How to make a bird feeder with your own hands: ideas, master classes, photos. How to make a bird feeder made of wood, a cardboard box, a tin can, a tin cookie box, from old dishes? How to make a completely edible grain feeder for birds?

How to make a bird feeder with your own hands: ideas, master classes, photos. How to make a bird feeder made of wood, a cardboard box, a tin can, a tin cookie box, from old dishes? How to make a completely edible grain feeder for birds?

In this article we will talk about how to help survive the feathered cold season.

People who devote their lives to concern for the wild, they all arouse respect for all. However, it is not necessary to be in international organizations a similar direction in order to help the brothers smaller. Each person is able to perform simple, but such important things. For example, each is able to make a miniature tablet of birds.

About one of the options - plastic bottles - We wrote earlier. In this article we will talk about other available options.

How to make a wood feeder made of wood: master class, photo

Wood feeders are a kind of classic of the genre. In order to create one such thing, we need:

  • Detail for the bottom - his thickness It should be approximately 5-6 mm. The form should be the right hexagon.

Important: it is preferable to choose a plywood for the bottom, which has a moisture resistant property, or plexiglass.

The bottom for a wooden feeder should look something like this
The bottom for a wooden feeder should look something like this
  • Wooden protective block - 3 pcs. It must have parameters 18x20 mm.
Protective wooden bar for feeder
Protective wooden bar for feeder
  • Pole, on which the birds will be seated - in its role the fasteners of the cylindrical shape will perform, which is called "" skant ". Length It should be approximately 143 mm, and the diameter is 15 mm. You also need to create holes with a diameter of about 6 mmat the ends .
  • The rod is threaded - 6 pcs. The rod is needed M6 x 214 DIN 975.
  • Roof - just like the bottom, should be formed the right hexagon. And should also be created from organic glass or plywood.
The roof for the feeder
The roof for the feeder
  • Elements for fastening - These are M6 nuts according to GOST 11860-85, A6 Wars according to GOST 6958-78 and M6 nuts according to GOST 8918-69. All of these elements should be 12 pcs.
  • Shurup-ring- You can choose the used almost always. That is the size 4x35 mm.

You can start assembling the feeder:

  • First of all, it is necessary catch the drawing. So, 1 is the bottom, 2 is a protective bar, 3-a pole, 4-a threaded bar, 5-roof, 6-fasteners, 7-a screw-ring.
This should look like a feeder
This should look like a feeder
  • On the bottom With the help of self -tapping screws, it follows attach bars.
  • Now for one end of all rods It is worth putting on nuts with washers.
  • Further rods stand in the holes First, bars, and then the bottom.

Important: it is extremely desirable to fix the floor of the future feeder on some stable horizontal plane.

  • Now on top - right on the rods - nuts are worn and twisted. And so that the bundle looked down. You need to feel good emphasis directly on the bars.
  • Further on the mentioned rods the poles are installed.
  • Then on the top of the rods, you must again put on it and tighten the nuts. But this time already burtics upward. From the base of the design, all of them should be approximately the same.
  • On a design of nuts and burtors the roof is installed future feeder.
  • Pucks are placed on the ceiling of a bird's house, which should be pressed by nuts called "caps".
  • The final bar - Scrolling the screw-ring.
Durable and very comfortable wooden bird feeder
Durable and very comfortable feeder for birds made of wood

How to make a bird feeder from a cardboard box: master classes, photos

From the most ordinary box for milk, you can build a useful feeder. It is done in two accounts, and even the child can do:

  • A hole is cut in the center of the box Such sizes that the visitor can freely fly inside.

Important: it is recommended to use a stationery knife for cutting. It will not be so convenient to do with scissors, besides, the risk of damaging the box is great.

  • Next is worth it take care of the nest. A wooden bar or a piece of dense cardboard will suit it as it. For attaching the perch, it is worth creating openings at the bottom of the box.
  • On the top of the feed box, you need to attach a lace or a ribbon For a more convenient suspension of it on a tree.
  • If desired You can decorateready craft at your discretion.
A feeder from a milk box can be so funny decorated
A feeder of an elaborate box for dairy products can be funny decorated

The next feeder is even easier to make if there is an empty focus box somewhere nearby:

  • The bottom of the box can be used as a bottom of the feeder. Usually it is separated from the rest of the box. If not, you can take the bottom from another container of sweets.
  • The rest of the box stands Fold in the form of a house.
  • House connectswith the bottom.

