclude a conclusion and conduct the necessary manipulations.

According to a special testimony, for example, laboratory assistants for analyzes can come to a disabled person home.

What doctors can be called to the child and adult for free?

What doctors can be called to the child and adult for free?
What doctors can be called to the child and adult for free?

If you are a citizen of Russia, then you have an insurance policy for which you are provided with medical treatment in state clinics for free. Often, patients have the question: what doctors can be called to the child and adult for free?

You can call any doctor from the state clinic for free. But, as mentioned above, a therapist or pediatrician will certainly come to the call. The rest of the doctors go home only according to the patient’s special testimony.

Is it possible to call a doctor not by registration, without registration, if there is no policy?

Is it possible to call a doctor not by registration, without registration, if there is no policy?
Is it possible to call a doctor not by registration, without registration, if there is no policy?

Every Russian citizen should have an insurance medical policy. It gives the right to free medical care. Is it possible to call a doctor not by registration, without registration, if there is no policy?

If you have a policy, but you do not live at the place of registration, for example, in another city, you have the right to receive medical care in any clinic of our country.

Important: in the absence of a medical policy and registration in the territory of the Russian Federation, you will not be able to seek help from the doctors of the state clinic.

But in this case there is a way out - an appeal to doctors of private clinics. In such hospitals, admission is carried out on a paid basis.

Is it possible to call a doctor at home for a fee?

Is it possible to call a doctor at home for a fee?
Is it possible to call a doctor at home for a fee?

It is impossible to call a doctor to a house for a fee from the state clinic. Such a service is available only in a private hospital. The calls are accepted by registrars, you can pay both before the reception and after it.

In what cases can a doctor call, at what temperature, pressure?

In what cases can a doctor call, at what temperature, pressure?
In what cases can a doctor call, at what temperature, pressure?

The temperature is not a reason for calling a doctor at home. After all, some people with a temperature of 37.2 cannot get out of bed, while others with a temperature of 38 and higher, they feel normally. In general, it is considered the reason for calling a doctor at home a temperature of 38 degrees and above. But the main argument, which should sound in a telephone conversation with the registrar: "I can not come to the reception on my own." This is the basis for calling a doctor at home.

Often patients do not know in which cases you can call a doctor if the pressure has increased.

  • If the pressure indicators are within 110-139/70-89 mm Hg, this is not critical. Try to bring yourself into a calm state and just relax.
  • If the indicators are located within 140/90 mm Hg, begin to carry out manipulations to reduce pressure. Turn off the TV and bright light, set the silence.
  • When simple pressure reduction procedures did not help, and your well -being worsens ( the pressure increased to 160/100 mm Hg and above), call an ambulance. While a specialist is coming to you, take antihypertensive drugs and are in a lying position.

Important: do not hesitate with the call of ambulance if you feel very bad. Hypertension can cause serious diseases: stroke, heart attack.

At what symptoms do you need to call not a local doctor, but an ambulance?

At what symptoms do you need to call not a local doctor, but an ambulance?
At what symptoms do you need to call not a local doctor, but an ambulance?

The ambulance team is called if the patient's condition threatens his life. There are accidents, injuries, electricity damage, serious poisoning - all this is a reason for calling emergency care. With such symptoms, you need to call not a local doctor, but an ambulance:

  • Labored breathing
  • Bleeding
  • Heat
  • Strong headache
  • Loss of consciousness, cramps
  • Stomach ache
  • Heartache
  • Pain in the lumbar region

Remember: any pain that does not pass and increases in growing is an occasion for an urgent ambulance call. Do not hesitate to appeal to specialists, with the appearance or exacerbation of many diseases, the score can go for minutes.

How many times can you call a doctor at home?

How many times can you call a doctor at home?
How many times can you call a doctor at home?

The doctor can be called to the house if the temperature is held. The therapist can be directed to the hospital for treatment, especially if there is no improvement in the state of health. The pediatrician is prescribed to the child another treatment when re -calling: additional therapy, antibiotics, and so on. The pediatrician comes to the house as many times as necessary.

Is it possible to call a doctor if there is no temperature?

Is it possible to call a doctor if there is no temperature?
Is it possible to call a doctor if there is no temperature?

