How to collect a child in a kindergarten? Preparing a child for kindergarten

How to collect a child in a kindergarten? Preparing a child for kindergarten

The article will help parents gather the child in the garden and prepare him for this event from the psychological side.

The first time in kindergarten is a responsible and exciting event for mom and child. How to prepare a child for kindergarten not only in terms of buying the necessary things, but also morally?

What documents are needed in kindergarten?

In Russia, to receive a child in the garden, you will need:

  • Parents identification documents
  • The direction (ticket) of the commission on the determination of the child in the garden
  • Application addressed to the head of the kindergarten on the admission of a child in the garden
  • Copy of the compulsory policy
  • A copy of the birth certificate of the child (show the original)
  • Medical card of the child form No. 026
  • Map of preventive vaccinations form No. 063
  • A certificate from the pediatrician that the child is healthy and did not contact infectious patients. Certificate is valid for 3 days
  • If you have payment benefits, then confirming documents
  • If a child needs a special speech therapy group, then a medical certificate about the need to visit such a group
  • If the child suffers from allergies to products that are given in the garden, then a medical certificate from an allergist about the presence of an allergy

What doctors need to go for a kindergarten?

  • Therapist. This is the first doctor to visit with your child. He evaluates the general condition of the child, gives directions to the next doctors and, as a result of the commission of the commission, issues a certificate of the desired sample
  • Otolaryngologist. The ENT reveals in the presence of the most common problems for children: adenoids, tonsillitis, curvature of the nasal septum. If these problems are detected, the doctor decides to treat


  • Ophthalmologist. As a rule, the inspection is aimed at identifying the following problems: distant or myopia, strabismus. When identifying them, treatment prescribes

  • Neurologist. Tries to find out at a reception whether there are neurological deviations: it hits a hammer on the knee, checks the vestibular apparatus and coordination

  • Surgeon. Watching the condition of the spine, stop, posture. If necessary, gives recommendations or prescribes treatment. Also examines the extreme flesh and testicles in boys

  • Dentist. It reveals problems with the child’s teeth, such as early children's caries. Necessarily inspects the bridle and checks the bite

  • Speech therapist. Children under 3 years of age of speech therapist gives only recommendations in the presence of some speech features, since up to 3 years, speech is still established. After 3 years, in order to avoid more serious speech defects, the doctor gives a referral to the speech therapy group in the garden or strongly recommends that the course of treatment at the speech therapist

Important: if you see that the doctor examined your child quite superficially, require a more attentive approach. This is especially true when you yourself suspect that something is wrong

What do you need to buy a child in a kindergarten?

  • Clothing (Read more below)
  • Packet
  • Stationery (Read more below)
  • Clothes for the pool if it is available (Read more below)
  • Food bib for meals
  • Dirty clothing bag
  • A comb for girls
  • 2 handkerchiefs
  • Handle for arms and legs
  • Toilet paper
  • Napkins

Important: Before you go to the store, be sure to ask the list in kindergarten so as not to buy superfluous and, conversely, nothing to miss

Clothing for kindergarten

Important: clothing should be simple, without intricate clasps made of natural materials, comfortable

Choose clothes for the street for the street and by air temperature in the group to stay in the room.

For the street in the fall and spring:

  • Underpants
  • Tights (2 pairs in case of getting wet)
  • Socks (2 pairs in case of getting wet)
  • T -shirt
  • Sweater
  • Jacket
  • Hat
  • Scarf
  • Gloves

For the street in winter:

  • Underpants
  • Warm tights (2 pairs in case of getting wet)
  • Warm socks (2 pairs in case of getting wet)
  • T -shirt
  • The jacket is warm
  • Komineson (pants + jacket)
  • Hat
  • Scarf
  • Gloves

For the street in the summer:

  • Underpants
  • Tights in cold weather
  • Light socks
  • Skirt, shorts, dress, pants (in the weather)
  • T -shirt
  • Sweater (according to the weather)
  • Ketka, Panama
  • Vetrovka (according to the weather)

For the group Choose clothes based on the temperature inside:

  • Underpants
  • T -shirt
  • Jacket (at a temperature of 20 and below C)
  • Shorts
  • Skirt
  • Dress
  • Tights (at a temperature of 22 and below C)
  • Pants instead of tights
  • Socks

Important: there should always be a reserve set of clothing in the child’s closet. After all, if the child deceives, you may not have the opportunity to quickly bring him dry and clean clothes

If there is a focus in physical training in the garden, then specify the list with the teacher is necessary for conducting physical classes.

