How to remove free radicals from the body? The action of free radicals

How to remove free radicals from the body? The action of free radicals

The article will reveal to your attention the mechanism of action of free radicals on the body. And how to get them out of the body? What are these free radicals? He will answer the question- where do these unstable molecules come from?

What are these free radicals? Today there are no people who at least once would not read about them or their neutralizing opponents of antioxidants. Many media are full of information about the harmful effects of these substances that poison our body and various methods of their elimination and detoxification.

Every day we get a huge amount of information about the effects of poisonous substances on our health, but despite this we do not strive to change our lives, exclude bad habits and help ourselves in the struggle for a healthy lifestyle.

What are free radicals? Types of free radicals

Radicals adversely act on cells and contribute to their rapid aging and, accordingly, death, which entails violations in the work of our organs and systems. However, the small share of people got acquainted quite deeply with this problem and learned about the negative impact of the use of these compounds for our body.

A free radical is a molecule in an active state in the body. At the same time, the molecule, so to speak, “lacks” one of the electron. And, as they say, “a holy place does not exist,” and the molecule attracts an elementary unit from another “whole” molecule to this site where there is no electron. At the same time, our healthy cell from its molecule gives an electron and turns into inferior, sick. And this process acquires the principle of a chain reaction.

The role of free radicals in the body

  • A certain number of radicals is constantly in the body, helping to fight harmful bacteria, having its negative effects on cell membranes. However, their number often exceeds the norm indicators. Given the current state of our ecology, each time the amount of free particles in the body increases and causes great harm to healthy cells
  • Free radicals are an integral process of the body's life, because they are formed when converting food and oxygen in the body into energy. This is a logical and inevitable process, so the task is in their effective neutralization and withdrawal
  • During the period of the disease, the number of these unstable molecules increases sharply, as with natural aging of a person. With prolonged mental or physical activity, our security and protective barriers weaken, because the radicals begin active activity
  • These unstable particles affect any molecules, therefore cancer cells are no exception. Destroying the "normal" structure of the construction of membranes of cancer cells, they lead to their death. Another of the positive effects can be considered that free radicals destroy weak and damaged cells, so to speak, play the role of orderlies and help more rapidly eliminating harmful substances from the body

The harm of free radicals

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  • There is a good expression: "Poison in small quantities is a medicine, and the medicine in large doses is poison." So in this case, with a slight content of unstable molecules in the body, they have a “therapeutic” useful effect. But with excessive content of such molecules, the opposite effect may occur
  • A large number of radicals leads to damage to healthy cells, to provocation of mutations in DNA of healthy cells and the formation of cancer cells. Thus, cancer can be provoked
  • The participation of unstable molecules in the process of developing myocardial infarction, ischemic brain damage and acceleration of aging of the body directly proved.
  • These processes are most clearly manifested on the skin of a person. Radicals destroy the collagen substance responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. This leads to early formation of many wrinkles on the skin
  • One negative effect is the violation and depression of the immune system. This is especially noticeable in old age. Diseases may occur associated with the effects of unstable particles, and immunity will not respond even to serious damage, as it is in a depressed state

Free radical damage

The constant even free particles lead to the depletion and weakening of the protective functions of the cell, and when the cell is almost exhausted, the oxidizing agent penetrates the DNA chain, causing a mutation and transformation into the oncological cell in it.

Continuing to form in the body and come from outside, the radicals have an increasingly negative effect on the organs and systems, leading to their aging and impaired their functions. Hearing decreases, muscles weaken, the bone system becomes more fragile, adequate activity of the nervous system is disturbed.

How does free radicals accumulate in the body?

The accumulation of these particles is facilitated by external environmental factors, increased irradiation doses and inadequate excretion of these unstable molecules from the body.

The following factors contribute to the increased formation of radicals and their delay in the body:

• Environmental pollution

• Stress states

• bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.)

• Unlimited medication

• irrational nutrition

• Inappropriate to norms harmful working conditions

• Lack of active lifestyle, inadequate loads

• overwork

Immunity and oxidation processes are closely related. Therefore, with an imbalance in these reactions, the immune system will also be impaired and will not be able to perform its immediate functions.

Sources of free radicals

Paradoxical in this situation is that the main source of the formation of unstable molecules is oxidative reactions in the body. This means that the oxygen vital to us, which is involved in these reactions.

Oxide and restoration reactions occur in the body every second and every moment, they occur in each cell of the body, processing useful substances into energy and contributing to the formation of proteins for building cells. This is an integral part of the vital processes in our body. And it is precisely this reaction that leads to the formation of free radicals, as a side effect of cell vital activity.

How to protect yourself from exposure to free radicals?

For a long time, doctors found a way to combat unstable particles and protect the body from them. Antioxidant substances have a similar protective effect.

Antioxidants have an “additional” electron in their molecules. Thus, getting into the human body and interacting with a free radical, antioxidants give their “extra” electron to the radical. As a result of such interaction and “mutual assistance”, both molecules become stable and free radical loses its destructive abilities.

