How to combine colors in the interior of the kitchen: basic rules, combination with style, influence and combination of colors, designer advice

How to combine colors in the interior of the kitchen: basic rules, combination with style, influence and combination of colors, designer advice

In this article, we will consider the correct combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen.

To create an ideal and cozy design of your kitchen, you need to choose the right color and harmoniously connect them with each other. Even if you make a fairly high-quality and expensive repair, buy furniture and your favorite accessories, as a result you can get something ridiculous or colorful.

After all, the color palette plays one of the leading roles in the interior. Therefore, today we want to make the right and harmonious combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen, because on it everything is most time to spend the most time.

How to compare colors in the interior of the kitchen: Basic rules

The basis of a stylish kitchen, which will please for a long time, consists in correctly selected furniture, walls of walls and various accessories, as well as in textures that will harmoniously look in one whole composition. After all, the colors in the interior of the kitchen should not only be combined, but also the materials are suitable for style.

Important: initially it is necessary to determine the main color, and after - with secondary shades that will supplement it or dilute it as necessary. By the way, they will also help to visually adjust the room, if necessary. For example, expand, lighten or ennoble the kitchen.

Do not forget - a dark colon steals space
Do not forget - a dark colon steals space
  • When selecting shades and dominant color, you need to take into account the dimensions, parameters and shape of the kitchen. There is a rule that is used not only for the kitchen, but also for all rooms: dark shades always reduce rooms, but light, on the contrary, allow you to expand the space.
  • If you have a large and spacious kitchen, then dark furniture with bright accents on the surface or walls will create maximum comfort and comfort. But in a small kitchen, you should not experiment with a similar design solution, because this can only visually reduce the room.

The main types of color scheme in the interior are considered ahromatic (that is, black and white or just the same color) and a chromatic (respectively, colored) palette. The latter species is a monochrome and multi -color spectrum.

  • Monochrome interior It is created on the basis of one segment of the color palette. If this design option seems too simple or even boring, then it is very easy to diversify it with bright details and auxiliary elements. Also in monochrome interiors, unusual textures and contrasting details are often used. For example, curtains, furniture upholstery, tablecloth and other accessories should take on a leading role in the use of bright colors.
For a monogram, black and white gamut or medium shade between them is more often used
An example of a monochromic
  • When choosing multicolored gamut in your design, it is worth being extremely careful, because the combinations of many colors, as a result, are sometimes not entirely compatible in one composition. But when choosing the right shades, such an interior looks alive and interesting. In any case, the selected colors must be diluted with neutral or light shades. Moreover, they better “fit” into the interior, if you use them more muffled or, conversely, deep, but not in its pure form.
    • More often used opposite colors From a palette for creating a multi -colored interior. It is necessary to use contrast with extremely carefully, because the slightest exceeding the effort in choosing the opposite color spectrum is emphasized by aggression in the kitchen. This type is currently popular. But the design in this style quickly bothers and requires a replacement of design. To avoid cardinal changes, it is necessary to observe subordination rules.
    • Sometimes the color scheme of design is built from the "neighbors" around the circumference of the color ring, which is also called similar colors. But such a solution is used in combination with bright details. Otherwise, the room will be dull and without a “highlight”.
    • It also happens revenge-contrast optionwhich is used much more often than previous options. That is, two dominant kings of close colors are taken in the same color spectrum, and the third - decorates and dilutes its opposite.
A striking example of contrast
A striking example of contrast
Kitchen in the spectrum of neighboring shades
Kitchen in the spectrum of neighboring shades
When the emphasis is only details
When the emphasis is only details

Important: in order not to definitely fail with the ratio of shades in the interior of the kitchen, you can use rule:60% is the main color,30% - an additional shade,10% - emphasis.

The conglomeration of style and color in the interior of the kitchen: what to look for?

The color assortment of the design of not only the kitchen, but any other room should fully correspond to the style of the interior style of the room. Before proceeding with the choice of shades for your kitchen, you should get acquainted with the choice of the desired style. And, perhaps, you will find a ready -made solution.

