How to make a beautiful carriage of pumpkin with your own hands: ideas, step -by -step instructions, photos of the best crafts

How to make a beautiful carriage of pumpkin with your own hands: ideas, step -by -step instructions, photos of the best crafts

How to make a beautiful pumpkin carriage: step -by -step instructions with a photo.

Pumpkin decor is not only a stingy Jack for Halloween, but also luxurious autumn crafts. And if you decide to thoroughly prepare for the holiday of autumn, and take the first place with your child - we recommend that you make an autumn carriage for Cinderella from a fabulous pumpkin.

A carriage of pumpkin, fruits, vegetables and leaves: a simple way

Remember the fairy tale about Cinderella? What time do you think at what time of year she went to the ball? Well, if pumpkins ripened in the garden and they lay for themselves, waiting for the Fairy godfather, then, of course, it was autumn.

And if a younger daughter came to you and reported that a craft for a holiday for autumn needed a school - turn this process into a fabulous one! Very soon, the daughter will grow up, and she will surely remain the memory of the evening of a fabulous pumpkin.

Pumpkin carriage
Pumpkin carriage

For work, you will need:

  • Small round pumpkin;
  • Plywood sheet;
  • Apples or dry slices of orange for wheels;
  • Dry leaves, flowers;
  • Chalk with a sharp tip;
  • Knife;
  • A spoon;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Toy horses, Cinderella or doll that performs its role, crown or bright decor for the top of the carriage;
  • Sequins, decor at will.

The process of work is not easy, but the result is worth it:

  • Put on a sheet of plywood, put the base paper, which decorates the base fan, and will be the road along which the carriage will subsequently roll;
  • Wash the pumpkin, and wiping it from moisture, grate. So she will shine, and her appearance will be much more presentable;
  • With a chalk on a pumpkin, put the doors, on the opposite side of the window, as well as patterns on the carriage;
Penitaic pattern on a carriage of pumpkin
Penitaic pattern on a carriage of pumpkin
  • We cut the doors and the window with a sharp knife, it is most convenient to do this durable, but thin;
Pumpkin cutting process
Pumpkin cutting process
  • We take out the core with seeds and veins;
  • Scrape to an ideal state;
Core of the teen
Core of the teen
  • We treat the pumpkin from the inside with lemon juice or solution with citric acid. This is done so that the pumpkin does not darken;
  • Now we cut the windows;
  • Then you can proceed to cut the patterns;
  • Patterns are also treated with acid juice or solution so that they do not blacken;
  • From cardboard we make a sofa for the doll and send inside the carriage;
  • On the sides, we attach cut apples-woods, you can also make wheels from orange fripes;
  • At the brackets or hot glue, we attach the horses and decor on top of the carriage;
  • We decorate the pumpkin to our own taste and put it on the plywood, in the center of the composition;
  • We plant Cinderella in the carriage and fix it, since in the process of transportation it can shift, and the worst of all is to destroy part of the composition, which is more difficult to restore than moving the doll;
  • According to the "earth" composition on glue we fix dry leaves, flowers and other decor. You can sprinkle with sparkles or make a border from rhinestones. Everything is at your discretion;
The last strokes in the decor of pumpkin carriages
The last strokes in the decor of pumpkin carriages

Only an adult can bring such a craft to school, since the total weight of the composition is very impressive.

Luxurious pumpkin carriage - how to do: step -by -step process

Modern technologies allow you to create unique in beauty things that can not only be taken to the exhibition of autumn, but also decorate the celebrations. We propose to make a wonderful pumpkin carriage with the child, the creation of which will take only one evening.

To create a glamorous carriage from a cinderella, you need a pumpkin of Casperita (a snow -white dwarf pumpkin, which is specially bred for interesting crafts for autumn, and on Halloween).

Luxurious carriage from pumpkin
Luxurious carriage from pumpkin

To create this carriage, you will need more dexterity than in the previous case:

  • The stalk can be removed, or you can leave and decorate with a flag, for example;
  • Wash the pumpkin and rub to shine, you can apply a little wax and polish;
  • Output places for the doors of the carriage and windows, cut out with a sharp knife;
  • Remove the entire core with seeds. Pass and treat with citric juice or solution of citric acid so that the pulp does not get dark;
  • Twist the wheels of the carriage from the wire;
Wheel wheels
Wheel wheels
  • Cover with a layer of plasticine on top and let freeze a little;
Wheel coating with plasticine
Wheel coating with plasticine
  • Make papier-mash from paper and PVA glue, apply everything to the wheels and let it dry;
Coating the wheels of papier-mache
Coating the wheels of papier-mache
  • Paint the wheels in gold and attach them to the axes from the wire;
Wheel coloring
Wheel coloring
Sticking wheels to the axis
Sticking wheels to the axis
  • We insert the glue with sparkles into the pistol for hot glue and draw the contours of the doors, windows, as well as patterns on the carriage;
We decorate the carriage with gloss
We decorate the carriage with gloss
  • With glue, we attach the wheels to the carriage;
  • Also on glue we plant the decor in the form of figures, rhinestones, etc.;
We finish the assembly of the carriage and its decoration
We finish the assembly of the carriage and its decoration
  • You can put the Cinderella inside the doll and send beauty to the school exhibition, or you can put a tablet and create a fabulous evening environment inside.
A candle and twilight help to create a fabulous environment
A candle and twilight help to create a fabulous environment

Beautiful carriage of pumpkin with your own hands: ideas, photos of the best crafts

Ideas for beautiful pumpkin carriages:

Pumpkin carriage
Pumpkin carriage
Pumpkin carriage
Pumpkin carriage
Pumpkin carriage

Did you like our ideas? Do you know more options for creating a pumpkin carriage? Write in the comments!

Video: pumpkin carriage

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