How to moisten the air in a room without a moisturizer? Ways to moisturize the air in the room of the baby in winter: Description. How to make a hinged humidifier for a battery with your own hands?

How to moisten the air in a room without a moisturizer? Ways to moisturize the air in the room of the baby in winter: Description. How to make a hinged humidifier for a battery with your own hands?

Ways to moisturize air without a humidifier. DIY Moisturizer manufacturing instructions.

Dry air in the room can lead to a mass of negative consequences. This is especially important for children up to 1 year old. Indeed, in infants, the nasopharynx is only formed, as well as the respiratory tract, so dry air can cause serious diseases, as well as an allergic reaction. In this article, we will tell you in what ways you can moisturize the air in the room without using special, expensive means and humidifiers.

Why moisten the air in the apartment?

Please note that all homemade humidifiers and measures given in this article are only a temporary solution. An ideal option will be the purchase of a humidifier of air, which will constantly produce steam and moisturize the room. At the very beginning, it is necessary to purchase a gigrometer that shows the temperature, as well as humidity in the room.

This is especially important if you have children up to 1 year old, as well as preschool babies who visit kindergarten and often suffer from respiratory diseases. Wet air in the room helps faster and easier to endure SARS, as well as colds, because it is able to moisturize the nasopharynx and relieve breathing.

Air moisture
Air moisture

The reasons why you need to moisturize the air in the room:

  • Dry air causes a sore, as well as discomfort in the nasopharynx. Problems may also have problems who regularly use contact lenses. Due to the lack of moisture in the room, the mucous membrane of the eye may dry out, which causes itching, burning, as well as allergic reactions.
  • Air with low humidity is dangerous for children, as well as asthmatics and allergy sufferers.
  • In a dry room, a larger amount of allergens, dust hovered, which easily gets into the respiratory tract. The lack of humidity in the room provokes headaches, fatigue, as well as allergic reactions. The hair at the same time becomes dull, inanimate, as well as brittle.
  • In addition, dry air negatively affects not only human health, but also on the state of indoor plants. They quickly dry out and it is necessary to take care of them more, regularly sprayed from the sprayer.

Remember that high humidity is as harmful as dry air. Because it provokes the growth of the fungus, mold in the apartment. It can cause the development of asthma and allergies, diseases of the respiratory system. Therefore, adhere to the golden mean and control the humidity in the room with hygrometers.

Moisten the air in the room
Moisten the air in the room

How to moisten the air in the room in winter?

Of course, the simplest, but most expensive way to moisturize the air in the room is the acquisition of a humidifier. Now a huge number of models are presented on the market. This is mainly an ultrasonic humidifier equipped with a special device in which ultrasound turns water into cold steam. But such devices are not very cheap. Therefore, if there is no extra money in the family budget, you can do with improvised means.

Ways to moisturize the air in the room of the newborn:

  • Drying linen on the battery. After washing, even in a super modern washing machine, linen remains slightly wet. It must be placed on the sidewalls of the bed, chairs or on the heating radiator. As the moisture dries will fall into the air in the room. Thus, the amount of moisture in the room will increase three times.
  • Regular ventilation of the room. Effective if the street is high humidity, it rains. The most suitable option in the winter, when air humidity is high. It is necessary to ventilate the room for 5-10 minutes a day. It is advisable to do this three times a day. Remember, if you have small children in your house, it is best to ventilate early in the morning, after the child’s awakening, and immediately before bedtime. This will help the baby will fall asleep faster, reduce the temperature in the room, if it is very hot. It will help to sleep stronger and better.
  • Hanging wet towels. If you do not need to wash every day, there is no such large amount of linen, you can moisten towels in water and hang them into heating or batteries. The towel must be squeezed until the water stops flowing from it. So that the drops do not fall to the floor, and do not accumulate under the batteries.
  • Indoor plants, as well as the arrangement of the greenhouse. You need to put pots with flowers on the windowsill and throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The water that you will water regularly evaporates from the surface of the soil. Thus, air in the room itself is moistened. Spraying of plants will also positively affect the microclimate indoors.
  • Arrangement of fountains, as well as the content of aquariums. It is necessary that the room has an aquarium, a home -made or purchased fountain of water. Tanks with a large area in which water is gained, perfectly give moisture to the environment. This will also help improve the condition of plants in the room.
  • Tazik with water. It is necessary to find a baking sheet or container that has a fairly large hole, a large diameter. That is, it is necessary that the surface from which water evaporates is large. Containers near the heating radiators are placed on bedside tables, cabinets or under the bed.
  • You can moisturize the air in the room with the help wet cleaning. We recommend that in the morning and in the evening wet cleaning. Thus, you can wash off all dust, which will be very useful if the family has children, allergies, as well as people suffering from chronic rhinitis. They dry out the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and nose.
Moisten the air in the room
Moisten the air in the room