Important: it is extremely desirable to use glue, even if it seems that parts of the box are held themselves. The activity of bird visitors can sometimes adversely affect the strength of the building.

  • Left join the use of glueto the feeder truce or ordinary laces.
A feeder out of a candy box
A feeder created from an ordinary candy box

Grain feeders for birds: master class, photo

The feeder, which is only food - is unusual? Yes, and quite feasible. For such an unusual edible thing that will look interesting in the yard, you need:

Bird food itself is crumbs, seeds, grains. And certainly raw. Fried and food with salt content does not affect the stomach of birds very well.

  • Oatmeal
  • One egg
  • Honey
  • Flour
  • Pencil
  • Cardboard is thicker
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • A thread

Important: it is extremely desirable to purchase a dense thread made of kapron.

Kapron thread - what can come in handy when creating a food feeder
Kapron thread - what can come in handy when creating a food feeder

The feeders are made as follows:

  • First you should draw with a pencil on paper prepared in advance sketches. They can look like any figures - circles, squares, hearts, stars, etc.
  • Next is worth it Cut these figures and attach them to the cardboard.
  • As many readers have already guessed, now Cardboard blanks are cut.
  • At the base Each figure with a needle a puncture is made. A thread is attached to the needle - it has to fix the finished products to the branches.
  • Now business for The manufacture of special adhesive for feed. Naturally, industrial glue is not suitable - you need food. To create it, you need to mix egg, teaspoon of liquid honey, flour and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. The mixture should drive for half an hour.

Important: oatmeal of cereal is unsuitable - solely cereals are needed!

  • Now glue can be applied on cardboard foundations.
  • In parallel with this the feed is mixed.
  • Adhesive foundations are needed dip In grains.
  • Then these foundations placed in the refrigerator - They certainly need to find firmness.
This is the edible bird feeder
This is the edible bird feeder

You can create delicious feeders even easier:

  • Sange of gelatin necessary dissolve in water temperature
  • In a gelatin solution food is poured For birds

Important: of course, the solution should be still warm.

  • In molds for cookies or ice cream threads are placed, after which molds poured with adhesive food workpiece
  • Now molds placed in the refrigerator, Then you can consider the case completed.
Edible feeders can be done very quickly and simply
Edible feeders can be done very quickly and simply

Bird feeder from tin can: master class, photo

Surely everyone can find tin coffee jars, lemonade, cocoa or ordinary paint. Why not adapt them to the feeders? How to do it?

  • To begin with, you need to bring banks to the species in which they will be safe. In other words, if suddenly there is sharp edges, they must be filled out.
  • Now you can do the aesthetic component. In other words, jars are needed paint.
  • The paint, of course, should well dry.
  • Next, you need to be puzzled by the search for an impromptu polers. Its role may be, for example, a wand for ice cream.

Important: the pole should not turn out too short. 10 centimeters will be enough.

  • The pole is attached To the main design with good glue.
  • What to hang the feeder? Cords, ribbons - Anything is suitable. You can also wrap the jar with a tourniquet, Suspending it then on a part of the rope. It will turn out simultaneous decor and fastening.
  • Left hang jars in a horizontal position - And wait for the birds!
A bird feeder from a tin can may look pretty pretty
A bird feeder from a tin can may look pretty pretty

A feeder for birds from a tin cookie box: master class, photo

A beautiful box for desserts, which is a pity to throw away, is easy to find. So why not use it with benefit? To create a pretty feeder, you need to take the following things:

  • Bank itself
  • Chain - the length can be within the range 130 cm. In any case, you should not take less
  • A detachable ring with a diameter 1.5 cm
  • Shplint - 8 pcs. The length is preferable about 1.5 cm
  • A4 paper format - 1 pc.
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Compass
  • Awl
  • Alcohol marker
  • Pliers
  • Scissors

Important: scissors should be selected by those that cut on a metal surface.

Here are what materials and tools are needed for the manufacture of such a feeder
Here are what materials and tools are needed for the manufacture of such a feeder

Now you can start:

  • Start with drawing circuit on a circle of circles. The diameter of the circle should be equal to the diameter of the can.
  • The circle needs to be divided on 4 equal parts.
  • It is also worth not to forget at once Mark the place for future holes on the bank. You can do this by applying a jar and a lid to the sketch. The intersection of lines with circles will symbolize the area of \u200b\u200bthe holes. They should be transferred to a jar.
A sketch for the feeder
A sketch for the feeder
  • Then you can do it piercing. Shilo is perfect for this purpose. You need to focus on the label with a pencil, retreating approximately 0.4 cm from both the edge of the jar and from the boundaries of the cover.

