How to make a beautiful house for a cat with your own hands, with a complex for games from improvised materials-cardboard, boxes, old clothes, plywood, wood: ideas, master classes, description, photo, patterns, patterns, videos, tips for arranging and choosing a view A house for a cat

How to make a beautiful house for a cat with your own hands, with a complex for games from improvised materials-cardboard, boxes, old clothes, plywood, wood: ideas, master classes, description, photo, patterns, patterns, videos, tips for arranging and choosing a view A house for a cat

In the article you will find ideas for the manufacture of simple and budget houses for cats from all kinds of improvised materials.

What to choose a house for a cat: types of houses, tips for arrangement

If you have become the owner of a cat, sooner or later you will have to think about the arrangement of a cat's dwelling. The cat needs a house, just as a person needs personal space. In his house, the cat will be able to relax calmly, here no one will touch it.

If the cat does not have her own house, she will find a place on her own. The animal can skill out your wardrobe with clothes or find a place on the couch or table as a home. If you do not want this state of affairs, then it's time to equip a cozy house for a pet.

You can buy a ready -made house for a cat. And you can make it with your own hands, putting your love and care into it. There are many advantages of a house made a lot:

  • They are easy to manufacture;
  • You can make a house of any size and configuration;
  • For manufacture, improvised materials that will be found in your house are suitable;
  • You can buy materials, their cost will be much lower than that of the finished house;
  • If you like to craft, this lesson will allow you to be interested in leisure;
  • Only the owner knows about the desires and habits of his pet, so it will easily make the house as comfortable for the pet.

Important: Before finding a place for a house in your house or apartment, watch the cat. Surely there is a place in the apartment where she prefers to be most often. Here it is worth placing a house.

Also, if the cat is not accustomed to the tray, it should be accustomed to the moment it moves to its new home. Otherwise, the house will have to be washed regularly.

A cat's house should meet the following criteria:

  1. Space. The dimensions of the cat's dwelling should correspond to the size of the pet. In a small apartment, it is difficult to find a place for a large house, but in a too close house a cat will not be convenient.
  2. Materials. To create a house, choose natural breathing materials that can easily be cleaned if necessary.
  3. Place for games. It is nice to make sure that the cat is where to flood the claws or play with the ball. Game complexes look original, they really like pets.
  4. It is desirable that the cat house is present in the house back door. This animal, although it has long become home, but the instincts of survival and the continuation of the clan have in the first place. The presence of a black move will ensure the animal calm and safety.
  5. The dwelling of the cats should be slightly raised. This will provide a cat review of the territoryWhat is very important for the male. The dwelling of the cat, on the contrary, should be lower. Such a house will satisfy the instinct of preserving the offspring of a cat.

There are various types of cat houses. The choice of a certain type of house largely depends on the habits of the cat. Consider what kind of cat houses are.

Lying down

It looks like a miniature bed or sofa. There is no roof in such a house. The cat will not be able to fully retire in such a house, but many pets get used to this type of houses. The lying can easily be moved from one place to another, you can take with you on a trip. This is the advantage of this type of house.

A cat lying for a cat - a convenient and compact house


It is a mini-version of hammock for people. A hammock for cats without hesitation can be placed without the expense of the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment. For example, under the seat of the chair, tied the edges of the hammock to the legs of the chair. Making a hammock with your own hands is easier. It is enough to take a fairly dense section of the fabric, sew on its edges of the rope, and the hammock is ready.

Gamak for a cat


Such a house with a roof is closed and allows the pet to be in complete solitude and calm at any time of the day. If the area of \u200b\u200byour apartment or house is large, the booth can become an interior decoration. Some place such houses in the courtyard of a private house.

A booth for a cat


A house with a pointed roof. The houses of this type are suitable for the Siamese, Abyssinian or Bengal cat. Cats of these breeds love to stand on tiptoe.

Varieties of cat houses

Complexes for games

Such a cozy corner is a real joy for an active pet. Such complexes are especially necessary if there are several cats in the house. Complexes can consist of various devices for a cat, for example, stairs, beds, claws, etc. The sizes of the complexes are also very different: from miniature to real labyrinths. If you have where to place such a complex, the pet will have an extremely fun time.

