How to make beautiful pots for indoor flowers with your own hands Floor, wall, suspended, desktop? Macramam Kashpo for flowers: master class for beginners, weaving patterns, photo. How to buy floor and wall pots for flowers for aliexpress?

How to make beautiful pots for indoor flowers with your own hands Floor, wall, suspended, desktop? Macramam Kashpo for flowers: master class for beginners, weaving patterns, photo. How to buy floor and wall pots for flowers for aliexpress?

In this article, we will talk about how to make original pots for home and office with our own hands.

Often a house or office is decorated with plants - they delight the eye and clean the air. In addition, representatives of the flora can be successfully included in the interior, creating their own special style. And various interesting pots will help in this.

Macramam Kashpo for flowers: master class for beginners, weaving patterns, photo

Macramam-kashpo for a glass vase in which flowers will grow is a fairly elegant and unusual idea. For such an air craft you will need:

  • Nylon white threads
  • Scotch
  • Scissors

The order of work is as follows:

  • Have to take 8 threads, and fasten them.
Fastened workpiece from macrama for kashpo
Fastened workpiece from macrama for kashpo
  • Further ninth thread macrame you need to bandage the main threads Concern. Eventually it should turn out a loop.

Important: it is recommended to tie the ninth thread around the bundle of the rest several times.

Macrame loop as a blank for a pot
Macrame loop as a blank for a pot
It is best to make such a strong loop from the macrama for kashpo
It is best to make such a strong loop from the macrama for kashpo
The extra end of the thread during the manufacture of a pot from the macrama is better to cut
The extra end of the thread during the manufacture of a pot from the macrama is better to cut
  • Now necessary divide existing bundle of threads for 4 groups. Each of them should, in turn, 4 threads macrama.
  • Next, you need to adhere to the next weaving schemes:
So begins weaving components from macrama for kashpo
So begins weaving components from macrama for kashpo
Macrama nodes for kashpo look like this
Macrama nodes for kashpo look like this
After several nodes from the macram for kashpo, you need to retreat a certain distance and bandage the threads
After several nodes from the macram for kashpo, you need to retreat a certain distance and bandage the threads
This is what the initial four bundles of threads for macrames for pots look like
This is what the initial four bundles of threads for macrames for pots look like
Kashpo weaving from Macrama continues
Kashpo weaving from Macrama continues
Thread macrama for kashpo should be binded like this
Thread macrama for kashpo should be binded like this
Thread macrames for kashpo need to be arranged like this
Thread macrames for kashpo need to be arranged like this
All the threads of the macram for kashpo need to be tied tight
All the threads of the macram for kashpo need to be tied tight
  • At the end of the work, it is recommended Cut the ends thread, as well as a little of them melt. You can create brushes.
This is how you can arrange the ends of the threads of the macrama for the pots
This is how you can arrange the ends of the threads of the macrama for the pots
This is what turns out to be a pot of macrame
This is what turns out to be a pot of macrame
Macrama Air Kashpo with a glass vase and flowers
Macrama Air Kashpo with a glass vase and flowers

Weaving pots from twine, ropes, jute step by step: scheme

You can use twine, ropes and juts for weaving pots in the previous style. And you can create a miniature bike-kashpo! And this is what you need for this:

Kashpo needs twine, grain coffee, tubes, glue, cardboard, scissors
Kashpo needs twine, grain coffee, tubes, glue, cardboard, scissors

Important: it is necessary to purchase a polymer -based glue.

