What the children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt look now: interesting facts, photos

What the children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt look now: interesting facts, photos

In this article we will see how the children of Angelina Jolie and Bred Pitt have grown and have changed a lot.

The famous pair of two Beauty standards officially concluded their 9-year civil marriage in 2014. But after 2 years, the news of their divorce scattered in thunder. And now this process lasts as 2 years. The reason for this delay was the children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, or rather, guardianship of them. But while the parents quarrel and get divorced, the children have already managed to grow up. They say that other people's children grow quickly, let's look at Hollywood children of celebrities - is it so.

What do the children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt look now?

We remind or enlighten that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have six children, of which three adopted and three relatives. By the way, their family has the same number of boys and girls. Despite the immense popularity of both parents, they try to protect children from curious cameras of journalists, so the pictures are not so easy to get.

Maddox Shivan Jolie Pitt, 17 years old

  • Angie adopted the eldest son before marriage with Pitt, when she was married to Billy Bob Thornton. In 2002, Jolie took from the shelter in Cambodia, where the film “beyond the line”, an eleven -month -old crumb, took place. But immediately after the divorce from the director became a single guardian of the Cambodian boy. In 2005, Pitt also became the legal guardian of the baby. By the way, the adoption process itself dragged on for many years because of the US government.
This is how the Cambodian boy grown
This is how the Cambodian boy grown
  • According to the parents themselves, Maddox is an excellent older brother and behaves accordingly. Despite the complete freedom of action, because Angie is a supporter of freedom of choice and development of a person without any framework, Maddox studies well. And he has already studied three languages \u200b\u200b- English, French and Khmersky (Cambodian language). Actively engaged in kung fu and learns to drive a boat. Although Pitt emphasizes the steep body of the guy, which is only growing over the years.
  • The guy is also fond of playing the guitar and prefers clothes with the symbols of his favorite performers. By the way, in Hollywood, Maddox is considered one of the well -worn children, or rather adolescents. Also, one cannot fail to mention Maddox's love for cold weapons, which Jolie has supported appropriate gifts from 7 years old.
The eldest child of the famous couple
The eldest child of the famous couple
  • The boy has already tried himself on the set. For example, in 2013, he played one of the zombies in the film “War of the Worlds Z” with Pitt. And in the future he wants to follow in the stellar footsteps of his foster parents and become also an actor. Jolie supports him in this. So in 2015, he starred in the film “By the Sea” and “At first they killed my father” (2016).
  • After the divorce, the guy chose the side of Jolie, and they have good trust-friendly relations. True, recently there was information that Maddox was too painfully transferred Jolie’s act, who prayed on the grave of Paul Pot - a dictator who ruined many lives of Cambodians. There were even rumors that the guy was thinking about moving to his father. But while this was postponed before the decision of the judges about guardianship.
Madox dreams of walking in the footsteps
Maddox dreams of walking in the footsteps

Zakhara Jolie Pitt, 13 years old

  • 3 years after the adoption of the Cambodian boy, Jolie was in Ethiopia as an ambassador of goodwill. From where she returned already with a dwelling six -month girl, who was named Zakhara Marley Jolie. Earlier it was known that both parents of the African girl died of AIDS, so there were no problems with adoption.
This is how the Ethiopian beauty grew up
This is how the Ethiopian beauty grew up
  • But later, the media received information that the biological mother was alive and wishes to reunite with her own daughter. According to the woman, she was forced to abandon the newborn, because there was not enough funds to keep her. Despite numerous attempts to make contact with the daughter, adoption was considered legal, so after a while the question with Zakhara’s biological parents was closed.
  • Later, when the girl found out about a similar situation, she showed a desire to return to her homeland and make contact with her mother. What was very shocked by Jolie. At the moment, the question remains open.
Paparazzi often catch the gloomy appearance of a girl
Paparazzi often catch the gloomy appearance of a girl
  • The girl dreams of an acting career, and more than once accompanied her adoptive parents on the set. Zakhara tried herself as an actress, starring in the film "Malefisent", and also voiced the characters in the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda 3".
  • It is also noted that the girl prefers the dark color and the free style of clothing. It can rarely be seen in a dress, and recently she went out in a men's trouser suit with her younger sister.
  • Pictures often catch the girl’s killer and slightly formidable gaze, but Jolie explains it with great modesty.
She also prefers the free style
The girl prefers the free style

