How to remove excess fat from the feet, hips, IRC and Lyashka at home by exercises? Why is fat deposited on your feet? How to easily and quickly remove fat from the legs, hips, caviar and lumber: foot training for burning fat, exercises

How to remove excess fat from the feet, hips, IRC and Lyashka at home by exercises? Why is fat deposited on your feet? How to easily and quickly remove fat from the legs, hips, caviar and lumber: foot training for burning fat, exercises

Fat in the legs - how to deal with them? Our article will help you figure out how to properly and without harm to burn fat in your legs.

The problem of losing weight of the legs is especially acute in the season of short skirts, sandals and swimwear. In other words, the closer the summer, the more women think about their weight and the condition of the legs in particular.

Beautiful legs were sung by poets, singers, and now an advertisement has been added, which constantly reminds women about how they should look. Advertising is not always a negative factor. Sometimes it helps to activate critical thinking and helps to look at things from the other side.

Slender legs are the result of hard work and work on oneself
Slender legs are the result of hard work and work on oneself

Why is fat deposited on your feet?

Fat, most often, is distributed evenly in all parts of the body. However, there are types of figures that really cover in certain places stronger. If your legs are the first to get the first, then you are most likely the owner of one of the following types of figure:

  • pear (triangle)
  • sanding clock (eight)

The remaining types of figures are susceptible to deposition of fat in the legs the least.

Briefly about the types of figures
briefly about the types of figures

Of course, not only the “sand clock” and “pears” are subject to such a problem as full legs. Fat in the legs can be deposited in absolutely all people, regardless of gender and type of figure. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Lack of nutrition control. The abundance of flour and sweets crawls out in such a problem as cellulite.
  2. Lack of movement, sports. A sedentary lifestyle invariably contributes to the deposition of fat, and not only in the legs.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system when metabolism is disturbed.
  4. Diseases of a different nature are such as varicose veins or heart problems that can cause severe swelling of the legs.
  5. Age and lack of caring for oneself. With age, the metabolism slows down markedly, and the lack of skin care leads to its sagging. As a result, the legs look complete and flabby.

Of the five reasons, you can fix three yourself, and with the help of a competently composed treatment, you can forget about such a problem as full legs.

This is how cellulite changes the appearance
This is how cellulite changes the appearance

How to remove excess fat from the feet, hips, IRC and Lyashka at home by exercises?

Recent studies prove that it is impossible to remove fat from specifically one zone. However, by regularly doing exercises, certain muscle groups can be tone, intercellular metabolism will improve, as a result, the skin will look better.

Usually, in order to remove fat from the feet, there is enough general weight loss. If your weight is within normal limits, but fat on your legs, thighs, hips and calves still remain, we recommend that you make a set of exercises that will help you achieve perfect legs.

The set of exercises is divided into zones
the set of exercises is divided into zones

To perform these exercises, the inventory is enough that you have at home: water bottles, a chair, a rug for training, but you can do it without it.

Exercise to remove fat from the feet No. 1. Lowing the legs lying on the side

  1. Starting position: lie on the left side, lean your left elbow on the floor exactly under your right hand - along the body. The legs make up one straight line with the body.
  2. Bend your left leg at the knee.
  3. Raise your right leg so high that an angle of 60 degrees forms between it and the floor.
  4. Hold the right leg in the extreme upper position for 2 seconds.
  5. Slow down slowly.
  6. Make a repeat exercise.
  7. When end with one foot, turn over to the other side and repeat movements, only for your left leg.

Make each leg for 2 or 3 approaches, in each of 15 or 20 repetitions.

Advice! When performing each of the exercises in this article, do not rush and do not chase the number of repetitions. Try to do everything as correctly as possible, feeling every muscle.

This exercise can also be performed with straight legs
This exercise can also be performed with straight legs

Exercise to remove fat from the feet No. 2. Scissors on the back

  1. Starting position: lying on the floor, legs extended, arms extended along the body.
  2. Raise your legs 30-40 cm from the floor.
  3. Start imiting the movement of scissors:
    1. Dilute the feet 20 cm from each other.
    2. Cross your legs so that the leg of the leg is on top.
    3. Dilute your feet again in different directions.
    4. Cross your legs so that this time the left leg is from above.
  4. Do 3 approaches to 20 repetitions.

Note! When conducting this task, make sure that under what conditions the lower back does not break away from the floor. If your technique is true, then you will practice not only your legs, but also the press.

Correct technique for performing the exercise scissors
correct technique of performing the exercise "Scissors"

Exercise to remove fat from the feet No. 3. Scissors on the stomach.

