How to remove excess fat from hand and shoulders at home with exercises? Why is fat deposited in the hands? How to easily and quickly remove fat from hand and shoulders: hand training, exercise, operation

How to remove excess fat from hand and shoulders at home with exercises? Why is fat deposited in the hands? How to easily and quickly remove fat from hand and shoulders: hand training, exercise, operation

A detailed article on how to get rid of fat in the hands with the help of exercises and adjusting nutrition. shoulders and armpits.

Fat on the hands is a problem that bothers many girls and women. You can’t wear a sleeveless dress, a vest, a T -shirt. Any clothing on straps or straps immediately betrayly gives full hands. Even a swimsuit can sit ugly because of this.

And what to say about fashionable for several seasons of sleeveless shirts that are ideal for the summer, but are banned for women with full hands.

In this article, we will try to figure out who and why usually suffers full of hands and what can be done with it.

Those very fashionable sleeveless blouses
those very fashionable sleeveless blouses

Why is fat deposited in the hands?

To understand how to deal with fat on your hands, you must first talk about the reasons for the fat deposition in this area. The most common causes are:

  1. Genetic predisposition. You belong to the type of figure inverted triangle. In this type, fat deposits appear first of all on the back, shoulders and hands. To the bottom, the figure seems to narrow, and the hips look completely narrow compared to the shoulders.
  2. Lack of motor activity. Most often occurs among office and trade workers. Then, as a rule, a person gets away not only in his hands.
  3. Improper nutrition. A large amount of fatty, sweet, or vice versa, salt food can also provoke the appearance of fatty deposits in the hand and not only.
  4. Age. With age, the body begins to spend energy differently, the hormonal background changes. Fat can be postponed in the most unforeseen places: on the knees, on the elbows, on the legs. Including on the hands.
  5. Weak tone of the muscles of the hands. If the muscles of the forearm work little, then most likely with age, the hands will look more and more flap. Even with a small percentage of fat, the hands will look thick.
  6. Well -developed muscles. If a person is “in the body” and has developed muscles of the hands and forearms, then most likely his hands will look full. This is because adipose tissue is applied to the muscle, additionally increasing it.
Sometimes the causes of fat on the hands can be several
Sometimes the causes of fat on the hands can be several

A hidden but serious reason is a violation of metabolism in the body. Some diseases, such as diseases of the endocrine system, can provoke swelling and accumulation of fluid and fat in certain parts of the body. For example, on the arms or legs. If you are losing weight, but your hands remain complete - we recommend that you check hormones with an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

Thus, of the seven common causes of fat deposits in the hand, only one is uncontrolled. This is age. With this “problem” you can contact a plastic surgeon, or to a cosmetologist. The remaining reasons can be eliminated by contacting a doctor, a fitness coach, or adjusting his lifestyle.

Men can also suffer from fat deposits in the hand
men can also suffer from fat deposits in the hand

How to remove excess fat from the hands of exercises at home?

Getting rid of fat on the hands should be approached comprehensively. You should not only increase your physical activity, but also begin to control the nutrition. In order for your hands to become slim and elegant, it is necessary to alternate aerobic and strength training. The optimal options for exercises that can be done at home or in the gym with dumbbells we will analyze now.

Exercise number 1. Breeding hands to the sides.

  1. The starting position - take a vertical position, legs shoulder -width apart, arms on the sides, the gaze is directed forward.
  2. Take the dumbbells of 1-2 kg in your hands.
  3. Raise your arms to the sides, linger for 1-2 seconds in the extreme position.
  4. Lower your hands.
  5. Repeat the task.

Approaches need to be made 2-3 to 10-18 repetitions in each.

Exercise of hand breeding to the sides
Exercise "Hand Breeding to the sides"

Exercise number 2. Lifting dumbbells on biceps.

  1. The starting position - take a vertical position, legs shoulder -width apart, arms along the body.
  2. Take dumbbells 1 kg in each hand.
  3. Bend your arms at the elbow simultaneously or alternately, as shown in the picture below.
  4. Straighten your hands.
  5. Repeat the task.

This exercise is recommended to be performed in 3 approaches of 8-12 repetitions for beginners. More experienced should increase the number of repetitions and the weight of the dumbbell. You can perform the exercise both standing and sitting.

The plus of this exercise is that the biceps of hands and forearms are involved - the favorite places of the body for laying fat in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands.