Operating procedure:

  • On cardboard is needed draw patterns for wheels. In this case, 3 wheels will be required.
  • They are Cut, and each it is wrapped with twine.
This should turn out a wheel for a caspoop
This should turn out a wheel for a caspoop
  • Cocktail the tubes need to be cut, retreating from the fold place approximately 2 cm. For one wheel It will be necessary to create 4 such blanks From the tubes.
This should look like pipe blanks for kashpo
This should look like pipe blanks for kashpo
  • Each similar workpiece follows wrap with twine As tightly as circles were wrapped.
Billets wrapped with twine from tubes for pots
Billets wrapped with twine from tubes for pots
  • That's it 4 tubes necessary be attached to each other. They are necessary glue.
Pipe tubes must be glued as indicated in the picture
Pipe tubes must be glued as indicated in the picture
  • Obtained cross From the tubes you need Apply to a circle - It will be a wheel. They should be made, as indicated, three.
Wheel for Kashpo-Velosiped is ready
Wheel for Kashpo-Velosiped is ready
  • Now you need to take more 2 tubes. In one of them, the top is cut off. You need that part that without a top, insert a whole tube into a fold.

Important: the design must be wrapped with twine in the same way as the previous blanks.

  • Necessary Cut about 2 more tubes near the bend. But this time you need to retreat 2 cm on top of the fold and 3 from below.
Another pipe-pipe for kashpo
Another pipe-pipe for kashpo
  • Now they need them connect as indicated in the picture, and Wrap with twine - It will be a steering wheel.
Sword -wrapped bargaining for kashpo
Sword -wrapped bargaining for kashpo
  • Need to prepare another tube, the length of which should reach approximately 11 cm. And her, and the steering wheel, and the wheel is desirable decorating with coffee beans.
Decorated coffee sticks for kashpo
Decorated coffee sticks for kashpo
Decorated coffee wheel for pots
Decorated coffee wheel for pots
  • Sticks, pre -decorated with twine, you need insert into the wheel So, as shown in the picture.
The gradual construction of a cash bicycle
The gradual construction of a cash bicycle
  • You can begin to fixing between the wheels.
Bicycle-kashpo bicycle fastening
Bicycle-kashpo bicycle fastening
Bicycle-kashpo bicycle fastening
Bicycle-kashpo bicycle fastening
  • Between the two front sticks attached to the wheel, it is necessary install a piece of another stick. All this then it is wound with twine.
Small stick between two large in the workpiece of Kashpo
Small stick between two large in the workpiece of Kashpo
Rewinding sticks with twine in the process of creating a pot
Rewinding sticks with twine in the process of creating a pot
  • Remains decorate The pot itself.

Important: since it is small, you can use some kind of cream jar as it.

Pot for Kashpo
Pot for Kashpo
As a result, after collecting all the details of the Kashpo-Velopi, it looks like this
As a result, after collecting all the details of the Kashpo-Velopi, it looks like this

How to buy floor and wall pots for flowers for aliexpress?

Those who want to find something original and ready can go to the online store Aliexpress. Beginners are recommended first to familiarize themselves with text and video instruction.

Now about How to find Among the whole variety of goods are treasured Kashpo:

The first stage of the search for Kashpo on Aliexpress is the choice of categories for home and garden, home decor
The first stage of the search for Kashpo on Aliexpress is the choice of categories for home and garden, home decor
Now you need to click on the house and garden
Now you need to click on the house and garden
In the categories you need to click on the arrow, pushing the menu until the end
In the categories you need to click on the arrow, pushing the menu until the end
Next, a item for the garden and the garden is selected - in it it is quite possible to find kashpo for the house, office
Next, a item for the garden and the garden is selected - in it it is quite possible to find kashpo for the house, office
I need to find a point about pots and pots
I need to find a point about pots and pots
You need to click on the category of flower pots and pots
You need to click on the category of flower pots and pots

You can choose a pot of any size - for example, compact, size s, average, big and even giant.

It is also possible to immediately choose a pot, depending on the place of its location - floor,  desktop, wall, suspended Models.

Style is another indicator by which you can quickly filter out what you need. For example, it is possible to choose a pot europeanmodernclassicvillage, american, chinese, mediterranean, cartoon style.

The color palette affects variety! Available white, red, green, yellow, blue, the black And many other colors and shades.

Do you need any specific material? No problem! Kashpo from plastic, metal, ceramics, glass, wood, stone, plant fiber,  fabrics and so on.

You can even choose a type of metal - for example, cast iron, iron, tin etc. Or type of plastic - PVC, polyurez, polyester and other species. Types of ceramics are also different - for example, forfort, clay.

