How to find out if there is a ban on exit, outbound or non -traveling abroad?

How to find out if there is a ban on exit, outbound or non -traveling abroad?

In this article, we will consider the reasons and ways to find out about the ban on traveling abroad.

Each of us, by virtue of our capabilities, prefers to relax at foreign resorts than in domestic sanatoriums. We all travel for different purposes: someone is wandering at work, someone in order to be saturated with new emotions and impressions, and someone just runs away from the everyday routine to the sea coast with a white pebble and the scorching sun. However, sometimes a ban on traveling abroad can violate any plans. Therefore, we offer you an introductory material to prepare in advance and solve a similar problem.

How to find out if there is a ban on traveling abroad: criteria for leaving

Do not assume that the ban on traveling abroad will just fall on your head. Therefore, first of all, you should figure out the reason. Perhaps introspection will tell you whether you can cross the border to other countries.

  • The very first requirement is adulthood. If you are not 18, then unaccompanied by adults to cross the border to any country will be prohibited. By the way, if the child is not accompanied by his official guardians (for example, a coach), then parents are obliged to write and assure the notary permission to travel abroad.
  • In addition, the reason for the refusal may be Service in leadership positions in state enterprises and service in the Armed Forces. A special place is given the column “Top Secret” or “special importance”. This also applies to employees in the army or in such public service not under a contract!
  • The most common reason that can create obstacles to travel abroad - unfamed credit debts and expired fines.
    • Do not forget that for a long time you dodge debts, ignore fines and taxes or do not pay alimony, then debts will gradually accumulate, and the amount becomes more. Today, the minimum amount of accumulated debt, due to which the government has the right to refuse to travel outside the country-30 thousand rubles.
    • If you are aware of your unpaid loans and debts, it is better to cover them at least 3 weeks before going abroad. Ideally, of course, to prevent delay on loans.

Important: In Russia, the purpose of prohibitions on traveling abroad is regulated by the Unified Law "On Enforcement Proceedings". Which states that the bailiff has the right, based on the claim of the claimant or from personal interests, temporarily or on an ongoing basis limit the debtor’s departure outside the country.

The most common reason is the presence of debts
The most common reason is the presence of debts

Visiting or non -exit abroad - how to determine using online services: Links

Residents of the Russian Federation can check the ban on traveling abroad and their opportunity on the following sites:

There are several sites where it is very simple to check
There are several sites where it is very simple to check

Important: This is a paid site. For the provision of all available debts and recommendations for solving such a problem, you will need to pay 299 rubles. Also, it will be necessary to enter passport data without fail. By the way, you can also repay this debts through this form online.

As you can see, to check if there is a ban on traveling abroad is very simple. Do not miss this step if you have an important trip or even just a vacation. Even purely for prevention purposes, it will not hurt to view your data on the FSSP. By the way, repayment of the debt due to the delay of the site for 14 days, as well as the migration services themselves, and you need to carry out during this period before departure.

Video: How to check the ban on traveling abroad?

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