How to make a beautiful birdhouse with your own hands from improvised materials for starlings and different types of birds to kindergarten, school, to the country, competition correctly: drawings, sizes, templates, step -by -step instructions, photos. What can you make a bird bird from?

How to make a beautiful birdhouse with your own hands from improvised materials for starlings and different types of birds to kindergarten, school, to the country, competition correctly: drawings, sizes, templates, step -by -step instructions, photos. What can you make a bird bird from?

In the article you will find drawings, schemes, photos of birdhouses for different birds. Recommendations for the construction of the birdhouse.


What can you make a bird bird from?

In the spring, birds fly from warm countries every year. It can be difficult for them to find a dwelling: old birdhouses are often destroyed, and the trees are cut down.

Birds help nature and people. They are fighting with pests-slurry and their larvae, protect trees. In addition, they delight people with singing, give joy. Our task is to take care of them. The simplest thing we can do for them is to build birdhouses.

The birdhouses are not just a dwelling for different types of birds, but are also an element of decor in the garden and park landscape. You can find birdhouses from various materials and bizarre forms.

From what materials are the birdhouses make:

  • The most famous and reliable material is a tree.
  • Plastic.
  • Cardboard.
  • Metal.
  • Plywood.

Important: the right house for birds that is made of wood. Other materials are not suitable to ensure a comfortable living of birds. The birdhouses from chipboard, cardboard, plastic are for decorative purposes and are located in places where the rain does not penetrate.

Correct birdhouse: what is he?

The dimensions of the birdhouses and the diameter of the opening for a wagtail, blue, different birds: table

A tree is the only natural material that can provide birds with cold protection, from rain. Let's not forget that birds are part of nature, and they are not adapted to life in an artificial environment.

What characteristics should the tree have:

  1. The most suitable types of wood for birdhouses are birch, oak.
  2. Pine breeds are not suitable for these purposes, because they distinguish the resin.
  3. The thickness of the boards should be at least 2 cm to maintain heat.
  4. The inner part of the birdhouse is mandatory rough so that it is convenient for birds (especially chicks) to get out of the house.
  5. Boards cannot be fastened with glue, it can secrete harmful substances.
  6. Nails or screws should not stick out of the boards, as birds can get hurt.

Separately, let's talk about the size of the birdhouses. The birds have different sizes, and this means that houses for different species should be suitable in size.

Table 1 "Dimensions of the birdhouses for different birds"

Type of birds TEMITE DIAMETHER (cm) Bottom width (cm) The height of the front wall (cm) The height of the rear wall (cm)
Sinichi 3-3,5 10-12 (square) 22-25 28-30
Locking 5 40*15 (rectangle) 15 18
Foods 6 16-18 (square) 22-26 28-32
Flycatches 4 10 (square) 7 14

Features of bird houses:

  1. Ludgles choose a house in the form of a rectangle with a threshold in front of the entrance, because this bird loves to trample in front of the entrance to the house.
  2. Foods settled in birdhouses with two flyers. This helps them be saved if cats attack.
  3. Fleeler loves to settle in half a fool - a house similar to a natural hollow in a tree.
How to make a hollow step by step
House for flycatches
A birdhouse for a wagtail

How to make a birdhouse for starlings from wood: drawing with sizes step -by -step instructions, photo

The size of the birdhouse for starlings:

  • Bottom width - 15 cm;
  • Height-30-40 cm;
  • TEMITE DIAMETH-4-5 cm;
  • Round pole in front of the entrance 5-6 cm long.

Important: a small canopy (edge) over the fly must be present on the roof. Then rainwater will not be able to get inside.

In the manufacture of birdhouses, it is necessary to adhere to recommendations on size. Otherwise, birds may simply not settle in the house. Of the birdhouses with a large diameter of the Letka, starlings can drive small birds. If the entrance diameter is too small, the starling may not crawl into the hole. The correct interior of the birdhouse helps to create favorable conditions for the hatching of healthy offspring, to create a warm nest. Usually, 5 chicks hatch in starlings, rarely the amount reaches 7.

