How to develop a child at 3 years old? What fairy tales, cartoons, developing classes at home, what gymnastics, dancing, rhymes, crafts, modeling of plasticine, drawing, developing and outdoor games do the child need at 3 years old? What toys are needed for a boy and a girl at 3 years old?

How to develop a child at 3 years old? What fairy tales, cartoons, developing classes at home, what gymnastics, dancing, rhymes, crafts, modeling of plasticine, drawing, developing and outdoor games do the child need at 3 years old? What toys are needed for a boy and a girl at 3 years old?

The article will tell you about the development features of 3 year old children.

What fairy tales do the child need at 3 years old?

It is unambiguous to say that it is three-year-old children who like it is quite difficult, because each child is individual and he has different intellectual needs: someone easily perceives fairy tales, they seem boring to others. The perception of fairy tales by children at the age of 3 years can depend on many factors, and yet the main thing is the vaccination of love and interest in reading parents.

Other important factors:

  • Frequent joint classes with parents
  • Psychological readiness of a person to read books
  • Games with books from an early age (considering pictures, letters, flowers).

Why does the child need to read fairy tales:

  • To educate the baby.If you make emphasis on some instructive moments of a fairy tale, in a child you can educate the ability to respond to many life situations, teach good and bad.
  • To communicate with the child.Frequent conversations with a child on different topics will help his parents form his right attitude to many situations, peace, and other people.
  • To strengthen the emotional background.This happens when parents read fairy tales to the child, correctly regulating their intonation. Thus, they help the baby form the skills of experiencing, sympathy, desire to help.
  • To develop competent speech.So that in the future it was much easier for a child to know other sciences.
  • To develop imagination.To expand your horizons and have creativity skills.

Psychological point of view:

  • Read the book not boring for the child, but very emotionally, complementing the intonation and gestures with bursts. So you can develop in the baby the desire to empathize with the heroes of stories and fairy tales.
  • Talking about the adventures of the main characters, you can teach children life values.
  • It is best to choose poetic tales for reading, which perfectly develop speech and make more vocabulary of the child.
  • You should not choose a book for a child not by age, too heavy “morally”, will be able to give the baby an excessive load, which means to become boring to him.

The best fairy tales for three -year -olds:

  • Tales “Once upon a time” (collection).The book has only loved and well -known Russian fairy tales (for example: “Turnip” or “Kolobok”). The collection is full of nursery rhymes and funny poems, songs and riddles that not only entertain children, but also teach them.
  • "Tales of the kids" (author of V. Bianchi).The collection is very easy for the perception of fairy tales that will necessarily be interesting to kids, teach them to many life situations, will introduce them to animals.
  • "Book of Tales" (author I. Sutheev).A collection of the most interesting Russian fairy tales, complemented by colorful illustrations, an excellent design that fascinates the child.
  • “7 best fairy tales to the kids” (author of K. Chukovsky).A collection of the most famous works of this author, which are supplemented by bright pictures that occupy the attention of the baby, who are fascinating and taking fantasies into the world.
  • “A kitten named Gav” (author of Oster).The book includes the most famous tales and stories of the adventure of the kitten.
  • "Alyonushkina Tales" (author D. Mamin-Sibiryak).A collection of classic Russian fairy tales, supplemented by art design.
  • "Steam locomotive from Romashkovo" (author of Tsyferov).This book can confidently be called "classics" in the category of "children's literature".
  • "Tales" (author G.Kh. Andrson).The author’s best fairy tales in reduction, complemented by bright pictures.
What is the importance of reading books for a child at 3 years old?
What is the importance of reading books for a child at 3 years old?

What developing classes at home do a child need at 3 years old?

The kid, that the threshold of 3 years of age has already passed, needs regular classes with parents, educators and teachers. At this age, they experience a lot of transformations, both in their body and in consciousness. They learn to think “in an adult way”, they develop speech, independence, confidence, a desire to share their thoughts and fantasies appear. It is worth noting that if earlier a lesson with the baby resembled a greater measure of the game, then at 3 years they are already similar to lessons.

