How to multiply a column? How to explain to the child a multiplication of a column? Multiplication by a definite number, two -digit number, three -digit number: algorithm for multiplying numbers

How to multiply a column? How to explain to the child a multiplication of a column? Multiplication by a definite number, two -digit number, three -digit number: algorithm for multiplying numbers

The child is simply taught to multiply a column if you do it in a playful way.

  • Mathematics is a complex science for almost every child. Parents have to force their children to carry out homework, because this is necessary not only to obtain good assessments at school, but also for development
  • Strengthened brain function helps to develop memory, intelligence, attention and acquire excellent account skills
  • All qualities acquired at school will be useful in future life. It is necessary to consider not only scientists, but also workers and housewives. One of the most difficult actions is multiplication. It is not given immediately to every child

Important: a primary school student sometimes needs several lessons to understand this action. But, after all, teachers require within several days after the presentation of the material, learn the multiplication table.

How to explain to the child a multiplication of a column?

How to explain to the child a multiplication of a column?
How to explain to the child a multiplication of a column?

To teach a child to multiply is a real task, but you will have to be patient. The lesson should be regular, because only the system will help to achieve the desired results.

Important: if the child is still small (5, 6, 7 years old), it is necessary to prepare visual aids in the form of coins, pictures or account cards. Make classes in a playful way. They should last no more than 20 minutes.

  • Tell the child that multiplication is a repetition, the addition of the same numbers
  • Write on a sheet of paper examples: 2+2+2+2+2 and 2x5
  • Make a comparison with your child, how to calculate faster with addition or multiplication
  • To consolidate this information received, give examples from life, but they should not be invented. For example, 7 friends go to visit the child. The treat is ready for them - 2 sweets each. How to calculate faster - addition or multiplication? Calculate with the baby and write down on paper as an example: 7x2 \u003d 14

Tip: immediately explain to the baby that 3x5 \u003d 5x3. Thanks to this, you will reduce the amount of information that he will have to memorize.

When several classes pass, the multiplication table will be learned, then you can begin to explain the child multiplication with a column of two -digit and three -digit numbers.

Multiplication by a definite number

Multiplication by a definite number
Multiplication by a definite number

Already in the third grade, children begin to multiply into a column by two -digit and three -digit numbers. But first, it is necessary to explain the multiplication by a definite number, for example, 76x3:

  • First, we multiply 3 by 6, it turns out 18 - 1 ten and eight units, write 8 units, and remember 1. We will then add to the dozens.
  • Now we multiply 3 to 7, it turns out 21 dozen + unit, which was remembered, it turned out 22 dozen
  • We use the multiplication rule in the column: we leave the last number, and write down the dozens below, it turned out 228

The rule of multiplication in the column: immediately tell the child that when multiplying in the column, you need to record the numbers carefully, because the result depends on this. The categories of units are written under units, and dozens of dozens.

Multiplication by a two -digit number

Multiplication by a two -digit number
Multiplication by a two -digit number

Two-, three-, four-digit numbers can be multiplied by unambiguous in the mind. When the child becomes a little older, he will do so. But it is still difficult for him to multiply by a two -digit number in his mind. Therefore, the action in the column is used again.

Example: We make multiplication by a two -digit number - 45x75:

  • Under the number 45, we write 75 according to the rule: units under units, dozens under the dozens
  • We begin to make multiplication from units: we write 25 - 5, 2 remember, then to add to dozens
  • Multiply 5 by 4, it turns out 20. Add to dozens 2, it turns out 22. Record the numbers 5 in front, it turns out 225
  • 7x5 \u003d 35. We write down the number 5 under the dozens, 3 remember and then write it down in hundreds
  • 7x4 \u003d 28 hundred. Add 3, it turns out 31 hundred. We write down according to the rule of multiplication in a column
  • We add up incomplete works - units, dozens and hundreds and get the result: 45x75 \u003d 3375

Multiplication by a three -digit number

Multiplication by a three -digit number
Multiplication by a three -digit number

There are people who multiply three -digit numbers in the mind. Naturally, it is difficult for a child to do this, so he must hone skills on paper.

Multiplication by a three -digit number is carried out according to the same principle as multiplication by a two -digit number:

  • First, units are multiplied and recorded in the line
  • Below will be recorded dozens according to the rule of multiplication in the column
  • The third line is written in the work of hundreds
  • The result will turn out thousands, hundreds, dozens and units that need to be folded

How to multiply a column of two -digit numbers?

How to multiply a column of two -digit numbers
How to multiply a column of two -digit numbers

Important: if you need to multiply a two-digit number by a three- or four-digit number, then the record in the column is performed in such a way that the largest number is at the top, and the smallest from the bottom. Thanks to this action, you will have to make less records, and it will be easier to multiply.

How to multiply a column of two -digit numbers we examined above, and how to multiply a large number by a two -digit should be analyzed in more detail:

Example: 4325x23

  • First, we multiply 3 by 5, by 2, by 3 and 4. Record units, dozens, hundreds and thousands
  • Now we multiply 2 to 5, by 2, by 3 and 4. Also write, but already dozens under tens, hundreds under hundreds, and thousands under thousands under the thousands
  • Fold according to the rule and get the result: 4325x23 \u003d 99475

The algorithm for multiplying numbers

The algorithm for multiplying numbers
The algorithm for multiplying numbers

Important: In order for the child to learn to multiply complex numbers, you need to deal with him a lot. These classes should be short -lived, but systematic.

The multiplication algorithm is to use the multiplication table. Therefore, the child must first thoroughly learn the multiplication table, and then learn to perform an action with complex numbers.

Important: The multiplication table must be known well in order not to waste time searching for the desired result when performing multiplying complex numbers.

Games for multiplication

Games for multiplication
Games for multiplication

Important: To quickly learn the multiplication table, you can train, multiplying a column. So it will be possible to consolidate knowledge, and practice memory.

Multiplication games:

It will be easier for the child to remember the multiplication table in a poetic form, and an entertaining character will help him in this.

Video: multiplication table in verses for children Mathematics training

Multiplication in the form of a training video and an interesting song will help the baby easily remember the algorithm of this action.

Video: multiplication table for children cartoon and song

Clearly, cheerfully and quickly teach multiplication. Sawless musical accompaniment helps in study.

Video: A visual multiplication table. Video clip-reader.

A visual video sentence for mathematics. Multiplication with your favorite characters - fun and interesting!

Video: Multiplication table

Video: How to multiply the whole numbers |

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Comments K. article

  1. A simple way to multiply a column of Nika.
    24 x 9 \u003d 216.
    4x9 \u003d 36.
    2x9 \u003d 18. The result must be recorded by the stairs, then summarize the column. The frequency can be increased, the sequence is the same! The easiest way for elementary classes ...

  2. will you write in the store on a leaflet in the store? Learn once and for life!

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