How to make a moisturizer with your own hands: video

This is a simple device that can be made from a steam generator. Read more in the video.

Video: DIY electric humidifier

How to moisten the air in a room without a moisturizer?

You can also moisturize the air in the room with a homemade moisturizer. This is not an electric device, but a very interesting design.


  • You will need a two -liter plastic bottle. Using adhesive tape, you need to make two handles. With their help, the humidifier will be attached to the battery. It is best to hang this humidifier on a narrow pipe, which leads to a heating radiator. Further, in the center, it is necessary to cut a rectangular hole.
  • Fill a bottle to half with water. Take a bandage or a wide cotton fabric cut into strips. Moisten it in water, wrap the battery. Dear the middle part of this segment in the water. Thus, the fabric that lies on the battery will constantly moisturize, and the high temperature of the radiator will allow it to evaporate.
  • Air humidity in the room will constantly increase. A very simple, cheap way that will increase humidity in the room.
Do -it -yourself humidifier
Do -it -yourself humidifier

Remember, the best humidity option is 40 - 60%. It is determined using a hygrometer. If you do not have it, you can determine how dry air in the room can be using a very simple experiment.

Determination of humidity in a room without a hygrometer:

  • Fill the faceted glass with water and refrigerate for several hours. Put on the upper shelf, it is necessary that the water cools to a temperature of 3-5 degrees.
  • Take a glass and put in the room. It is necessary that he does not stand near radiators and batteries, but somewhere on the table or away from heat sources. Follow the condition of the glass. If droplets appear and dry for 10 minutes, the humidity is low, it must be increased. The air in the room is very dry.
  • If the droplets do not disappear on a glass for a long time, the humidity in the room is sufficient and there is no need to moisturize it.
  • If there were streams on the glass, and a puddle with drops that glass from the glass formed near it, the humidity in the room is high. It is necessary to take measures in order to reduce humidity in the room.
Moisten the air in the room
Moisten the air in the room

Do -it -yourself hinged humidifier

You can increase humidity in the room using hinged moisturizers. Now there are special containers on sale, which are performed in different designs. They resemble small ceramic containers with holes that are attached to heating radiators using hooks. If you have no desire to purchase such products, you can make them yourself.


  • An old vase with a rectangular section or one flat side is suitable, which will be perfectly adjacent to the battery. You need to make holes on the back wall with a drill.
  • Using a thick wire, make a hook. Next, we attach one part of the hook to the container, and the second directly to the battery. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole is small, you can hang several such containers on the battery.
  • Remember, the larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe cross -section of the hole, the faster the water disappears, and less such moisturists are necessary in order to increase humidity in the room.
Waterfall for moisturizing
Waterfall for moisturizing

As you can see, increasing humidity even without the help of a moisturizer is quite simple. It is necessary to show your imagination and creativity, as well as use our tips. You can make both an electric and a simpler humidifier with your own hands.

Video: DIY Moisturizer

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