Signs of autism. Is autism treated in children? How to raise a child with autism?

Signs of autism. Is autism treated in children? How to raise a child with autism?

Science is unknown to the causes of autism and methods of its treatment. The only cure for this disorder is the love and care of the parents of a special child.

Autism is a disorder of the nervous system that occurs due to the atypical development of the brain. This violation is characterized by problems in interaction with surrounding people, a reduced interest in the environment in which the child lives and constant stereotypical actions, which can manifest in ordering toys in a certain sequence or committing the same type of manipulation with them.

If your child was diagnosed with autism or an upset of the auto spectrum, do not despair, because your child is no worse than others, he is simply special and needs care and love more than others.

Forms and degree of autism in children

Depending on the degree of disorder, a set of measures is determined by which the child is adapted to independence and life in society. Such autism groups are distinguished:

  • The first group -The most severe degree of disorder, which is characterized by the complete isolation of the child in his inner world, the absence of any external reactions, facial expressions, gestures. Such children do not speak and do not respond to their name, absolutely do not react to the world around him. Experts make an disappointing diagnosis regarding the adaptation of a child with this degree of autism and adapting him to life
Authetist children close from the world and are afraid to know it
Authetist children close from the world and are afraid to know it
  • The second group - The child shows a fragmentary interest in what is happening around, knows how to say some words and phrases, but is more fixed on a constant order of things and actions
The child is trying to streamline everything around, decomposing toys
  • The third group - Children establish certain contacts with people and the world, but cannot take objectively the situations that arise. Often they have conflicts, cannot feel the state of another and do not understand the hidden ambiguity of words. In general, children who are attributed to the third group of autism are quite active
Children suffering from autism often do not have close trusting relationships even with their mother
  • The fourth group - The easiest form of autism. The child communicates with others, shows interest in various activities and objects, but with the slightest resentment or conflict, he goes into himself and closes. This degree of disorder is most successfully adjusted and, after a number of events, the child is almost completely adapted to the social environment
With autism, the child is aggressive and often angry if something does not work out

It is characteristic that the more difficult the degree of autism in the child, the earlier you can determine in the child some deviations and make adjustments.

How to recognize autism in a child? Child's behavior with autism

In children up to a year, it is very difficult to identify such a disorder as autism.
This is due to the nature of the violation: the child’s brain is unable to simultaneously focus on several forms of perception of the world and combine them together, that is, if the child listens to music, he cannot simultaneously consider the toy or perceive the cartoon as an integral image, which has both sound and visual picture.

Since the behavior of infants can not always be installed listens to what they say or at this time simply considers everything around, the criterion of simultaneous perception cannot help in diagnosing autism.

Fixation on any action or object is one of the signs of autism

Signs of autism

Despite the features of an early age, a vigilant mother will be able to notice some features of the baby’s behavior, which together indicate the presence of autism:

  • the kid does not look at the faces, does not try to consider the features, and shows great interest to toys
  • in the presence of a weak third -party sound, the child shudders and frightens, while with a more significant sharp noise, he remains calm
  • the child does not ask for parents in his arms, behaves constrained even in the arms of his mother, or, on the contrary, is too attached to his mother
Sometimes mom becomes the only person whom the child lets in
  • does not respond to the movements of people and does not perceive facial expressions, does not meet a smile with a smile or shows a reverse reaction (for example, when mom smiles or laughs, he can cry in response)
  • the baby begins to make any sounds late, and when he still begins to pronounce certain syllables, he does it without intonation
It is very difficult to diagnose autism in a child up to a year

If you have noticed such manifestations in a child up to a year, do not rush with conclusions. Share your observations with a local pediatrician or neurologist. Perhaps the symptoms that you defined are just an individual feature of the child.