As mentioned above, the temperature is not a reason for calling a doctor. If you can come to the clinic yourself, then you need to go. If you have pressure or just poor health, dizziness and weakness, you need to call a doctor.

How long can you call a doctor at home in a child and an adult?

How long can you call a doctor at home in a child and an adult?
How long can you call a doctor at home in a child and an adult?

The registrar accepts a call from 8-00 to 12-00 hours. During this time, all calls of patients gather, and then are distributed to doctors in the areas. You can later call a doctor at home to a child or an adult, but then the doctor will come in the evening.

Is it possible to call a children's doctor a child and an adult on duty from the clinic on Saturday or Sunday?

Is it possible to call a children's doctor a child and an adult on duty from the clinic on Saturday or Sunday?
Is it possible to call a children's doctor a child and an adult on duty from the clinic on Saturday or Sunday?

Not all clinics are provided with a doctor’s call to the house on weekends. This is due to the lack of staff. Therefore, it is better to call the ambulance these days. The emergency brigade will arrive quickly, and qualified specialists will be able to help.

In the children's clinic on Saturday, a pediatrician is on duty, which accepts from 8-00 to 12-00. If the child’s well -being allows, you can come to the doctor with the baby.

Is it possible to call a doctor for a child and an adult with conjunctivitis?

Is it possible to call a doctor for a child and an adult with conjunctivitis?
Is it possible to call a doctor for a child and an adult with conjunctivitis?

The ophthalmologist is responsible for the health of the eyes. This is a narrow specialist who usually does not go to calls.

If the child has purulent conjunctivitis, call the registry and call the pediatrician to the house. The doctor will come and examine the baby. With bacterial conjunctivitis, the pediatrician will send to an ophthalmologist. Without this doctor, it is difficult to cure such a disease. The adult will have to go to the ophthalmologist without calling.

With chickenpox call a doctor at home or go to the clinic?

With chickenpox call a doctor at home or go to the clinic?
With chickenpox call a doctor at home or go to the clinic?

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that is caused by type 3 herpes virus. Each person is 100% susceptible to primary infection in contact with patients. Therefore, with chickenpox, you need to call a doctor at home, and not go to the clinic.

If you call a doctor at home, will they give sick leave?

If you call a doctor at home, will they give sick leave?
If you call a doctor at home, will they give sick leave?

The doctor will certainly see the symptoms of colds, if any. A person may not have temperature, but he sneezes, watery eyes, runny nose, cough. The doctor will also examine the throat, and in a sick person it will be red. Therefore, with any ailments, especially during an epidemic of respiratory diseases, call a doctor at home. He will write sick leave on the same day.

Is it possible to call a doctor during sick leave?

Is it possible to call a doctor during sick leave?
Is it possible to call a doctor during sick leave?

When treatment is prescribed, a person must be recoverced during illness. But there are situations when the condition worsens: the temperature rises, a severe headache and weakness appear. In this case, call a doctor at home even during a hospital.

Important: if the condition has worsened during the illness, call an ambulance!

Is it possible to call a doctor to a house for a pregnant woman?

Is it possible to call a doctor to a house for a pregnant woman?
Is it possible to call a doctor to a house for a pregnant woman?

The bearing of a child affects the well -being of a woman. Therefore, when calling a doctor at home, inform the registrar about your pregnancy. The doctor will come first to you, and then to the rest of the patients.

Remember: there is no need to wait for the therapist, in the case of high temperature, vaginal bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, feelings of tension in the uterine area, weakness and dizziness. With these and other pain symptoms, urgently call an ambulance!

What to do if the doctor did not come on call?

What to do if the doctor did not come on call?
What to do if the doctor did not come on call?

Often, during an epidemic of respiratory diseases, doctors do not have time to come to calls due to large workload. In this case, you need to re -call the next day, and warn the registrar that the doctor did not come. The doctor must write out a certificate or sick leave from the day when he did not come.

If you have indications for calling a doctor at home, call the clinic to the dispatcher or registrar, and leave your application and data. Is there strength to come on your own? Go to the clinic so as not to take time from your doctors.

Video: calling a doctor at home - in the program "600 seconds about health and beauty"

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