The following materials will be needed for the manufacture of a birdhouse:

  1. Dry boards;
  2. Nails or screws;
  3. Wire (to hang a birdhouse);
  4. A hammer;
  5. Hacksaw;
  6. Drill (d \u003d 50, d \u003d 4 mm);
  7. Pencil;
  8. Square;
  9. Sprinkle, screwdriver.
Instructions for the manufacture of a birdhouse
The project of the birdhouse
Drawing of a classic birdhouse
The drawing of the blanket-house

Important: annually, birdhouses must be cleaned and watered with boiling water. This simple procedure will help get rid of parasites and prepare the home for the housewarming.

To quickly clean the birdhouse, you need to make it with a removable roof. At the same time, make sure that the roof holds well and does not fall from the wind or the invasion of "uninvited guests" - cats, raven.

How to do it? Answer: A sleeve, identical to the size of the bottom, should be attached to the removable roof. Additionally, the roof is attached with wire.

What a removable roof looks like

Video: DIY birdhouse

How to make a bird's bird of plywood 8 mm: a drawing with sizes step -by -step instructions, photo

Important: for the birdhouse you can take an unnecessary waterproof plywood. Water resistance means the lack of need to process the walls of the birdhouse additionally. If you have polished plywood, make notes on it.

The process of manufacturing a birdhouse from this material is standard:

  1. Make a drawing of parts with a simple pencil and with the help of a square.
  2. Cut the parts with a hacksaw or an electrician.
  3. For a notch, drill a hole so that a jigsaw file enters it. Further in a circle cut out the summer. You can drill the summer with a file.
  4. Process the cutting lines with sandpaper.
  5. Sove places for self -tapping screws, drill holes.
  6. First, collect the front wall of the house, attaching a pole to it.
  7. Then connect the walls with each other.
  8. At the end, attach the bottom and roof.
  9. Blue a long block to the rear wall for further installation of the birdhouse.
The project of the birdhouse
Cutting a letka
Assembly of the details of the birdhouse
This is how the birdhouse from plywood looks like

How to make a bird's bird of a plastic 5 liter bottle: a drawing with sizes step -by -step instructions, photo

Important: a typewriter made of plastic is most often made for decorative purposes. Such a craft can be done with children, brightly decorated with her so that she pleases the eye.

The reasons why the birds will not be settled in a plastic birdhouse.

  1. Birds will not settled and do not produce offspring, since plastic is transparent and does not contribute to the occurrence of a sense of protection.
  2. In a too colorful birdhouse, birds are also unlikely to settle in order to protect against predators. And the colorful will attract cats, forty.
  3. Plastic does not pass air, and in the sun releases toxins.

If you want to make a decorative birdhouse, plastic is suitable. This material is found in every house, it is easy to work with it. For a decorative birdhouse, bottles of different sizes are suitable, it all depends on your imagination.

All that is needed is to cut the entrance, decorate the birdhouse and hang it in a prominent place. There are many decor options:

  • You can paint the bottle and draw patterns, ornament.
  • Stick beads, buttons.
  • Decorate with thick yarn, colored rope.
Plastic bottle
Decorative birdhouses made of small plastic bottles

It is better to make a feeder out of a plastic bottle, it will bring much more benefit.

Plastic bottles are suitable for the manufacture of feeders
Big plastic bottles

Video: How to make a birdhouse from a bottle?

How to make a birdhouse for birds from a cardboard shoe box: step-by-step instructions, photo

As you already understood, birds are not stupid creations. They choose a reliable dwelling that will protect from rain, cold, predators. It is for this reason that it is not worth taking the vesicle from cardboard seriously, but as a decor - yes.

If you have a cardboard box from the shoes, do not rush to throw it away. You can give her a second life by constructing a decorative house. Compliance with sizes here does not matter, because birds will not settle here.

