How to make a Lizuna toy at home: recipes. How to make a Lizun toy of starch, paints, shampoo and water with glue and without PVA glue: recipes

How to make a Lizuna toy at home: recipes. How to make a Lizun toy of starch, paints, shampoo and water with glue and without PVA glue: recipes

I want to entertain the child with an original toy? At home, in several ways you can make him Lizun!

Many people remember an amazing toy from childhood - a jelly -like Lizun. He looks like mucus, but for some reason the children simply adore him. It sticks cool to the surfaces, spreads on them in a puddle, and takes the former shape in his hands. It was always interesting what Lizun was made of.

As part of the store - organic formations, including polysaccharides. The toy can also be made with your own hands from improvised means.

Lizun is a toy that rejoices for more than one generation of children.
Lizun is a toy that rejoices for more than one generation of children.

Interestingly, the first Lizun was made back in the 80s by Mattel, the very one that produces Barbie dolls. For some time he was not popular. The situation was changed by access to the screens of the films “Hunters for Provisions”, one of the heroes of which was the funny bringing of Lizun. It was in honor of him that they named the toy.

How to make Lizun made of starch, paint and water with PVA glue?

Important: such Lizun is not intended for children under 5 years of age who may taste it

To make a toy, you need to have at hand:

  • liquid starch (the one used to wash underwear)
  • pVA glue
  • food colorings
  • a dense plastic bag
Lizuna from PVA glue and starch cannot be distinguished from the store.
Lizuna from PVA glue and starch cannot be distinguished from the store.
  1. The first to add starch to the bag. Liquid is preferable. But if it is not there, you can dilute the usual food in the water, in the proportion of 1: 2. Total starch needs 70 ml
  2. The dye is added to starch. You can take those that are used for painting Easter eggs, any other food. If they are not, you can dilute gouache. Diches are added literally a couple of drops so that Lizun does not get dirty
  3. Paint in starch need to illuminate well
  4. At the next stage, PVA glue is added, it needs 25 ml
  5. Again mix the contents of the bag. There should be a clot - Lizun. Perhaps a little liquid is released, it can simply be drained
  6. Lizuna is removed from the bag, the remaining moisture is wetted with a napkin

Important: you must be very careful with the proportions of glue and starch. If PVA add more, the toy will stick to the fingers. Excess starch will give Lizun excessive hardness

The shelf life of Lizun, made of starch and glue-5-7 days. You need to store it in a dense bag or jar under the lid so that dust does not settle on it.

Making Lizun from glue and starch, it is important to observe the proportion.
Making Lizun from glue and starch, it is important to observe the proportion.

How to make Lizun made of starch, paint and water without PVA glue?

In order for the "slug-lezun" to be more natural, it can be excluded from the recipe PVA glue,

For this you need:

  • It is necessary to mix 100 ml of warm water with 100 g of food starch.
  • Add the dye to the mixture and get through everything thoroughly.
  • Pour into a coleophane bag.
  • Pull out excess moisture out of a well -mixed lizun from a bag and a napkin.

Such a lizun will be less glanced than a store. But if the child eats his piece, nothing terrible will happen. It will simply be necessary to give the baby two glasses of water.

How to make lizun from shampoo and water with titan glue?

Very simple, but, again, the chemical version of Lizun-from shampoo and glue.

Important: this recipe will no longer be used by PVA, but the construction glue "Titan", which has sufficient viscosity


  • a dense plastic bag
  • 50 ml of shampoo
  • 150 ml of glue "Titan"
Lizun can be made of shampoo and glue titanium.
Lizun can be made of shampoo and glue titanium.

The components of the toy in arbitrary order are poured into the package, the bag is closed and thoroughly shaken so that a homogeneous mass is obtained from shampoo and glue.

Important: if the shampoo is colored, for example, on herbs, green, and the toy will turn out colored. A transparent shampoo will make Lizun even more like mucus. You can also experiment with dyes.

Lizun recipe with sodium tetema

At home, you can make Lizun, in composition similar to a store. It is necessary to purchase the components in advance:

  • polyvinyl dry (in powder) alcohol
  • sodium tetraberate (drill)
  • food colorings
  • essential oils
The drill gives Lizun elasticity.
The drill gives Lizun elasticity.

Important: sodium tetrable, or drill, is the salt of weak boric acid, which is widely used in various industries, including jewelry, household chemical and cosmetic

The manufacture of the toy occurs in several stages:

  • polyvinyl alcohol should be diluted according to the instructions
  • diluted alcohol is heated over low heat and constantly stirred
  • cool alcohol
  • in 250 ml of warm water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the brown
  • in one container, polyvinyl alcohol and drill in a ratio of 3: 1 are mixed, added to a mixture of dyes and essential oils (if desired, so that the toy smells pleasantly)
Sodium lizun does not spread and does not stick to his hands.
Sodium lizun does not spread and does not stick to his hands.

As soon as the mixture acquires homogeneity, Lizun will be ready.

Lizun recipe without tetranet sodium from hydrogen peroxide and PVA glue

Without tetrabera, sodium cool lizun is obtained from hydrogen peroxide. It is even more like a slug, but a jumping ball.

  • 100 ml of water
  • 50 g of eating starch
  • 50 g of PVA glue
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • dyes

In a bowl, starch is diluted with water until smooth. Then add glue, mix. Add hydrogen peroxide (literally 1 h spoon of perhydroe) and dyes, mix again.

Video: How to make Lizun at home. Handgum. DIY mucus

How to make lizuna of plasticine and gelatin: recipe

Something similar Lizun can be made of plasticine and gelatin. It will not be the same as store "snot" both externally and in consistency. But the child will definitely like it.

Lizun from plasticine and gelatin is more elastic.
Lizun from plasticine and gelatin is more elastic.

You will need:

a package of food gelatin

  • The gelatin is diluted according to the instructions on the bag and left for 1 hour.
  • 50 ml of water is heated, small pieces of plasticine of the color in which lizun should be placed in it.
  • They drown plasticine to a liquid state with constant stirring.
  • Further, gelatin is introduced into it, at this time they are not stopped.

Lizun will be ready when the mass cools down.

VIDEO: Lizun made of flour without tetrabet sodium

How to make Lizun from flour?

For a small child, you can prepare the safest version of Lizun - from flour and natural dyes. The toy will turn out to be a non -pit and short -lived, but it is very easy to update.

Little children can play Lizun from flour.
Little children can play Lizun from flour.


  • wheat flour
  • the water is cold and hot
  • dye from onion husk, beetroot juice, others
  1. 400 g of flour is sifted in a small bowl
  2. First add 50 ml of cold water to flour, then 50 ml of hot water (but not boiling water)
  3. Mix until smooth, add a small amount of dye
  4. 4 hours cool in the refrigerator and Lizun is ready

VIDEO: How to make Lizuna (5 different options)

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