How to paint a leather jacket at home with liquid, powdered paint, aerosol, folk remedies? How to paint a jacket made of genuine leather: tips and recommendations

How to paint a leather jacket at home with liquid, powdered paint, aerosol, folk remedies? How to paint a jacket made of genuine leather: tips and recommendations

In this article, we will consider how to paint the jacket at home in several ways, and give recommendations regarding the care and choice of paint.

Every fashionista and any guy have a leather jacket. And if it is not, then you need to urgently correct the situation! Parisians consider her eternal classic, which always helps to look young. She not only makes the image stylish and irresistible, but also rushed remarkably. This aspect applies only to leather jackets, rather than leather -based products. How to paint a leather jacket at home and restore its original appearance, we will consider in this material.

How to choose a dye for a leather jacket: recommendations

If you want to paint the jacket in a different color or restore the old tone, then take a note below coloring substances. And we will consider their properties and methods of application a little later.

  • At home, paint a leather jacket:
    • liquid paint;
    • dyeing aerosol;
    • dry powder;
    • you will also need an acrylic fastener, but it can be prepared at home.
  • Pay attention to some nuances when choosing paint:
    • the composition should include wax. This is natural material, which helps eliminate scuffs and even small cracks. And it also softens the skin and gives it shine;
    • mink oil It is considered an ideal component for leather product care, thanks to it, the life life of the jacket is significantly extended;
    • talus fat acts as the best water -repellent impregnation;
    • lanolin nourishes and protects the skin from temperature changes, and also acts as a prevention of dry skin;
    • peanut butter It will allow your product to always look smooth. But it can be replaced with cheaper analogues, like petroleum jelly or glycerin;
    • olive oil or jojoba oil They will also take care of your favorite jacket.
  • The most natural and high -quality paints for jackets are produced by the company Saphir of the French manufacturer. The choice of coloring pigments is simply huge, and the quality of painting corresponds to the premium class. It is this paint that includes all the necessary natural components.
  • If you decide to purchase an inexpensive option for skin paint, then carefully study the composition. Remember - the paint should not have a sharp or caustic smell!
  • Also consider that it should dry quickly and absorb well. This speaks of her quality.
    If you want to improve the shop paint a bit, then it will not hurt to add one or more natural components. We provided the list above. But not more than 0.5-1 tsp. total amount.
The most popular saphir palette
The most popular saphir palette

How to clean and prepare a leather product for painting?

You can’t just start staining the jacket without cleaning it from dust and dirt. Do not forget that such a thing cannot be washed in a typewriter. Otherwise, it will decrease in size and become rude.

Important: products can already be with a protective layer. Before painting it will need to be removed, otherwise the pigment will not grab it! To check it, lower the jacket or part of it into the water. The protective layer will not allow moisture to penetrate the skin.

  • To remove the protective layer, you need to lightly rub the jacket with sandpaper. Just take the fine -grained material and spend the whole movement gently and carefully so as not to damage the skin itself.
  • The sore spot of most leather jackets is traces of ink. They can be removed with a vinegar mixture. To do this, mix the components in an equal proportion and wipe the necessary areas with a sponge.
  • Fat stains also do not forget to remove. This can be done with gasoline or ammonia. Moisten a cotton pad and wipe the greasy area well.

Note: small scuffs and scratches will help to mask the orange juice. Squeeze a few drops of orange juice from the skin and wipe the skin area.

  • In no case do not soak the jacket completely! It only needs to be wiped with a damp sponge. Water should take only a little warm.
  • You can buy special cleaning products for the skin in the store or arm yourself with household soap. By the way, it contains natural components and leaves no divorces on things. For 200 g of water, 20 g of soap shavings will be required.
  • You can add to soapy water and 1 tbsp. l. Lapipidar. Or use glycerin, but increase its dose by 3 times. Moisten the sponge in such a solution and wipe the entire jacket completely.
  • For dark colors, a lemon juice diluted with water will be an ideal cleansing agent. The proportions should be taken in an equal amount. Wipe the jacket with a damp sponge.
  • Also, do not forget to walk on the inside. Wipe the lining with soap liquid, adding 1-2 tbsp to it. l. ammonia. Its number depends on the degree of pollution.
  • By the way, alcohol degreases the surface of the skin and will help better staining. Therefore, it does not hurt to wipe the jacket with alcohol or an alcohol cloth.
  • Dry the product in a well -ventilated room and only on the shoulders. This will help to avoid deformation. Get staining after the jacket dries completely.

