How to enlarge your lips? Increasing the volume of lips with hyaluronic acid, botox, fillers. What can not be done after lips?

How to enlarge your lips? Increasing the volume of lips with hyaluronic acid, botox, fillers. What can not be done after lips?

What are the procedures to enlarge the lips? What is each of them? Is it possible to enlarge your lips on your own at home?

Puffy and voluminous lips have been considered a sign of perfection and sexuality for several years. Angelina Jolie, characterized by rather large and expressive lips, made the whole world admire herself and imitate herself. What just does not invent and invents modern plastic surgery and the beauty industry in order to make female lips similar to the standard set.

Funds for increasing the volume of the lips. What is the best way to enlarge your lips?

What is the best way to enlarge your lips?
What is the best way to enlarge your lips?
  • When answering this question, it is necessary for a start to say that there are absolutely painless, but not very persistent, means to enlarge lips. Such tools include a variety of lipsticks, shine, cream and masks. They really are able to give additional volume to the lips. However, this effect lasts a rather short
  • The second category includes so -called painful procedures. They are not as painful as they cause some discomfort. Also, such manipulations have their own contraindications, and after them it will take some time for rehabilitation. It is best to perform such procedures in cosmetic salons or clinics of plastic surgery
  • The differences between the means to enlarge the lips are also in price. If almost every woman can afford cosmetics, then salon procedures will cost many times more. Yes, the effect of such techniques will last more than one month, however, not everyone is capable of paying such an amount of money at a time

In order to decide on the best means to enlarge the lips, we will consider in detail each of the existing methods.

How to enlarge lips with hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid enlargement
Hyaluronic acid enlargement
  • Hyaluronic acid is a natural component produced in the human body. This substance is able to attract and hold moisture in itself. However, in sufficient quantities, the human body can produce hyaluronic acid only up to 25 years
  • When this age is reached, the production of acid is significantly reduced. This leads to dehydration. Therefore, in order to moisturize the skin and nourish it with a sufficient amount of moisture and hyaluronic acid is used
  • Hyaluronic acid is also directly related to the increase in lips. Due to its property, attract water, it fills it with the lip cavity, thereby giving them an additional volume
  • Hyaluronic acid can be introduced into the lips cavity in several ways - using injections and laser. The operation with the laser is safer, however, with it it is quite difficult to regulate the right amount of the introduced substance. Therefore, more often in cosmetology the so -called "beauty injections" are used
All for and against hyaluronic acid
All for "and" against "hyaluronic acid

Increased with hyaluronic acid, lips hold a given volume of about six months. After this time, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

The main advantages of increasing lips with hyaluronic acid:

  1. Hyaluronic acid is absolutely harmless to the human body
  2. The procedure can be attributed to the category of painless
  3. The rehabilitation period passes quickly and easily
  4. Hyaluronic acid can not only enlarge the lips, but also adjust their shape and save them from all kinds of flaws

Disadvantages of the procedure:

  • Considerable cost (from $ 100)
  • The duration of the substance is no more than six months
  • There are a number of contraindications for the procedure (pregnancy, autoimmune diseases, skin and blood, diabetes mellitus)

But, despite all their shortcomings, hyaluronic acid injections today remain the most popular means to increase the volume of the lips.

How to enlarge the lips with Botox?

Lip correction with Botox
Lip correction with Botox
  • As such, Botox is not able to enlarge his lips. To give lips, botulinum toxin can only be used in tandem with hyaluronic acid. The fact is that Botox has a paralytic effect on the muscles of the face, thereby relaxing them and letting them relax. Thanks to this, the skin is smoothed and wrinkles disappear. This is the main action of Botox
  • That is, botulinum toxin can be used only to give the lips the correct shape, tightening and smoothing the skin in their area.
  • Botox is inserted under the skin using an injection. The effect of Botox injections persists from six months to a year
  • Contraindications to this procedure are pregnancy, autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases, skin and blood diseases, muscles, any tumors

How to enlarge your lips with a filler?

Fillers for lips
Fillers for lips
  • First you need to figure out what filler is. Fillers are considered all substances of natural or synthetic origin, which are inserted into the lips with the help of injection. In other words, the same hyaluronic acid and Botox are also fillers
  • To increase the lips, fillers based on hyaluronic acid, fatty tissues (lipofillers) and biopolymer compounds (biopolymers or modeling gels) are most often used.
  • The hyaluron has already been written above, but on the gel and lipofillers you can stop a little
Lipofilling of the lips
Lipofilling of the lips

Lipofilling is an operation that is carried out in several stages. First, a woman with liposuction takes a small amount of fat from a certain part of the body. Then the resulting substance is driven through a centrifuge, which separates all unnecessary components from the desired fat. Already directly obtained adipose tissue is inserted into the lip cavity.

