How to download a video from instagram to a computer, phone, using codes, special programs, simple methods?

How to download a video from instagram to a computer, phone, using codes, special programs, simple methods?

In this article, we will consider how to quickly and simply download a video from Instagram for users of various systems.

As in many other social networks, there is no built -in function in the instagram that would allow you to download a video or photo. But, even despite this restriction, there are a number of tricks that will allow you to save your favorite video or photo on your device. And the most effective ways will be discussed in this material.

How to quickly download a video from Instagram to a computer: we use codes

Only on it you can save video without installing special programs. But for this, some knowledge of codes will be needed. Although we will share the main secrets and necessary basics.

  • First of all, you need to enter your instructure account on a computer, and for this, enter the necessary login and password. Choose the right video that you like.
  • Click the right side of the mouse and choose the lower line in the highlighted window "Explore the element" or "To get the code" After pressing it, you will immediately transfer you to a new page, which will have this kind.
Such codes will be highlighted on the left
Such codes will be highlighted on the left
  • Now you need to stick the keys "Ctrl+F", and in the search line, you will prescribe in English letters "video". Then look for a line-liner, which will consist of a long row of letters, but will begin with traditional letters "HTTPS".
  • To make it easier to navigate, word "Video" It should stand at the very beginning of the chain. By the way, it will be highlighted with a special bright yellow color.
    • You can go down to the very bottom of these incomprehensible inscriptions and find a combination "DIF". But this is very difficult for beginners or ordinary users of social networks that do not have hacker abilities. After all, such inscriptions of a lot, and all of them is too tiring.
  • And now it remains to copy this link and insert it into the new browser window. And then it’s already a small thing - you also need to open a small menu with the right mouse button and select "Save the video". At the end, select the desired folder and place to save, and do not forget to press "OK".
So you can simply save the video from the Instagram on the computer
So you can simply save the video from Instagram on the computer

How to download a video from Instagram using external programs?

These methods will help to quickly upload the desired video from the instraming and on the laptop, and to any smartphone. Moreover, they are more than understandable in use. Especially when compared with the previous method. True, you need to load them on a computer or install them in the browser itself. But then such manipulations will be quickly and incredibly simple.

Let's start withInstadownthat acts as the most popular option

It is very simple and works according to the same principle as most such analogues.

  • Copy on the page of the desired video link, which is in the upper line.
  • Insert it into the online service field and press the corresponding button.
  • And in order not to get confused, the blue button is responsible for copying the link that you can send to your friends. But "Instadown" Provide instantly downloading the video.

IFTTT ensure storage of files in any storage

  • It’s even easier to work with this service, because he does everything for you. Like an autopilot, you just need to like to activate the video download.
  • Although you must first configure this triangle among themselves. That is, tie Instagram, any storage where the files will download, and the program itself.
  • To do this, under the icons you need to select the appropriate settings. Five minutes of your time and like your favorite video.
The application can work on any smartphone or computer
The application can work on any smartphone or computer

Universal Savedeo

Since he knows how to download videos and pictures from other social networks, but is intended for tablets, and for phones, and for computers.

  • It also works in an online mode, and insert a link to the video in the search field opposite a bright yellow inscription "Download" (download).
  • After pressing "Enter" The video will be loaded in the same window. And download it can already be a traditional method. That is, through the right mouse button.

Flow for Instagram It is insanely easy to use, but not everyone is suitable

In general, the service is designed for Apple tablet systems. Therefore, only such selected users can use such a convenient program.

  • To download the video from the instrame, you just need to touch three points on the right and select the desired line from the proposed menu.
  • By the way, you can save pictures. And upload them to the place of storage where you place your own photos, or choose a separate folder for them.
  • Also, the amenities do not stop there - when viewing the tape, you can turn off the auto -launch of the video, which can not even be done on the social network itself.
The application is very convenient, but not everyone is suitable
The application is very convenient, but not everyone is suitable

Another utility for iPhone and iPad -Instagrab

It needs to be downloaded and authorized to enter data from Instagram.

  • Using the saving button, you can upload you to your memory you like in memory.
  • By the way, photos or interesting pictures will be automatically preserved from your "heart".
  • But sometimes it will be necessary to introduce water signs. And also a free program offers only a certain share of possible download.

4K. Downloader Suitable for everyone

Any subscribers can use this program.

  • To download the video with the instagram, you just need to copy the link to the video, and then click on “Paste url».
  • And if you configure the mode "Smart Mode", will carry out pumps at any time and to different content, without any restrictions.

Zasasa or simplicity and versatility in one person

  • It is also suitable for any systems, and in work to madness is simple, because it goes without unnecessary additions.
  • Just copy the link, insert it into the search line, click on the desired button and wait for the end of the load.
This download assistant is suitable for everyone
This download assistant is suitable for everyone

How to download a video from Instagram to your phone?

Unfortunately, few home pages support built -in applications on smartphones. The easiest option download the sound file from the instructure to the phone is to use a special application. We examined some universal species.

  • But it is worth highlighting the utility Instasave. It was created according to the same principle with other platforms. It downloads, but takes a very small weight of memory.
    • By the way, an undeniable plus - you do not need to enter any data or register.
  • All that is required of you is to copy the link to the video (by clicking on the upper troet), open the downloaded program and insert the URL there.
  • The utility downloads the video after pressing the green button, and it will appear in your phone gallery.
  • But it will not work much to pump up much. No, there are no restrictions, but coins are needed. Moreover, the service even offers them to earn by viewing advertising. But this is not the most convenient option for your pastime, especially if you need to download a large number of videos.
This program is suitable for most smartphones
This program is suitable for most smartphones

In what simple ways can you download the video from the instructure?

You can download a video from Instagram to a device not only using applications and special extensions for the browser.

  • To date, there is a special bot in Telegram, which saves the video from the instructure to your gallery on the phone.
    • It is enough just to insert a link to the video you are interested in into the dialog string and then the bot will do everything on its own. Very easy to use and convenient function.
  • If you are the owner of an iPhone, then a simple and fast way to download your favorite video from Instagram is to install the WorkFlow program.
    • Her script independently recognizes links in the exchange buffer and saves the video to the phone gallery. It’s easy to “share” the video you like.

As you can see, all systems and machines have their own programs and tricks that help download the video from Instagram. Moreover, now it has become even more in demand, because its duration has been increased to 1 minute. All methods have their advantages and disadvantages, but you need to choose the right analogue yourself. We offered you possible options.

Video: How to download an instagram video?

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