Free radicals and antioxidants in food products

Since the radicals in our body are formed constantly and integrally from the process of our life, then substances that counteract this process are always present.

Most often, we get most of antioxidants with food. The main sources of these substances are contained in the following products:

• Fruits and berries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, raisins, oranges, grapes, prunes

• Spices-grooves, parsley, turmeric, ground cinnamon, scammers • vegetables of arrtichoki, beans, cabbage, lucard sprouts, broccoli, black beans, onions, beets, red pepper, eggplant

• Mindal nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, bakeries, pistachios are the largest number of antioxidants in the peel or bones of fruits.

How to withdraw free radicals from the body: tips and reviews

Undoubtedly, eating products containing antioxidants will positively affect your condition of the body. Such products are natural or natural antioxidants.

In fact, vitamins that are contained in the listed foods have such characteristics. These are vitamins of groups A, C, E and of course selenium contained in green products.

There are also synthetic antioxidants reproduced by man, vitamin complexes outside of food.

Reception of such funds performs the following tasks:

• reduces the risk of incidence of dangerous diseases (oncology)

• neutralizes unstable body molecules, which have already been formed during the vital activity of cells

• provides a normal amount safe for the body, unstable molecules

• improves the general condition of the body and prevents premature aging of cells

Vitamin complexes containing antioxidants can be openly and accessiblely purchased at pharmacy points. However, be careful and be sure to consult a doctor before the reception. An uncontrolled intake of vitamins can lead to the development of hypovitaminosis, which will also adversely affect your body.

Video: free radicals and antioxidants

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  1. I think the article is very harmful. No side on the one hand is informative, but the layman perceives as a danger. I do not delve into the physics of the process itself. By understanding only the fact that radicals are dangerous. The antioxidants begin to use prohibitively. Killing an active protection immunity in itself. Turning the body to doping. If you carefully read, then the radicals are the product of the immune system. And the body does not pronounce them to the detriment. And only for the fight against aliens, for example, with viruses. Only at this moment the immune system is activated. If in the body the radicals were on duty, then there would be no flashes of the disease. So we defeated the OSPU. Having created immunity resistant by vaccination. What is vaccination and this is just weakened smallpox. The body noticed the presence of smallpox included the system of sewn up. But alas, this mechanism does not work in all cases. When accepting antioxidants, you are still exacerbating the situation. Without giving the immune system, he will cope with the infection on his own. The abuse of drugs leads to the constant repeatability of relapse. Since the body devoid of independence is not ready to reflect the disease. It is mostly useful to get sick. We know that the child was ill with chickenpox in childhood no longer when he does not get sick. What is temperature and this is also a protective reaction and bring it down below 38 I would not advise. Here is the grandmother's method, they told me in childhood, do not get their head and lie down. So we were treated as a child to a wet rag on his head and quietly steal. Well, if the temperature seeks to exceed the barrier 39 here you can help the body stop this growth by knocking up to about 37. I am not a professor but all my life and I have 67 I was treated only with these methods. I will return to the radicals ... .. You probably know that not all substances are capable of interaction. For example, water is not able to destroy acid, etc. So the radical created by the immune system is provoked by the appearance in the body of a certain disease and the immune system will create a radical capable of interacting only with this virus. I suspect a flash of cancer with a struggle against the radicals. And if you create a radical in a molecular plan close to a cancerous cage and driving it not mediocre in Metostasis, it will actively fight it. Here they sin on the process of oxidation. This is, in my opinion, to put it mildly, not seriously. Our whole life is the process of oxidation. What is oxygen is the food of the cell processing its cell will produce carbon dioxide. That's all. By introducing antioxidants into the body, you seem to deprive the cage of the digestive process. In the lungs, the amount of carbon dioxide decreases and this signal for the brain is starving. The brain gives the command to increase the seven. In general, I will say just in life everything is balanced. Any thoughtless intervention in life disrupts the balance.
    Understanding that now I will not fall on me further to develop justifications since my material is hypothetical. But I think he should make us think where we are going. (self -destruction)

  2. A very interesting article. I believe that everything goes from the inside, so I eat properly and play sports, and for prevention - I drink a course of vitamins and the antioxidant formula of Evalarovskaya, helps, well -being has become noticeably better after the course.

  3. in order to compete with free radicals without harm to health, you just need to choose natural products that are without addiction and side effects. In this regard, a good carnosine at Evalar. And due to L-carnosine, it is very powerful anti-aging drug, it is not for nothing that it is sold in the anti-Eiga line

  4. Yuri, you wrote absolute nonsense. Antioxidants are primarily vegetables, fruits, herbs, plus vitamins, amino acids, etc. Have you ever heard somewhere about their harmful effects? Fruits, vegetables, etc. bring only benefits to the body. And in your opinion, it turns out that if they use them too much, they will harm.

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