How to insulate the pipe on the roof with your own hands: types and options for insulation, step -by -step instructions, tips

How to insulate the pipe on the roof with your own hands: types and options for insulation, step -by -step instructions, tips

If you are the owner of a private house in which there is a heating boiler, this means that there will be a pipe on the roof. For certain reasons, it must be insulated.

More information about why this is being done, and what events should be carried out will be told in this article.

Why insulate the pipes on the roof?

  • Pipes that go to the roof can absorb into themselves smoke and moisture. These adverse factors negatively affect the life of the heating system. It is especially important if you live in a region in which a sharp change in the temperature regime occurs. On the walls of the pipe, condensate will accumulate, which will be absorbed into the existing cracks in the chimney made of brick.
  • If the temperature regime of air decreases sharply, moisture that is inside may freeze. This will cause ice. When the water freezes, it will expand. This is a completely physical process. As a result, pressure will be pressure on the masonry design.
  • Under constant negative impact the chimney will collapse. In addition, one more danger should be noted. It consists in the fact that when fuel combustion, oxides will be released. They are the basis for sulfur and carbonic acid. Residues from combustion will settle on chimney pipes, which will provoke the destruction of brick and metal surfaces.
  • If you insulate the pipe on the roof, this will positively affect the timing of its operation. In addition to protection against adverse factors, it should be noted that it increases pipe efficiency coefficient. This is due to the fact that heat will remain inside. After the insulation procedure, you no longer have to spend money on repairing the structure.
  • Details of the roof that are near the chimney will not be subjected to high temperatures. It should also be noted that after insulation the chimney will acquire a presentable appearance. If you conduct the process of insulation of the pipe on the roof, heat losses passing through the chimney will be reduced.
Warming is extremely desirable
Warming is extremely desirable

Types of insulation for a pipe on the roof

The most important thing in the process of insulation of the pipe on the roof is to choose high -quality materials. Not only the aesthetics of the design and the quality of the final result, but also the installation rate will depend on this.

Most often use the following materials:

  • mineral wool - as a heater;
  • fiber insulation;
  • slag concrete and derivatives from it;
  • broken brick;
  • foam -glass.

The above materials are characterized by different prices, density and mechanical properties.

When you choose materials for work, take into account the following characteristics:

  • do not use materials that are easily ignited;
  • use varieties that have light weight and are supple in the process of work;
  • level density and thermal insulation;
  • thermal conductivity indicators;
  • the material from which the pipe is made;
  • indicators fire safety;
  • moisture missing level;
  • permissible loads.

If you are more interested in fire safety, use for work fiberglass or mineral wool. Also, such materials do not evaporate negative substances that are dangerous to humans, and are resistant to adverse environmental factors. Slagoblock They are used exclusively by professionals, because this material is quite complicated in work.

Options for insulation of the pipe on the roof

  • To date, there are a huge number of options for insulation of the pipe on the roof. As mentioned earlier, the most common - Using mineral wool and glass wool. The main thing is to choose materials supplied in the form of plates. If you use fibrous materials, take care of the hydraulic coating. Otherwise, the life will be reduced.
  • If a brick was used during the construction of the chimney, the surface should first be plastered. For these purposes, apply a mixture based on slag and lime. In the future, do not forget to regularly inspect the surface in order to carry out repairs in a timely manner. Otherwise, the cavities and cracks will form in which the soot will seep, and destroy the surface of the roof.
There are a lot of insulation options
There are a lot of insulation options

Stages of work on the insulation of the pipe on the roof

  • After choosing materials, you can start the main stages of work on warming the pipe on the roof. If assumed thermal insulation layer, Make a retreat about 5 cm from the chimney to isolation. Lay the insulation so that it occupies at least 0.4 m of the attic.
  • Also take care about the tightness of joints. To lay the insulation, use glue -based compositions. They must be resistant to ignition.

Insulation of the outer part of the pipe occurs according to this scheme:

  1. Clean the surface and cover it with several layers of plaster. After you wait, when the plaster dries.
  2. Collect the crate. Initially, you need to put the guides, and secure them with dowels to the roof.
  3. Rein the vertical profile.
  4. Install the insulation. It is better if the plates are overlapped. This will prevent the occurrence of cracks through which cold air will penetrate.
  5. If there are joints, close them with tape with heat -resistant characteristics.
  6. Hurry the insulation with a waterproof film. This will not miss atmospheric precipitation, as well as increase heat -resistant characteristics.
  7. Process the thermal insulation cake with cladding materials.