Lifting dumbbells to biceps
lifting dumbbells to biceps

Exercise number 3. Rise the dumbbell with two hands behind the head.

  1. The starting position - take a vertical position, legs shoulder -width apart, arms along the body.
  2. Take one dumbbell of 3 kg in your hands (adjust the weight yourself).
  3. Bring your hands with dumbbell by your head.
  4. Raise and lower the dumbbell, straining triceps.

Perform 2 approaches of 10 repetitions. You must feel strong fatigue in your hands, weakness may be. After performing this exercise, shake your hands several times to relieve fatigue and establish blood circulation.

The technique of performing the exercise
The technique of performing the exercise

Advice! If you have no dumbbells at home, then replace them with water with water, or sand.

Or use the instructions for the manufacture of dumbbells yourself.

DIY dumbbells
DIY dumbbells

Fat hangs in your hands: how to get rid of fat on your hands without dumbbells - exercises

You can achieve perfectly slender hands without the help of dumbbells. In order to perform the exercises below, a little patience, time, as well as a bench or chair will be enough.

Exercise number 1. Push ups.

  1. The starting position: a bar on outstretched hands. Hands at the same time under the chest.
  2. Bend your arms at the elbows, drop at a distance of 5-7 cm to the floor.
  3. Bright your hands. Make sure that the elbows are pressed to the body.
  4. Repeat the task, carefully observing the technique of execution.

Pushing from the floor is considered one of the most difficult exercises for beginners. Especially those who used to practically not go in for sports. In push -ups, the most important thing is not the number of repetitions, but the implementation technique. In order to correctly understand what level you need to lower, a brick or any other object similar in size is placed under the chest. During the exercise, you need to touch the brick and rise.

Correct impressive technique
correct impressive technique

Also, much depends on the position of the palms. The farther they are from each other, the more the muscles of the chest are strained and less - hands. The closer the setting of the palms, the greater the load on the biceps. Now we are more interested in biceps, so it is recommended to put our hands exactly under the shoulders.

Excessions can be performed on all fours if you do not succeed on straight legs.

Exercise number 2. Reverse push -ups.

  1. The starting position - put the chair on the floor and sit in front of the chair. Get up and grab the edge of the chair with your hands. The legs can be straight, or bent at the knees.
  2. Straighten your arms in your elbows and rise.
  3. Then bend your hands and drop. At the same time, you can’t touch the floor with a basin.
  4. Repeat the task.

You need to perform from 10 repetitions in one approach. Make a minimum of 2 approaches, and ideally 3. This is a very good exercise against sagging fat in your hands and flabby muscles.

Feedback from a bench
Feedback from a bench

Exercise number 3. Planck.

  1. The starting position - take a horizontal position and rest on your elbows, the back is perfectly even, the stomach does not sag.
  2. You need to stand in this position for at least 20 seconds.

This exercise is known to many. It is one of the most beloved and unloved at the same time among athletes. To stay in this position of at least 30 or 60 seconds, you need to make a huge amount of effort. Perform 2-3 approaches for 20-40 seconds. We guarantee that after the first approach, if you do not have experience in training, you will feel the taste of sweat and the desire to fall more and end it all. Nevertheless, you will have to try to achieve perfect hands.

The bar at the same time helps to pump hands, the front surface of the hips, press, chest and buttocks.

Correct technique
correct technique

Here are a few more options for performing the same bar. All of them help in the fight against fat on their hands. We recommend choosing 3-4 bar options and perform them daily in 3-4 approaches of 30 seconds.

Note! The most important thing in the bar is static maintenance.

Planck options
options "Planck"

How to remove fat between hand and armpit: exercises for women

Oh, this treacherous fold next to the armpit that arises when you put on a bra. And nothing will hide her except free clothes. And if you put on something “in the worship” by the type of T-shirt, open dress, top-the fold is right there.

It is very difficult to get rid of it. It even has very thin and slender girls. And the point here is not so much in muscle training as in the condition of the skin and the way of life in general.

To get rid of this hated fold that spoils your look in a swimsuit or underwear, there are special exercises. Also, do not forget to eat the right and healthy food, temper, use creams for the neckline.

Proper underwear can partially solve the problem, but it will not completely remove it.

Every woman wants to look beautiful in a swimsuit or underwear
Every woman wants to look beautiful in a swimsuit or underwear

Exercise number 1. Push -ups with a wide setting of hands.