Video: Autism. One day of another life

Symptoms of autism in children under 3 years old

At an older age, other indicators appear that are characteristic of autistic children:

  • violation of interaction with people and isolation, unwillingness to contact others
  • focus on one subject
  • stereotype of actions (long-term leafing through the book, turning on-off light)
  • the desire to streamline objects in a certain system (a child can lay out toys in a certain sequence, size or color)
Autists prefer loneliness
  • repeated movements, strange waves, glossing or winding circles in place
  • problems with speech development: a child may not speak or say a few words at all, using them out of place and with incorrect intonation
  • tendency to loneliness, phlegmaticity
The child's isolation can be his individual feature

Each child is individual in its development and some symptoms of autism may not manifest itself, and in return they may occur other features of behavior. Specialists studying the problem of autism indicate that three indicators are indicative for diagnosis:

  1. Lack of desire for social interaction
  2. Atypical or problematic communication of a child with adults and children
  3. Limited a circle of interests and stereotypical actions

Video: Autism. Manifestations

Diagnosis of autism in children

The diagnosis of autism is a complex procedure that requires many research and tests. In order to diagnose a child in respect of whom there is a suspicion of the presence of this severe disorder, a verdict of the commission consisting of:

  • pediatrician
  • speech therapist
  • neurologist
  • psychologist
  • psychiatrist
Only a number of studies can give the right to diagnose "autism"

In addition, a number of studies are conducted, such as electroencephalogram, brain MRI, blood vessel dopplerography and a number of consultations of narrow specialists.

These events will not show whether the child is an autistic, but they are effective if the strangeness of the child’s behavior is caused by other diseases that have nothing to do with autism.

Features of the development of children with autism

Most children who are diagnosed with autism cannot adapt to independent life and have a low level of intelligence are significantly behind development. But among them there are children with an average level of mental abilities and even high. As a rule, gifted-autistic children have talents and unusual abilities-they can be outstanding mathematicians, but in most cases they are incapable of independent maintenance of their needs.

Children with autism can be very capable and smart

Some children with such a diagnosis develop well, and at a certain moment a rapid regression begins, up to the point that the child loses most skills. After some time, lost skills return again, but this is a temporary phenomenon.

Training and raising a child with autism

Since autism is not amenable to cure, the main method of combating it can only be correction. The development of basic skills in children with autism is a complex process that requires parents to give complete dedication. If ordinary children can learn a new imitating to adults, then the autistic child does not try to inherit anyone, because he does not observe the behavior of others. The process of teaching even elementary household skills in children with a diagnosis of autism is associated with overcoming a barrier that a child builds around him, and fears that are all new for the baby.

Adaptation of the child depends on the efforts of parents

The difficulty in raising an autistic child is also that once faced with failure, he will not want to repeat the action again, starting to get angry and acting up. It is important for parents to create an atmosphere of success around their child, to show that he succeeds, praise and encourage him.

Try to overcome his fears with your child, tell about everything unknown and frightening and he will trust you and actively study the world with your help.

Autism in adolescence

Adolescence is the most difficult period in the life of a child-autistic child. At a time when peers begin to actively establish relationships, contact each other and seek to achieve something in life, the autistic begins to fully feel his difference from others and his own characteristics. This provokes constant stress, nervous tension, which can serve as an aggravation of the problem.

Adolescence - a crisis period for children with autism

The autistic child begins to close even more in himself, reject the world around him, or, conversely, strive to achieve more, overcomes his non-contact and interacts with society.

Rehabilitation of children with autism. Is children's autism treated?

If your child is diagnosed with autism, then you should realize this and be patient and enduring, because there is no methodology for curing from this state. Although autism cannot be cured, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to deal with it - thanks to the correction and efforts of parents, you can significantly improve the condition of the child and adapt to the social environment.

There is no medicine from autism, except for the care and love of parents

Of great importance in the rehabilitation of the autistic child are physical exercises, some medications, a special diet, developing games and even classes in dolphinaries. There are whole programs developed by specialists who are designed to improve the condition of children, make them socially active and teach to interact with the outside world.

How to raise a child with autism: tips and reviews

Parents faced with the problem of autism, despite the status of incurability, urge to fight it. Many of them, making maximum efforts, fulfilling the instructions of doctors, psychologists, speech therapists, were able to achieve wonderful results, make their crumbs with social creatures, get them out of their shells and alienation fortresses.

The main thing is not to give up and not put up with a diagnosis, but to fight for the health of the child, knock on all doors and look for specialists who will give at least a small one, but a chance to improve the condition.

Video: Autism in children. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. At the Guyuan clinic learned to treat autism. And do not adjust, namely treat. A friend told. From autism, her son has no trace

  2. Excuse me, where is this clinic? How can you contact it?

  3. The article reveals and answers all questions. Thank you.

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