How to knit raglan from the bottom with knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners

How to knit raglan from the bottom with knitting needles: a detailed description for beginners

Many knitting products cause admiration for people, especially if they are accurately made and there are no seams on the sleeves. This knitting technique is called Raglan. Next, we will study how to perform this technique so that a knitted product is obtained from below with the sleeve of Ralan.

Women, creating new things, use many different techniques. And I would always like the finished product to have almost imperceptibly seams. Because clothing in this way always looks attractive and it is impossible to find flaws on it. However, performing such work is not so simple and there are many methods for knitting things to hide unsightly seams. One of them is the knitting of sweaters, dresses, sweatshirts with the technique of Raglan from below.

Before proceeding with this option of knitting the model, you need to study all the subtleties and secrets of the process. This is what will be discussed further in the article. Consider in detail how to tie Ralaglan from the bottom with knitting needles.

How to knit raglan from below with knitting needles - features of the process technique, the advantage of finished products

This is not an easy technique, because it is necessary to constantly ensure that the loops decrease, close symmetrically on both side. In addition, a thing knitted in this way, in the middle of the process, is no longer a light weight, you will have to strain the hands all the time to hold it on the knitting needles.

There are two methods of knitting raglan from the bottom up:

  1. The first is more practical, if you knit clothes with this option, you will need less energy costs, because Raglan is knitted in parts and do not close the loops. And then these loops string on circular loops, form a neck. And the details are connected only then with imperceptible seams.
  2. If you knit from below, then it is better to do it on circular knitting needles. At the same time, it turns out that the shelf and back are already without seams. So they knit the canvas until they reach the armhole of the sleeves. They take other knitting needles and begin to knit their sleeves, first elastic bands, then straight canvases, and then when moving to the armhole, they begin to connect them to the main canvas (back and shelf).
Redlane knitting technique
Redlane knitting technique

To do this, pick up the sleeves on the knitting needles and sequentially reduce according to the scheme of the loop pattern on the left, on the right symmetrically. It turns out a neat pattern that will divide the sleeves and the basic parts of the pattern - the back, shelf. When you hire them on one round knitting needles, knit everything in a circle.

To form a armhole, immediately begin to close the loops on the sleeves three pieces at a time. The decrease occurs everywhere in a mirror display and this is done both at the beginning and at the very end of the rows. When everything is ready, the sweater is sewn in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sleeves and sides (if necessary). To tie the clothes with the sleeve of Ralan for a child is much easier and faster than for an adult, because the size is different.

Advantages in the implementation of the Raglan technique:

  1. Products look neat and the seams are not noticeable. Thanks to this, a child or an adult will not experience discomfort when wearing products.
  2. The simplicity of the design, the details of the cut can be made independently, adjusting the dimensions in the diagram in accordance with your measurements.
  3. By the way, keep in mind that for different sizes, the height of the armhole can be reduced and increased. If you like wide sleeves, you can increase the height of the armhole.
  4. It is not very difficult to reduce the loops, the main thing is to be attentive in the process and do everything symmetrically.

IMPORTANT: We must be able to correctly determine how many loops will be needed for one centimeter of the product. To do this, most often knit a trial sample of ten by ten by ten. Check how he sits or stretch after washing, and then think how many loops are in one centimeter, through simple mathematical calculations.

How to knit raglan from the bottom with knitting needles - tools

To start work, the craftswoman will need two pairs of spokes at once - circular. And for knitting elastic bands, a smaller knitting needle is suitable, and the main canvas can be used thicker knitting needles. In addition, pay attention to the fact that the knitting needles are with the length of the fishing line. After all, the details will take up a lot of space. Below in the image, see how to beautifully decorate the side cut of the reglane.

How to knit a pigtail along the bevels?
How to knit a pigtail along the bevels?

