How to independently make a bowl of abundance and wealth on Feng Shui: an algorithm, materials and the necessary objects. Where should a cup of abundance and wealth in the house stand?

How to independently make a bowl of abundance and wealth on Feng Shui: an algorithm, materials and the necessary objects. Where should a cup of abundance and wealth in the house stand?

In this article, we will consider how to create a bowl of abundance and wealth with our own hands, which will help not only increase your capital, but also fulfill the cherished desires.

A bowl of abundance of wealth is a very strong and famous talisman Feng Shui. In ancient Chinese practice, many amulets are used, because the very meaning of this philosophy lies in the symbolic development of the world and finding the sources of favorable being correct in the energy plan. To date, it will not be difficult to buy a special bowl of wealth in the style of Feng Shui, but it is much more interesting to create it with your own hands. Moreover, everyone should fill it for himself! Therefore, we propose to disassemble the basic rules for creating an abundance bowl.

How to independently make a bowl of abundance and wealth: an algorithm, the necessary objects and materials

  1. Since ancient times, it was believed that the cup or vase, which is filled to the top, symbolizes the wealth and luxurious position of the owners. Therefore, everyone tried to put more fruits and treats in the bowl, choosing the best thing for these purposes to serve guests. Excess treats meant that in this place there always reigns wealth and friendly mood.
  2. Similar traditions were in ancient Greece. They had Cornucopia.Also, Christians were present Holy Grail.All these symbols had approximately the same meaning.
  3. Vases were also filled with money and material values. Moreover, this was done according to a special secret ritual, the secret of which was never revealed to strangers. And only passed from generation to generation in his family. And until now, in China, you can find many families who have huge Cups of abundance,inherited by him.
Feng Shui wealth
Feng Shui wealth

Currently, the mission of the bowl of abundance is to fulfill the desires of the one who imposes the contents in it. It is for this reason that there is one feature associated with this talisman. Only the owner should put in it. And he can put everything he wants to increase there. You can buy the finished bowl or vase itself, we repeat, but you must fill it personally personally.

Several legendary words about the occurrence of an abundance bowl in Feng Shui

  • The Chinese people passes on their generations a legend about a poor fisherman who accidentally caught an old bowl. Due to the ignorance of her value, he made a bowl from her to feed the dog. But over time, he began to notice how the pet gained weight, his wool was ennobled and, on the whole, his appearance improved significantly. The owner also noticed that the food did not end at all. From this, the dog gained weight.
  • The fisherman's wife, deciding to make sure, leaned over to see. And she dropped a suspension from a scarlet tape and 3 Chinese coins (according to some sources it was a silver hairpin). For some reason, they could not get their value.
  • But after some time, the fisherman noticed how this bowl was filled with coins to the top! Since then, they began to live in abundance.
The design can be any at your discretion
The design can be any, but the wide throat will create speed

Algorithm, how to create a bowl of abundance with your own hands

Important: the bowl must be done in the growing moon so that your thoughts and desires also grow! That is, this is up to 14 lunar days. Our recommendation to choose either 5 or 11 days, since they are the most powerful in the energy plane.

If you want to have this strong talisman at home and decided to start manufacturing it, it is worth considering that you need to approach with the highest degree of responsibility for each stage. There are several of them:

  • selection of the bowl itself
  • filling the bowl
  • its location in the house

The creation of a bowl of wealth and abundance in the practice of Feng Shui is considered a very serious occupation. Another name is A bowl of desires.If you want prosperity to increase, and desires come true, not to be neglecting to treat this occupation. Choose the time when you can pay due attention to him, postpone a rush and only then proceed.

Important: a small recommendation of a general nature - for the bowl to work, you need to believe in it! If you are skeptical of this attribute, then you will receive the same reaction in response. And this applies not only to the bowl of abundance or Feng Shui figurines.

