How to find out what number the page is registered in VKontakte and why is it necessary?

How to find out what number the page is registered in VKontakte and why is it necessary?

To know what number your page is registered with VKontakte is very important, at least then to restore it if necessary. How and where to see it will tell our article.

VKontakte has a very good user protection. Each page has its own identifier, and each user enters the page under personal data. The phone number and email are necessarily tied to the pages.

They allow the user to always be aware of what is happening on the page. Below we will tell you how to find out what number the VKontakte page is registered with. It is impossible to obtain such data legally without the consent of the user.

How do I find out what number my VKontakte page is attached to?

During registration, each user VKontakte enters the phone number. The numbers can be checked in the settings. To do this, click at the right on your avatar and open the corresponding section.

All your data, as well as personal settings, will be displayed in the new window. That is, all this can be changed if necessary. When trying to watch your phone number, you will not succeed, because only its beginning and end are displayed. As a rule, this is already enough to understand what number the page is attached to.


Despite everything, a complete set of numbers will not work, because it is closed for the security of the owner. If the owner still does not remember the phone number or he is no longer used, then it is better to contact it to replace it to the site support service.

Phone number
Phone number

It is worth saying right away that this will result in a long confirmation procedure that you are really the master of your page.

How to find out what number a foreign page of VKontakte is attached to?

If you want to know someone else's phone number, then keep in mind that it will not be easy, but still there are options, let's find out which ones:

  • On the Internet there are many services offering a symbolic fee to get any data. These are craftsmen who allegedly know how to break accounts, but in fact they only harm. If suddenly the administration notices that there is some suspicious activity on the page, then the owner will receive a notification and password, most likely, will be quickly changed.
  • Some users indicate their phone number in the contacts and the page is tied to it.
Friends VKontakte
Friends VKontakte
  • Modern users are rarely registered in only one social network. You can try to look for a person in other services and see, suddenly the phone number is indicated there. Quick search can be done through Yandex.Ludi.
  • As an option, you can contact a person through a fake page. Only first think about your legend. Start the dialog, the purpose of which will be the phone number. You can offer a discount, profitable prices or something else, in general, everything is in your hands-interest a person so that he wants to leave your number. The disadvantage of the method is that the page may well be tied to another phone number.
  • Often, VKontakte users come any newsletter with a proposal to earn on social networks. You may be surprised, but many really want such a job, despite a lot of deception, and therefore they will not even suspect anything strange if they suddenly ask their phone number.
  • Friends of the profile owner can also help. You can try to make friends with them and find out the necessary data through them.
  • The most difficult method of all is the creation of a one -page website with a form for entering a mobile. Then we give a link to the site to the right person and he must leave his phone. To do this, you must make a text that will not leave it indifferent.

If you are not familiar with the owner of the page personally, it will be extremely difficult to get his phone number. Vkontakte takes care of data security and even after hacking the full number will still be unavailable. In such cases, there is more chances to cheat a little and get a personal correspondence number.

Video: We will find out which page VKontakte tied the mobile number we need!

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  1. we will help you

  2. Hello, I need to find out the phone number of the account in contact, send me the necessary information on this issue

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