Important: do not forget about additional lighting at the workplace. This will help to avoid sharp transitions or unpainted sections.

Before painting, the jacket must be cleaned
Before painting, the jacket must be cleaned

How to paint a leather jacket using liquid paint: Instruction

Thanks to this paint, you can carry out a complete restoration of the jacket! By the way, all seams, pockets or other small and inaccessible details can also be thoroughly painted. The choice of liquid paint is very impressionable. But on the shelves of the store, the main colors are sold - brown and black. It remains only to catch the tone. But with bright shades, a little addition - they will need to be ordered only via the Internet.

  • The jars of some manufacturers themselves are already going with a soft sponge. If there is no such thing, then arrange with an ordinary kitchen. And be sure to wear gloves!

Important: give preference to oils based on oils! Or at least choose a composition close to natural components. It is the oils that ensure the softness of the skin, the gloss of the product and the greater resistance of the painting.

  • A jacket usually requires 2 tubes, but also depends on their volume. On average, you need 100-150 g of paint on the jacket. Again, the degree of scuffs affects. Check first paint on an inconspicuous section of the product! If the shade is suitable, only then start work.
  • It is necessary to pour the contents of the tube in enamel or glass container. In no case should an aluminum container be taken, since the process of oxidation is possible. And this will ruin both a bowl and paint.
  • If you have chosen ordinary liquid paint, then add a couple of drops of castor oil. This will give additional softness to the skin after drying.
  • Lay the jacket on a flat surface, having previously covered it with paper or waterproof fabric.
Rub the paint with circular motions and do not forget to wear gloves
Rub the paint with circular motions and do not forget to wear gloves
  • Wet the washcloth in the paint and apply it to the jacket in small portions. Circular movements Rub the pigment into the product.
  • Take your time, carefully work out every centimeter. And make sure that the paint goes evenly, and the tone is the same.
  • It is worth walking in too worn out the places twice. And what is convenient - you can easily paint a collar and cuffs.
  • Next, broadcast on your shoulders and leave to dry. When it dries, go through a jacket with a dry cloth made of natural fabric to smooth out all the roughness. It will take at least 2 hours to dry liquid paint.
  • If it has excessive shine from the paint, then you need to rinse with water and wipe dry. Or use the fixing layer. He will also remove excess shine.

Important: it is forbidden to dry the jacket near the battery or a hairdryer. High temperatures will lead to cracking the layer of paint.

  • So that the paint holds better, be sure to go on top fixing layer. To do this, you need to mix:
    • 2 tbsp. l. salts;
    • 5 tbsp. l. vinegar;
    • 1 liter of water.
  • Take water at room temperature. Moisten the sponge in the resulting liquid and walk on the surface of the jacket. To the smell of vinegar, dry the product in the fresh air.
Painting can turn the old jacket into a new thing
Painting can turn the old jacket into a new thing

How to paint the jacket in the simplest way using aerosol: tips and recommendations

It is worth noting immediately that such paint is very convenient to use, a small number of coloring substances is consumed, and covers the jacket with a very thin layer. Moreover, you yourself can easily control the thickness of the painting. But there is one flaw - it is suitable only for easy tinting and requires regular updating.

  • In addition to preparing a jacket for painting, you also need to choose the right aerosol. Baskets fill both store shelves and lists of Internet sites. Choose a suitable shade, since transitions can be noticeable. And take into account such a pattern - a lighter jacket can be painted in tones a little darker than the previous color.
  • Consider your jacket material. The distribution of aerosols is also according to such criteria. Sprays for suede, nubuk and smooth skin are sold separately. For a short jacket, at least 2 cylinders will be required, and for an elongated thing, the consumption will double.
  • Choose a suitable place - it should be well -ventilated room. Ideally, even carry out such a procedure on the street. A caustic and unpleasant odor often comes from the cylinder. And in a closed space, a pair of paint can cause headache and dizziness, as well as poisoning. It does not hurt to wear a respirator or a disposable mask.
  • And, of course, do not let out such a nuance that the spray can stain other items around. As an option, you can use the garage, but pre -free the other things. Do not forget about the floor, it will not hurt to cover it with newspapers or polyethylene.
  • Be sure to wear gloves! If you do not want to paint your fingers with a jacket. By the way, sometimes such paint can cause burning and redness on the skin.

