How to find out pH of blood, where to pass the analysis, how to measure at home a device, a test of stripes? Normal acidity, blood pH of a healthy person and blood acidity with cancer: comparison

How to find out pH of blood, where to pass the analysis, how to measure at home a device, a test of stripes? Normal acidity, blood pH of a healthy person and blood acidity with cancer: comparison

Everyone should know his pH of blood. Blood acidification leads to the appearance of diseases and poor health. Strong alcohol - flabby skin, dry and brittle hair, nails.

There is its level of acid-base balance in every fluid, including human blood. If there is a disorder in the functioning of the body or impaired work of a particular system or organ, a blood pH analysis is done.

  • The term pH of blood is the level of hydrogen content in the body and total acidity. If the alkalis balance is respected, then all systems and organs function normally.
  • The acid-base balance is in normal condition if the liver, lungs and kidneys function well and coherently. These are real "compensators" that remove harmful substances from the body.
  • Therefore, each person must control the level of PH of blood in order to prevent the development of serious diseases.

Blood PH level of a healthy person: norm

Blood PH level of a healthy person: norm
Blood PH level of a healthy person: norm

The level of alkaline blood indicator is the basis for doctors to prescribe treatment if they have great deviations from the norm. Thanks to these indicators, you can control the condition of the body, and if malfunctions in the work of organs or systems occur, such an analysis should be done.

The normal level of blood PH of a healthy person is not less than 7.35 and not higher than 7.45. All indicators that differ from the norm in a smaller or larger direction are deviations that are not compatible with life and require urgent intervention of doctors.

PH of blood with acidosis

PH of blood with acidosis
PH of blood with acidosis

If the acidity in the body is normal, then PH will be at the level of 7.4 units. With a significant decrease in this indicator, the diagnosis of acidosis is made. The level of blood pH for acidosis is 7.0 or less.

Acidosis in a mild form does not show itself. But, if the indicators are reduced to the critical limits, which can be recorded only in laboratory conditions, then a person feels such symptoms:

  • lack of oxygen;
  • a sense of shock at the primary stage of many diseases - diabetes and others;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting or urge to it;
  • breathing problems.

Acidification of the body occurs for such basic reasons:

  • nervous tension;
  • obesity;
  • against the background of cardiovascular diseases;
  • when eating sweet and meat foods in large quantities.

If a severe form of acidosis is detected, it is necessary to establish the causes of this disease. Be sure to consult a doctor who will correctly prescribe treatment, a diet and tell you about all the consequences, if you do not control the level of pH of blood.

PH of blood for alkalosis

PH of blood for alkalosis
PH of blood for alkalosis

Alkalosis, unlike acidosis, manifests itself as soon as blood pH indicators become above 7.45. When there is a strong snatching the body, the skin becomes flabby and dry. A person acquires an ugly appearance of a “dried wooden bitch”.

The level of blood pH for alkalosis is normalized if the causes that caused this deviation are eliminated. The treatment process can be started with the implementation of respiratory gymnastics. This will help to saturate blood with compounds of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the correct proportion. Read more about the acidification and snatching of the body in this article.

Important: do not self -medicate! It may be dangerous. Never put even approximate diagnoses to yourself and loved ones.

Blood PH levels with cancer: comparison

Blood PH levels with cancer: comparison
Blood PH levels with cancer: comparison

The level of blood pH in humans ranges throughout life. But there are critical indicators when chronic diseases and even cancer may occur. It is bad for the human body when the body is very acidic, that is, PH is below 7.45 units, and when there is a sharp alkali. If the indicator is at a level below 6.0 units, then the alarm should be sound.

Blood pH for cancer is below 6.0. With such indicators, a person has poor complexion, pale lips, there is no blush, hair and nails break. We can say that a person has a sore appearance.

Remember: only a doctor should make a diagnosis! Do not do anything yourself. If you have doubts about your health, undergo an examination and pass the necessary tests. You can only score alarm in a timely manner if you feel malaise or other symptoms that interfere with living normally.

Only a doctor should compare pH of blood in cancer. He will be able to correctly prescribe treatment and take emergency measures that will be salvation for health.

How to measure pH of blood at home with a device, stripes test?

How to measure pH of blood at home with a device, stripes test?
How to measure pH of blood at home with a device, stripes test?

Of course, with any health problems, you should go to the clinic - to an appointment with the doctor. But it often happens that we do not have time to go to the hospital - do not be discouraged. You can measure pH of blood at home with a device or a test of stripes.

