How to see a prophetic dream: methods. Conspiracy, prayer for prophetic sleep, for a mirror, water. How to make a prophetic dream, future? How to find out your future in a dream?

How to see a prophetic dream: methods. Conspiracy, prayer for prophetic sleep, for a mirror, water. How to make a prophetic dream, future? How to find out your future in a dream?

Ways to cause prophetic dreams.

Prophetic dreams do not dream as often as you want. But there are situations when we just need to see a hint or plan our time. In this case, rituals, rituals that help cause prophetic dreams will help you.

How to see a prophetic dream: Ways

Most often, such dreams have been dreaming from Thursday to Friday, but if you want to call a prophetic dream, it is not necessary to do this on the eve of these days. A prophetic dream can dream of almost any day, the main thing is to do everything right. At the very beginning, you need to deal with thoughts and choose a ritual, because in fact there are a huge number. The easiest way is to take a piece of rock crystal, put it in the bed, just go to bed, asking the pebble to tell you how to deal with the current situation. Thus in the morning you can wake up with a clean head.

In this case, more than one dream may be dreamed. You need to take a sheet of paper, just write down what I dreamed about postponing it. After a few days, pick up paper and read. Thus, you can solve what you need to do, how to do in this situation. If you don’t remember anything, then you should not worry. The situation that you are experiencing will be solved by itself.

In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

How to find out your future in a dream: Rules

There are several general rules that should be followed in the process of calling prophetic dreams.


  • To go to bed in a good mood, not to be nervous and calm down, to acquire emotional balance. Only after that you can deal with the rite and ask the prophetic dream to dream
  • It is necessary that in the room, before you go to bed, be cleanly removed, ventilated
  • It is necessary to fall asleep on this night alone. Therefore, if you have a friend, leave him in another room
  • You need to sleep in a separate room, on a separate bed. Try not to interfere with you
  • If possible, go to parents or to a hotel room for one night
  • Sleep, it is best to carry out rituals on the growing moon
  • Please note that the decreasing moon of dreams may dream of untrue, so you will not receive answers to your questions
  • Please note that during the prophetic sleep, that is, in the night before which you read, prayer or pronounced a conspiracy, you can not sit down, drink or read in a muffled light
  • After reading a prayer or conspiracy, you must immediately go to bed and turn off the light, try to fall asleep. You can't talk to anyone
  • As soon as you see a prophetic dream, you can’t retell it and talk about what you dreamed. Because you can get trouble on yourself
In a dream

Conspiracy for a prophetic dream: rite with a mirror

There are several rites that will help to call prophetic sleep. Basically, they often use a prayer, a conspiracy on a mirror or water.


  • It is necessary to purchase a new mirror, round. Best if it is new
  • But if it is not, you can take and thoroughly wipe the mirror with alcohol
  • It is desirable that it does not keep any energy
  • That is why it is better to purchase new items
  • Before going to bed, you need to sit down at the mirror and tell him certain words
  • It is advisable after these words not to talk with anyone and not to treat, to go to bed
  • If you haven't dreamed of anything, you need to repeat the ceremony for several days
  • It should be borne in mind that it is better to spend it on the growing moon
  • If you had a prophetic dream, say in a fist: "What I wanted, then I got it"

Conspiracy words:

As darkness and light in the SIM mirror, it is reflected, so to appear in it.

The method is simple and effective, does not require the acquisition of any new items.

In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

Plot for prophetic sleep on water

To do this, you will need holy water, as well as a candle, which is desirable to purchase in the church so that everything is sacred. The rite is quite simple, carried out quickly and easily.


  • It is necessary in the evening, before going to bed, sit at the table, close the curtains so that it is dark in the room. Put a glass of water, light a candle
  • The conspiracy is read 3 times. As soon as this is done, you need to go to the bathroom, wash yourself with this water and say two words: "I made it, come true"
  • After that, you need to talk to anyone, go to rest
  • This is one of the simplest ways, but requires the acquisition of candles and preliminary consecration of water


Pure water, holy water, help the servant of God (the servant of God) (your name) to see the dream. Let him dream of him (her) everything that will happen and will come true. Let him (a) remember everything, let him know. My word is the law, as he said (a), so be it. Amen!


How to make a prophetic dream: prayer

There are simpler ways. One of them is from reading prayer at night. The prayer is short, simple, read for seven times.


  • The fact is that this prayer is also read in a room where there is no one. You need to sleep alone, on the bed that you laid specifically for sleeping
  • Please note that such a rite should not be carried out more often than once every two months
  • You can resort to it only in case of emergency. If you didn’t dream of anything, or you didn’t remember anything at all, this is a good sign
  • It means that nothing needs to be afraid. All your fears from scratch, so the misfortune will not happen
  • Angels do not try to warn you about anything, because everything will be fine
The words
The words

Since ancient times, people seek to find out what awaits them, so they resort to various methods. One of them is a prophetic dream that will help to prevent trouble and suggest how to behave in a specific situation.

Video: How to see a prophetic dream?

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