How to make a bouquet for a man with your own hands? Original bouquet for a man

How to make a bouquet for a man with your own hands? Original bouquet for a man

In this article I would like to illuminate the issue of choosing a bouquet for a man. This question is quite relevant and includes a lot of nuances.

Are you familiar with the fact that Japanese women give their men flowers for many centuries? On the so -called Ikeban's Boys - a traditional offering. This is not characteristic of our mentality, because even on February 23, they usually give something else.

Nevertheless, bouquets are mainly a ladies' gift. However, representatives of the stronger sex need congratulations. "What bouquet to give a man?" - Believe me, not one woman has a headache on this issue. How to be? Without panic! In this article, we will highlight this issue in the most detail, and you will no longer be afraid to get into an awkward situation.

How to make a bouquet of men's panties

We will need, in fact, the very wardrobe detail, artificial stalks of colors, wire, decorative tapes and packaging, into which ordinary floral bouquets decorate. Butons from underwear will be formed much more convenient if you wrap them around the stems. The stems, in turn, will hold on to the wire.

It is recommended to attach buds to the stems with ribbons - it will be beautiful enough. You can additionally decorate the bouquet with some elements in the form of butterflies or drops of dew from beads. In addition, if you include socks or ties in the bouquet, you get a real gentleman's set. A tie can be carefully bandaged the whole composition.

IMPORTANT: Is it worth it to specify separately that such a gift should be presented only to your close man? The gift is quite intimate, although it can be arranged with humor.

A bouquet of panties can be arranged quite beautifully
A bouquet of panties can be arranged quite beautifully

How to make a bouquet and socks?

A very simple, inexpensive and original way to deliver joy to the representative of the stronger sex. Jokes are composed about the gift in the form of socks even despite the obvious benefits of this thing. But what if you arrange socks in the form of a bouquet buds? So what will we need:

  • A few steam socks. Naturally, new and various colors. Although you can withstand a gift in the same color scheme - here you rely on your perception. The combination of dark and light shades looks quite interesting
  • Scissors
  • Ordinary or English pins - at your discretion
  • Scotch
  • Any sticks-these can be sticks from balloons, cocktail tubes, skewers for small sandwiches, barbecue sticks. In general, everything that is in the zone of your reach
  • Packaging paper in which ordinary bouquets are wrapped
  • A variety of accessories to your taste are beads, beads, ribbons, toys. You can prepare a decorative basket if you plan to present a gift in it
This is how socks in the basket will look like
This is how socks in the basket will look like

Although it seems that making a bouquet is not easy, believe me, this is a delusion. It can be created as follows:

  • Uncarp socks, roll them into a tube. This should be done around their axis, starting with an elastic band. The socks twisted in this way are converted into buds
  • Now bent the edges of the resulting buds - so they will look like blossoming petals. Leaving just in the form of socks is not recommended, since the similarity with flowers in this case will be minimal

Important: despite the fact that it is not recommended to turn socks tightly, this should not be done weakly, since the thing will simply fall apart. It is very important to observe the so -called "golden mean".

Buds should be done and not tight and not free
Buds should be done and not tight and not free
  • Fight the obtained buds with pins - this will be a guarantee that they will keep the necessary shape. From an aesthetic point of view, English is ideal, thanks to which the finished bouquet will look elegant and festive. Often such pins are decorated with bead, which will have to help
  • Make several such buds - the amount depends on the estimated volume of the bouquet
  • Now it is worth adding the stems to the buds - for this, prepared sticks will come in handy. They can be both long and short. Do not be discouraged if it turned out to get only short - in this case the bouquet will turn out to be miniature, but no less pretty. You can fix the sticks using tape or tapes
We fasten socks to sticks
We fasten socks to sticks
  • The final bar - wrap the resulting bouquet in gift paper. If you have never wrapped bouquets before - it does not matter, it is easy to do it. You just need to cut two rectangles out of paper, fold them with a shift diagonally and slightly corrugated, collecting in the center. At the same stage, you can add decorative elements in the form of ribbons, beads. You can even put sweets in the package. The resulting bouquet can be placed in a decorative basket, if you do not want to mess with packaging paper
Bouquet of socks and sweets
Bouquet of socks and sweets
Small sock bouquet decorated with beads
Small sock bouquet decorated with beads

How to make a beer bouquet of fish and beer for men

If a man loves to treat himself with a foamy drink from time to time, a bouquet of beer and fish will be a great gift. You can simply wrap the fish in the newspaper folded in the form of packaging and bandaged it with a tape. Banks of beer can be carefully folded in the form of a cake.

