How to make jeans less? How to wash or what needs to be done so that jeans sit on one size: tips, recommendations, recipes. How many centimeters can jeans sit as much as possible? Do jeans of Streich sit down with polyester and elastan after washing?

How to make jeans less? How to wash or what needs to be done so that jeans sit on one size: tips, recommendations, recipes. How many centimeters can jeans sit as much as possible? Do jeans of Streich sit down with polyester and elastan after washing?

The article will tell you how to reduce jeans by several sizes.

How many centimeters can jeans sit as much as possible?

Jeans are a cotton natural fabric, pants from which are so popular all over the world. Denim pants have many advantages: they sit well on the body, pull it up, warm it, look stylish. Nevertheless, jeans have one basic drawback - they have the ability to be sunk, increasing to size and then the trousers sit freely, slide, hang with bags.

It will help to fix this to several everyday ways, such as washing, for example, or even the “cook” of jeans. However, you should know that such frauds can only take place with natural cotton trousers. You can pull your pants by just one size, so do not calculate them several times, a maximum of 1-1.5 cm in diameter.

Washing jeans and their shrinkage: tips and recommendations
Washing jeans and their shrinkage: tips and recommendations

Do jeans of Streich sit down with polyester and elastan after washing?

Jeans can also not be made of 100% cotton fabric, but from the mixture, for example, 70% Cotton 30% Elastin.

The clothes that are sewing with the addition of elastan (elastane threads) are always different in that it is not able to crumble much. It has good water and breathability. Nevertheless, it cannot be pulled out after washing (hands or machine), as is the case with cotton.

Elastan (another name "Streich") - a fabric that stretches well and therefore jeans with elastane threads are always strong, sit well on the body and any figure, they are convenient and comfortable in them. Streich jeans perfectly tolerate numerous washing. Like cotton jeans, pants with elastan are stretched in wear (give stretching). After washing, the pants return to their original size (especially if they are new).

Cotton and stretch jeans: what's the difference?
Cotton and stretch jeans: what's the difference?

How to wash or what needs to be done so that jeans sit on one size: tips, recommendations, recipes

If you exclude the option of trimming jeans on a typewriter, then wash should help you.


  • You can wash manually, or you can use a washing machine (this method is preferable).
  • Jeans must be washed in boiling water (at high temperatures), it takes approximately 90-95 degrees (only at this temperature the fabric sits).
  • Put the trousers in the drum of the car and turn on the mode by falling asleep the powder or the erasing gel.
  • Wait for a complete washing cycle (without rinsing). Before cold water for rinsing should join the machine, turn off the machine and charge the wash again, but without powder.
  • Dry jeans until it dries completely in the seams, on the belt.

Important: the jeans cooking method can also help. To do this, clean pants should be boiled in the dishes (a large enameled pan) for about 40 minutes, after which they need to be completely dried. Another way is “hot bathroom”: type in the bathroom with jeans of the hottest water and leave clean trousers in it until completely cooled.

Machine washing
Machine washing

How to make jeans sit in length?

Passing the denim fabric with boiling water or cooking, you must consider that the fabric will sit down. This will affect not only the reduction in size, but also the length of the leg (about 0.5-1 cm maximum). If this result is small enough for you, you can simply pick up jeans or tuck them (inside or out).

How to dry jeans correctly to sit down?

Correct drying can also affect the size of the jeans:

  • After the full cycle of washing and twisting jeans in the car, you should hang jeans. It is good to do this outdoors in sunny and hot weather. At home, put jeans on a hot battery - this will also contribute to shrinkage.
  • Quickly dry jeans so that they sit down, you can put them on a towel so that it absorbs excess moisture.
  • To reduce jeans in size will also help special drying.
Correct drying of jeans trousers
Correct drying of jeans trousers

What can not be done with jeans during their shrinkage: tips


  • You should not dry the denim fabric with an iron, as it, on the contrary, steams and stretches the fabric.
  • You can wash at high temperatures and cook jeans only in cases where they are not decorated with rhinestones, stripes, embroidery. Otherwise, the entire decor will disappear.
  • Consider the fact that when washing at high temperatures, jeans can be strongly poured.

Video: "How to reduce jeans in the waist is easy and fast?"

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