Step -by -step manufacture of a birdboard box:

  1. Get the edges of the cardboard box with tape so that the edges do not break up over time.
  2. Sove the summer with a pencil.
  3. Cut it with a clerical knife.
  4. Decorate the box.
  5. Attach it to a tree or under the roof.
Bird house from cardboard box
Bird house from cardboard

It is possible that the birds will choose your cardboard house as a feeder if you regularly put treats in the form of seeds, bread crumbs.

A feeder out of the box

How to make a birdhouse for birds from a package from juice or milk: step -by -step instructions, photo

Very quickly and simply you can make an analogue of a birdhouse from a package in which there was juice or milk. To do this, you will need an empty bag of juice or milk, scissors, a rope or a wire for fastening.

Step -by -step manufacture:

  • Cut two holes in the box. Two holes are made so that the bird can quickly fly away if it is in danger.
  • Make small holes for a rope or wire, take a rope.
  • Fasten the house on the tree.

If you attach zeal and turn on your imagination, you can make a bright, colorful, original house. Ideas in the photo below.

A feeder from a package from milk that even children can do
Decorative birdhouses from the boxes from juice

How to make a bird's bird of traffic jams from wine: drawing with sizes step -by -step instructions, photo

Classes from wine are good material for the manufacture of a birdhouse. Due to their density, they allow the house to remain dry even during the rain, and also serve as an additional insulation.

  • The easiest way to a finished birdhouse using hot glue to stick corks, which also serve as an original decor.
  • It is undesirable to score with nails into the birdhouse - the sharp ends of the nails can injure birds.
A birdhouse insulated with wine traffic jams

You can make a decorative birdhouse. For this you will need:

  • Traffic jams;
  • Hot glue;
  • Cardboard.

Step -by -step manufacture:

  1. Glue the traffic jams with hot glue. On each side of the house, take an equal number of traffic jams.
  2. In your design, leave a place for a letka.
  3. For the manufacture of the roof, stick traffic jams on the cardboard.
  4. Attach the roof to the house.
  5. Decorate the birdhouse at your discretion.
Bird house from traffic jams from wine
Decorative birdhouse attached to a tree

How to make a birdhouse for birds from newspaper tubes: drawing with sizes step -by -step instructions, photo

Another material for the decor of the birdhouses is newspaper tubes. Find out how to make them in this article.

Bird's woven houses
Weaving from tubes

How to make a birdhouse for birds from a sleeve from toilet paper: a drawing with sizes step -by -step instructions, photo

A sleeve of toilet paper is a cheap improvised material for decor. With a sleeve, you can glue the frame of the birdhouse, and then color it or decorate it with paper.

Also, excellent feeders are obtained from a simple sleeve from toilet paper. To do this, the sleeve must be dipped in peanuts, and then sprinkle with seeds.

How can you use a sleeve from toilet paper

How to protect the birdhouse from cats, protein, forty: tips

  • Experienced people advise placing birdhouses away from trees, on poles.
  • The birdhouse should be located at a height of 4.5 m.
  • Protection from cats can serve as a tin collar attached to the pole.
  • Also on the pole you can make a barrier in the form of a roller made of barbed wire.
  • The design of the birdhouse should be correct: a long canopy will not allow forty, protein or cat to put his head into the summer.
  • The pole in front of the Leton cannot be made too long, otherwise the predator will easily be located on it.
  • The diameter of the Letka should be no more than 5 cm, it should be located almost at the roof. Thus, a large canopy will protect the penetration of the predator into the house.

How to protect the birdhouse from moisture than to cover it: tips

You can protect the birdhouse from moisture in several ways:

  1. Make a roof with a slope, then drops of water will slide down.
  2. You can paint the birdhouse with paint or open with varnish.
  3. Treat the birdhouse with linseed oil.
  4. The tree also needs to be treated with water -repellent agents, because over time, fungal spots can form on it.

Is it possible and how, in what color to paint the birdhouse with gouache, what to draw on it?

If you want the birds to settle in your birdhouse, do not paint and do not decorate it with colorful decorations. Beauty is not important to feathered friends, for them the first place protection. And a bright birdhouse will attract cats.

