How to rent a magnet from clothes at home? A device for removing magnets from clothing. How to remove a magnetic clip using an elastic band, lighters, pliers?

How to rent a magnet from clothes at home? A device for removing magnets from clothing. How to remove a magnetic clip using an elastic band, lighters, pliers?

Methods and devices for removing a magnet from clothing.

In modern stores, expensive branded clothing all the time there is protection of goods, which does not allow thieves to deal with their business. But sometimes it happens that by mistake, the seller forgets to remove the clip from clothes. At the exit, the frame does not react, but at home you are faced with the problem of removing the clip. In this article, we will consider the main ways to remove the magnet from clothing.

How to rent a magnet from clothes at home?

The fact is that now there are several options for clip that are created in order to prevent theft. The simplest and cheapest are small plastic strips that are glued to the goods, or put into the box. Typically, such clips-ticks equip an inexpensive product in grocery stores. Most often this happens in the alcohol or sausage department.

The most interesting thing is that if you try to cut this sensor directly in the store directly in the store, or bend the protection system, and the alarm will be heard. Therefore, the easiest way to remove such a sensor by light heating. At the same time, the glue becomes almost liquid, and easily manages to peel off this sensor from the goods.

Using a lighter
Using a lighter

Features of the removal of the magnet:

  • As for clothing or other things, the situation here is completely different, because basically clips are used, which consist of two wings. Inside there is a rod that pierces things. Opening such clips is somewhat more difficult, but there are a lot of ways.
  • The easiest is the use of nippers or screwdrivers. The fact is that many simply seek to break the magnet. Yes, it is really quite easy to do, but the fact is that now there are magnets in the new system, inside which there are capsules with paint. Accordingly, as soon as you break this clip, the paint will flow out onto the clothes, making it unsuitable for socks. Therefore, the point of stealing things disappears. Why does anyone need clothes spoiled by paint.
  • You can open a magnet without the help of nippers or pliers. You can do this with a regular lighter. To do this, you need to see which side of the clip is more convex, on the other side you need to heat. Heating is carried out by the most convex part until it melts. When the plastic is quite hot, using a sharp knife or screwdriver, it is necessary to scrap a little plastic, so that the inside is free. So you will see the mechanism itself inside and the spring. It will need to be removed, it is she who promotes fastening.
Magnets for clothing
Magnets for clothing

Device for removing magnets from clothing

The easiest option for removing clip is the use of a magnet and magnetic devices. You can purchase this system, that is, a magnet in the store or use another, more powerful. Please note that most often such a clip opens when using a magnet with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2 cubic centimeters. If the magnet is low -power, with a small magnetic field, most likely the clip simply will not open.

Magnet for removal
Magnet for removal


  • Accordingly, the magnet should be large and powerful. Unfortunately, not everyone has it on the farm, so you can use other, more affordable methods. One of them is the use of locksmith tools, that is, bites, pliers, and other sharp objects. Please note that these methods are suitable only if there is no paint inside the clip.
  • If you are sure that there is no paint inside the capsule, you can open with sharp objects. Otherwise, if you do not know, are not sure, we recommend that you first freeze this clothes in the freezer. That is, leave it for about 2 hours so that the paint inside the capsule froze. Thus, even if you break the clip, the contents will not flow out, because of your aggregate state, you can without obstacles to remove clips from clothing.
  • On the network you can find a lot of tips on how to open such clips, what to do with them. One of the simplest options is to put part of the clip with a flat side on a solid surface, and cover the second with some kind of metal object and hit the hammer strongly. As a result of this impact, the mechanism inside will simply fly apart. The balls will be shifted, thereby the rod can be easily extracted. It is on this principle that the magnet works. Balls are pulled in one direction, and a spring with a rod to the other. Thus, it is possible to disconnect the two parts of the clip.
Large magnet
Large magnet

How to remove a magnetic clip using an elastic band, pliers?

In addition, there is another way that can be used. Many advise you to insert a knife or screwdriver inside, and rotate it from the side in order to increase the gap between the two parts of the clip. As a result of this, they simply disconnect, but there is a risk of staining.

Magnetic puller
Magnetic puller

Removing options:

  • Many note that they managed to remove the clip with rotation. To do this, it is necessary to tighten the thing with one part of the clip with one hand, and pull the second on yourself, taking it with your fingers. At the same time, rotate from the side and take it to the opposite. Thus, as a result of rotation, the rod will slide along the balls that are inside. Sooner or later, you will be able to free yourself from them. Thus, the clip will open. This is one of the simplest options that do not require the use of magnets, screwdrivers or pliers.
  • Of course, all these methods require special tools, as well as some skills. The fact is that not everyone in the arsenal has similar tools, so the best option is to contact the seller in order to remove the clip. This option is suitable if you did not steal this thing, but purchased. In this case, you just need to return to the store with the check, show the seller that you purchased the goods, and ask to remove the magnetic clip.
  • The best option is to use powerful magnets. One of them is a magnet from a hard drive. It is quite powerful, it works well and practically opens all the magnetic locks with which the clothes are marked.
  • There is another good option - this is the use of rubber bands. It is best to use rubber bands that fasten cash bills or tablets in the store. It is also called Hungarian. To do this, you need to try the elastic band between the two parts of the clip. Thus, this will create a certain pressure, you can slightly dilute the two parts of the clip so that the void forms inside. Next, it will be possible to introduce nails between two clips, unleashed from side to side. After that, enter another elastic band. Thus, you will have several elastic bands between clips, which will increase the space between them. Thus, adding elastic bands, you can increase the distance between the parts of the magnetic lock, disconnect it.
Broken clip
Broken clip

There are many ways that allow you to get rid of the magnet on clothes. The most optimal appeal to the supermarket with a request to remove the clip from clothes, providing a check for the purchase.

Video: Ways to remove a magnet from clothes

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