How to make a hashtag VK: Instructions. What are the hashtags of VKontakte? Popular hashtags in VK - where to find?

How to make a hashtag VK: Instructions. What are the hashtags of VKontakte? Popular hashtags in VK - where to find?

Hagestegs VKontakte and other social networks are used for different purposes and in our article we will tell you what they are and how to use them.

The hashtag is specially a word-link that allows you to look for the necessary publications in social networks. It is written almost like ordinary words, but only at the beginning is a lattice. You can even write whole phrases. In each social network, the hashtags are distinguished by some features and what is good for one, for the other, it can be destructive. We decided to find out how to properly use the hashtags of VKontakte.

Why put the hashtags VKontakte?

Today, VKontakte, and in other social networks, users are constantly faced with hashtags, but not everyone understands what to put them at all. In fact, everything is simple - to search and fulfill other important functions:

  • Content group in different headings
  • Receiving additional views for publication
  • Brand promotion and its mention
  • Improving statistics by, again, additional coverage
  • Highlighting a certain event in order to attract attention to it
  • When conducting competitions with their help, you can track participants

How to add hashtags VKontakte correctly?

How to add hashtags?
How to add hashtags?

The social network VKontakte supports hashtags in Russian and English. To add it, it is enough to put a grill before any word or even a phrase. Please note that if this is a phrase, then it should be written without spaces or with lower emphasis. After accommodation, it will be possible to press the hashtag and see all the posts with its mention.

Hashtegs can be placed in any places of text. You can start them with a line or end a post, or you can even leave in context. In other words, use them where you consider it necessary.

Using hashtags VKontakte: Basic rules

The first thing you should learn is VKontakte allows you to add no more than 10 hashtags. No one forbids writing anymore, but only the first 10 will be clickable. So there is no point in putting them more.

Hashtegs should approach the theme. Otherwise, the VKontakte system may calculate the post spam and they will be blocked.

Unique hashtags VKontakte - how to use?

Everyone is allowed to use not only common hashtags, but also create their own, unique. Just on them, people will be able to find your notes. But no one forbids using the same users. It can be an accidental phenomenon when someone thought the same as you. Or someone specially copies the post. And there is also such a situation with simple hashtags, for example, #Mama Natasha.

Local hashtags VKontakte - how to use?

Local hashtags
Local hashtags

VKontakte is allowed to create local hashtags. When you press them, the search is carried out not throughout the social network, but only within the framework of a particular community. To make such a hashtag, use this combination: #hashtag@domain community.

It is important to note that ID is simply not suitable for this, so first in the settings change the link for the community. By the way, local hashtags allow you to break all the posts on the headings, which is very convenient. It is also worth knowing that hashtags are written exclusively in English letters.

How to create hidden hashtags VKontakte?

Sometimes I want to make such a hashtag for recording so that it shows in the search, but in the post the tag will be like out of place. Then make a hidden hashtag, which will not be shown in the text, but it will work and people will be able to find your record on it.

To write a hidden hashtag, it must be added to the description to the attached picture or video. Thus, the TAG will be indexed for recording. Usually this does not happen immediately, but after a while, because hidden publications need a little more time to index.

What have heaps: the main species


Hashtegs are of different types and everyone should know about them, especially if you plan to engage in promotion.

1. High and low -frequency

The frequency of hashtags is largely determined by their popularity. In Instagram, for example, this affects the access to the TOP. Accordingly, it is difficult to get into the top by popular tags, but if you are lucky, then the coverage will turn out very large. For VKontakte, this is not too important.

2. hashtag-event

On the eve of the holidays, high -profile events, and so on, thematic hashtags are usually created. For example, #Novogod 2019, #concertbuzova and so on. Thus, if the user is interested in this topic, then he will see all the publications with such a tag.

3. Brand hashtags

Brands also create their hashtags. Usually these are different forms of writing and tags for specific advertising companies. Often such tags are used to select competitive work - the brand thus receives mention, as well as the ability to track all participants in the competition.

Popular hashtags VKontakte - how to see?

You can decide on the trends on the page "News". You just need to go to the section "Search" right and look at the block "Actual topics". It shows a list of hashtags that are very popular.

Popular hashtags
Popular hashtags

Usually they relate to well -known events - film awards, holidays and so on. Moreover, if you press on such a tag, then all available posts with this topic will show in the tape. To see the most interesting, activate the switch opposite the corresponding line and the posts will be built depending on the number of likes.

There is also a very interesting service - popsters. It allows you to find out which hashtags give more coverage.

How to choose a hashtag for publishing VKontakte?

Try to specify the contents of the post as much as possible with the help of hashtags. Think about what you yourself are looking for words. The more precisely you will decide on the theme, the more people will find you.

Try to put 2-3 tags on the post. Perhaps on Instagram you noticed how a lot of them are used, but VKontakte works somewhat differently and a large number of tags embarrasses, and sometimes scares.

Video: How to make hashtags in VK (VKontakte)?

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