The load and intensity of classes depends on the following factors:

  • Does the baby go to kindergarten
  • Does the child know the color
  • Does the child know numbers
  • Does the child know the figures
  • Is leisure organized in a child
  • How many kids are engaged with parents at home (or educators in the garden).

Important: classes are not only a way to teach something to a new baby, but also to spend fun with him. In such additional lessons, there is only one rule - it is not to force the child to learn so that he does not have negative emotions for classes.

What should classes teach:

  • Develop the baby is comprehensively
  • Strengthen the knowledge of the baby (already received earlier)
  • To teach the child to know his name for sure and name the name
  • Help
  • Learn to think logically
  • Help find the necessary objects (distinguish them by signs).
  • Develop drawing, modeling, application skills

What functions should develop:

  • Logics
  • Attention
  • Memory
  • Creative skills
  • Mathematical abilities
  • Speech
  • Increase vocabulary
  • Speaking
  • Small and large motor skills
  • Knowledge of the world

What developing games do the child need at 3 years old?

Additional classes help a child of 3 years old speak correctly, so it is important to clearly pronounce everything, even the most difficult letters. Teach the child to ask questions and answer them. During any exercise, use visibility - colorful pictures with thematic patterns. Try to develop memory and speech: imitate the dialogue by phone, discuss the meaning of the fairy tales read, remember the lines of the poems.

Examples of classes:

  • Figures on cells.They teach not only to count, but also to recognize colors, create pictures, develop imagination and creative thinking.
  • The game "Beads".Use both real and toy or drawn beads to count the beads, move them.
  • The game "Remember the couple."In it, the child needs to find a couple of the proposed picture. Thus, the baby will develop logic.
  • Collection of puzzles.This is a creative, interesting and logical activity.
  • Collector collecting.Helps to think logically and creatively, create structures and figures.
  • The game "Find an extra item."You can use pictures or toys, the task - to remove what does not fit into the logical series.
  • The game "Shadow".The baby will need to find the necessary objects suitable for contours.
  • Any creative classesLike modeling, drawing, applique, crafts made of natural materials.
  • Cognitive walks on the streetswith excursions, environmental study.
Classes with a child 3 years old
Classes with a child 3 years old

What gymnastics do the child need at 3 years old?

Physical education of a child is very important for his proper growing up, health and activity. You can conduct gymnastics with the baby at home (provided that the room will be well ventilated), you can in the gym or in the fresh air.

What can be included in the system of gymnastic exercises:

  • Warm -up.This is a number of simple exercises that the baby should repeat after the adults: swaying the head, raising arms and legs, circular movements of the body, squats, exercise “mill”, “scissors” or turning the body.
  • Run.In this case, we are talking about a simple run, a game run (catch -up, saking, fraud) and running with the ball. It is best to conduct such a lesson in the gym or on the game field (on the street).
  • Jumping.In height and length, in playing or ordinary form, on one or both legs, jumping with cotton.
  • Classes on fitball.They should be performed at home or in the gym with a mother (or any adult). There are many varieties of exercises: swaying, jumping, tilting, kicking the ball, repulsion.
  • Active games with the ball.Any fresh air games: football, basketball and others.
  • Swimming.It should be carried out in reservoirs or in the pool.
  • Dancing.Professional dances with a teacher at school or free with parents at home.
  • Imiting animals.Figures of animals, their sounds and movements should be repeated.
  • Obstacles.You can find conditions for performing such tasks on playing street venues, in a sports specialized hall or make them yourself (climb onto the sofa, jump over a small pillow, roll fitball and so on).
Sports gymnastics for children 3 years old
Sports gymnastics for children 3 years old

What dances are suitable for a child at 3 years old?

At 3 years old, the child is already fully aware that such a dance is and diligently try to imitate the movements that they saw from their parents, on television or peers. At this age, babies are very active and are easy to influence their teachers (both professional and parents). The child can be handed over to a special dance circle or learn elementary movements with him at home:

  • Waves with your hands
  • Turns head
  • Loading legs
  • Staying hands on a belt
  • Circular pelvic movements
  • Moves and palms

Video: "Dance" Lemonade rain: Girls 3 years old "

What toys do the boy need and a girl at 3 years old?