  • For classic cuisine or in art deco style Closed shades are best suited, without using too bright details.
  • For the European style or Provence A characteristic neutral palette and not causing pastel colors. The use of any colorful colors and accents this design style completely excludes and even prohibits.
Provence is based on delicate texture and smooth transitions
Provence is based on delicate texture and smooth transitions
  • But in the Scandinavian style The base color is considered white, on the basis of which you can decorate the interior with the help of bright details and unusual textures, inscriptions, etc.
  • Loft style It is based on dark muffled colors using wood, brick or metal.
  • Pop art, retro - This is a choice for lovers of rich colors and extraordinary solutions.
  • Eco-style It involves the use of natural shades, and this design can be supplemented with materials such as wood, grass, clay, stones and other resources.
But pop art, which allows bold combinations
But pop art, which allows bold combinations

We take into account the influence and comparability of colors in the interior of the kitchen

Before starting to buy paint, furniture, headsets and other details of the kitchen, it is worth preparing a palette in advance. It is best to use a certain cheat sheet, because It is impossible to remember all colors and shades. You can use special editors and programs for selecting color scheme, or just take a photo of the finished design.

The second method of preparation is a collage that can be created independently in any graphic editor. Thanks to this decision, you can not only choose the shades you like, but also choose harmoniously suitable textures and details. By the way, the article will help to learn about the psychological influence of each color "How does it affect and what can be cured by color therapy?".

Important: the location of natural lighting plays a significant role. The palette of shades should be chosen warm if the windows are located on the north side. For example, light yellow, cream and orange colors with a deficiency of sunlight will make the room cozy. But very sunny cuisine more comfortable will help to make cold shades of white, black, gray and blue.

Consider the output of the windows
Consider the output of the windows to muffle or strengthen the radiance
  • Let's start with relevance white. The kitchen in this execution always looks neat and fresh. One significant disadvantage is the stinkling of white surfaces. They can see any pollution that cannot be avoided even by the most clean hostess.
    • With such a color scheme, the set is suitable for any gamut of shades, while its palette can be changed several times, leaving the base background.
  • Red color It is impeccably suitable for the kitchen, but it is best to use it in small doses and very carefully. Indeed, in large quantities, this color is very aggressive and can eventually cause tension. The saturation and aggressiveness of this tint can be easily neutralized with white, gray, green or black tone. And in the interior it is better to combine it with warm shades (yellow, brown, etc.).
    • Red, oddly enough, is combined with blue, but this solution is quite specific, although it is quite common.
Red abundance can cause aggressiveness
Red abundance can cause aggressiveness
  • All shades of blue colorthey can maneuver in any room only with proper light and on the sunny side. Although this colver helps to come to harmony and peacefulness, it is too cold. Therefore, it is better for them to play as an auxiliary accent in the room where the dominant color is white, gray or other cool shades, but not too dark.
    • The use of this ring along with purple, yellow and red color is also not excluded.
  • Green Cauler It brings a good mood, so it is very often used in the kitchen, where in the morning you can recharge positive during breakfast. Although appetite does not affect other bright colors.
    • Green gamma is best suited for the interior in combination with its “neighbors” in the color palette - blue, yellow, orange or brown tone.
  • Yellow invigorates, but in large quantities over time begins to irritate, as well as red. Of course, this color is ideal for dark rooms with limited access to natural lighting, which will add a little sunny and bright accent to the interior.
    • Harronizes with neutral tones, as well as with blue and purple color.
The main thing is not to create the effect of black and white cinema
The main thing is not to create the effect of black and white cinema
  • Grey - This is perhaps one of the most advantageous options. Furniture in gray also looks elegant, but it is worth considering the nuances with such a design decision. After all, its excess can inhibit. Therefore, do not forget to play with other bright puzzles in the form of minor decor elements. Moreover, the gray color is quite flexible and is well combined with any direction of the color circle. By the way, it is also not particularly flashed, therefore it is practical to use.
    • The most beautiful gray color is combined with white, pink and yellow tint.
  • Violet - This is one of the most conflicting colors, so you need to work with it extremely carefully so as not to overdo it. Neutral shades will help to muffle the saturation of this color, but the defiant accents can only ruin the design and make it too “stained”.
    • The use of a violet palette in the presence of yellow and blue accents is allowed.
Brown accent must also be diluted with flowers, better neighbors
As you can see, the harmonious picture is created by colors-messages
  • Brown Cauler Another practical interior will be presented, the combination of which can also be carried out with various spectra. The main feature is a feeling of protection, peace and home comfort, but an excessive amount can be slightly tiring. It is best to use it in the interior with your relatives - white and hiking shades of brown.
    • It also looks harmonious in combination with blue and green spectrum. But the orange note will help to make a share of freshness and energy.
  • If added black color, then it must be diluted with light and bright shades or details. Then the design will turn out to be very elegant and tastefully. In no case should a black kner be done with a leading color, especially in its pure form. If you do not want your interior to be too strict, then you should add various defiant details. For example, perform a floor or apron in a chess decoration, or add small figurines, photo collages or small prints on curtains/wallpaper.
    • Naturally, black color, as well as white universal, so goes well with any shades.
An example when black was made by the leading tint
Agree that such a head of Koller looks too tragic