How to properly insulate the pipe on the roof of mineral wool?

It is recommended to use basalt wool to warm the pipe on the roof, which is characterized by high density. It is economically consumed, so the high cost can be ignored.

Warming with mineral wool
Warming with mineral wool

The main advantages of basalt wool include:

  • resistance to fire;
  • dense structure;
  • steam passes well.

First of all, you need to clean the pipe, and replace the details that are destroyed. It is possible that it may be necessary to replace the destroyed bricks. After you need to lay the thermal insulation layer.

  • The next step - removal of irregularities from the outer part. This will maintain the same distance between the insulation and the pipe itself, as well as warming up the chimney will be uniform. It is used for alignment cement solution, because he belongs to "breathable" materials.
  • After fixing the metal profile on the suspensions throughout the area. The inter -profile distance should be about 60 cm. Next, you can start laying stone cotton wool. Make sure that there are no gaps. For fastening, use a dowel-gearbox.
  • Next, a waterproofing membrane is laid out. This will prevent hydration and loss of thermal insulation properties. Next, you can finish the outer part. For these purposes, metal profile is used.
  • Do not forget to fix the insulation in the attic. This will prevent his cooling. After you can carry out a bandage with basalt wool.

Work on the insulation of a metal or asbestos pipe on the roof

The insulation of such types of pipes on the roof is carried out outside. First you need to make a brick strapping, and then proceed to insulation.

The pipe is insulated using this technology:

  1. Buy basalt insulation in a crumbly form. Cover the pipe with a casing with zinc so that the diameter is larger than the section of the chimney by 5 cm. Inward, compact the main insulation. You can also use the shackles that are characterized by standard sizes.
  2. Fix on the pipe available cylinders with thermal insulation.

Furanflex technology for pipe insulation on the roof

  • If you decide to adhere to Furanflex technology, use it exclusively for brick chimneys. This will prevent the absorption of condensate into a brick.
  • Furanflex is a polymer pipe that is installed in the gas outlet. Under the influence of steam, it is swollen, and accepts the size of the channel. Over time, it freezes, and a pipe forms inside another pipe.
  • At the bottom you need to install stainless triggerwho will take condensate. Apply furanflex in the event that you cannot insulate the pipe from brick on the roof outside.
Modern technology
Modern technology

The main advantages of this technology include:

  1. Less so soot accumulates on smooth walls.
  2. High tightness is ensured.
  3. Resistance in relation to corrosion is ensured.

To insulate the pipe using Furanflex technology, adhere to such stages:

  1. Clean the inner part of the channel, and correct the outer part of the chimney. Installation is carried out using a steam generator.
  2. Insert Furanflex inside the pipe.
  3. On top, put on the adapter that will display steam.
  4. In the lower part, connect the steam generator.
  5. Increase the amount of steam to improve the polymerization of the material.
  6. Cut the excess pipe.

Common errors when warming pipes on the roof

  • There are several common mistakes that people who warm the pipe on the roof make. The most common to save, the pipeline is carried out through the ceiling, and do not use insulation. It is better not to do this, because small savings can provoke tragic consequences. It is best to warm the chimney along the entire length.
  • As an exception, there may be an area that directly contacts the stove or boiler. Do not cover with insulation a section of about 50 cm long. This will prevent overheating of insulation material. To find out the exact temperature at which the material is destroyed, see the information in the instructions.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to insulate the pipe on the roof. In addition to choosing materials and tools, you need to have little experience in such a field. If it is not, it is better to use the help of experienced craftsmen. Try to do the work correctly so that after a short period of time the chimney is not damaged.

Do I need to insulate the pipe on the roof: reviews

  • Rinat, 34 years: I think that the insulation of the pipe on the roof is an important stage. This allows you to extend its life, as well as improve the safety of heat inside. Given that I have no experience in performing such work, I had to use the services of masters. I was afraid to work on my own.
  • Nikolai, 50 years: Almost all my life I have worked in the field of chimney insulation. When I had to do the work of the house, this did not make much difficulty. I decided to use Furanflex technology, because it is fast and convenient. The process took only hours.
  • Anatoly, 29 years old: Just recently, they purchased a big house with his wife. We decided to immediately insulate the chimney in order to save on the repair after. As a heater, he used basalt cotton wool. Let it be uneconomous, but quite high -quality material. All work was completed in just a few days.

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Video: Details about the insulation of the chimney

Video: We finish the insulation of the chimney

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