A decorative birdhouse serves, first of all, for beauty. Therefore, when creating it, it is appropriate to use both all kinds of scenery and paint.

For staining, you can use acrylic paints, gouache, oil -based oil. Gouache is very convenient to use, as it dries quickly.

In order for the gouache paint to fall on the surface, you need to observe a certain sequence:

  1. First, polish the surface with sandpaper on which you will apply the paint.
  2. Then apply the base - white acrylic paint. Wait until it dries completely.
  3. The next stage is the application of the sketch of the drawing and painting by gouache.
  4. Wait for the complete drying of Guasha, and then open the pattern with varnish.
  5. It is advisable to apply varnish a couple of times.

If you do not know how to draw, you can use stencils. Pre -prepared templates are simply transferred to the birdhouse with a pencil, and then paint with a brush.

What can be drawn on the birdhouse? All that fantasy will tell you - birds, flowers, patterns, butterflies, grass and trees, abstract patterns. There is no limit to perfection. You can see examples of drawings on the birdhouses in the photo.

Brushword with drawings
How to paint the birdhouse gouache
Painted birdhouses

How to make a decoupage of a birdhouse with your own hands: ideas, photo

With simple decoration of the birdhouse in the technique of decoupage, you can cope with even a beginner if desired. You will need the following materials:

  • Blocking workpiece;
  • Napkins for decoupage;
  • Scissors, adhesive for decoupage;
  • Brushes, acrylic paint;
  • Varnish;
  • Sandpaper.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. Process the birdhouse with sandpaper so that there is no roughness on it.
  2. Then wipe with a damp cloth to erase dust.
  3. Apply a layer of paint, the base. If you need to apply a couple of layers for more thorough coloring.
  4. Wait for the complete drying of the paint.
  5. Now, from the napkins for decoupage, cut the rectangles for the side sides of the birdhouse of the corresponding dimensions.
  6. Stick the blanks.
  7. Now it remains to glue the cut elements onto the facade of the birdhouse. In this case, it is a dwarf, mushrooms, a ladybug and an inscription. You can choose everything you like.
  8. At the final stage, it remains to open the birdhouse with varnish to protect against moisture and dry it. Now the birdhouse is ready to delight passers -by with their elegant look.
The decor of the birdhouse in the technique of decoupage
Windless decoupage: elements processing
House for birds in the technique of decoupage

Another idea of \u200b\u200bbirdhouses in the technique of decoupage.

Birdland: Decoupage
Beautiful birdhouses
Decoupage of the birdhouse

Video: Babric Decoupage

What are beautiful and unusual birdhouses with your own hands: possible options for birdhouses, photos

You can find original birdhouses, so unusual that you will not immediately understand that it is a house for birds. In the form of animals, with multi -colored stones, painted, in a rustic style.

Summer residents decorate their sites with birdhouses to the joy of themselves and neighbors, but no less actively decorate the parks. You can find entire towns from the birdhouses.

We have collected a selection of original birdhouses for your inspiration.

Tree house
Bird town
Birdland with an unusual flyer
The design of the birdhouse

The name of the birdhouse for the competition: List

Every year, in many botanical gardens, zoos, kindergartens and schools, competitions are held on the manufacture of birdhouses. The purpose of the competition is to educate a careful attitude to nature and the environment, concern for birds.

In addition to the design of the birdhouse, its correct design, as a rule, you need to come up with a name. One of the requirements of the competition is the card indicating the name. We have collected the possible names of the birdhouses that you can take note or as an idea:

  • Ptichkin House;
  • Teremok-feeder;
  • Miracle Domik;
  • Eco-house;
  • Cafe for birds;
  • A hut on chicken legs;
  • Sinic;
  • Hotel for starlings.

The original name will help your bird house stand out against the background of others.

International Bird Day is celebrated on April 1. Let's give feathered houses for the housewarming.

Video: How to make a birdhouse so that birds settled?

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