How to make a garco soup? Recipes of Kharcho soup with chicken, beef, pork, cucumbers and tomato

How to make a garco soup? Recipes of Kharcho soup with chicken, beef, pork, cucumbers and tomato

How to cook hard soup? What are the recipes of Kharcho soup?

Ingredients for Kharcho soup

Harcho soup is considered a national dish of Georgia and has long been considered the dignity of Georgian cuisine in front of others. Having mastered the methods of preparing it, you can prepare soup no worse than Georgian cooking professionals cook.

In the classic version, the Georgian soup of Kharcho is initially prepared mainly from beef, and the meaning of the word “kharcho” is translated - beef soup, but in preparation they also often use veal and lambs instead of beef.

Further, according to the recipe, the use of a special refueling of a dish made of dry boiled mashed potatoes or a different way called tlapi. This puree is prepared from the pulp cracks or from the plant kizila.

Without the use of this refueling, the real Georgian soup of Kharcho will not work, but if you really want to make a real Harcho soup, you can replace Tlapi refueling with Tkemali Georgian sauce.

Ingredients for Kharcho soup
ingredients for Kharcho soup

In order to prepare a hard soup, you must have in the kitchen:

  • rice porridge
  • onion
  • spices
  • garlic
  • a spicy mixture of hop-sunels

According to the classic Georgian recipe, at the end of cooking, the dish is sprinkled with a cilantro. In a foreign cuisine, due to the fact that Georgian dishes do not require an accurate recipe, it is allowed to add tomatoes, basil leaves or any other products to their discretion, the main thing is to be tasty.

Soup kharcho
soup kharcho

Beef Kharcho Recipe with rice

  • Harcho soup, prepared by a light hand, with a pleasant fragrant and spicy aroma, is able to capture the heart of everyone who loves delicious food, this is the recipe for which you do not need to go to Georgia, which will turn the dining table into a somewhat elegant restaurant
  • When the USSR regime operated, the national dishes of Georgia at that time in the Union scattered throughout the new state and were often served in the dining rooms of Armenia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and several other countries
  • After that, the methodology for the preparation of the Kharcho soup and its composition survived a number of changes and experiments, thanks to which you can see such a variety of dishes options
Harcho tomato soup
harcho tomato soup

Before you start cooking, you need to work with meat, namely clean it from films, veins and carefully wash it under wastewater, then put it on active fire and, depending on the recipe, cook from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Beef is recommended to cook for 2 hours, since beef meat is satisfied with hard and in two hours it is boiled and becomes soft.

For the preparation of kharcho soup with beef and rice, you will need:

  • Beef meat on a bone (with a volume of 400 gr.)
  • Long -grained rice 80 gr. product
  • Bulbs (260 gr.)
  • Tomatoes (200-300 gr.)
  • Spices and herbs: cilantro, dill, parsley, hop-sunels, basil, red ground pepper (to taste)
  • Garlic (10-15 gr.)

The rice for Kharcho soup needs to be selected not crushed and not crushed, only round or long -grained.

Tasty hard soup
tasty hard soup

Kurcho soup recipe for chicken with potatoes

Harcho soup, made of fresh vegetables on chicken broth under tomato paste and only cooked chicken, can diversify any dining table, and for cooking does not require much effort. In the dish, the aroma, spice, piquancy, and most importantly, is sutured, which will help to relieve the feeling of hunger for a long time of any stomach for a long time.

In the winter season, a cold or during the chill of the weather, the soup of Harcho can become an excellent warming dish, and due to the content of active carbohydrates, it can be eaten after long walks or during hikes.

Kharcho chicken soup
kharcho chicken soup

For the preparation of kharcho soup with beef and rice, you will need:

  • Kurin fillet (200-300 gr.)
  • Onion (200 gr.)
  • Rice porridge (150 gr.)
  • Potatoes (480 gr.)
  • Carrots (150 gr.)
  • Tomato paste (30 ml.)
  • Paprika (5-10 gr.)
  • To your taste: ground black or red pepper, dill

According to the recipe, Harcho soup is thick, but if you do not like thick, you can add less rice, this can save the broth and focus on potatoes.