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General clothing requirements:

Important: When choosing clothes for a child in a garden, choose the one that your child can put on yourself

  • Underpants. Only x/b. They should not fall and should not be very dense. The child should easily put them on and not correct every time they are string to fall
  • Tights. Often tights after washing are shrinking. After that, they hardly get along the child. Do not dress such tights to the baby, otherwise he himself will not be able to dress them, and the nanny will spend a lot of time while other children will be waiting. The elastic band should not crush
  • Socks. Only x/b so that the leg does not sweat

Important: panties, socks, tights should be 3-4 spare pairs. A child may not always go on a pot in time. And the legs can sweat. For these cases, there should always be replaceable sets. T -shirts and other things in which the child walks in the group should be 1 in stock, since the child may dousise at dinner

  • Skirts. Girls can wear skirts in the garden, but this is not entirely convenient, because you will not be there to pull it if necessary. If you want to put on a skirt, then choose a skirt-shirts-this is both beautiful and practical

  • Shorts. Should be on the elastic band. Buttons and buttons will make it difficult to dress your child
  • T -shirts. Pay attention to the throat. It should not be so narrow as to catch a child with difficulty. But it is also undesirable that it be on the buttons, since the child is unlikely to fasten them if necessary. Choose a hand with a sleeve, albeit very short. It is impossible for the shoulders to be open in the sun
  • Sweets. One jacket on the lock or buttons let it always hang in the closet. The rest should be, like T -shirts, with not narrow, but not with a wide throat. For a trip to the street in the spring, autumn and winter, jackets without fasteners and high throat are very good (popularly “golfs”). The child will easily put them on and the throat will always be closed

  • Dresses. A very beautiful outfit for girls, but not very convenient for the garden. The child can sit on the floor, and the dress will linger. It is inconvenient to play on the playground on the street. But this is your choice. If you see your baby only in beautiful dresses, then dress the dress
  • Pants. It is better if they are on an elastic band. They should not be narrow so as not to fetter the movement of the child in a group or on the site and not cause the child to pull on himself. It is good for autumn and cold spring if the pants are non -proceeding
  • Jacket/windbreaker. It’s good when outerwear with a hood. This will protect the child from the wind or unexpected rain. Even better, when an elastic band is installed on the hood, which is tightened in shape of the head. So the ears and the throat will be protected. Do not buy wide models, even if they are very fashionable. The child will play with the children on the site, and the wind will blow under the jacket. If the baby is sweating at this moment, then the probability of getting sick grows significantly. It is very good when there is also a protracting elastic band at the bottom of the jacket. The collar is better to be standing. You can unfasten it at any time, but in bad weather it will help out very much. Cuffs are also preferable to choose on an elastic band, so that the wind does not blow
  • Winter coveralls. The combine overalls is good because it is quickly dressed and it is not blown out by the wind. Separate overalls is good because the jacket can be dressed just before the exit so as not to sweat, while others wear only pants. It’s good when rubber bands are sewn on the leg, which are worn on the boot. So, the child’s leg is not exposed with active movements. Requirements for cuffs, hoods are similar, as for jackets/windbreakers (read the previous subparagraph)

  • Hat. It should be on the ties, despite the fact that hats without ties look more stylish. In groups, as a rule, 20 people. The teacher may not notice that your child has an ear. A hat-hats will be good for the garden. The child will easily dress her himself, and his ears and throat will always be closed. For summer, select a cap or panama

  • Gloves. It is better to connect them with a rope so that an inattentive child does not lose them. And better when they are tall to eliminate sand, snow through the sleeves
  • Scarf. It is necessary if the jacket does not have a standing throat. You can also put on a scarf so that the throat of the jacket is adjacent to the face, but a pleasant warm scarf

IMPORTANT: Dress the child according to the weather. If the entire group is 20 people, and your child is cold, then it is unlikely that everyone will go to the group. But the child cannot also sweat from the abundance of clothes, since the risk of the disease becomes very large

Kindergarten shoes

In the garden, the child always goes to shoes. Replaceable shoes are desirable. Different incidents can happen to small children. For the street, choose the weather shoes.

General requirements:

  • For the group, buy open sandals or sandals
  • Legs should not sweat in the selected shoes
  • Shoes should be comfortable, should not cause discomfort to the child
  • Buy Velcro shoes at least for children under 4 years old, well, or until you see the child’s skill to fasten shoes without Velcro
  • Do not buy shoes in which there are only laces. Let there be a lock from the side, otherwise the child will have difficulties with the training
  • For autumn, store rubber boots in the locker

List of stationery

Before buying stationery, specify their need for kindergarten.

As a rule, we need:

  • Album for drawing
  • Gouache (6 colors)
  • Drawing brushes: thin and thick
  • Colored paper
  • Color cardboard
  • Plasticine
  • A glass-non-duplicate
  • Colour pencils
  • Sharpener
  • Pencil case

What does the child need to the garden in the garden?

Important: the requirements for things for the pool may differ in gardens, so first check this moment with the teacher.

The list of necessary:

  • A cap for the pool on the head. This is done for hygiene purposes. Rubber will be more uncomfortable for the child, but often it is precisely it is required in the pool. The rag, although it wet your hair, but it will be more pleasant for the child to be in such a hat
  • Rubber slippers. Croxes have proven themselves well: in it the child’s leg will not slip

  • Showers: washcloth, soap
  • The towel is large
  • A dressing gown to get from a shower to the pool
  • Swimsuit/swimming trunks

What is needed for graduation in kindergarten?

