7 ways to make a woman nice. What will make any woman?

7 ways to make a woman nice. What will make any woman?
      The article will talk about 7 ways that can please any woman. Each of the methods is easy to perform, but at the same time, it is extremely necessary in personal relationships.
  • And he appears only from sincere happiness, from the fact that there are beloved people. In the first months of acquaintance, men are always gallant, give gifts and flowers, scatter in compliments. Women at this time just shine and radiate beauty
  • Later, men are no longer so attentive. Do not say compliments so often, forget to buy a bouquet of flowers or arrange a date. This attitude not only badly affects the female mood, but also on her health
  • Health status in women is closely related to emotions
  • Therefore, if a man wants to see a well -groomed, beautiful and healthy woman near him, he should not forget about the signs of attention

What do women love and what are they expecting from men?

  • The first thing women need is attention. If it is not enough, female energy fades away. An even more poor situation may happen, a lady can pay attention to another man. Attention should be manifested in the fact that a woman is listened
  • Any lady will be pleased when her words and requests are treated with attention. In fact, this is only a common myth that women speak hints. As a rule, women and often say what they need. True, few of the men capture this
  • If a man does not have the slightest idea that his woman loves, you can use one of the above. These 5 ideas will definitely please any lady. And, perhaps, this will turn out to be what she had been waiting for so long

Method number 1. Unexpected recognition of love and 7 minutes of hugs

  • Everyone knows that a woman loves ears. And it is not just words. This fact is scientifically proven. The psychology of a woman is arranged so that her audio perception is better. In men, on the contrary, visual perception is stronger. Therefore, women more often need kind words, encouragement and compliments
  • A man must understand that women and men are completely arranged in different ways. And, if a man grabs the actual care of a lady, her silent support, then it is not enough for girls
  • Moreover, many women are sure that if a man does not talk about his feelings, then they simply do not. There is a scientifically proven fact: families where spouses regularly speak of love to each other, stronger and happier
  • Therefore, to say compliments and words of love can be a great way to establish a personal relationship. Also, do not neglect their arms. A hug is an important action that makes it clear to a person that they love him

Method number 2. Daily kisses are always pleasant

When people are young, it seems that they kiss all day. However, time passes, household problems and situations at work appear. As a result, there is less and less time on kisses. It is impossible to allow them to completely disappear from their personal life.

Science proven that kisses have such a positive effect on the body:

  • Accelerating the heartbeat, which stimulates the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • During kisses, endorphins are produced. They help to overcome depression and nervousness
  • Increase immunity. During saliva exchange, each of the partners activates new elements of immune defense
  • American scientists have proven that those people who often kiss, live, on average, 5 years longer

The kiss not only favorably affect the body, but also improve mood. They help to become closer to express their feelings.

Method number 3. Romantic candlelight dinner - classic genre

In many films, a romantic dinner is a standard of demonstration of love. And, even, if not so, the films managed to convince many women of this. Therefore, every lady, secretly or obviously, dreams of returning home, and see that she is waiting for a romantic dinner.

In fact, making such a surprise is not difficult. Many men are scared by the fact that something needs to be prepared. However, I would like to assure that from this event a lady is expecting not at all delicious food. The main thing is the atmosphere of romance and love.

  • For a romantic dinner, you need to purchase a set of candles. It can be small candles-tablets. They can be arranged in the form of a heart, for example. However, such candles quickly burn out. You need to light them just before the arrival of any
  • A romantic dinner should be a surprise. No need for a lady to see that preparations are underway
  • It is necessary to pay a lot of attention to the decor of the room where there will be dinner. You can decorate all the balls, scatter the rose petals, or come up with something special and unique
  • No need to cook culinary masterpieces. You need to buy a bottle of good wine, cut fruits and lay out sweets. Also, you can buy a cake or sushi. It all depends on what the lady loves. More attention must be paid to serving. Buy red napkins and put some kind of cute souvenir near your beloved plate

No matter how a romantic dinner is organized, a beloved woman will definitely appreciate it.

Method No. 4. An unforgettable walk under the moon, a picnic or a horse trip brings your relationship closer

The time spent together always brings the attitude closer. In order for such a walk to be remembered, you can turn it into a short trip. To do this, think about what you like to do together. Undoubtedly, earlier, there were many things that I liked to do jointly. It is desirable that pastime be alone, without friends and relatives. Here are some ideas of romantic walks:

  • horseback riding
  • a trip to the park
  • picnic for two
  • joint photo shoot
  • walk under the moon

Method number 5. Women love ears. Tell the woman compliments

This method harmoniously complements the method 1. Tell the woman compliments as often as possible. Even if it seems that she is no longer as attractive as before, try. Scientists claim that happy women look younger than their years. Remember that it depends on a man what woman is next to him.

Method number 6. Separation of duties in the family: dishes - man, rest - woman

A man needs to think about how much a woman does home. Washing dishes, cleaning, cooking and ironing, this is perhaps only the beginning of a huge list of female duties. Even if a woman is a housewife, then she needs a rest. Especially if there are children in the house. Women spend with children all the time, without leaving a step. It often happens that they do not have enough time, even put their hair in order. When the children grow up, the woman does not become free.

Understanding always gives harmony in the relationship. If a man helps a woman with her duties, then she will definitely be grateful to him. This will be expressed not only in words, but also with a good response.

Method number 7. Gifts for no reason: all women love flowers

Women love flowers. And, even if they say that they do not like it, they still love. And if not flowers, then cute soft cubs, sweets or bright cards. All these attributes should be given to the ladies not only on the day of St. Valentine, but also on ordinary, weekdays. Such small gifts are nothing for a man, but for a woman - this is a direct proof that she is loved.

How to make a pleasant beloved woman: tips and reviews

Those men who are regularly interested in the opportunity to make their woman pleasantly, note positive trends in the development of relationships.

  • “We have worsened relations with my wife, after I began to work hard. There was not enough time for anything else, only work. Then, I began to notice that she was moving away. I did not want to destroy everything. I read several books about the psychology of women and began to act. Our relationship received a second chance, and we are the second honeymoon ”Alexey, 44 years old
  • “I just started dating a girl and did not know how to show her my love. She was a woman of my dreams, but I could not tell her about it directly. Some time passed, I read a lot on this topic. Now it seems to me that she knows how much means for me "Oleg, 20 years
  • “When it seemed that our family came to an end, I decided to try what many psychologists advise. He began to tell his wife compliments, give flowers and help around the house. Previously, it seemed that she hates me. At first, she took my actions dryly. But then, everything worked out. We are together again." Nikolay, 49 years old

Love relationships cannot develop independently. They need to be built by both partners, regularly remind each other about love and gratitude. Perhaps this is the key to strong relations for many years.

Video: How to make an original surprise to your beloved?

Video: How to organize a romantic picnic?


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