Even the type of coating is possible to filter - glazed, powder, vinyl, epoxy etc.

How to make beautiful pots for indoor flowers with their own hands Floor?

For the manufacture of gypsum floor pitch you will need:

  • Gypsum itself

Important: it is preferable to purchase not construction gypsum, but a special decorative one. It can be found in shops where products for creativity are sold.

  • Some unnecessary capacity
  • Material like fabric, canvas or paper
  • Glue, pins, brackets, tape, ropes-in other words, something for fastening
  • Scissors

Do Kashpo is very simple:

  • The container needs to be wrapped any available material listed above. For example, it can be papier-masha, rumpled paper. In the considered example, a small capacity is a tin bank. But for the floor, you can choose something larger.
Such fabric can be taken for pots
Such fabric can be taken for pots
  • The fabric is needed Fix on containers.
Fabric fixing for caspo
Fabric fixing for caspo
  • Now you need Dilute gypsum to a liquid consistency.
Here, before such a consistency, you need to dilute gypsum for pots
Here, before such a consistency, you need to dilute gypsum for pots
  • Further liquid gypsum must be applied Directly on the cloth under the pots. It is recommended to form several layers.

Important: it is worth before processing each subsequent side to wait for the gypsum to dry on the previous one.

Application of gypsum to the workpiece for kashpo
Application of gypsum to the workpiece for kashpo
As a result, such floor pots may turn out
As a result, such floor pots may turn out

How to make beautiful pots for indoor flowers with your own hands wall?

A whole garland of pots with flowers will decorate any room. For her you will need:

  • Clay pots of small sizes made of plastic
  • Willow or hazel branches
  • Pliers
  • Wire

It is not difficult to make a wall composition:

  • Branches It is necessary simply binding between themselves, forming a wreath from them
  • With the help of wire should attach pots to branches

Important: skip the wire through the holes in the pots, then throwing it through the clay products themselves.

Kashpo for the wall in the form of a wreath
Kashpo for the wall in the form of a wreath

How to make beautiful pots for indoor flowers with your own hands suspended?

A suspended pot of multi -colored tubes glowing in the dark will perfectly fit into the modern style. For such a product We need to stock up:

  • Neon straws from the calculation of 8 pcs. For one pot
  • Neon threads
  • Scissors
Here's what you need to prepare before creating a suspended pot
Here's what you need to prepare before creating a suspended pot

Operating procedure:

  • So, first of all from threads need cut out 8 parts. Each of them should be long within the range from 90 to 150 cm. It all depends on how closely it is planned to place flowers to the ceiling.
  • Now all 8 threads should to tie Thus, in order to form at the end of the resulting ligament a small brush.
  • The workpiece should be put on the surface and lay out In a special way. It should turn out the shape of the cross, on each side of which will have 2 threads.
Here's how to start making a suspended pot
Here's how to start making a suspended pot
  • Now you need to take it tubes and cut off them where there is a fold.
  • These pieces, in turn, also need cut 2 parts.

Important: in total, 8 pieces of tubes should turn out.

  • Each a piece should be put on the threads One for each. They need to be advanced to the center - to where there is a knot.
  • Every 2 threads On top of the tubes follows knit a knot.
  • Again the threads need to be put into a cross -shaped shape. Only this time it is necessary to combine 2 threads from neighboring sections.
  • And again we need it pieces of tubes. This time it is required to prepare 16 pieces. In length, each should be equal to the length of a small piece of a whole tube to the fold.
  • Now In 8 pieces you need to pass the threads, again having tied the knot thread of each section.
  • And again you need to do crusade, connecting threads from neighboring sections. And again you need them at beat the last 8 pieces of tubes.
The next part of the scheme of creating a suspended pot from tubes
The next part of the scheme of creating a suspended pot from tubes
  • It only remains hang a pot And install a pot with flowers there.
This is what the suspended pots from the tubes look like in the end
This is what the suspended pots from the tubes look like in the end

How to make beautiful pots for indoor flowers desktop?