But you need your complete return and respect
You need your full return and respect for money

To create a bowl of abundance, you need to choose the right vase for the talisman

The very first step is to choose a vase or a bowl itself - this will be the main basis. The vessel for our talisman cannot be accidental. You need to take into account some requirements.

  • The vase should be squat, Not very high with a wide and stable base. It is this form that will help to ensure financial stability, because the vase will not overturn and the contents will always remain in its place. A symbolically stable base means a formed foundation of the family's wealth.
  • Circular shape, Having no corners, it will allow qi energy to enter the bowl of abundance without obstacles. It is preferable to choose a form where the sides are much wider in relation to the base and neck, as if bloated.
  • The neck should already be the main volume of the vase. Thus, what is inside will be held and updated.
  • The edges of the vase should be wide, But not too much, so as not to go beyond the base of the bowl itself. So it will be easier to get there.
  • Be sure to have a lid!Otherwise, your wealth and your desires will disappear. Moreover, it is better not to open it throughout the year, but ideally - never! This will enhance the energy of your desire, conveying wealth to its descendants.
Perfect option
Perfect option
  • The material from which the vase is made is no less important than its shape. It is impossible for the bowl to be made of plastic or glass. Choose Crystal, metal, ceramic or stone/wood products.If finances allow, the best option would be Gold, silver and other precious metals.
    • If you know how to sculpt, you can make a vase yourself from clay or gypsum.Moreover, so you will have the opportunity to apply symbolic drawings of Chinese themes on it.
  • In general, the drawings are recommended to apply:
    • Dragon;
    • Phoenix;
    • three -legged toad with coin;
    • a bundle of happiness;
    • sign of Xiao-Soyan;
    • the same yin-yang;
    • amplifying octagon Bagua;
    • owl;
    • bat, etc.
  • But you can just do it drawing of Chinese hieroglyphs. Materials for painting can be used any, but those that will hold well. You can decorate the vase with special means for ceramics or glass, enameled or aerosol paints, nail polishes and other indelible colors. It is advisable to use Golden colorin his work, in order to additionally attract wealth. But it is better if it is involved only for painting.

With independent manufacture, the vase is immediately filled with your energy. The purchased bowl must be charged in a special way. To do this, hold it in your hands and project your energy on it, thinking about what wealth it should attract. Moreover, it may not always be money, you can assign any of your desires on the bowl! Material or intangible nature. And of course, do not forget to first rinse it in salt water and fumigate with aromas.

On the neck, it is customary to hang a satin or silk thread with three Chinese coins. This symbol means the unity of the energies of Yin and Yan, which enhances attracting wealth by 10 times.

Zhaba acts as a magnet for money
Zhaba acts as a magnet for money

How and what to correctly fill the bowl of abundance?

When you create the perfect bowl, you can start filling it. Various objects are put in an abundance bowl that will attract wealth and abundance in your house. But there are mandatory elements.

  • A twig or a handful of land from a plot of a very successful person. You must ask and take it only with the permission of the owner. The stolen twig will not bring the proper result, and vice versa, it can be detrimental to you. A twig or a handful of earth should be stored in a bowl of abundance in a red silk bag, at the very bottom. She will attract the growth of your condition.

Important: replaced by rice if there is no way to get a “successful” land.

  • A bunch of three or nine Chinese coins. This ligament symbolizes the generosity of your nature and the ability to share what you have. But they need to be tied with a red thread, tied a bundle of happiness on top. Or buy a finished arsenal right away. And keep in mind - Hieroglyphs should look up!
  • Grains or cereals 5 colors. These will be gifts for the gods to appease them. It is important to consider the relationship to 5 different elements:
    • for example, for the sign of the earth is brown, brown or yellow - corn, peas, millet
    • white rice or beans correspond to metal
    • Fire is red beans, lentils or sorghum
    • green peas is responsible for a tree
    • but the water has dark shades - black rice or beans
  • Ideally, you need to put 10 crystals,but you can do less. The main thing is that they are generally, because they will protect your cup of abundance from negative energy. In general, start from the composition of your family, because 1 crystal goes for the desire of 1 family member, which he will charge through touch.