House with claws and ball

House built into furniture

A great solution for those who seek to save the space of their home or apartment. When arranging a cat house in furniture, the nature and size of the pet should be taken into account. Too large and energetic cat can fill up the structure.

A house for a cat built into furniture

How to make a cat for a cat with your own hands from cardboard, boxes: step -by -step description, photo

Cardboard packaging is the cheapest material for a cat house. A similar house is done very quickly. The plus of the dwelling from cardboard packaging is the budget of the material. Finding a box of the necessary dimensions is not a problem. It is enough to cut out the holes in it for the entrance and exit, put a soft mattress, and the house is considered ready. The cardboard house is light. If necessary, you can transfer it to another place. These factors can be attributed to the positive sides of the house from this material.

The disadvantages of the house include fragmentation. During the active games of the pet, cardboard is easily damaged. A similar house cannot be washed, cleaned. Based on this, you will often have to update a home for a cat.

Simple house-house for a cat

Many do not like the way the cardboard house looks like. The type of ordinary cardboard packaging, indeed, has no aesthetics. But it can be beautifully designed. For this, colored paper, fabric, buttons, bows and other decor elements are suitable. The cardboard box can be covered with a cloth, the fabric can be fixed with glue or a stapler. Buttons and other decor elements can be sewn or also planted on glue. Inside the wall of the box, you can paint and covered with a soft cloth so that the cat is warm and comfortable. The result is a pretty house.

Cardboard house

You can make a house from corrugated cardboard. This is not difficult. For manufacture, you need the following materials:

  • Cardboard corrugated
  • Stationery knife
  • Compass
  • Glue

Production process:

  1. Draw a circle on a sheet of cardboard, and there are still many circles of smaller diameter in it.
  2. Then it is necessary to cut these circles using a stationery knife.
  3. Glue the rings together.
  4. At the end, stick the bottom of the house.
  5. When the glue dries, cut the hole for the entrance.

Such a house is good in that thanks to its textured surface, the pet can flood the claws. Usually for such purposes, cats choose furniture. But with such a house you will not have to spoil the furniture.

Step -by -step manufacturing of a cat's house made of cardboard
Corrugated cardboard house
Small and simple house

Video: How to make a cat's house for a cat?

How to make a cat for a cat with your own hands from old clothes: step-by-step description, master class

Unnecessary clothes, namely a T -shirt or sweater, can get a chance for a second life. From this clothing you can quickly make a house a house for your cat.

You will need to make such a house:

  • Old T -shirt
  • Aluminum wire
  • Large sheet of dense cardboard or plywood
  • Glue
  • Scotch
  • Awl
  • Threads, needle

Step -by -step manufacture:

  1. Take a cardboard sheet of 40*40 cm in size. In order for cardboard to become more durable, pushing it with tape. Instead of cardboard, you can take a sheet of plywood. This will be the basis for the future house. Make an awl holes in all corners of the base.
  2. Then take two segments of aluminum wire of the same length. Make two identical arcs and combine their cross steam using tape.
  3. Then pass the edges of the wire into the holes of the base. Bend the edges and very reliably fix them with tape. The pet should not get hurt about the edge of the wire.
  4. Now inspect the frame of the cat house. It should be symmetrical. If the house is uneven, you can fix it. To do this, one of the uneven edges of the wire should be lowered or lifted above and fixed. But it is better to immediately do everything smoothly and symmetrically.
  5. Then you should put on a t -shirt on the frame. The hole for the head should be placed in the center, and best - closer to the lower edge. Thus, the cat will be comfortable to climb into the house.
  6. The sleeves of T -shirts and free edges should be carefully tired and sewed with a thread with a needle.
  7. Inward, put a soft fabric suitable in size of the house.
Materials that are needed for the manufacture of a house
Step 1: Production of the frame
Step 2: Insert the wire former the house
Step 3: Fix the frame well
Step 4: Put on the T -shirt on the finished frame
Step 5: Hide the edges of the T -shirt
Photo of a ready -made house from a T -shirt and a satisfied pet

Important: For the manufacture of a house, large -sized T -shirts are suitable, children's t -shirts will not work unambiguously. The thing should be inituted, without stains, without holes, so that the pet’s house looks beautiful and neat.