A fish separately decorated by a bouquet and a beer folded by a cake
A fish separately decorated by a bouquet and a beer folded by a cake

And you can combine all the components of the gift in one composition. For this we need the following:

  • Big Bank of Beer. You can even purchase a small barrel - it will look quite interesting
  • A few fish that will look wonderful if you pack each of them in transparent packaging. It is recommended to give dried vobla
  • Packs with crackers, smoked meat, snacks, pistachios, squids, nuts, chips

Important: all packages with snacks should be small - large in the bouquet will look sloppy.

  • A special gun in order to glue materials
  • Wooden sticks
  • A set consisting of satin ribbons. It is preferable to purchase tapes of dark shades
  • A mesh for decor, which can be purchased in a store trading goods for florists
Stock up packaging and ribbons
Stock up packaging and ribbons

So, the material is prepared. How to start its design?

  • First of all, glue a pack of snacks, crackers or any other snacks to the top of a jar or barrel of a pack of snacks. You can do this with a pistol for gluing. Do not forget to leave the opening place of the bank untouched.
  • Now take packed fish. If you are puzzled by where to get the wobble in the finished package, just wrap the fish with a decorative cellophane for flowers, which can also be purchased in a store for florists. Turning the wobble, collect the cellophane of each fish at the top into the bundle and bandage it with a satin ribbon
  • Take wooden sticks and distribute them along the length of the fish. Do it carefully
  • Now glue the sticks to the beer bank. You can also place them in a large beer mug. Or fold a bouquet, bandaging with wrapping paper
  • Now fix the pistachio on wooden sticks and insert them into a common bouquet. Decorate the whole composition with a decorative grid, ribbons
Fish and pistachios
Fish and pistachios
Bouquet in a beer mug
bouquet in a beer mug
Enough and tasty bouquet
Enough and tasty bouquet

Make a bouquet of panties with your own hands

Above, we talked about the fact that you can simply wrap the underpants around decorative stems, thus creating similarity to buds. One can do in another way, creating a more complex composition that includes socks:

  • First of all, twist the underpants with a roller, holding on to the elastic band
  • Now raise the colored bottom, thanks to which color design will be created, and wrap it around the elastic band
  • Now you can create a budding design - the composition will then turn out to be quite interesting and in some way multi -tiered. Socks of the same gamma can act as design items. Fold socks so that the heels and socks are directed up - you will get peculiar petals
  • Fold these petals around a bud of panties, fixing everything with an elastic band for money
  • According to a similar scheme, make several buds with petals, connecting them to the bouquet
  • Wrap the resulting bouquet with a film for the florists, decorate with a decorative decoration of your own choice. It will be a wonderful solution to bandage a bouquet with a tie
Panties in the form of buds and socks in the form of petals
Panties in the form of buds and socks in the form of petals
Elevated bouquet of panties
Elevated bouquet of panties
A small bouquet
A small bouquet

Bouquet of sweets for a man

This idea is good for several reasons at once:

  • Many men love sweets no less than women
  • This bouquet, unlike floral, is quite functional
  • It will be remembered for a long time, despite the banality of such a gift as sweets
Memorable design
Memorable design

The creation of a bouquet of sweets is exclusively the fruit of your imagination. The composition may include not only sweets, but also snacks, interesting accessories, unusual cards, alcoholic drinks. Here is one of the ideas for creating a candy bouquet:

  • Take the most ordinary plastic bottle of small size and cut the cork
  • Focusing on the capacity of the bottle, cut a small cylinder out of a hard washcloth

Important: check if the cylinder fit into the bottle. It should not go far, you can install it in a bottle closer to the surface.

  • Fill the bottle with sweets a little more than half
  • Now wrap the cylinder with golden paper, insert it into the bottle over the sweets already poured there
  • Take the remaining sweets and wrap them in some beautiful way. It is advisable to attach sweets to skewers
This is how you can wrap sweets
This is how you can wrap sweets
  • The final stage is the placement of sweets in a bottle over the cylinder. All can be fastened with tape
This is how the bouquet looks at the final stage
This is how the bouquet looks at the final stage
You can arrange sweets in the form of a ship
You can arrange sweets in the form of a ship
... or in the form of a grenade - just by February 23
... or in the form of a grenade - just by February 23
Another boat
Another boat

Bouquets for men on February 23

Whatever the bouquet you have been careful for a gift to a man on February 23, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • Make sure that the shape of the bouquet is linear. This rule applies to all bouquets - both with their own hands and acquired from the florists. Baskets and spherical shape are not welcome - this is a more lady option. The exception, except, can be made for the option with socks, since not everyone can attach socks to the sticks properly. But as for flowers, they should be on high legs, but not create a strong volume

Important: better let the bouquet be more in height than in width. Clear outlines, corners - this is only welcome.

