How to remove login at the entrance of VKontakte in the browser: Instructions

How to remove login at the entrance of VKontakte in the browser: Instructions

We often save the login and password in the browser, but then I want to remove them. In our article, we will talk about how to remove the login and password from the browser of VKontakte.

Very often, VKontakte users have to face the fact that they use one computer with other family members and therefore not very convenient if the password is saved in the browser, because everyone can go to the page and see it. To prevent this from happening, it is worth cleaning the browser data, but how to do it?

How to remove the login and password from VKontakte in the browser?

  • So, to remove the login and password, you need to clean the information saved in the browser. If you are a user of Google Chrome, Yandex, an opera or any other browser, then squeeze three keys at the same time - Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  • The window will open where you need to choose what exactly you want to remove. In our situation, we are interested in passwords, cookies and other information. At the top, be sure to choose the period for which you want to erase the data and click "Clear the history".
We clean the story
We clean the story

You need to wait a bit while all the information is erased. Then go to the VKontakte website and make sure that now there are no passwords. That's just they all removed even for other sites, so if you forgot the password from another site, you will have to use the restoration form.

If you use Mozilla Firefox, then the actions will look a little different.

  • First go to "Tools" And further in "Settings"
  • Here we choose "Protection" And click "Saved Logins"
Remove the password
Remove the password

A list of logins and passwords for them will be displayed. Just remove all unnecessary and the password will be removed at the same time.

These are the most convenient ways to remove passwords from browsers. After that, we advise you to cancel the preservation of the password in the browser, otherwise this can lead to the penetration of third parties to your page.

Video: How to remove the login and password of VK at the entrance?

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