How to calculate the IP user VKontakte? How to look at the IP address VK?

How to calculate the IP user VKontakte? How to look at the IP address VK?

In this article, we will talk about how you can find out someone else's IP address on the social network VKontakte.

In the age of social networks that almost everyone uses, everyone must have a page in one of them. It's nice if the interlocutor is familiar to us and we trust him, and if suspicions appeared and he is not the same? Then you can try to find out IP.

There are times when we want to find out where exactly the person is, and we are shy to ask directly or he does not say, then I want to know him somehow differently. Yes, social networks have already become part of our lives and there may also be conflicts or suspicious situations.

Why can I find out the whereabouts by IP address?

In such situations, knowledge of the IP address is always helped. It is assigned to all Internet users, without exception, or rather devices. Providers, when providing services, always immediately provide it. Its peculiarity is that you can find out exactly exactly where a person lives. Let the address specifically fail to see, but you can reduce searches to the city.

You can see the location of the IP address through the site In chapter Whois. Simply indicate the data you need and click on the button "Verify".

Check IP
Check IP

The location will be displayed directly under the address itself. In our case Shows the situation in the city of Nizhny Tagil.

IPI verified
IPI verified

How to find out someone else's IP VKontakte?

Unfortunately, many social networks do not give such an opportunity as calculating the IP address. Then I would have to hack an account, which is illegal and can turn out to be far from pleasant consequences. So we will not give such instructions. If you have an idea to ask the administration, then you can not even try to do it because it is the second confidential one.

Still keep in mind that the address is not always received is real. More precisely, it is provided by VPN or anonymizer. These are programs that change IP and calculate the real it becomes impossible.

How to find out someone else's IP address VKontakte: Ways

Method 1

There is a completely legal way to see someone else's IP address without violation of the rules. It is to persuade a person to send a letter to e -mail. For example, you can say that you have a very important matter to it and you can solve it only by e -mail or ask you to send a picture or document there. In other words, your task is to persuade the user to talk with you by mail.

If you succeeded, then consider that the work is done. It remains only to see the official data in the letter. This is done in any postal program and it begins with such lines:

Service data
Service data

The information we need is in the fourth line at the very end. This is the information we need. By the way, in this way you can see data from any social network.

Method 2

You can also see someone else's IP by creating special links. First, it is created using a service for collecting IP addresses. You can use the IP Logger. To create a link, click "Link/picture" And place any link in the field. After that, click "Get the Logger code."

IP Logger
  • Now you need to save the logger ID so that you can see the transitions on it.
  • To complete your plan, send the right user the link from the service and convince it of the need for the transition.

It is worth noting that you can arouse suspicion. To prevent this from happening, then reduce it in the Google service.

When a person clicks on the link, he will get to the page that you indicated in the IP Logger service, and in the statistics it will seem to be its IP.

What to do with someone else's IP address?

Now, after receiving IP, you can determine the location of the right person. To do this, open the service and in the Whois section indicate the received IP. You will immediately display data on the location of the device.

Check IP
Check IP

Perhaps you themselves came such messages and your IP was checked in the same way. So be careful when you go to different links on the sites.

How to hide your IP address?

If you do not want to get to scammers who are engaged in data collection, we recommend using the VPN service to access the Internet. It allows you to hide the real IP and an attacker will display the server address kindly provided by the VPN. So, using the VPN, your IP will become anonymous and no one can recognize it.

Video: How to find out someone else's IP address VKontakte? How to determine the IP of someone else's computer VKontakte?

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