  • Another important point: the T -shirt should be made of cotton. Synthetic clothing can accumulate static charge. It is unlikely that your pet will like such a house.
  • By the same principle, you can make a sweater house. But it is better to shorten the sleeves so that they do not interfere when they get them down. Such a house will be a warm refuge for a pet.
  • Instead of cardboard or plywood, you can use a small soft pillow. The wire can be made not arched, but pointed up. Then you get a house-vigvam.
  • If you do not know where to get the wire of the required length, hangers from wire, which many at home will come to the rescue. Panzers can be straightened with pliers, and you will get the necessary material for needlework.
  • You can make a soft cozy house for a cat from an old sweater. You will also need a small soft pillow that can fit inside the sweater, foam rubber.
How to make a cat's house from a sweater

First you need to sew the neck of the sweater. Then flash a sweater in a circle, sew the sleeves to the body.

Step 1: Sew the edges of the neck, and sew the sleeves to the body

Sleeves should be filled with foam rubber and sew them together.

Step 2: Sew the sleeves

Then a pillow is laid inside the sweater, the edge is sewn.

Step 4: Put the pillow inside and sew the edges of the product

The last step is to sew the sleeves together and hide the seam. For this, the place of connection of the sleeves is sheathed with some kind of fabric. A soft bed for a cat is ready.

Step 5: Hide the seams
Photo of ready -made soft lynchis for a pet

Video: how to quickly make a cat's house?

How to make a house for a cat with your own hands from plywood, wood: step -by -step description, pattern pattern, drawing

A house made of durable material, such as wood or plywood, will last a long time. To make such a house, you need to be able to work with tools, as well as a lot of free time. You can’t do without male help in this matter. If the cat knew how to speak, she would say thank you for such a beautiful and reliable dwelling.

To make a feline house from plywood or wood, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Wood, plywood
  • Squad
  • Electric
  • Glue
  • Stapler for furniture
  • Soft dense fabric
  • Corners
  • Self -tapping screws

First you should cut the plywood or wood sheets according to the scheme. Gently cut the hole for the entrance. Then the details are neatly interconnected using corners, screws and screwdrivers. The roof is attached at the very end.

Using a furniture stapler, tighten the house with a soft cloth. The walls of the house should also be insulated and put a soft pillow for a pet.

Wooden house made of wood

Below are schemes, following which you can make a house of wood or plywood with your own hands.

DIY house from wood: Scheme 1
DIY house from wood: Scheme 2

How to sew a simple cat for a cat with your own hands: step -by -step description, pattern pattern, drawing

If you notice that your pet loves to bask on the pillow, soft little bed The cat appears to your liking. Sewing such a bed will not be difficult even in inexperienced seamstresses. You can do this on a sewing machine or manually.

You will need the following materials:

  • A cut of fabric
  • Foamen
  • Cardboard sheet
  • Scissors
  • Threads with a needle
  • Call

Step -by -step manufacture:

  1. First, draw a pattern of patterns on the wrong side of the fabric with chalk, make allowances for seams of 1 cm.
  2. Cut the foam for inserts.
  3. It is better to lay a cardboard on the bottom of the bed, then the bed will be stable.
  4. Insert the foam rubber, sew the details.
  5. Then sew all the details of the bed together.

Choose natural fabric, you can take a warm dense fabric or thin cotton, knitwear.

Soft lounger for a cat made of fabric and foam
How to sew a cat for a cat: patterns

You can also sew lesser-transformer. Sewing such a bed is easier than the previous model. The advantage of such a bed is that it can be folded and taken with you on the road if the pet travels with you. Follow the scheme given in the photo below. The dimensions can be different, consider the parameters of your pet.