The best toys:

  • Logical pyramid.Such a pyramid differs from the children's one in that it does not have a regular slot for figures, but with an accurate repetition of the contour (which happens with protruding edges). In such a pyramid, it is important to choose and string rings correctly, otherwise it will be impossible to collect the pyramid.
  • Sorter.Different types of varieties (wooden, plastic or fabric bags). The task of the sorter is to teach the baby to distinguish between forms and figures, extending the necessary in a suitable cell. Most varieties also have additional logical exercises: scores, telephone, numbers, beads, labyrinths.
  • Puzzles.Large puzzles and medium -sized puzzles (soft, cardboard, plastic, magnetic). Images and pictures on the puzzles should be very bright and colorful, interesting for the child (for example, pictures from cartoons or beloved heroes).
  • Designer (ordinary).Large and small. He will help the child create different designs, figures and at home. A colorful designer will help to study different colors.
  • Magnetic designer.A modern designer that allows you to create flat and voluminous figures of different colors.
  • Snake.A classic logical toy that introduces a child to forms and figures, allowing him to experiment and practice.
  • Machine.This is a good toy for both boys and girls. The child gets acquainted with her figures, how she moves, compares with real cars.
  • Doll.Introduces the child with how the human body is built allows him to understand how a person moves. Also in some cases, the doll develops the creative abilities of the baby when he dresses it, combs it.
  • A train.A good toy for boys and girls who introduces him to the outside world.
  • Children's domino.Domino has instead of dots and numbers drawings that the child should find and compare. Thus, the child believes, searches, thinks, thinks logically.
  • Set for creativity.It consists of a lace and large beads with large holes. Such beads should be strung on the lace, while developing motor skills, counting beads and comparing their colors.
  • Dollhouse.A developing toy that allows the child to realize the world around him, to learn to serve himself and take care of others.
  • Mosaic.A wonderful toy that teaches flowers and numbers. Making images, the baby develops creative skills.
  • Dishes.A simple toy for boys and girls who teaches kids self -service.
  • Telephone.Such a toy with a mass of buttons, a disk set, a tube - entertains the child and develops his motor skills. If the phone is “speaker” and “musical”, it also introduces him to the melodies, in new words.
  • Interactive toy.It can be a doll, a soft animal or a machine that can speak, answer questions, sing songs and read poetry.
  • Matryoshka.He will teach the child to distinguish, where is “big”, and where “small”.
  • Books.Colorful books with pictures and poems will develop a child.
  • Logical labyrinths.They will allow the baby to develop logic in order to deliver a bead to the end of the labyrinth silt correctly to solve the rebus.
Best toys for the baby 3 years old
Best toys for the baby 3 years old

What rhymes do the child need at 3 years old?

At 3 years old, not all children are able to remember rhymes, but they can perfectly respond to funny lines, funny nursery rhymes and game songs. They should be included in any home processes: washing, dressing, eating, collecting toys, dancing, charging, going to bed.

Important: try to choose the shortest cartridges with simple and understandable words, soft rhyme.


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Sucks No. 1
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Sucks No. 3
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Sucks No. 4

What crafts do the child need at 3 years old?

What can you do with your child:

  • Drawing with pencils on cells.To do this, you can have special sets for creativity or ordinary colored pencils and a leaf into a cell (notebook).
  • Drawing with fingers and palms.Finger paints (they are not even scary, because they are completely safe for children), kids really like it. They are very bright, they have a dense liquid consistency and they leave saturated prints on paper. Such colors are incredibly interesting to draw on any surfaces.
  • Application.For such creativity, you can use colored paper, colored cardboard, pieces of fabric or felt. It is necessary to fix them to paper using dry glue or pieces of tape. Parents should in advance all the figures for application.
  • Modeling.You can create figures from ordinary plasticine, plasticine dough or with your own hands of salty dough. Of these materials, you can create men, animals, geometric shapes, letters and numbers together.
  • Crafts made of natural materials.The start of work should occur in nature during the collection of working material: chestnuts, acorns, leaves, twigs, pebbles, shells and others. At home, you will definitely decide what you want to create: a figure of a bird, an animal, a frame for a photo or a picture, and then start work.
  • Creation of beads.To do this, you can use sets that are sold in toys (large beads with large holes and a rubberized hard lace) or use buttons, mountain ash berries.
  • Creating bouquets.You can do this during the fresh air at any time of the year: in summer and spring from flowers, autumn and winter from twigs, fallen leaves, Christmas trees, mountain ash.
  • Collection of puzzles.In modern children's stores there is a large selection of multi -element puzzles, collecting which you will receive beautiful paintings. Fix the puzzles with tape from the back or put them on paper with glue, and then hang the finished product on the wall.
  • Mosaic drawing.During the game, a mosaic can be photographed, obtained patterns and drawings, and then stored pictures or hang on the walls on the wall.
Creativity with a child
Creativity with a child

