How to choose a good shower cabin: a professional advice. What are showers and how to determine their quality?

How to choose a good shower cabin: a professional advice. What are showers and how to determine their quality?

Shower cabins are very popular today thanks to their convenience and functionality. In our article, we will find out how to choose a suitable home cabin.

Shower cabins are becoming more and more popular and it is not very difficult to choose them even despite the fact that today there are a huge number of models. However, one must understand that the choice has its own nuances and all of them must be taken into account. Let's figure out how to choose a shower for the home and what to pay attention to.

Today in the bathroom you can increasingly find showers. When buying, it is important to consider the type of cab and many other details, and not just the cost. In addition, it is important to take into account the features of the room for installation, water pressure, and so on, because it is precisely on these parameters that the correctness of the device will depend.

The design of modern shower cabins allows you to install them in any interior, and their functionality is able to satisfy the needs of even the most demanding buyer. Let's figure out the nuances of choosing suitable cabins.

Types of showers - what are there?

The very first difficulty that may appear when choosing a shower cabin is a variety of models. Yes, indeed, a variety of options are presented on the market, and for convenience they are classified according to different parameters. Shower cabins can be prefabricated and monoblocks. The first assembly is carried out before the installation itself, and the latter have a ready -made look. As for the type of design, the models can be open and closed:

Closed cabs are a full -fledged design that has a ceiling, walls, doors and a pallet. They have good tightness, and therefore manufacturers can embed different functions in them. The closed cabin is placed on the legs, so that it can be moved and changed the location.

Closed cabin
Closed cabin

Open booths have no ceiling, and sometimes walls. It is placed in one place and there is no possibility of moving. In most cases, the models are all angular. Very rarely there are models with installation near the wall. There are no accessories in the kit. It is important to note that they take up little space and therefore fit perfectly into small bathrooms. Their cost is much less than that of closed ones, but the functionality is limited.

Open cabin
Open cabin

The spiritual cabin can have a bathroom instead of a pallet. Such models usually have wider functionality. The height of the bathroom should not be less than 40 cm. The difference between such cabs is manifested in the installation of the cab. It can be located in the center, from the edge or even completely close the bathroom. In other words, cabs with the bathroom are open and closed. It is important to say that such showers will look great in any interior.

Simple showers called mental corners have only a curtain and a tray. Instead of the walls, the walls of the bathroom itself are used here, and the top of the cab is not limited. The main advantage of these models is the price. More expensive models have both walls and ceiling.

Multifunctional cabins have good technical equipment. A bathhouse, a sauna, a steam generator and much more can be built here. Management of such models is possible thanks to a complex electronic system, and often they have a control panel.

Before buying a booth with a hydromassage, it is worth clarifying whether the pressure of water is enough to work on its normal operation. If you do not have a very good pressure, then you should not even buy such a device, because it will not work. You will get a very expensive shower.

Shower cabin with hydromassage
Shower cabin with hydromassage

Combined booths can be considered a universal solution for those who want to get hydromassage and many other functions. Such models are distinguished by an original appearance and stylish design. By the way, manufacturers claim that these are real centers for spa, only at home.

Depending on what your bathroom layout and area you have, you can choose any convenient model. Today, round, oval, rectangular and even polygonal models are on sale. In a small bathroom, it is better to put a corner cabin so that the space is consumed as rationally as possible. If we take into account that this form is very popular for an ordinary apartment, then manufacturers represent options for different categories.

How to choose a shower cabin for a home - a tray: Features

Book of the shower cabin
Book of the shower cabin

The pallet is an important element of any shower, so you need to choose it carefully. If the pallet is of high quality, then it can withstand any loads, be small and at the same time spacious, and also have a sliding coating.

Patins from various materials are present today and all of them are good in their own way:

  • Faience. Such a pallet is hygienic and can withstand a large load. But he can split from a blow, so that a neat appeal is required for him.
  • Fake diamond. Such models are characterized by high strength, durability, hygiene and beauty. Among the shortcomings, only high cost is distinguished.
  • The steel is enameled. It is distinguished by good strength and reliability. At the same time, the enamel is short -lived and the water is gained with noise, as it constantly beats about it.
  • Acrylic. These pallets are the most popular. They are capable of warming up quickly, and the surface does not absorb dirt and therefore the color does not even spoil with time. Coloring is carried out for the entire thickness, and therefore scratches on the surface will be invisible. The only thing that is inconvenient is the need to install an additional frame of aluminum on the legs. Features of the material make it strong and tough, but still it can bend.

How to choose a mental cabin for the house - curtains, doors: features

The curtains or shower cabins also differ and can be sliding or swinging.