Transformer house

Easable to manufacture is round house for a cat from warm fabric. You will need:

  • Warm fur fabric
  • Foamen
  • The ribbon
  • Scissors
  • Threads with a needle

Step -by -step description:

  1. On the wrong side of the fabric, draw a pattern, as in the photo.
  2. Cut two such details.
  3. From foam rubber cut a circle with a diameter of 40 cm.
  4. Put foam rubber in the center of the pattern, sew two parts of the part around the foam.
  5. Sew the edges of the patterns, leave a cut for the ribbon.
  6. At a distance of 1 cm from the edge of the pattern, make a seam for the ribbon.
  7. Insert the braid, pull it to the desired size of the product.
Cat Less Pattering Scheme
Warm soft bed with pompons

If you sew pompons on the rope, then the cat will play with something. In addition, pompons will become a decline in the couch.

How to make a cat for a cat with a gaming complex: materials, photos, description

Cats are well -known huts. They love to play. They also need a claw to sharpen claws. You can make efforts and build a whole complex for your pet.

Important: If you decide to make a house of such a plan, it is better to make it from wood, plywood. A short -lived material, such as cardboard, is not at all suitable for such a large -scale house. After all, cardboard houses wear out quickly, and you will be sorry for the spoiled results of your labor.

The design of the house with a complex for games can be simple and complex. Usually here are:

  1. Lesser, house
  2. Claw
  3. Ball for the game
  4. The site where the pet can climb

In order to build a claw, you need a metal or plastic pipe, as well as a thick rope from jute. The details are pasted with a soft, dense fabric. It is advisable to select colors in the tone of the interior, then the house is not just practical, but also perfectly fits into the design of your apartment.

House with gaming complex

If you make several sites in the complex, the animal will climb on them, which will expand the options for games. Driving the ball on the rope, the pet will also have fun. After all, the cat does not sleep all the time, sometimes she wants to step aside. The game complex is especially appropriate if there are two pets.

House for pets
Option to arrange a cat for a cat
How to make a house with a playground for a pet

Video: DIY Cat House

How to make a cat for a cat from improvised materials: ideas, photo

The flight of your imagination determines how the corner for the rest of the pet will be made. Many owners want to save the space of their home and embed cat houses in furniture. It looks original. There is enough space in such a house, while he will not interfere with anyone. However, it is necessary to take into account the temperament of the pet. A large playful cat can easily blame such a design if it is not stable enough.

House for a pet built into furniture

Some owners make furniture on order, embedding a dwelling for pets there. In the drawer there is a feeder with food. And in the closet there is a cozy place to relax a cat. It is immediately evident that in this house a special place of honor for a pet is given.

Exquisite housing for a cat

If you like Hand Made, try to make a cat’s home, an old suitcase. It can be two floors, which is suitable for two pets.

Two -story cat house

A cat's house, equipped in an old TV, looks creative. A similar option for the house is perfectly placed in the country if you move there in the summer. Also, the option is suitable for lovers of everything unusual.

House for a cat on TV

Some equip miniature houses on the walls. The main condition is that the cat can quickly and easily climb there. You can make a special ladder.

Compact house on the wall

An old unnecessary sheepskin coat can turn into a great warm house for a cat. It is necessary to cut off part of it and pass it in a simple way.

Warm house from sheepskin coat

Beautiful cats for cats with your own hands: ideas, photo

In addition to the practicality of the dwelling, the favorite may well become the decoration of your home. The design of this plan is suitable for those who have dogs, besides the cat. In a house located on the wall, a cat can take a break from a dog or hide. The cat will climb on a specially equipped claw. Also, houses of such a plan are suitable for those who do not want to clutter up the meters of their apartment.

Cat castle

Many strive to ensure that all the furniture in the apartment is harmonious and perfectly selected. And the house of the pet is no exception. A round house in the tone of the interior will look beautiful indoors.

Original house for a cat as an interior decoration

If you do not feel sorry for the place in the apartment for your cat, you can arrange a real sports complex.

Sports complex for a pet

Cat dwellings can be compact, but very convenient and pretty. You can verify this by watching a selection of photos.

Compact house
Soft pink house for a cat
Foam boudoir
Cozy knitted house
Sleeping place for a cat

The main requirement to which the cat’s house should comply with is the safety of the pet. And there are a lot of opportunities for making a beautiful simple house, as you have already seen. Try to realize ideas and give your pet comfortable apartments.

Video: Ideas, how to make a cat's house with your own hands

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