Important: as far as possible, swing the zipper with adhesive tape. Otherwise, they will be painted. But the buttons will need to be cut off. Otherwise, they will interfere with uniform staining! If the buttons are tightly fixed, then swing them with a tape and carefully draw them with aerosol.

Painting with aerosol should be carried out in the fresh air or in the garage
Painting with aerosol should be carried out in the fresh air or in the garage
  • Hang the jacket on your shoulders. And make sure that bends or folds do not form. This will negatively affect the quality of painting. Also note that the bottom of the product should not touch the floor or other surface. Otherwise, this threatens with erasing paint from below. The minimum limit should be at least 20 cm from any surface.
  • You need to hold the cylinder at a distance of 20-25 cm. This will allow you to apply a thin and uniform layer. The closer you hold the cylinder, the thicker the paint will go. And this can cause the formation of the paces. Do not forget to first shake the vessel.
  • Distribute the spray evenly along the jacket so that the color is the same. Do not linger for a long time in one site. If in some place there is a stain that distinguishes in color, paint it in the second circle. But the next layer can be applied no earlier than after 15 minutes.
  • Particular attention should be paid to armpits, collar and cuffs. The last two details will not hurt to paint on the inside. In order not to touch the fabric areas, swing them with a construction adhesive tape. After drying the paint, it is easily removed.

Important: paint a jacket with the help of an aerosol strictly from top to bottom! This will help to get a homogeneous color and avoid driving.

  • Aerosols flow more than other colors. Therefore, after 30 minutes, you need to go through a small segment of the fabric (only velvet or velor is suitable) on the surface. So you remove excess paint. The jacket dries for about an hour. But consider the manufacturer and the thickness of the layer.
  • Although now aerosols are already sold with water -repellent particles, it will not hurt to apply the final layer. This will make the paint more persistent. You can use a store society. But it is better to give preference to water -based drugs. Although it already depends on your desire - matte or glossy want to see your jacket.
  • If there are any flaws or cracks, go through such places with ordinary shoes cream (it is better to use a colorless cream), a mastic for furniture or even wax for a tree. By the way, they also come in various colors. There is even easier method - use bee wax or paraffin.
With the help of aerosol, a thin layer is obtained, which you yourself can regulate
With the help of aerosol, a thin layer is obtained, which you yourself can regulate

Painting jackets using powder paint: Instruction

This method seems simple and complex at the same time. By this method, it is not so difficult to paint as it should be prepared for a relatively long time. Although painting comes out most careful.

  • Prepare a jacket properly and choose the right color. Soak the jacket in the water for 2-3 hours to open the pores, and the air comes out of them. Otherwise, the paint will take spots.
  • Dilute the powder in a small amount of warm (!) Water. Make sure that there are no lumps. Therefore, pour the powder gradually, mixing thoroughly. Filter the resulting solution through several layers of gauze and mix with 2 liters of water.
  • Put the liquid on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes and remove from the stove. Cool to a temperature of 35-40 ° C. Keep in mind that there should not be too hot water, otherwise the skin will get clever and become rude. And this will affect its softness and elasticity.
  • Place the jacket in the solution and leave for 3-6 hours. Time depends on the desired color saturation. Be sure to periodically turn over and squeeze the product during this time! Otherwise, there will be an uneven tone.
  • After this time, you take out a jacket and shift into clean water. Rinse the product diligently. You need to do this several times and until those time, Until the water is clean.
  • This method requires a thorough fastener. You can change the amount from the desired volume of fluid. He will need:
    • 1 tbsp. l. salts;
    • 200 ml of vinegar;
    • 1 liter of water.
  • You knead everything well until the salt crystals were dissolved. Has a jacket for a few more hours in such a fixture. The longer you withstand the jacket, the more persistent the result will be.
  • The jacket is dried only in a horizontal position! Turn it up and lay it up. Leave until the water is completely drained. The product should also have time to dry. At the very end, you can hang the jacket on the shoulders to smooth the material.
After powder painting, thoroughly rinse the jacket
After powder painting, thoroughly rinse the jacket

How to paint a jacket made of genuine leather: folk methods

There are folk recipes that help paint the jacket at home. These components are available to everyone and will not cause any harm to the skin.