A special device is sold at a pharmacy or in any medical equipment store. It costs inexpensively, but is very useful for measuring pH of blood at home. If you have not found such a device, use test strips. They are sold in every pharmacy and there are a penny. If you find neither stripes nor a tester in a pharmacy, you can order everything you need via the Internet.

How to measure pH of blood at home by test strips-tips:

  • Pierce the finger of the right hand by the Scarifier, which is also sold in pharmacies.
  • Squeeze a little blood in some small container. Well, if you have a laboratory test tube.
  • Lower the test strip into this blood, hold for a few seconds, take it out of the test tube, and evaluate the result.
  • The scale for determining the alkaline reaction in the body is on the package with stripes. Compare the color and find out the result.

When measuring PH indicators using the device, it occurs faster, easier and more convenient. You do not need to pierce your finger, the device will do everything yourself: a puncture, fence and give out the result.

Where to pass the test for pH of blood?

Where to pass the test for pH of blood?
Where to pass the test for pH of blood?

Laboratory tests are much more accurate than indicators that are obtained at home. If you decide to take a blood pH test in a special laboratory, you can contact the clinic at the place of registration or any private clinic. The analysis will be ready on the day of blood fence. The doctor may invite you to take an analysis during a planned examination or preventive procedures, if there are deviations in health.

What does pH of blood depend on?

What does pH of blood depend on?
What does pH of blood depend on?

If the pH level becomes too low-less than 7.35 (sour) or too high-more than 7.45-8 (alkaline), then the cells of our body begin to poison themselves with toxic emissions and die. Trumps and toxins appear in large quantities. In this case, many people begin to remove these harmful substances from the body. But you just need to normalize the indicators of pH of blood, urine and saliva. What does pH of blood depend on?

This indicator depends on the following factors:

  • Nutritions - you need to learn the basics of proper nutrition. In our body, the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be observed.
  • Stress resistance - constant nervous tension leads to acidification of the body. Learn to be calm and not be nervous in trifles.
  • Obesity - when the body is acidified, it begins to accumulate fat. If you alkalize, then you will immediately begin to lose weight, which means that your well -being, condition of the skin and hair will improve.

The acid-base balance in the body depends on the preservation of the correct proportions between the intercellular and intracellular waters in the tissues. If the acid-base equilibrium of liquids will not be observed constantly, it will be impossible to preserve life and the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

What does pH depend on?
What does pH depend on?

How to reduce acidity and raise pH of blood?

How to reduce acidity and raise pH of blood?
How to reduce acidity and raise pH of blood?

Acid-base balance is our health indicator. The "more likely" a person, the faster he begins to age and get sick more. For the normal functioning of all organs and systems, the PH level in the body should be alkaline at least 7.35 units. How to reduce acidity and raise pH of blood? A few tips:

  • Exclude meat products from the diet. You can fish, but in small quantities.
  • It is important to make your food right. Make the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Use boiled and steam dishes, exclude all fried. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Stop nervous. Review your attitude to life - exclude stressful situations.
  • Practice separate nutrition. This will help the body quickly reduce acidity and normalize digestion. Products used in separateness will be better digested.

You can use special drops that are sold in a pharmacy to plow water. Alkaline water will help reduce acidity, the kidneys, stomach and intestines will begin to work well. If your body is very acidified, go to a raw food diet.

But remember! It is dangerous to conduct experiments yourself! Before switching to an alkaline diet or drinking alkaline water, consult a doctor.

How to increase acidity and reduce blood pH?

How to increase acidity and reduce blood pH?
How to increase acidity and reduce blood pH?

It is bad for the body when the alkaline blood balance is greatly increased and has high rates. How to increase acidity and reduce blood pH? Tips:

  • Eat acid -containing food - grain, legumes, protein foods (meat, eggs).
  • Use foods rich in dietary fiber.
  • Three times a day you can take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with honey.
  • Vitamin C reduces pH levels.
  • Do breathing gymnastics with deep breaths.
  • If there are no medical contraindications, you can use dietary supplements - food enzymes and others.
  • Correct the vitamin status in the body by taking polyvitamin complexes.

Also, to increase acidity, it is necessary to carry out prevention and adequate treatment of the genitourinary system.

How does calcium pH affect PH?

How does calcium pH affect PH?
How does calcium pH affect PH?

