How to find out the statistics of the page attendance in VKontakte? How to check statistics: detailed menu analysis

How to find out the statistics of the page attendance in VKontakte? How to check statistics: detailed menu analysis

In this article, we will consider how to see the statistics of our page on VKontakte. And also we will analyze each menu in detail.

VKontakte is one of the most popular social networks on the Internet, which has millions of subscribers. Among them are children, students, adults and serious people. Almost everyone had or has their own VKontakte page. By the way, the number of friends on the page indicates the popularity of the owner. But there are also other ways to learn about the statistics of our page VK, which we will consider in this material.

How to find out the statistics of the attendance of your VK page?

VKontakte personal page is your territory. After registration, you can go to it under your username and password. You will be able to find friends, acquaintances and start communication, even if they live in another country. Many users are curious how many people visit their page, and whether their publications and posts are interesting to others. For this, there is a VKontakte page statistics, which is provided for by the program itself.

Interesting: The social network VKontakte or VK (VK) appeared more than ten years ago - October 10, 2006. During this time, I managed to become a very popular service for communication and not only. In 2017, the social network could already boast of 460 million registered users, which was very impressive.

  • Find out your statistics is an elementary action that even a beginner can handle. Yes, just for the sake of interest, you can study it yourself. But it is worth immediately stipling some regulationsso that no misunderstandings arose later.
    • Page visits statistics are summary data in different categories that are displayed in the form of understandable color diagrams. On them you will not see your visitors by name. The social network does not provide such information.
    • Another rule is the number of subscribers. To see statistics, there should be at least 100 people. And this is the first indicator of your popularity and activity.
  • Now you need to move on to the very search for statistical data. And at this stage, many have a question, where to look for them. To do this, go to your page. And immediately, under the avatar, look for a special icon, which consists of vertical segments of different heights.
The statistics icon is immediately under the photo
The statistics icon is immediately under the photo
  • It is near the "Edit" button, on the right side. By clicking on it, the page will restart on statistics. The tab menu consists of three points:
    • girth;
    • attendance;
    • activity.

How to check statistics in VK: detailed analysis of the site menu

We offer to disassemble each item separately, with a more detailed examination.

Menu "Claim"

  • It begins with the "Cross of the audience." That is, a convenient diagram is provided, which displays the number of users who have viewed your posts, records on the page itself or in the news section.
    • Data can be sorted by days, months or weeks. You will learn the activity of not only friends, but also subscribers.
    • There is also an age category where a special schedule will clearly distribute visitors by the age of visitors. To see it, you just need to sink slightly below the first schedule.
The girth of the audience provides for views for days and months
The girth of the audience provides for views for days and months
  • “Geography” VKontakte has no boundaries. Often friends and subscribers live far in different cities and even countries. Data with such a slope can be very interesting. They are displayed both in the schedule and in the table. First, countries are built as it is activity, and then the cities. The percent of visitors can be seen immediately after the age category.
  • The activity of devices is the general attendance of social networks. By the way, it happens not only from a computer or laptop. Mobile applications allow you to go from the phone and tablet. VKontakte conducts similar statistics in the section "Testing of devices".
Geography of page statistics
Geography of page statistics

Menu "Visuality"

  • This menu will find out the number of unique visitors. Views and their number are also taken into account by days, weeks and months. All these data indicate guests of your profile and pages.
The attendance menu will have a similar schedule
The attendance menu will have a similar schedule
  • If you fall below, you will also see a diagram with the age category of the same unique subscribers and visitors. Next, the menu continues to duplicate, displaying geography and devices activity.
  • But the number of new subscribers and those who left the page or unsubscribed. True, for this there is a separate schedule that is at the very bottom of the page. On it you can see data per day or all time.
But there will also be a schedule for subscribers

Tab "Activity" and its capabilities

  • VKontakte will help to follow the further fate of your records. A special schedule takes into account not only the actions of subscribers directly on the page, but also the path of reposts and reaction to these records on other pages. It is enough for the user to use the function “tell a friend” and the path of publication continues.
  • This item will calculate all the actions of your friends and subscribers. Not a single like, comment or repost will not be left without attention. Therefore, on the graph displays each of your entry when you point out on the desired date.
The activity menu will show
Activity menu will show a further history of publications

Nice bonus to popular pages and groups

This aspect refers to those accounts, the number of subscribers of which exceeded 5 thousand of these users is awaiting a pleasant bonus in the form of an additional opportunity. In the column "Statistics" another item will open - "Records". By the way, this is more often displayed in communities and groups where community messages are still displayed.

  • The point "Records" is divided into such sections:
    • feedback and general girth on lacquas and subscribers;
    • hiding all complaints and hidden records;
    • transitions their number in any way.
  • That is, the accounts that you can receive will be displayed. This is the number of transitions to your profile or by external link, as well as the number of subscribers. The statistics of the groups you have created are also checked.
  • The menu is no different. Moreover, it is depicted in the same graphs and diagrams. Even consists of the main criteria. Therefore, we will not delve into this issue.
Additional recordings of the record
Additional recordings of the record

Important: on the Internet you can find many sites and services that provide services for wrapping subscribers and varnishes. Services are paid and free. This is an opportunity to promote your page or group much faster, thereby increasing its statistics.

VK has long gone beyond the social network for dating and communication. It can serve as a full -fledged tool for business. Many pages with goods and services are direct proof of this. The plus is that most functions are provided to users absolutely free.

It is not very important, we are talking about a personal page, group or trading page - statistics are always important. High -quality and detailed display is an opportunity to correctly evaluate your capabilities, as well as a chance to plan further actions. Or just satisfy curiosity.

Video: How to find out the statistics of attendance in VK?

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