How to make a cat's claw yourself: ideas, photos, general recommendations, master classes for the manufacture of wall claws, claws-claws, claws-dumics, from corrugated cardboard

How to make a cat's claw yourself: ideas, photos, general recommendations, master classes for the manufacture of wall claws, claws-claws, claws-dumics, from corrugated cardboard

With this article, we decided to help all cat lovers. Several master classes on creating a claw-definitely what the lovers of our smaller brothers need.

Spoiled wallpaper, furniture, carpets - all this is a terrible dream of many cats. What to do if you love your pet with all your soul, but you also want to save the apartment in a decent form? Build a claw!

How to make a claw: general recommendations

First of all, you should pay attention to general recommendations for creating a claw:

  • It is very important to choose the right height. It is recommended to raise the cat on the hind legs - this will be the minimum height of the unit. You can and even preferably build a claw of a claw, but less is not worth it.

Important: the height of the column in any case should not be lower than 90-100 mm.

  • Concerning widths, then it is preferable to observe the next minimum-8-10 cm in section.
  • Sustainability - required condition. The animal will certainly be active and lean with the whole body when grinding claws.
  • As material for tightening are best suited leg-split with a cross section of about 1 cm, burn. Synthetic ropes are not suitable - The animal can damage the claws. The fabric should not be electric, should be soft.
Such material for claws is best suited
Such material for claws is best suited
  • Durability - We need to choose such materials that would withstand the pressure of the cat manicure for a long time. For example, perfect dry board, durable plywood, corrugated cardboard of high density.
  • As stuffing best suits a synthetic winterizer with a hypoallergenic property.

Important: that when creating a claw, it is worth ignoring is straw, wool, fluff, skin and a substitute for the skin.

Cats love to soak up on straw, but it clearly does not fit as a filler for the claw.
Cats love to soak up on straw, but it clearly does not fit as a filler for the claw.

How to make a wall claw: a master class

Necessary materials:

  • A panel made of wood on which the unit will be attached. Or two panels if a new interior detail is planned by corner
  • Brush of wood or panel
  • A jute or hemp twine, the threads of which in diameter are at least 5 mm. It is worth stocking up with two slices
  • Electrodegol and screws to her


  • Electric drill is necessary in the beam and in the panel drill 6 holes. The location is as follows: 2 holes from above, in the center and below.

Important: it is necessary to ensure that the openings of the beam and the openings of the panel are located parallel to each other.

  • Then in the holes you need locate screws.
  • Now you can start wrapping a bruus with a tourniquet.
  • Left flow the beam to the panel.
Wall corner claw
Wall corner claw
Clogging is irreplaceable
Clogging is irreplaceable

How to make a claw of corrugated cardboard: Master class

Well -known fact: cats just adore cardboard boxes! So why not use this information strategically? In addition, such a claw is built even faster than the previous option! So, you will need:

Actually, corrugated cardboard. You can replace it even with the most ordinary cardboard boxes

  • Paper good density
  • A knife that is convenient to cut paper
  • PVA-bed or sticky tape
  • Any fabric that can decorate the claw

Now it remains to collect the structure:

  • On cardboard Drawing strips. The width can be anything, but it should be the same For all blanks
  • Now the strips cut
  • The so -called core

Important: it is preferable to twist tightly.

  • Now stripes are attached to each other, turning around the core
  • The frame can be wrapped fabric, chosen for decor
  • The workpiece is located on thick paper - from it the bottom is cut future claws
  • The last touch - fastening of a cardboard-tone structure on thick paper
It turns out such an interesting claw of cardboard
It turns out such an interesting claw of cardboard
From cardboard you can make such a clatter-lane
From cardboard you can make such a clatter-lane
From cardboard, you can also make such a simple claw-tank
From cardboard, you can also make such a simple claw-tank

How to make a claw-string claw: step-by-step master class

As practice shows, the smaller brothers love this clatter especially. In addition, it is quite compact. So, here's what you need to make it:

  • Actually, the pipe itself is at least a meter high
  • The foundation is from wood
  • Leg-split
  • Textile
  • Stapler
  • Self -tapping screw
  • Filler for the pipe - you can choose a wooden block of suitable size or mounting foam

Important: the filler is needed for weighting the structure - it is not recommended to ignore this item.

The procedure for creating a claw:

  • Fabric For starters, it is worth it wrap the base. You can attach brackets
  • Now you need Decorate the pillar with twine
  • Then in the pipe should be lowered A tree bar. Or fill it with foam
  • The pipe is attached By the middle of the catwalk with a self -tapping screw
  • Can decorate the top columnand hang some toy on a rope to attract cat's attention

Claw-Domik: Master class

A wonderful idea, if you want to please the pet and the claw tete and the house. Would need stock up on the following things:

  • Nails
  • Hammer
  • Hot glue
  • Plywood - an approximate size can be 1.7x1.7 m
  • Carpet
  • Screws and screwdrivers. A screwdriver is preferably choosing an electric one - it works best with screws
  • Stapler
  • The angles made of steel
  • Rope, rope
  • A wood timber

Important: the beam must certainly be wide and have the shape of a cylinder.

You can start manufacturing:

  • First thing, plywood should be cut into 7 pieces. The approximate size is 0.75x0.5.
  • In one of the pieces you need Create a hole - Its diameter depends on the size of the cat.
  • With the help of screws and angles you need combine 3 walls of the future house, a wall with a hole and a bottom.
  • Carpet acts as upholstery. You can fix it with a stapler. By the way, you can make upholstery and from the inside of the future house.
Carbon fiber can be selected for every taste depending on the interior of the room
Carbon fiber can be selected for every taste depending on the interior of the room
  • Now it is taken the plank-upboard house. She is also covered with carpet.
  • Further in the middle of the top is perpendicular to him A beam is placed.

Important: it is better to fasten with nails.

  • You can and attach the top to the blank of the house.
  • Now the rope must be tightly wrapped around the beam. Here hot glue will come in handy.
  • There was another left a piece of plywood -It is placed from above the beam as a shelf-lane. This shelf should also be stuck with carpet, and then to nail it firmly to the beam.
  • The final bar - drying a cogue house. It is preferable to allocate a day for this matter.
Such a dummy clawe can turn out in the end
Such a dummy clawe can turn out in the end

DIY cat claws: ideas, photo

We offer the attention of readers several ideas, which may inspire the owners of cats:

Clamping Clair will not take up much space
Clamping Clair will not take up much space
Croaches for cats politically savvy hosts
Croaches for cats politically savvy hosts
A tablet table with a toy
A tablet table with a toy
Small tablet-bunker on the wall
Small tablet-bunker on the wall
Cute cones-bunks with pompons
Cute cones-bunks with pompons
A large column-bunce for those who prefer to sit high and look far
A large column-bunce for those who prefer to sit high and look far
A whole ottoman-bunker for a pet
A whole ottoman-bunker for a pet
Any large woods can become a creative claw
Any large woods can become a creative claw
Cat anti -stress - claw -pile
Cat Antistress-Claw-Sobak
Lynchik-cogue will become a favorite subject of a pet
Lynchik-cogue will become a favorite subject of a pet

Grinking claws is not harmfulness, but the need for a must-stand animal. Well, in this case, a direct duty is to help the brother smaller and make small adjustments to the design of the dwelling.

Video: A master class on creating a claw:

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