After buying the yarn and the desired thickness of the spokes, the craftswoman must choose a pattern with which she will decorate her Raglan, of course all sorts of drawings - you can get confused, but still you will have to opt for one of them. You will also need:

  • The tape is centimeter, a notebook, a handle for labels, so as not to forget at what stage of knitting you are.
  • Pins or markers to mark the execution of the reglane technique or perform a pattern without getting down from the scheme.

Here, when everything is ready, you can proceed to knitting.

How to knit raglan from below with knitting needles - the basics of the technique of execution of the product, description of the process

In order to get the product perfectly, measure your parameters and draw a pattern of raglan yourself. So it will be easier for you to understand the process of the process and you will not get confused in the details of the cut.

  • The place where the sleeve is connected to the canvases of the rear and front of the raglane, it is advisable to divide into four planes. Working with the facial row, when the loops are reduced, they do not need to be closed, just remove them to the pin.
  • The neck is calculated very simply. To knit it, you will have to close three loops in a row. Therefore, the number of them should be a multiple of three, but if this does not coincide, then you can balance the mathematical process, closing the loops in the center of the front and behind.

The process of performing the knitting technique from the bottom:

  • The main feature of the process is that at first the details are knitted separately, this was already a little mentioned above. They begin to connect products only at the time when the armhole in the sleeve area reaches. To make it more comfortable to connect the details, they must be decomposed on a flat surface. Then knit the first row, which will be the beginning for fastening the gear, back and sleeves.
  • The joints of the sleeves and backs, the shelves must be marked for yourself with a marker, otherwise it will be difficult to perform a beautiful line, which emphasizes the very connection of the details of the shelter. The pattern, the pattern when connecting the parts should not suffer, everything should go strictly according to the scheme.
  • Small shoulder roll is loomed only if you evenly reduce the loops everywhere, more precisely at the end of the row and at first each cut detail. It is necessary to reduce the loops according to the drawing or two or three, the main thing is that everything coincides with the pattern.

After performing these actions, you will get the perfect raglan, no seams will not be noticeable on the sleeves, or when knitting the neck. And the separation strip will only decorate a sweater or sweatshirt, or maybe a dress.

How to knit Raglan itself?
How to knit Raglan itself?

Knitting technique

When a thing is knitted or sewed, then always on the neck there is more space than on the ass. The difference between a neckline in front and behind is called a sprout. Below, see the scheme where the size of the neck for raglan is presented. It indicates in detail how to close the loops for its design. And not only, there is a scheme for reducing the loops during the design of the bevel of the sleeve and the armholes of the raglan.

Calculation of loops
Calculation of loops

How to arrange a line?

Most often reduce the loops in the facial rows. Moreover, they do this both at the beginning and at the end of the row. To make it look beautiful, various techniques are used. Until the decoration of the end and the beginning of the rows with various decorative things.

Sweater for the girl
Sweater for the girl

Examples of decoration of the Raglan lines:

Povips - The first row is knitted with the wrong surface, the second is performed by faces. The second row perform the pattern: remove the loop, knit three loops with smooths (hollow), then knit the same number of loops with one front, knit all the middle loops with the main pattern. The drawing is designed for 31 loop. At the end, knit the last seven in a symmetrical sequence: knit three faces of one person. P., 3 faces, an irritant loop. Knit the next row. And then repeat the pattern first.

Christmas tree - rapport 33 loops, the first row: all out. P. loops. The second knit this way: remove the hem, three loops - faces. The next three rows: the second and third loop of faces. (without removing from the knitting needle) and further the first persons.p. Now knitted loops are removed from the knitting needles and continue to knit the middle part of the faces. Knit the last seven loops symmetrically. The wrong side is knitted out, and in the next row they begin to knit the loops again, as in the second.

Redlan white with knitting needles
Redlan white - knitting needles

As you can see, it is not so difficult to bind Raglan if you completely deal with the tricks and secrets of the process of performing the process. In the case when you have some points that are difficult for the concept, then after watching the video, you will definitely understand how to knit raglan from the bottom with knitting needles.

Video: How to knit raglan from below?

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