A small jacket of clothespins looks quite cute and peculiar. For its manufacture we need:

Here's what you need for a desktop potato - clothespins, acrylic paints, decor, adhesive gun
Here's what you need for a desktop potato - clothespins, acrylic paints, decor, adhesive pistol

Operating procedure:

  • Primarily, the clothespins will have to be divided into two parts as shown in the picture
Table2. So you need to divide the clothespins for the pots
So you need to divide the clothespins for the pots
  • Each part is needed Color
  • Now all these The blanks need to be glued Around the pot

Important: the pot should be miniature. As an alternative, you can use a cream jar, for example.

This is how you need to glue the clothespins for the pots
This is how you need to glue the clothespins for the pots
  • Now you can start decor
Cashpo from clothespins can be decorated
Cashpo from clothespins can be decorated
However, the jackpot of clothespins without staining also looks good
However, the jackpot of clothespins without staining also looks good

Weaving pots for flowers from newspaper tubes: scheme, photo

The casop of newspapers is quite simple. For this the following is needed:

For a pot of newspaper, you need paper bags, plastic container, jute twine, glue, cardboard, scissors
For a pot of newspaper, you need paper bags, plastic container, jute twine, glue, cardboard, scissors

You can proceed:

  • On each package you need to draw 8 stripes in size 7 by 30 cm.
Such should be the strips for the harvesting of Kashpo
Such should be the strips for the harvesting of Kashpo
  • Now these the stripes need to be cut. On the corner of each of them it is worth putting a wooden skewer, twisting the paper diagonally. Each tube is needed fix with glue.
This is how you need to wind up paper for caspo
This is how you need to wind up paper for caspo

The capacity must be glued with paper - This will avoid gaps in the design. To the bottom you need to glue the tubes So, as indicated in the figure. To the bottom you can also Glue a cardboard circle.

This is how you need to glue paper tubes for kashpo
This is how you need to glue paper tubes for kashpo
  • But now you need to cut it out of paper Strips in size 7 by 45 cm. They should also make tubes.
  • Already glued tubes must be pressed to the wall of the container. One of the long stripes should be glued to the side, and then bend it around the rest.

Important: you need to braid as if weaving a basket.

This is how you need to start weaving with newspaper pipe caspoons
This is how you need to start weaving with newspaper pipe caspoons
  • As soon as the bottom of the vertical tubes flickens, we need to continue weaving. But in the opposite direction. If necessary, the tube should be glued, lengthening. Thus, the whole pot is braided.
  • Then you need to pierce in the upper part of the container holes for twine. It is easiest to do this with a warm nail. Through the holes you need pass the twine, fixing it with knots. The nodes should be masked with paper.
This should look like a braided blank for kashpo
This should look like a braided blank for kashpo
This is what the pot looks like in the end
This is what the pot looks like in the end

Do -it -yourself flower pots for flowers from felt

This master class was initially devoted to Easter, but instead of Easter attributes in the pot, you can place fresh flowers. So, we need:

  • Veles in two green colors. You can add brown, yellow and white color
  • The capacity of the board
  • Adhesive thermal pistol
  • Scissors

You can start work:

  • From dark green Fetra is needed Cut the grass.

Important: it is advisable to make blades of blades with different width, height, shape.

  • Next follows them glue With the help of a pistol around the container.
  • From light green Fetra is also necessary cut the grass. But this time not in the form of individual grasses, but in the form solid canvas. Moreover, it should be below the dark green workpiece.
  • And light green grass need to glue.
  • Now you need to cut it out from brown material boards for the fence, as well as several thin strips.
Fleer pots blanks
Fleer pots blanks
  • Brown pieces are attached glue to the grass at about the same distance from each other. They need them contain with stripes.
Fixing of felt boards to kashpo
Fixing of felt boards to kashpo
  • To top it can be cut out of white and yellow felt Details for chamomile. This is an optional stage, but with it the pot will look nicer.
It looks like that in the end the pot is made of felt where you can place fresh flowers
It looks like that in the end the pot of felt in which you can place fresh flowers

How to make flower pots from an old T -shirt, T -shirts: video

You can use the old thing to create a pot:

How to tie crochet flower pots, and from which threads: schemes with a description

Cattle eyes are desirable from bright yarn, and there are no restrictions on the choice of texture. It is desirable, however, that it be acrylic, thin cotton.