Sliding curtains
Sliding curtains
  • The swing mechanism requires more space in the bathroom. In this case, the sash can be one or two.
  • Spraying curtains can have up to six wings. They are held by a special magnetic ribbon. Movement is carried out at the expense of rollers inside the frame.
  • If the curtains are high -quality and installed correctly, then there should be no noise when using them. The fence frame is usually made of aluminum alloy, and spraying can be any.
  • For the manufacture of the curtains themselves, polystyrene or tempered glass is used. The first type is much smaller, but it has one minus - over time, curtains lose color and stains can form on them.
Swing doors
Swing doors

The glass curtains are more reliable, but their price is much higher. For manufacture, safe tempered glass is used. If we talk about strength, then it is even higher than that of the windshield of the car. Any pollution is easily removed, and therefore the species is not lost over the years.

You can also choose simple glass with tinting, matte coating or roughness. If you choose a model with PVC curtains, dark or with drawings, then they will retain their appearance longer.

How to choose a mental cabin for the house - watering can, drain, siphon: Features

It is important to take into account other features when choosing a shower. So, if you need a watering can be fixed, then choose brass or steel. Both materials are durable. If it is more convenient for you to hold it in your hands, then pay attention to the plastic. If you suddenly drop the neck, then she will not be anything.

Lake of shower cabin
Lake of shower cabin

Everyone chooses the mixer, too, "for himself." So, electronic models with a thermostat can maintain a constant temperature with an accuracy of one degree. You can choose a manual model. That's just the water will have to be adjusted independently.

Siphon and gangway (its continuation) are also important. Which one will choose, with this you will wash. The ladder can have a water supply and then all unpleasant odors will be held with a traffic jam. In addition, the ladder can also have a dry shutter. It is advisable to choose the latter if you do not take a shower very often - once every couple of weeks.

Usually siphons are divided into different sizes. It can reach 20 cm. So the smaller the siphon will be, the less the pallet will rise.

What spiritual cabin should not be bought?

Inexpensive models of showers are in great demand in many respects because they are inexpensive. That's just their disadvantages. Whatever the Chinese manufacturers say there and no matter how much the functions will be built up and so on, their quality will always be far from ideal and certainly cannot be compared with the European one.

Chinese showers
Chinese showers

Often, choosing Chinese models, buyers are faced with the fact that the details are not high -quality, the pallets wear out quickly and do not withstand the loads, the glass bursts, the booth flows and so on. In other words, you can earn a lot of problems and spend even more money on repairs. In addition, warranty service is not always completely. So think about whether it is worth saving now and spending it later? Perhaps it is better to overpay and get a really high -quality product.

Inexpensive booths from European manufacturers are also not much different from Chinese, so the cheap option is usually far from the best. For example, take Timo showers. They say that they are made in Finland, but in reality it is Chinese production. It is worth noting that the cabs of this manufacturer have quite worthy quality, and the deception was made more to attract attention. Yes, and there is definitely no need to talk about a good guarantee.

At the same time, most Chinese companies do not even hide their products and from this they do not become less popular.

If you are very limited in funds, then among budget options you can choose worthy models. However, approach the acquisition especially carefully - look at the quality of the details, talk with sellers about the guarantee and make sure that professionals will be engaged in installation.

Gently should be treated with Russian -made cabins. The most optimal option is European-Russian production.

What else to pay attention to when choosing a shower cabin for a home?

  • Always carefully inspect the equipment before making a decision to buy it:
  • First of all, evaluate the quality of the doors that should move freely, and also fit tightly so that the water does not proceed.
  • Make sure that there are no gaps, because the cabin should be as one.
  • The height of the pallet should be suitable for you. For example, for adults it is best to choose an option with a low pallet, and if you have small children, it is better to pay attention to the high. The average pallet will be convenient for everyone.
  • To purchase a really high -quality model, it is better not to save on it. Good equipment will serve for a long time and will not break.

Shower cabin for home: installation tips

  • Waterproofing. Before installing the booth, make good waterproofing everywhere, even on the walls. If the floor is made of wood, then it is better to make linoleum under boxing.
  • Division of water. If the cabin is installed in a private house, then for it you will have to independently make a water removal. This is problematic, especially for old houses in which there is no drain pit. You can facilitate the situation by buying a container for sewer water. In addition, installation should be carried out in the summer.
  • Installation should be carried out according to the instructions and nothing else. Each model has it.
  • Before installing the cab itself, bring water, electricity and sewage.
  • The release for the sewage of the cabin should not be less than 7 cm from the pipe to the floor.
  • All compounds are necessarily processed by sealant. For internal surfaces, silicone is used, and for external - acrylic.
  • As for the hydromassage, we recall that it requires good pressure. Again, if the installation is carried out in a private house and a separate well is used for water, then there will be no problems with pressure.

Video: Which shower cabin is better to choose and buy?

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