  • Potash and calcified soda for obtaining brown. The mixture is diluted with water and applied with a thin layer with a brush on a jacket.
  • Also, a brown shade of different brightness can be obtained by rubbing tinctures from the bark of alder wood into the skin.
  • Iron sulfate is suitable for obtaining gray. It is also diluted with water to a weak consistency and applied with a brush or sponge on the product.
  • Raspberry shade can be achieved using tincture of furocin. Dilute with water and soak the jacket.
  • And in combination with the green in equal proportions, a black and blue color will be obtained.
  • Zelenka will give green. For a bright Don, 5 ml per 10 l of water is enough.
  • Podestyled potassium permanganate will make a rich brown tint of the jacket.
  • But iodine will give a golden tone to brown.
  • The stain will also help to make brown flavor, but already in light colors.
  • Henna will make a burning red-brown jacket.
  • You can also use stamp paint. It can be used as an independent dye or, adding to the main paint.
  • Basma will create a green hue or even rich black.
  • Also, black color is obtained by soaking rust in vinegar. For such paint, you need to boil rusty nails in vinegar and leave to infuse at least 2 weeks. The smell should have time to disappear.
  • With the help of tea you will get a beige hue.
  • But onion husks or chestnut root will make gold.
Restoring the tone of jacket with iron sulfate
Restoring the tone of jacket with iron sulfate

Folk paint staining process

  • Dilute the liquid components in the water to the desired shade. Fanding and dry components must be poured with water and brought to a boil. Then wait for complete cooling and strain.
  • When the jacket is prepared, apply paint in layers. For these purposes, a sponge or brush, or a segment of woolen fabric is suitable. It is advisable to rub the coloring pigment well.
  • You pay special attention to cuffs, collar and shabby places. First process them. On average, you should get 3-6 layers. The interval between them - 20-30 minutes.
  • You can do a little easier and soak a jacket in a finished color. You need to withstand at least 3-4 hours, periodically turning it over. But there may be irregularities in staining.
  • Be sure to use the fixing layer to make the paint stand. You can use store products or also home -made. And so that the skin is shiny and soft to the touch, do not forget lubricate the jacket with wax or any natural fat.

How to paint a jacket at home: tips

We provided complete information above how to paint a jacket with different dyes. But arrange some more recommendations that will simplify this process or help to avoid unpleasant situations.

  • If you do not tolerate the smell of vinegar, then use acrylic fasteners. They can be purchased at any specialized store.
  • The fastener must only be applied in one direction. This will not allow the formation of divorces or chaotic transitions.
  • Do not be alarmed if the fastener begins to foam or leave white stains. After drying, the jacket will acquire an even tone.
  • The fastener will extend the duration of the paint, protecting it from burnout and wiping. But remember - you can apply it only on a dry jacket. Otherwise, the product will become sticky and will be spoiled.
Lubricate the jacket regularly to make the skin soft and protect it from the environment
Lubricate the jacket regularly to make the skin soft and protect it from the environment
  • It is not recommended to use the brush when stained with store colors, since the layer will turn out to be too thick, and in the end you will turn out to be clear transitions between the sites. If you have not found a sponge, use a piece of woolen fabric. Or each painted area must be thoroughly shaded.
  • You need to dry the jacket only naturally! Otherwise, the product can be deformed and even damaged.
  • Do not try to radically change the color. It is impossible to do this with dark shades, but a lighter tone can only be darkened slightly. That is, change the shade. Staining is carried out to eliminate defects, and not for radical repainting of the thing.
  • Lubricate the jacket regularly Vaseline or any natural oils to maintain skin softness. And also it is to protect from environmental exposure and give shine. As the easiest option, use hand cream.
  • Keep the jacket only on your shoulders and without polyethylene. Do not forget - the skin should breathe!

Video: How to paint a jacket at home?

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