The following scheme is suitable:

Kashpo knitting scheme
Kashpo knitting scheme

Important: despite the fact that the scheme is fed with the bottom, it can not be knitted. After all, many pots are equipped with drainage holes. Perhaps the bottom can be knitted if it is supposed to use a pot for a pot with a moisture -loving plant.

So, if donyshko it is still necessary, then you should start knitting with it.

If not, then you should start with air loops chains, which coincides in length with the lower part of the pot. This chain must be closed, after which, following the scheme, continue knitting up. Wherein in every third row you need to add loops.

A cross with a devil means that the hook is introduced exclusively under the back or front wall of the loop. It will turn out a pretty finish below and at the top of the pot.

IMPORTANT: If the container has the shape of a cylinder, increase in the ranks is not needed.

These can be knitted with a pot
These can be knitted with a pot

How to decorate flower pots: decoupage, photo

In order to make a cute pot in lilac tones in the style of decoupage, you will need:

  • Decoupage napkins
  • Lace
  • Glue gun
  • Water
  • White water emulsion
  • Brush
  • Decor elements
You can choose such decoupage napkins to decorate the kashpo
You can choose such decoupage napkins to decorate the kashpo

Decoupage is done as follows:

  • First you need to make a primer. To do this, in equal parts are taken water, water -based paint and PVA glue. All this needs to be thoroughly stirred with a brush.

Important: before starting work, it is necessary to check so that the surface of the pot is not dirty, glued with something.

  • Then added gouache lilac color. Or, if it is not, blue and red.
  • So color the primer needs to be applied with a brush, ignoring the bottom and Kant Kashpo.
  • After drying out the first layer Preferably apply the second.
  • Now you can select suitable pictures on the decoupage napkin, cut out them and separate the color layer.
  • Costs try it Pictures for Kashpo, noting where they will be. These places are needed cover with a brush with glue.
  • Now you need apply pictures by applying glue Also on top of them. All irregularities must be smooth.

Important: moving the brush is worth it from the center.

  • The edging follows decorate with lace, gluing it. The edges of the lace need to be carefully bent, and the place of joint of the edging should be decorated with decorative elements.
This will turn out a pot created in the technique of decoupage
This will turn out a pot created in the technique of decoupage

Original, stylish pot in the interior: photo

We bring to your attention a few interesting ideas in a pot for home or office interior:

You can adapt an old bicycle under the pot
You can adapt an old bicycle under the pot
Kashpo from newspaper tubes painted under a tree
Kashpo from newspaper tubes painted under a tree
The old suitcase is also an excellent option for casop
The old suitcase is also an excellent option for kashpo
Suspended pitch of leather strips
Suspended pitch of leather strips
A wooden stand-kashpo will decorate any room
A wooden stand-kashpo will decorate any room
Suspended pots from metal tubes
Suspended pots from metal tubes
Suspended pot of large beads
Suspended pot of large beads
Suspended glass pot
Suspended glass pot
Such laconic pots will perfectly fit into the modern style
Such laconic pots will perfectly fit into the modern style
Forged floor pot
Forged floor pot
Graceful Kashpo-Landesh
Graceful Kashpo-Landesh
Kashpo in the style of Provence
Kashpo in the style of Provence
Original pots
Original pots
For lovers of large pots in the interior
For lovers of large pots in the interior
Floor pots in the form of cats
Floor pots in the form of cats
Original little pot
Original little pot
Table cells-kashpo
Table cells-kashpo

As you can see, it is not so difficult to make or decorating yourself in a pot. There are a lot of options for embodying the most interesting ideas, and they will allow you to transform any room!

Kashpo manufacturing master class: video

Ideas for Kashpo: Video

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