Linear form of bouquets
Linear form of bouquets
A small linear bouquet
A small linear bouquet
There is also a good enough bouquet option
There is also a good enough bouquet option
  • Now a few words about the decor are simply wonderful if not only the tape and packaging, but also high -quality coffee, tea, a bottle of an alcoholic drink act as decoration. A very good idea is to add thematic souvenirs: so if you congratulate the driver, you can attach a toy machine if an athlete is a ball

Important: it is advisable to minimize bright ribbons and cloth packaging papers. It is best to choose something more neutral, albeit festive.

Bouquet with alcohol
Bouquet with alcohol
... or so
  • Leave pastel colors to the ladies. For a man, saturated shades are preferable, preferably dark.

Bouquets of bottles for men

If a man is not averse to drink alcoholic beverages from time to time, then he will surely appreciate a bouquet made up of bottles. The bottles should be beautifully bandaged with ribbons. Even better - wrap each bottle into a separate package according to the principle by which we described the wrap of fish, and attach wooden sticks to the package.

The sticks in this case, of course, should be thick, because the bottles are much heavier than fish. In such a bouquet, snacks will organically look. If the bouquet is too massive, place it in a flower pot. The pot can be tied with a ribbon.

A variety of bouquets from bottles
A variety of bouquets from bottles
Volumetric bouquet of bottles
Volumetric bouquet of bottles
The option is smaller
The option is smaller

Men's bouquets of flowers

Despite the fact that the flowers usually receive as a gift to women, men will probably be pleased to get them too. However, it is important to take into account some nuances. What flowers should you pay attention to?

  • Cloves - perfectly suitable for conservatives. If you are looking for a gift for respected and authoritative people in your environment, you will not find the best colors. Carnation is a universally recognized symbol of success, freedom, honor and fidelity
  • Irises is good for the offer of both a close person and colleague, superiors. Symbolize trust, courage and wisdom, so decide for yourself who will delight such a manifestation of sympathy
  • Gerbera - give it to the person to whom you want to present a lot of positive, with whom you want to share positive energy. Denotes openness to the world
  • Calles - denote actions worthy of respect, nobility
  • Bamboo - present to those to whom you want to wish you well -being, prosperity, luck in all matters, the achievements of the peaks, determination and the same direct road in success as the trunk of this plant
  • Anturium is a wonderful find for men who boast of a bright personality, charisma. And the best way to pay tribute to these qualities is to give a bouquet of anthurium, which symbolizes the masculine principle, masculinity, strength, extraordinary and courage
  • Story - show your vision of a man as a man outstanding, courageous, happy. Since it is a silent wish for well -being, wealth and heyday, it is wonderful for the presentation of both a friend and the authorities
  • Tulip is another symbol of the male principle. It is recommended to give preference to red or rich-dark colors

Important: classic roses can also be presented to a man. However, remember that they are a symbol of passionate attachment, so for a gift to the authorities or a friend, it is better to leave them for a beloved man.

Original bouquets for men

The bouquet should not necessarily be decorated in the form standard. Men are big children, so they will surely be happy with a floral presentation in the form of a ship or chest of treasures. It is better to entrust such beauty to a professional florist, as it is quite difficult to do.

However, with proper diligence and training, you can make something similar with your own hands. You can supplement the flowers with a bottle of good wine, cognac or other alcoholic beverage, sweets, fruits, a variety of snacks, decorative elements of jewelry.

And another ship
And another ship
Quite original and cute bouquet-gap
Quite original and cute bouquet-gap
Original design - chest
Original design - chest
.. or basket
.. or basket

Cool bouquets for men

It is not necessary to give flowers. Above, we already wrote about the idea with an interesting design in the form of bouquets of socks, panties, alcoholic beverages and snacks for them, fish, sweets. In addition, you can beautifully fold together and present a set of deodorants and shaving stumps, chocolate bars. It all depends solely on your imagination.

Chocolate bouquet
Chocolate bouquet
A real useful bouquet with a male character
A real useful bouquet with a male character

As you can see, men can and even need to give bouquets. Believe me, they will certainly appreciate your original approach, a sense of humor and care. Even flowers can be presented in such a way as to emphasize the qualities of a man. We hope that we were able to facilitate the choice of a gift.

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