Harcho soup with potatoes and chicken fillet
harcho soup with potatoes and chicken fillet

Harcho soup with lamb, recipe with photo

As you know, the kitchen of Eastern Georgia is much different from the kitchen of Western Georgia and has not only different recipes, but methods of cooking. The recipe for Kharcho soup with lamb we will not change, be from the west or from the east, it connects common Georgian traditions, enveloping meat and broth spices, introduces close to a long -standing culture.

Vegetables occupy a secondary place in Kharcho soup, and most often preference is given to spices and sauces, so it is necessary to give tribute and also work with vegetables so that they betray taste and are practically not noticeable. To do this, they need to be finely chopped or even let through the vegetables through a meat grinder.


Ingredients for soup
ingredients for soup

Harcho soup with lamb is prepared quite simply, enough to stock up in the kitchen:

  • Lamb (500 grams)
  • Ordinary rice (80 gr.)
  • Bulbs (300-350 gr.)
  • Garlic (10-15 gr.)
  • Tomatoes (400 gr)
  • Spices (to taste)
  • Vegetable oil (to taste)

In most cases, Kharcho soup is cooked on active heat for no more than 40 minutes, the rest of the time, depending on the type of dish, it can take up to three hours, cooked over low heat so as not to spoil the taste of the dish and not evaporate all healthy vitamins.

Fresh soup of kharcho with lamb and tomatoes
fresh soup of kharcho with lamb and tomatoes

Harcho soup recipe with nuts

Georgians do not have a clear separation of meat into quality or taste, so on the table in the Georgian cuisine you can notice any animal, whether it is: chicken, chicken, duck, lamb or lamb, the main thing is spices, herbs or even nuts.

Nuts are also used in many other recipes for Georgian cuisine, because they are suitable and complement the taste of spices and spices, but it is in the soup of Harcho, the nuts not only complement, but also completely turning the general idea of \u200b\u200bsoups from their heads.

In order to prepare a hard soup with nuts, you will need:

  • Beef meat, veal or lamb (volume of 500 gr.)
  • Long -grained rice 100 gr. product
  • Walnuts (100 gr.)
  • Bulbs (260 gr.)
  • Garlic (15-20 gr.)
  • Red or black pepper (to taste)
  • A mixture of hop-sunels in small quantities

In order to add more naturalness to the dish, you can add a tkemali sauce or replace it with a sacubel sauce.

Harco home soup
harco home soup

Video: " Soup kharcho. Simple, tasty, inexpensive "

Harcho soup with barley

Pension porridge is not boiled and in boiled state it does not turn into a homogeneous mass. Each grain of pearl barley porridge is unique and it will be in water, until the last is in a constant state until it gets into the mouth and with a pleasant crunch will disappear in the stomach.

She does not get intimidated by a dish, leaving its sparrow color, and also has almost no taste, which helps other products in the dish, more clearly stand out due to it. But recalling how much the pearl barley contains that the body is more than enough to work effectively and be well -fed.


Harcho soup with onions and spices
harcho soup with onions and spices

In order to prepare a hard soup with pearl barley porridge, you need to have in the kitchen:

  • Beef meat (volume of 400 gr.)
  • Parl -up cereal 100 gr. product
  • Onion (130 grams)
  • Garlic (10-15 gr.)
  • Potatoes (550 gr.)
  • Carrots (75 gr.)
  • Salted cucumbers (180 gr.)
  • Celery (to taste; 45 gr.)
  • Tkemali sauce (to taste)

So that the barley is soft and clean is recommended before preparing the main dish, cook porridge, bringing water to a boil. In boiling water, hold the porridge for no more than two minutes, then rinse it under running water and prepare for the addition to the soup.

Harcho soup with barley
harcho soup with barley

Harcho soup with prunes

The prunes in the soup are one way to surprise and puzzle the lover of the first dishes. The sweet and sour taste of prunes first confuses, then does not give an answer, then it opens and ultimately enchants.

Probably, it should also be mentioned that the taste of dried plums only dissolves slightly in the soup, so those who do not like prunes be able to avoid taste, but as a pleasant bonus, you will be able to smell the smell of a hazard in the groove of the grunt.