Calcium is an alkaline substance. How does calcium pH affect PH? Our body is a smart “system”. In order to prevent critical indicators of the acid-base balance, with severe acidification, it begins to get calcium and magnesium from our bones and teeth.

When acidification of the body, it will be useful to drink a course of calcium. But this substance is well absorbed if it is taken with magnesium and vitamin D3. The pharmacy sells special vitamin complexes with calcium. Magnesium is a lot in fresh herbs and green vegetables.

How to maintain a constantly normal blood pH level?

How to maintain a constantly normal blood pH level?
How to maintain a constantly normal blood pH level?

If acidity indicators are normal, it is recommended to regularly take tests and check the level of PH. How to maintain a constantly normal blood pH level? Tips:

  • Take the norm to eat right. Eat at least 5 servings (1 portion - 100 grams) of fresh vegetables and fruits. There are food products especially enriched with vitamins, minerals and contributing to the equilibrium of useful substances.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports. Throw smoking and drinking alcohol - all this strongly and quickly acidifies the body.
  • Use mineral water without gases, freshly squeezed juices, phito fees.
  • Exclude fatty, calorie, smoked food, coffee, tea from the diet.

Harmful compounds that accumulate during acidification of the body do not leave the body, but are deposited on the walls of blood vessels. To get rid of the consequences of acidification, it is necessary to carry out prolonged cleansing measures. Therefore, it is better to always keep your pH of blood, as well as urine and saliva.

What products acidify blood: table

Plan your diet and lifestyle in such a way that you are not worried about problems with the level of alkali in the blood. A competent diet will help maintain health and youth for life. So, what foods acidify blood? Table:

What products acidify blood: table
What products acidify blood: table

If your blood is much acidified, change your preferences in food. Proper nutrition in fashion for several years now, but there are still many people in the world who do not know what this term means.

What products are alkalized by blood: table

If you have health problems, take a blood test to the pH level. Processed blood must be alkalized, otherwise malfunctions in the work of organs and systems will lead to the most unpleasant consequences. What products are alkalized by blood? Table:

What products are alkalized by blood: table
What products are alkalized by blood: table

More detailed food information that alkalize and acidify blood, you will see in this article on our website. It is important to remember that with a neutral biological environment, our body has an amazing ability to self -healing. Therefore, strive to maintain your acid-base balance, in order not to get sick and remain young for a long time.

Video: Acid alkaline balance - pH Equilibrium (Kscher): alkalization of the body, acidification - the basis of health

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Comments K. article

  1. what, it is nonsense to measure the stripes, it was not possible for the strip to become red many times and that's it

  2. Where and when can I take a blood test for pH?

  3. Analysis on PH of blood can be passed in the Skliflab laboratory
    The analysis is done in the morning and is ready the next day.

  4. Lakmus paper, when examining blood, is painted red due to the natural dye of blood.

  5. How to make alkaline water: 1 tsp. Soda without a slide is placed in a glass and poured with hot water (80-90’s) per third of a glass. So she is extinguished. Then we dilute the water cold to body temperature. It is drunk strictly on an empty stomach and half an hour before meals. This is by the method of Professor Neumyvakin. Doctors will never tell you about this. Many people have been drinking soda for years. The results are usually good. Stop hurting. Get rid of all types of tumors. Remember - there is no cancer !!!. There is acidicity of the body. Drink soda and be healthy!

  6. Soda which is now stuck no longer.

  7. I don’t remember something that the Neumyvakin would recommend filling soda with boiling water, hot water. These are wise women appeared on the sites. The founder Elena Roerich took soda or in its pure form and washed down with water or diluted with warm water, read Agenogo. Boiling water turns soda into a washing soda-soda alkali. In addition, the main effect of the ashes of the Divine fire-saral, it acts on the spiritual plan ...

  8. For some reason, the article has so much confusion. In acidified blood, neither bacteria, nor microbes, nor viruses survive, calcium and cholesterol in the arteries are not postponed. But in alkaline blood they feel great, and calcium and cholesterol are deposited in arteries (arterosclerosis and stones in various organs). And in acidic fruits and berries, organic acids are contained, which acidify blood and dissolve harmful cholesterol and calcium in the vessels. Dairy products are super dose of calcium that eliminate blood, and even our hard water in addition.

  9. on one of the pictures, moving along the arrow towards the increase of PH is written “Health”, in the other, moving in the same direction says “Death”. What does it mean?

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