The most interesting thing for a child, especially for a girl, is to wear a beautiful outfit for graduation. This is the element without which graduation will not be graduation. Everything else depends on the script of the graduation: gifts, accessories, jewelry.

Psychological preparation of the child for kindergarten

The psychological preparation of the child for the garden is a very painstaking, and sometimes very complex process. Some children from the first day in the garden feel confident and calmly. And some after a month do not want to be there for more than two hours. It depends on the nature of the child, his confidence and fears.

The differences in temperament.

  • Melancholic. Such a child always demands to fulfill his whims, does not tolerate failures, does not like new people, freaks out according to trifles, rolls hysteria, closed, does not want to communicate with anyone other than home, constantly requires attention. Of course, such a child will not want to go to the garden. You will have to transfer his tantrums and screams
  • In the garden, the child can behave aggressively, since he is still forced to be there. He will have problems with friendship. It is difficult to persuade such a child to go to the garden, but it’s still worth trying. Tactics: do not force and, especially, do not lead
  • With such a child, be prepared that the adaptation will delay, and going to work may be drawn. There will be no sense in the fact that you will send such a child to the garden by force: he will be hooligan or just sad in the corner
  • Find the advantages of visiting the garden that may interest your child: for example, the fact that there will be new toys. Or look for a compromise: the child goes to the garden, and then you will buy a new toy every weekend. The optimal age for sending such children to the garden is 5 years

  • Phlegmatic person. This is a calm child who does not cause problems. He knows how to play alone. But in the garden he adapts poorly, as he wants to go to his home to his mother. In the garden, such children do not cry, but do not have fun either. They sadly spend the day in anticipation of the arrival of the mother
  • Parents tactics: encourage the child, if possible, give him a favorite toy in the garden, which he can put in a closet, or give bed underwear from home. So, the baby will feel more comfortable and comfortable

The child is crying-in-Children's sad

  • Choleric. These are active children who like to fool, run, jump and pay attention. Such children love to be in the spotlight, so in the garden they will organize peculiar groups of huts
  • Such children deliver a lot of trouble to their educators not always useful, but indefatigable energy. Parents' tactics: no idea to try to crush activity in the child, it just needs to be directed in the right direction. The best age for adaptation is 3-4 years

  • Sanguine. This is an active child who loves communication and new impressions. He will gladly go to the garden, talk with children, play all the games. But, as soon as the games become boring to him, the child will stop wanting to visit the garden
  • Such children need to be given to the garden before the rest, but to choose such a garden where children are not left to their own devices, and where they will be entertained each time with new activities. Then you will not see problems with the adaptation of your child in the garden

What should a child be able for a kindergarten?

By the time the child is sent to the garden, he must:

  • Wean from the nipples
  • Learn to eat with a spoon
  • Go to the pot
  • Learn to dress minimally
  • Learn to fall asleep on your own

To send a child to the garden does not cause experiences for you and the child, prepare for this with all responsibility.

Video: What do you need for kindergarten?

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Comments K. article

  1. A very correct article, we probably went for two months to our garden. They looked at the children, asked about the teacher’s mode, tried to adhere to him. I gave my daughter Baby Formula Calm, talked with her about how good it is in the garden, there are many children. It seems to me the main thing is that the child would trust you and knew confidently that you would definitely take him. Everything turned out well, there was no tantrum, well, a couple of times I shook.

  2. The article is good and there are a lot of advice. I have a very sociable son and therefore there are practically no problems with D. Sadik. And so that he could adapt faster in the team, we drank the Baby formula with iodine in advance. The baby took with pleasure. Now I constantly about them about them Reminds. Our pediatrician advised us when we came to take tests for the kindergarten.

  3. You need a lot of clothes. Mostly knitwear. Convenient, practical and not sorry if something happens. I buy all T -shirts, sweaters and pants on the Kogankids website. Clothing will be worn and even after washing it is even and beautiful) That's just this knitwear, the rest of the whole Sikos Nasek ((((((

  4. Irinka, I’m also boiling there. It is very convenient, especially since in our city there is no one anywhere. Only China or Russia, and the quality is terrible. But Kogankids is just happy every time that it is not a parcel - a defile and then struggle with children. so that they finally take it off))))

  5. And also a very useful thing is a pocket on the cabinet door. Just look so as not to hang it on a rope (it is inconvenient to drive it, but it was to drive nails), but on an elastic band. It is necessary to accustom to order from the very beginning. And it is easier for educators, I know that, for example, interchangeable panties and tights in case of “puncture” lie in the upper pocket. And the child is happy to use the lower compartment.

  6. Baby and Kogankis were already hesitated with the bears, I will never buy for anything.

  7. Tired of Baby and Kogankis, I won’t buy it for anything.

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