  1. Starting position: lying on the stomach, legs with a body make up one straight line, the head is lowered in hand.
  2. Raise your legs.
  3. Spread your legs from each other at a distance of 20 cm.
  4. Perform alternating legs crossing (first leg rights from above, then left).
  5. Do the exercise not very quickly. The pace should be such that you feel the work of all muscle groups.

You will need to execute 20 repetitions, approaches 3. Also, “scissors” can be done for a while. Put the timer for 30-40-60 seconds and do at the maximum pace.

This exercise will help you in the development of the muscles of the buttocks, the posterior surface of the thigh and IKR.

Scissors on the stomach
"Scissors" on the stomach

How to get rid of fat on the legs from the inside and the outside of the hips, between the legs, the upper part of the legs: exercises for women and men

The exercises given in this part of the article are focused on the following problem areas:

  • the outer side of the hips ("ears" or Galifa)
  • the inner side of the hips (area between the legs)
  • the upper part of the legs (hips)
  • lower part of the legs (area above the knee)

It must be admitted that the most difficult thing is to get rid of Galife (“ears” on the hips), as well as tighten the inside of the delirium. It often happens that despite the good muscle frame, these zones remain almost in the state in which they were at the time of the start of training.

Exercises for beautiful legs
Exercises for beautiful legs

With the help of exercises below, you can correctly or partially adjust these problem areas. Everything will depend on the efforts attached by you.

Exercise for the inner thigh No. 1. "Plie"

  1. Starting position: legs wider than shoulders, back is straight.
  2. Take a bottle of 1.5 liters (or 1-2 kg dumbbells) in your hands.
  3. Perform a squat: the hips are parallel to the floor, the knees do not go out for socks, the back is straight.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. In total, you need to make 15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.
Squats with a wide setting of legs
Squats with a wide setting of legs

Exercise for the inner thigh No. 2. Lowing the legs lying on the side.

  1. Starting position: lie on the left side, lean your left elbow on the floor exactly under your right hand - along the body. The legs make up one straight line with the body.
  2. Bend your right leg and put it in front of the left.
  3. Raise your left leg to two accounts.
  4. Lower it to two accounts.
  5. Perform 15 or 20 repetitions and 3 approaches to each direction.

This exercise can be considered one of the best for slimness of the legs.

Lifting the legs, lying on the side, option No. 2
Lifting the legs, lying on the side, option No. 2

Exercise for the outside of the hips No. 1. Mahi's foot to the side of the standing position.

  1. Starting position: Stand straight, legs shoulder -width apart, lean on the wall with your right hand or take the back of the chair.
  2. Take a straight left leg aside as high as you can. The case does not need to be tilted.
  3. Return your leg to the starting position.
  4. Do the exercise 15 times, then change the side. For each leg for 2 approaches.

This task also has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the press. Strengthen the press when you raise and lower your leg so that the effect of the exercises becomes larger.

Focus on the technique of performing the exercise as much as possible
focus on the technique of performing the exercise as much as possible

Exercise for the outside of the hips No. 2. Brown or diagonal attacks.

  1. Starting position: legs shoulder -width apart, the body straight, hands in front of them are collected on the castle or rest on the sides.
  2. Make a lunge with your right foot, but not forward, but a little to the left, so that the right foot becomes about 5-7 cm to the left of the left.
  3. Get down in the lunge. The knees do not go out for socks, the back is straight.
  4. Rise from the attack and return to the starting position.
  5. Do the task 3 times in 15 repetitions for each leg.

This rear is considered one of the best for studying the outer surface of the thigh, as well as the internal and zone of the buttocks.

Another name of this exercise is cross lunges
another name of this exercise is cross lunges

Exercise for the zone above the knees and the upper part of the legs No. 1. Bulgarian attacks.

  1. Starting position: legs shoulder -width apart, hands in front of you, straight body.
  2. Take the right leg back and place it on a chair so that it touches the chair only with the upper part of the foot.
  3. With your left foot, take a lunge. The knee does not go beyond the toe of the leg!
  4. Rise and repeat the exercise.
  5. Make 10 repetitions, change your leg. You need to do it for each leg in 2 or 3 approaches.

This task is considered one of the most difficult. It simultaneously pumps several muscle groups and helps to burn fat on the legs.

Bulgarian attacks technique
Reference execution of Bulgarian attacks

Exercise for the zone above the knees and the upper part of the legs No. 2. Planck with a lifted leg.

  1. Starting position: Planck on the elbows.
  2. Raise your left leg up and hold it for 30 seconds.
  3. Get down to the floor for 30 seconds.
  4. Take the pose of the bar.
  5. Raise your right leg up and hold it for 30 seconds.
  6. Get down to the floor.

It is enough to make 2-3 such circles so that the muscles begin to be tone.

Important! Static exercises burn fat very well!