Important: it is definitely worth placing the processed material on the plank or a piece of plastic - this step will protect the surface of the working surface.

Making holes in the workpiece blank
Making holes in the workpiece blank
  • It's time to do a chain. It needs it Divide into four parts. Two of them should be in length 12 cmand the remaining two - 38 cm.
Cutting chains for feeder
Cutting chains for feeder
  • Now you can insert the codes In the punctures formed in the jar.
  • On these codes chains are worn. Those whose length is 12 cm.
  • Plafers need to try dilute the ends of the codes in different directions.
Fixing codes in the holes of jar jars for the feeder
Fixing codes in the holes of jar jars for the feeder
  • You also need to install clicks on the lid. They are attached to them like chains 38 cm, and previously wrapped in a box chains of 12 cm.
  • In the middle of 38-centimeter chains A detachable ring is inserted. The feeder is ready! Left put a plastic clamp in a ring Or something like that-and you can hang. The cover from the jar will perfectly tame food from the weather and drops falling from the leaves.
A feeder made of a cookie jar
A feeder made of a cookie jar

Bird feeder from old dishes: master class, photo

If absolutely unnecessary dishes are dusting somewhere in the locker, you can redo it into a useful feeder. What will be needed for:

  • The dishes themselves. For example, you can take a bowl and a plate so that the feeder remains under a canopy. It is best to make the dishes ceramic.
  • Steel pin with M6 thread and 30 cm long
  • M6 format nuts - 3 pcs.
  • Fit-cap format M6
  • Rym-gay format M6
  • Washers - 4 pcs.

Important: we need rubberized washers.

  • Drilling machine or drill
  • A drill that can be treated with ceramics - you need the one that will have 6 mm in diameter
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Hacksaw for working with metal
  • Alcohol marker
  • Ruler
This is what you need to make such a feeder
This is what you need to make such a feeder


You can proceed:

  • The middle of the dishes It should be noted using a marker.
Tags are made on the dishes for the feeder
Tags are made on the dishes for the feeder
  • Armed protective gloves and glasses, You can start drilling. But first it is recommended pour a small amount of cool water into the plate - This step will allow the drill not to overheat. If drilling is carried out by a drill, you can set a tray with high sides.

Important: well, of course, wood or plastic for dishes for protecting the table will not hurt.

Drilling dishes for feeder
Drilling dishes for feeder
  • If the hairpin has a length of more than 30 cm, you need to engage in its cutting. If the length is exactly what you need, you can start assembly of the structure. First thing, you need to drip a super-cell on a hairpin - It will make the feeder more durable.
  • Next is going such an assembly as in the photo. It is worth noting that If the rubberized washers could not be found, You can replace them with simply reinforced M6. But additionally you will have to cut a gasket made of rubber, which will coincide with the diameter of the washers. This step will protect ceramics from damage.
This is how the feeder from old dishes gathering
This is how the feeder from old dishes gathering
Collection of dishes of dishes - view from afar
Collection of dishes of dishes - view from afar
This is how the feeder from the old dishes will look on the tree in the tree
This is how the feeder from the old dishes will look on the tree in the tree

Bird feeders: ideas, photos

We offer to familiarize yourself with various feeding options. Maybe some of them will be inspired?

Mesh feeder - pretty and convenient
The mesh feeder is pretty and convenient
Bird feeder as a miniature work of art
Bird feeder as a miniature work of art
The feeder from the most ordinary log
The feeder from the most ordinary log
A cup glued to a saucer suspended on a tree is a great detail of the garden interior and a feeder at the same time
A cup glued to a saucer suspended on a tree is an excellent detail of the garden interior and a feeder at the same time
Bird feeder from a grid for packing vegetables and fruits
Bird feeder from a grid for packing vegetables and fruits
Pumpkin feeder will definitely like birds
Pumpkin feeder will definitely like birds
Creative wood feeder in the form of a vintage phone
Creative wood feeder in the form of a vintage phone
Poultry feeder from wicker basket
Poultry feeder from wicker basket
Graceful and bright feeder
Graceful and bright feeder

It is completely easy to create a dining room for birds - variations of a lot, and materials can always be found at home. The benefits of such needlework are invaluable as for the birds themselves, and for the master himself, who develops his needlework skills.

Here are video list of as many as 55 ideas for creating feeders:

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