This procedure has a number of advantages:

  1. Lipofilling allows you to adjust the shape of the lips and increase their volume
  2. The effect of the procedure has been held for years, and half of the adipose tissue remains in the lip cavity for life
  3. The procedure is considered not very painful and rehabilitation after it goes relatively quickly and easy

But lipofiling has its own shortcomings:

  • Contraindications to the operation are all the same diseases as for other fillers
  • If adipose tissue does not take root in the lips, it will turn into lumps that cannot be removed in any way-it will be necessary to wait for their complete resorption
  • As a rule, in order to maintain a long effect, it is necessary to carry out several corrective procedures
  • Lipofilling is not cheap pleasure

Now it is worth talking about the procedure for lip enforcement with a gel:

General enlargement with gel
General enlargement with gel
  • It was fashionable to increase the lips with a biopolymer gel about ten years ago. These were the first drugs introduced into the lips to acquire swelling and volume. Hyaluronic acid was replaced today
  • The fact is that the gel is a synthetic and foreign substance. In principle, this fact indicates the duration of the effect of the use of biopolymers. However, hyaluronic acid due to the nature of its origin, although it has a shorter effect, is more safe for the human body
  • The fact is that gels introduced into the lips do not dissolve and remain there forever. But over time, they are still gradually excreted from the body. In such cases, a correction or the so -called "swing" of the lips is required
  • This is where the problem arises. It consists in the fact that almost all old, proven manufacturers of biopolymer gels naughty them to produce them, and it is very difficult to judge the quality of new positions, since the use of the gel was significantly reduced, and there are very few reviews about new manufacturers
  • There is another problem - if the client wants to get rid of the gel in the lips, it will be very difficult to do, since over the years he is overgrown with other fabrics that can be damaged when it is removed

Increase in the lower lip. Procedure for lip enforcement.

Lip enforcement operations
Lip enforcement operations

The lower lip, like the upper one, can be increased in two ways:

  • With contour plastic, that is, fillers
  • Operationally

Since the fillers were talking higher, we will consider in more detail the increase in the lips surgically.

Surgical intervention, as a rule, is used in very complex cases, when the contour of the lips is significantly disturbed, there are noticeable scars or curvatures on the lips. The fact is that rehabilitation after this method of correcting the lips can drag on for a very long period. However, sometimes surgery is also possible at the request of the patient. If the lady insists that she wants to increase her lips in this way, the surgeon can go to the meeting and apply one of the methods described below.

Surgical method of lips
Surgical method of lips

There are several types of operations to correct the shape and contour of the lips:

  1. The V-Y Operation consists in the work of a small incision along the contour of the lips, the removal of a small section outside it and the displacement of the mucosa
  2. In some cases, instead of filler, a skin transplant is implanted into the lip cavity
  3. Operation on implanting implants into the lips (silicone or g.
  4. Lifting of the upper lip - is carried out by the work of a small incision above it and excision of a small piece of skin. Thus, after tightening the skin above the cut, the upper lip will rise slightly upward, exposing the teeth at the same time

All these operations are quite expensive and complex. Therefore, before deciding on them, you need to think carefully whether it is worth it.

Edema after lip enforcement

Edema after lip enforcement
Edema after lip enforcement

After the procedure for increasing lips, as after any mechanical exposure, swelling and redness may appear on the skin. With all kinds of procedures, different in visual manifestations are observed, and in time of swelling:

  1. With injections, edema fillers are a natural skin reaction to an injection. In addition, substances introduced into the lip cavity also interact with the human body. Hyaluronic acid, for example, is distinguished by the property of attracting moisture, which additionally adds volume. And Botox is a strong toxin, which cannot but cause reaction in the body. The edema from “beauty injections” lasts from three days to a week. With injections, fillers sometimes have some seals in the lips.
  2. Postoperative swelling is explained by the reaction of the body to the wound and implanting implants. With surgical intervention, hematomas and bruises can also appear. As a rule, all these manifestations should pass in a week or two.

To quickly get rid of edema, you can use ice. It must be regularly applied to the location of swelling.

If after the expiration of the specified deadlines the edema has not passed, it is urgent to contact a specialist who conducted the operation. Sometimes such manifestations are signs of inflammatory processes in the body requiring a radical solution.

Does it hurt to increase your lips?