Important: ideally, each component must be placed in a red bag or a fabric napkin!

  • They will also be needed 5 pieces of fabric of different colors. They should be yellow, red, green, blue and white. It is these colors in Chinese culture that the primary sources of the elements symbolize. They will cover your bowl in the same order!
  • As well as 5 segments of the tape or thread of the same colors. According to legend and in practice, they tie the lid.
Use reinforcing figurines
Use reinforcing figurines

Further, secret signs are put into the bowl of desires, among which those objects attracting material well -being are placed:

  • precious or semi -delegal stones. If there is no way to put such, use rhinestones;
  • any Chinese symbols, What attract wealth. Ideally, this is the god of prosperity. For example, Hotya or laughing Buddha is responsible for a happy life in abundance. You can use lotus or fish, as well as other amulets. But it is important to remember where the figurine looks in order to turn it to itself;
  • as well as gold ingots.You can take imitated or small souvenirs;
  • any currency, and even better - 9 different bills or gold coins. They mean different sources of future enrichment. But the country should be stable and without economic loss.
    • If this is not possible, then use the following scheme - follow arithmetic 988.That is, 99 rubles and 8 coins or 9 dollars and 88 cents, or maybe just 988 coins;
  • can be put in a vase small elephants. This sacred animal will bring great luck;
  • then add to the vase at least one of its gold jewelry, So that wealth quickly finds you in energy. Or place 10 gold coins in a red bag;
  • also attracted by prosperity and photos of successful people or beautiful places.

Important: it is better to fill the bowl with lit candles. But take into account the symbolism of the color. For example, green - to attract money, yellow - for happiness, but red - for love.

More gold and precious stones
More gold and precious stones

Then you can supplement the vase with any objects that, in your opinion, symbolize prosperity and prosperity.These items are not necessarily, but desirable.

  • If you want to get a new home, You can use the figure at home or even a photo. The main condition is to fill the vessel to the edges so that the impression of redundancy is created.
  • To reunite with the family Place a photo of good times in it.
  • If you want a child, Then it should be a children's topic. For example, a dummy or a photo of a baby.
  • If you want to buy a car - Choose the most attractive photo of the car.
  • For traveling- A map or a small globe.
  • You can also quit candiesfor a sweet life or dried herbs and fruitsthat the abundance will attract.

Important: but you can slightly modify the filling at your discretion, taking the basic elements as a basis. Since in fact there are a lot of methods and “recipes” of its filling!

The contents can be changed
The contents can be changed

How to place a bowl of wealth in the house?

The talisman should be located in the space of your housing in a special way, otherwise it will not be able to influence the life of the residents in full.

  • The perfect placement area - This is the southeastern part of the bedroom or northeast often at home. This place should be clearly visible so that the hosts can look at it as often as possible. This arrangement is harmonious from the point of view of Feng Shui philosophy.
  • You cannot flaunt your wealth, Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to arrange a vase where it will be at a public review. This applies to canteens, living rooms and other rooms where many people gather.
    • You yourself know where the guests are most often in your house. And, as a rule, people are very curious and are trying to better consider what you have in a vase. This must not be allowed. Especially strangers!
  • You can not put on a window or near the door. The energy of wealth will quickly leave or blow off the wind.

And in order to increase your wealth, do not forget to adhere to certain rules for storing money. After all, it is not enough only to place their cup of abundance. Therefore, we recommend that you read our article “How to keep money on Feng Shui correctly to increase profit?”

To create an abundance bowl can take a lot of time, finance and effort. But all the costs that you will incur in connection with the creation of the talisman will pay off on you in large sizes.

Video: How to make a bowl of abundance and wealth?

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  1. Good evening. I how to buy a vase empty and how much does it cost?

  2. I liked the video very much. So everything is told in detail.

  3. Good afternoon!
    How to buy an empty vase and how much does it cost?

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