  1. The starting position is a strip on straight hands. The palms are wider than the shoulders.
  2. Bend your hands in the elbow joints, sink quite low.
  3. Slowly straighten your arms.
  4. Repeat the task.

Perform 3 approaches 10 times daily. Do not miss training to achieve the perfect result. It is allowed to perform push -ups from the knees.

So you need to perform push -ups with a wide hand setting
So you need to perform push -ups with a wide hand setting

Exercise number 2. "Prayer".

  1. The starting position - take a vertical position, connect your hands in front of you palms to each other.
  2. Press your palms on each other. In this case, the muscles of the hands and chest should strain.
  3. Stand in this position for 10 seconds.
  4. Relax your hands, but do not lower them.
  5. Repeat the task.

Do from 5 to 10 repetitions of this exercise. This is the main exercise in the fight against a stroke of the armpit. It is recommended to perform a full cycle in the morning and evening. After 3 weeks, the fold will become noticeably smaller.

Performing the exercise prayer
Performing the exercise "Prayer"

Exercise number 3. "Scissors".

  1. The starting position - take a vertical position, legs shoulder -width apart.
  2. In your hands, take 1 dumbbells of 0.5-1 kg.
  3. Straighten your hands in front of you, keep your brushes next to each other.
  4. Start making “scissors” with your hands: quickly change the position of the hands (first one on top, then the other).

Performing the exercise usually takes from one minute or more depending on your preparation. Then take a break of 30 seconds and repeat the task. In total approaches you need to do at least three for training.

Advice! When performing this exercise, do not spread your hands wide. The condition between the palms should not exceed 15 cm.

For this exercise, take very light dumbbells, up to 1 kg
For this exercise, take very light dumbbells, up to 1 kg

How to remove fat in the shoulder area: exercises

Fat in the shoulder area is another enemy of swimsuits, open dresses, tops and T -shirts. You can’t help with exercises alone, you need to adjust the food. How to do this, we will find out further in the article.

Excellent exercises such as::

  • push -ups with a narrow grip and wide
  • exercise "Prayer"
  • "Planck"
  • reverse push -ups
  • shifting the hands to the sides

The technique of performing all these exercises is already described in our article. Also very good in the fight against fat on the back and shoulders helps swimming or classes on the rowing simulator.

A beautiful back will add self -confidence
a beautiful back will add self -confidence

What products remove fat on their hands?

Proper nutrition will help you in the fight against fat on your hands, but no products will be removed for you for you. You will have to work hard to get rid of excess fat, including on your hands.

What products should be included in your diet to get rid of fat on your hands:

  • whole vegetables
  • fresh fruits (in limited quantities)
  • groups
  • cottage cheese
  • white and red meat
  • fish
  • low -fat dairy products (up to 9% fat)
  • nuts
  • greenery
  • whole wheat bread

What to exclude:

  • alcohol
  • sweet soda
  • fast food
  • chips, crackers, sweets, white and milk chocolate
  • other simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour)
This should look like your diet
This should look like your diet

In no case do not refuse fat consumption. They are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, and this is very important when losing weight. Do not refuse cheese also, in moderate quantities it is useful.

Advice! Do not forget to drink water! Drink so much. How much your body requires, but drink! If you do not like the taste of simple water, then add a little lemon or lime juice to it. The taste will become more pleasant, but only more benefits.

What is an operation to remove fat on your hands?

If you decide to contact a surgeon to remove excess fat in the hand, then liposuction of hands and shoulder zones will help you. Liposuction is a very popular procedure. Fat in the literal sense is pumped out of the patient’s body with the help of special equipment. Liposuction is not done for long, the recovery period after surgery also does not take much time.

However, liposuction has disadvantages. For example, there is a possibility that fat will return again to the places of its former “habitat” after some time. This will happen if the patient does not adhere to a diet and does not follow his health as a whole.

When to conduct liposuction?
when to conduct liposuction?

Liposuction of hands is best carried out in adulthood, when the probability that the skin itself is tightened even if regular loads and diets are already small. This is usually after 30 years. Although it all depends on the condition of the skin as a whole and its ability to regenerate.

Important information! Remember that surgical intervention in the body is an extreme measure. If you can do with other methods, it is better to do just that.

Video: Fat by armpits! Causes of appearance + exercises!

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Comments K. article

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