Bar with lifting one leg
Bar with lifting one leg

How to get rid of fat on the legs with the IKR?

Fat on caviar is mainly present in women with the type of figure “Pear”. Full caviar does not look very aesthetic and obviously do not add femininity. General weight loss can help get rid of completeness in calves. If the weight does not exceed the norm, then try to perform one of the following exercises.

Exercise for IKR No. 1. Lifting to the socks from the squat.

  1. Starting position: The legs are much wider than the shoulders (as in the picture), hands rest against the sides.
  2. Sit in Plie. The angle under the knee should be 90 degrees.
  3. In Plie, go up and fall to your socks.
  4. Perform 15 ups, take a break and perform another 2 approaches.

This exercise also involves the inner surface of the thigh, which is important for beautiful legs.

The technique of performing this exercise
The standard of performing this exercise

Exercise for IKR No. 2. Squading jumps.

  1. Starting position: as in the previous exercise.
  2. Sit in Plie.
  3. Jump sharply.
  4. Return to Plie.
  5. Perform 15-20 repetitions in one approach. The approach is only 3.

An excellent exercise for pulling up the muscles of the buttocks, the inner surface of the thigh, IKR and Biceps of the thigh.

Square jump
square jump - the standard of execution

Very well helps to reduce caviar stretching. Just perform the following exercises after the main training and you will notice the difference.

Example of exercises for stretching
Example of exercises for stretching

How to dry your legs from fat?

The term "drying" is used exclusively by professional athletes and denotes a decrease in the percentage of subcutaneous fat while maintaining muscle mass. Usually, athletes are “dried” before the competition so that the muscles look more relief.

It will be extremely difficult for an ordinary person. If only because drying involves certain training and serious manipulations with nutrition.

Important! You can dry only when you have a good percentage of muscle mass! If you are a beginner, drying is contraindicated to you!

If you have been training for a long time, then perhaps it makes sense to “dry”. Include more cardio loads in your training program: running, jumping jumps, classes on an ellipsoid. But do not forget about power loads.

Particular attention should be removed, but we will talk about this later.

Needs more than one year of training to achieve such data
Needs more than one year of training to achieve such data

How to burn subcutaneous fat on your feet: exercises for women and men

Subcutaneous fat will help burn interval training and properly selected nutrition. Here are the basic rules that you should adhere to in order to say goodbye to subcutaneous fat:

  1. Exclude simple carbohydrates except fruits (flour, sweet, sugar).
  2. Exclude “harmful” fats (ice cream, cream creams, sausage, all fried on oils, cheap butter).
  3. Add more beneficial fats (butter 82,%, unrefined vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, avocados).
  4. Lie on complex carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals, legumes).

It is very good for burning subcutaneous fat to create a shortage of at least 200-400 kcal per day. But more than 500 kcal does not make sense to cut, because the body will still not burn more than 0.5 kg of subcutaneous fat in a week.

Video: How to burn fat. Effective training!

What foods burn fat on the legs?

In themselves, no products will burn your excess fat on the feet. Nevertheless, it is on nutrition that the emphasis should be focused so that the extra pounds go faster.

There is a good expression: "The press is done in the kitchen!" This is pure true, because in the kitchen not only the press is made, but also slender legs, neat hands and a beautiful back. All this is the result of proper and balanced nutrition.

Your product basket should change forever so that you forget about excess fat
your product basket should change forever so that you forget about excess fat

A list of products that you need to focus on a campaign in a supermarket:

  • fresh fruits
  • fresh vegetables, mainly necraceous
  • whole cereals (buckwheat, steamed rice, hercules, barley, millet)
  • legumes (beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils)
  • low -fat dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk)
  • loof meat varieties
  • low -fat fish varieties
  • whole grain, rye, buckwheat bread or any other without adding wheat flour of the highest grade
  • canned food in its own juice (fish)
  • canned or frozen vegetables
  • eggs
  • seafood
  • bread

The list could be continued, but these are the most common products that can now be found in almost any store.

Video: Budget drying - weight loss due to subcutaneous fat

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Comments K. article

  1. Recently, the very fat on the thighs has increased. I don't know what to do. I tried to sit on a diet - to no avail. I also want to try the drug formform for thirty. The pharmacy was told to me, many take it, as the tool is effective.

  2. I recently began to accept L-Carnitin Sports Expert for more effect-fat burning. And you’ll get it, this is working, the impaired fat with problem areas finally started to take it ... Of course, training and nutrition play a big role, but still

  3. She made a wrap with a cream anti -cellulite Twins TEK before and after for a month. The use of cream stimulates subcutaneous fat splitting. Enhances skin blood circulation, strengthens the capillaries. Improves the appearance of the skin, smoothing and pulling it up.

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