Important: recently, many designers, when creating the kitchen style, are increasingly resorting to the use of gray color, and even replace them with classic white or black. He is universal, because It is combined with many shades and practical in use. Because it is practical and the spots are not very noticeable on it, which are simply inevitable in the kitchen. But when choosing this color, first of all, it is necessary to provide for compliance with the design style of the room.

Choosing color for the interior of the kitchen: Designer recommendations

The classic of French cuisine once said: "Half of the success of the cook is laid in the preliminary processing of the product." Based on this phrase, we can safely say that the comfort of the kitchen and the state of the mood of the mistress depend on the high -quality design, which is thought out by every detail. Only in this case, routine work can be performed with a sense of creation of a masterpiece. And the quality directly depends on the color combination in the interior of the kitchen.


  • using more than 5 colors in one composition does not look very beautiful. The best thing - one main and two additional. In this case, the headset should not combine more than 2 shades;
  • a large print or drawing visually reduces the size of the room. And a small drawing, on the contrary, shows that the room is much larger than it is actually;
    • to “raise” the ceilings as much as possible, it is better to use a pattern with vertical stripes;
    • horizontal lines are able to create a feeling of continuous room. But this should be neat, because Over time, such a print can begin to strain and even crush;
    • diagonal lines create the illusion of movement and dynamics. It also requires accuracy, so as not to overdo it and not create eye stress;
With colored stripes, also be careful
With colored stripes, also be careful
  • when performing a room in one color, the kitchen set must have a darker color a few tones. But there are rules of the opposite design-if the headsets and walls in one bubble, then the furniture should be bought at least 2-3 tones darker;
  • it is advisable to decorate the working surface with light shades. Since on dark surfaces, trotes, stains, fingerprints and other pollution are very noticeable;
  • also note that The surface of the matte texture muffles the color, and the gloss, on the contrary, makes it rich and deep;
  • do not forget about the existence of such a rule that cold shades pacify appetite, and warm - excite;
  • in order not to lead to the unbalance of the volume of the room, you should not use the same color for the ceiling and floor. In this case, it should be a little lighter than the floor, and at least 2 tones;
  • the most motley can only be the decor that fill the kitchen to give it comfort;
  • the kitchen is most harmonious, where the floor is darker than the rest of the terms of interior.
Bright and contrasting solution
Spectacular solution
Cold shades are also appropriate
Cold tint is also appropriate
Such a color scheme looks at home
At home

Choosing “correct” colors for the interior of the kitchen is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is worth remembering that there are no incompatible colors, and the secret of successful design is correctly selected tones. To create comfort and harmonious design, you just need to turn on a little imagination and think through all the details of the future kitchen in advance.

Video: How to harmoniously combine colors in the interior of the kitchen?

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