Shailo Nouvel, 12 years old

  • The first biological daughter in the Hollywood family was Shailo, who was born on May 27, 2006. Jolie's first pregnancy caused a tremendous stir in the press. Naturally, paparazzi tracked down the married couple to get exclusive pictures. But the couple still managed to keep everything secret, and over time, the pictures of the newborn daughter sold more than $ 10 million, which in turn took pictures of Shailo with the most expensive photos in world history.
First biological daughter Jolie and Pitt
First biological daughter Jolie and Pitt
  • Shailo attracts the media with its extraordinary manner of dressing. Despite the cute face and blond hair, the girl from the age of five refuses to wear dresses and skirts, besides asking to call herself a boy. Over the years, the girl becomes more and more like her father than her mother.
  • In 2010, Shailo even stated that she wanted to become a boy and ask her to call her John. Such a statement by the daughter forced his parents to contact a specialist who convinced the couple not to rush with conclusions, because Everything can change by adolescence. A strange manner of dressing can be caused by a lack of attention from the parents, which most of their time spend on set or travel. In addition, the girl communicates more with her brothers, which could also affect the style and manner of Shailo's behavior.
The girl from 5 years old refused dresses
The girl from 5 years old refused dresses
  • There is another version of the strange behavior of the girl, according to which, children of the star couple would not interfere with more strict education and discipline. Many friends of the married couple claim that children do not know the word “no” at all, and any methods of punishment are strictly prohibited in the family.
Shailly has the same kind heart as her mother
Shailly has the same kind heart as her mother

Pax Thundy Jolie Pitt, 15 years old

  • In 2007, there was more in the Jolie-Pitt family. It was lucky enough to become the son of a star couple of a three -year -old Vietnamese boy, who was called Pax Tyen. This name denotes the “world” and was allegedly chosen before the death of Angelina’s mother.
Fourth child in the family
Fourth child in the family
  • Of course, like the older brother, Pax is fond of cinema and, as a sister, voiced the characters of the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda 3". He also worked as a photographer during the filming of the film led by Jolie.
  • In addition, the boy shows the incredible talent of the cook, according to his adoptive parents. For the first time, the guy showed culinary talent, preparing a pie for the wedding of foster parents.
  • At a small age, the boy simply drove his parents crazy with unbearable behavior, but over time everything changed. He became more restrained and serious. This is manifested both in behavior and in the manner of dressing.
Now Pax is distinguished by restraint
Now Pax is distinguished by restraint
  • Unlike his brothers and sisters, Pax prefers not to stand out and wear ordinary restrained clothes, which he chooses, without the help of parents. Only occasionally the boy brings Gothic details in his image, such as a slanting bang in the style of emo, black jeans or T -shirts with nirvana prints. Noticed, Pax loves various unusual, voluminous and bright hats.
Jolie with two older sons
Jolie with two older sons

Vivienne Marshalin Jolie and Knox Leon, 10 years old

  • In 2008, on July 12, in one of the clinics in France, a star couple were born at the Gemini. By tradition, Vivienne and Knox received their names from great -grandmothers and great -grandfathers. If you believe the rumors, the actors resorted to the IVF procedure, because They really wanted twins. Although Jolie and Pitt deny this information.
Twins now
Twins now
  • Already for the first photographs of their twins, the star couple received more than 14 million dollars. The actors transferred most of the money earned to the Fund to restore the New Orleans, which suffered from a hurricane.
Jolie with children in Toronto
Jolie with children in Toronto
  • Children are outwardly incredibly similar to their parents, but so far have not tried their strength as actors. Despite the fact that Vivienne participated in the filming of Malefisent, as Princess Aurora. Brad claims that he gives complete freedom of choice to his children, and when they grow up, they have every right to choose a profession, with which Angie agreed with.
  • It is worth noting that the youngest daughter is also more than a supporter of the male style, which was repeatedly captured in the photo. Perhaps indeed, this is imitation of the older brothers or the desire to attract the attention of parents.
Another big photo
Another big photo

I only want to add that children do not attend school, because the family often travels. But the psychologist is visited regularly. Often paparazzi can catch pictures of children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt for eating fast food. In addition to the full choice in the style of clothing, all children themselves choose their faith. To put things in order and cope with the children of star parents, or rather Jolie, 12 nannies help that work in shifts.

Video: How have the children of Angelina Jolie and Bred Pitt changed and grew up?

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