How to tie yourself to a helpless state tightly, a rope, tape, a belt at home, so as not to start: training

How to tie yourself to a helpless state tightly, a rope, tape, a belt at home, so as not to start: training

Instructions for binding oneself.

Now great interest arose around Shibari's bandage technique. Many perceive the technique as art. In this article we will tell you how to tie yourself with tape, ropes and even a belt.

What is a bandage and shibari?

For the first time, this technique became known in Japan, it was called Shibari. This is an erotic art of binding that Japanese men practiced in order to excite a woman. Indeed, this was often used instead of preliminary caresses before sex. The technique made it possible to contact a woman, stroke, touch her, and also press certain sensitive areas. In Japan, this technique is still very popular.

In our country, it is somewhat wary. Only in big cities do binding for money in the bandage studios are practiced. The most interesting thing is that many women are excited from limiting mobility and complete helplessness.


How to tie yourself with ropes: the technique of choosing and processing ropes


  • First you need to choose ropes, depending on what and whom you are going to bind. If you do this constantly, it is better to purchase an ordinary hemp rope in a construction store. The approximate diameter is 6-8 mm.
  • Further, you will have to work with the ropes a little, because all the purchased products smell of oil, which is impregnated with ropes. It is advisable to wash them in a washing machine. If you have time, you can immerse them in a large pan by adding a pack of tea and boiling. This will give the ropes of beautiful brown color.
  • Next, it is necessary to dry them, while it is advisable to wind the rope onto the chair so that it is in a stretched state and does not bathe. After complete drying, it is necessary to cut off the ends, to pick them up.
  • After that, the ropes are burned at gas. Thus, it will be possible to get rid of a large amount of pile that remains on clothes. It is necessary to cut the ropes into pieces that you need. The masters of the bandage, as well as Shibari, most often possess both short and long segments.
Juetaya rope
Juetaya rope

How to tie your hands tightly so as not to untie: schemes, training for binding hands

Usually the shortest is a piece of 3 m long, some leave ropes 1 m long, especially for connecting the wrists. After that, it is necessary to start binding. There is a certain technique here.


  • It is necessary to make an handcuff with a rope, put on your hands and tighten. The nodes are self -izing, thus behind the back or in front of the stomach will be in a bound state. Further, you need to do the way you want.
  • To do this, you can throw the rope around the neck, wrap around it and even tighten. Please note that if you are going to stay in a related state for a long time, in no case you need to tie yourself with self -elongating nodes.
  • Because this is fraught with injuries, as well as the transfer of nerves, tendons. Subsequently, circulatory disorders can cause respiratory stop or difficulties in hand management.
Tie hands
Tie hands

How to tie yourself beautifully: schemes of beautiful strands

The masters of the bandage, who are engaged in this case for a long time, are not used for prolonged binding of thin ropes, as well as self -tightening nodes. This contributes to the power of limbs and a possible circulatory disorder. If you are going to tie yourself for a while, such nodes are allowed. Please note that cutting objects, scissors that you can get and cut the rope freely at hand. It is best if the binding will occur in the presence of another person who, if necessary, can unleash you.

Simple strapping
Simple strapping

This is the easiest way to tie your hands. There is also a way to make a beautiful strapping of arms, legs. The simplest bandage in the bandage is an asterisk (pentagram). This is a thoracic strapping, which is mainly carried out for beauty. Experienced masters also use it to bind models, but at the same time complicate and complement the pentagram. The strapping is complicated by the establishment of hands behind the head and tie them to the chest. Below are the main schemes that are used in the bandage. With their help, you can tie yourself and decorate your body.


How to knit yourself with a belt at home?

You can tie yourself with a regular belt. Most often, this method is used to tighten the hands in front or back. To do this, fold the belt in half. Moreover, it should be with a classic buckle that resembles an ear. After the belt is folded, it is necessary to pass one end into the other, simulate the loop.

Thus, you will have a tip left, with the tightening of which you will receive a fairly dense knot. It is necessary to put your hands in the loops and tighten the end of the belt. After that, it remains to fix the end with the help of the teeth, passing it into the pin. Please note that you do not need to stretch the belt in an additional loop. Because difficulties can arise with the untying and freeing of the hands.

Loop circuit
Loop circuit

How to tie yourself to a helpless state with a strong tie?

In addition, you can connect yourself with a tie. Because the fabric is quite dense and adjacent to the hands.


  • To do this, you need to tie a tie in a classic way and free the loop, weakening it
  • After that, you need to insert your hands into the loop and tighten the ties of the tie, holding your teeth or legs
  • Now you can tuck the ends into the loop between the limbs and tighten
  • Thus, a very naturalistic knot will turn out, which will look like that someone tied you up
  • Most often, a tie is used to bind the arms or legs. One way to diversify sexual life
Node from a tie for strapping
Node from a tie for strapping

How to tie yourself with tape?

Please note that the most complex strands are usually carried out using ropes. They are mainly made of jute and sold in any construction store. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the diameter of the rope, not to acquire a very thin one that will dig into the wrist or, on the contrary, very thick, with which it will be difficult to work and extend into the holes. You can tie yourself with tape.


  • For this purpose, bilateral products are best suited. It is necessary to make a loop into which your hands
  • Now just pull the corner that remained free
  • First rewind a little tape and wrap your teeth around the wrist
  • Prepare scissors or knife in advance, fixing it so that you can easily cut off the tip and ultimately free yourself from home -made handcuffs
  • Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to free himself, because the tape is very dense and tightly tightens his hands
Tie your hands with tape
Tie your hands with tape

As you can see, it is quite simple to tie yourself to a helpless state yourself. It is necessary to own some skills. The bandage uses several simple nodes. They are simple, and with multiple use are easily remembered. You can knit nodes with closed eyes and tie yourself or a partner who wants to be in a motionless state.

If you are going to bind a partner, we do not recommend training on her. It is best to master the nodes yourself, and to practice on ordinary plush toys or on pillows. Thus, you will learn how to knit the simplest nodes, master them. This will help you save time in the process of binding your beloved.

Please note that if you plan to keep the girl in a bound state for a long period of time, you can not use self -tightening nodes or very tight strands. Because the bandage is a rather dangerous practice. Especially if it is performed with inept hands with very strong tug of and pressure on soft fabrics. In addition, it is dangerous to bandage the chest. Due to the lack of blood circulation, injuries may appear, which will subsequently lead to the formation of tumors.

Video: How to knit using a belt?

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  1. Who will bind me? I'm from Zhlobin (Belarusian)

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