Prunes and nuts for soup Kharcho
prunes and nuts for soup Kharcho

For the preparation of soup, ingredients are used:

  • 500-600 grams of beef
  • Long -grained rice 50 gr. product
  • Onion (350 gr.)
  • Prunes (100 gr.)
  • Walnuts (50 gr.)
  • Garlic (5 gr.)
  • Pomegranate sauce - Narsharab
  • To taste: a mixture of hop-sunels, bay leaf, parsley, pepper

If the soup is too sweet due to the prunes, it is recommended to add salt to taste or serve it on the table along with a salt shaker.

Harcho soup with prunes
harcho soup with prunes

Harcho soup with cucumbers, recipe, photo

The idea to add cucumbers to the soup of Kharcho appeared, although on Georgian land, but gained popularity for its chapels. For hostesses from other countries, this is a way to combine two crops in one dish.

The advantages of cooking with cucumbers with cucumbers include that it can be easily and quickly cooked, 45 minutes are enough and you have a ready-made pot of aromatic dish on your table.

Its broth can relieve the morning hangover, as well as diversify the general idea of \u200b\u200bKharcho soup. Although its recipe is not entirely authentic, they can even surprise them with a Georgian.

In order to cook hard soup with salted cucumbers, you will need:

  • Beef meat (1 kg.)
  • Long -grained rice 100 gr. product
  • Onion (160 gr.)
  • Carrots (75 gr.)
  • Tomato (100 gr.)
  • Salted cucumbers (270 gr.)
  • Walnuts (40 gr.)
  • Garlic (20 gr.)
  • Georgian spices and mixtures: hop-sunels, tkemali (to taste)

All this is designed for a large portion of Kharcho soup with a volume of more than 2.5 liters. Salted cucumbers give a soup acid, so they need to be added to taste no more than three.

Harco home soup with cucumbers
harco home soup with cucumbers

Video: "History of soup Kharcho and its Georgian roots"

Recipe for tomato soup Kharcho

Tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato juice, chopped tomatoes-this is what makes the soup of Harcho truly not forgotten and unique. You can’t find a recipe in which there are no tomatoes at all, in another case it is not a hard soup, because the real soup of the hard is remembered by its smell, color, taste of meat, as well as acuteness and spice.

But there are times when I want to experiment a little, then the Kharcho soup appears, in which tomatoes are even more.

Tomato and cucumbers in the soup of Kharcho
tomato and cucumbers in the soup of Kharcho

It is also worth telling about the seasoning of the hop-sunels, which was greatly loved by Georgian culture. Initially, a component called Utskho-Suneli was brought to Georgia from China, which is translated as a foreign spice. It was a blue fencing and now it is still used as part of the mixture, but is already grown in Georgia.

To prepare the tomato soup of the kharcho, you need to have on the kitchen table:

  • Meat: pork, beef or veal (500 grams volume)
  • Rice porridge 100 gr. product
  • Carrots (150 gr.)
  • Onion (165 gr.)
  • Tomato juice (about 400 grams)
  • Salt, greens, spices, sauce (to taste)

In order to fully feel the tomato accent of Kharcho soup, it is recommended to brew it by 3.5 liters of water in a large pan.

Tomato sauce in soup
tomato sauce in soup

Harcho vegetarian soup, recipe, photo

If there is a desire to diversify the usual day menu, then you can try to prepare Harcho vegetarian soup with rice porridge.

This dish is great for post And has a very pleasant taste, despite the fact that the meat is absent in it. Harcho vegetarian soup can also be considered dietary, Since it contains only 34 kilocalories per 100 grams of dishes.

To prepare the vegetarian soup of Harcho will need:

  • Long -grained rice 100 gr. product
  • Onion (265 gr)
  • Carrots (150 gr.)
  • Potatoes (550 gr.)
  • Tomato (200 gr.)
  • Garlic (15-20 gr.)
  • Red wine (30 ml.)
  • Cinza (25 grams)
  • Add spices and herbs to your taste

Despite the simplicity of the recipe and the lack of meat, such a dish is prepared for at least an hour and a half over low heat.

Video: "On the soup of Harcho and its features"

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