Pain with lips increased
Pain with lips increased
  • Pain in the process of enlargement of the lips directly depend on the type of procedure. If we are talking about phillers, then the injection site is usually anesthesia, because the patient does not feel any discomfort
  • All surgical interventions are under general or local anesthesia. However, women can experience pain after anesthesia ceases to act. In any case, any wound or cut always hurts. So here. If there was an incision on the skin, the pain is inevitable
  • Permanent makeup is also carried out using local painkillers. This is usually ointments or creams
  • Home methods of lip enforcement are absolutely painless and non -mere

Where to enlarge your lips?

Where is it recommended to increase the lips?
Where is it recommended to increase the lips?
  • The decision to enhance lips always remains with their mistress. However, no matter what procedure the woman chosen, she definitely needs to collect information about the place where she is going to conduct her
  • This should be a well -established beauty salon or clinic of plastic surgery. The qualifications and experience of a specialist who will conduct the operation are considered important
  • In the modern world of the Internet, you can easily find reviews on certain procedures. At the same time, girls are happy to share their impressions of the operation itself and doctors who performed it

Increase the lips “before” and “after”. A photo

Hyaluronic acid enlargement: photo before and donkey
Hyaluronic acid enlargement: photo “B” and “donkey”
General enlargement with gel
General enlargement with gel

Is it possible to increase the lips forever?

Augmentation of the lips is forever
Augmentation of the lips is forever
  • To enlarge your lips forever, you can either pump a gel in them, or introduce a silicone implant. However, as mentioned above, the gel has the ability to resolve over time, because implants are considered to be more durable more durable
  • At the same time, implants can be removed at any time, since they are a homogeneous substance and do not spread through the fabric of the lips
  • In any case, girls, before going to such a serious step, should think a hundred times whether they need it for so long

What can not be done after lips?

What is not after the procedure for enlargement of the lips?
What is not after the procedure for enlargement of the lips?

After the procedure to enlarge the doctors, they recommend that their patients refrain from a number of manipulations and habits:

  • Go to the solarium, to the beach and the pool
  • Visit paired (baths and saunas)
  • For some time, use decorative cosmetics for the lips, especially poor and expired
  • Take drugs that can dilute blood (for example, aspirin)
  • The first days is not recommended to kiss passionately
  • You can not lick or wet your lips in the cold. This can lead to their weathing and peeling
  • Drink too hot drinks
  • It is advisable to limit the intake of spicy food and honey
  • It is recommended to give the muscles of the lips and faces associated with the lips within three days as much as possible. That is, it is desirable to strain the lips less when talking and exposing your emotions
  • It is worth it to abandon excessive physical exertion for some time

During the rehabilitation period, cosmetologists usually prescribe a number of drugs to alleviate the condition of the patient and quickly get rid of edema. It can be special creams, masks and compresses. It is also recommended to slightly massage the lips with your fingers to accelerate the process of resorption of the entered filler.

When can you alcohol after lips?

Is it possible to alcohol after lips?
Is it possible to alcohol after lips?
  • Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited a few days before the procedure to enlarge the lips
  • Drinking alcohol in the first three days after injections or surgery can cause excessive swelling in the skin of the face, which can significantly delay the healing process
  • In addition, alcohol expands blood vessels and increases blood flow. These processes, in turn, can reduce the effect of "beauty injection"
  • In addition to alcohol, it is advisable for women to refrain from smoking a month before and after surgery to enlarge the lips

Increase in the volume of the lips: tips and reviews

Is it worth increasing your lips?
Is it worth increasing your lips?
  • Many women of those who tested numerous methods of lip enforcement, eventually returned to their natural volumes and no longer experimented
  • Some, on the contrary, experienced more and more new ways. In any case, before deciding on any operation or mesotherapy, you need to think carefully and find out to the maximum about the clinic or salon where the procedure will be held
  • You must be sure that tomorrow you will not cease to like large and chubby lips, and you will not want to get rid of them. After all, the procedures themselves imply postoperative and after -thejection rehabilitation, which will take a lot of time
  • If you have to urgently get rid of puffy lips, it will also require additional time for healing. Therefore, it can still be better to use inventions in the field of cosmetics and exercises than to resort to more radical methods of enlarging the lips

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  1. I had long dreamed of puffy lips. And a few weeks ago it increased the lips with injections of hyaluronic acid. I am satisfied with the result, I and my husband like it. The cosmetologist is a master of his craft, performed the procedure adhering to all the rules of aseptics, and so that I was not tormented by pain during the session with an with analgesic cream of acryol. At the moment, I did not notice any side effects from the hyaluron.

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