What model of plasticine is suitable for a child at 3 years old?

Using plasticine, salty or plasticine dough, you can sculpt:

  • Balls or balls
  • Tubes or rollers
  • Flat figures
  • Patterned figures (for this you need to use molds).
  • Pictures from plasticine
  • Pictures from salt dough (then they can be painted with paints).

IMPORTANT: First, blind the figures with your child, and then make them in one picture or craft.

What outdoor games do the child need at 3 years old? How to play with a child at 3 years old?

Games for the baby:

  • Football.Of course, children's games are significantly different from real and adults. Children's football consists of a gate and a ball, as well as an adult that prevents the child to score a goal.
  • Basketball.For the game, you can use a children's basketball ring or a bucket. The task of the baby is to get into the target from a short distance and throw the ball.
  • Volleyball.The game is based on teaching the baby to beat the ball several times. You can use a regular ball, but it is much better to play with light inflatable balls or balloons.
  • Throwing the ring.It is necessary to take any ring (professional or from a sieve), it should be thrown onto a directly standing stick.
  • Hide and seek.Teach the child to count and hide so that then an adult can find him.
  • Catching up.You can spend among children or with adults, running away in a flat area.
  • Jumping on a skip or rubber band.Simple jumps through a low thread stretched.
  • Overcoming obstacles.Obstacles should be done independently or found on the playground.
Active games for the baby 3 years old
Active games for the baby 3 years old

Which cartoons are suitable for children 3 years old and how much can you watch TV?

At 3 years old, the child already fully understands the content of children's cartoons, and therefore simple developing cartoons can be boring and not interesting for him.

What can be included in the child:

  • "Merry carousel"
  • "Smeshariki"
  • "Kids"
  • "Masha and the Bear"
  • "Barboskins"
  • "Luntik"
  • "Smart and Miracle Sum"
  • "Peppa Pig"
  • "Leva trucks"
  • "Excavator Masya"

Important: you can find any cartoon on the Internet, gaining its name in the search bar. You can also look for special cartoons, indicating its features: “We study colors” or “Learning to count”. Try not to accustom your child to the round -the -clock viewing of the cartoon, but devote it to this no more than half an hour 2 times a day.

Development of memory and attention with a child 3 years old: exercises

Best exercises:

  • Pictures.To do this, you can use the cards with drawings purchased or made independently. The task of the baby is to carefully examine the drawings and call what he sees what color and shape he is. For these purposes, you can also use books. You will be useful to pictures of animals, fruits, vegetables, insects, numbers, geometric shapes, photos of girls and boys.
  • The game "was and became."Great game for memory training. You need to decompose several items in front of the baby, then quietly remove one and ask what exactly is not enough. Gradually and slowly lay out objects in front of the baby so that he remembers them well. With a growing measure of the baby, you can increase the number of objects.
  • The game "Guess by ear."To do this, you can use any toys publish noise (drum, rattle, whistle, pipe, bell). The task for the baby is to provoke the sound so that he does not see the instrument, but he definitely guesses it.
  • The game "Guess what it looks like."To do this, cut several pictures of toys or objects familiar to the child (car, bunny, cat, star, doll). The task of the adult is to circle the contour and show it to the baby so that he guesses.
Developing classes with babies 3 years old
Developing classes with babies 3 years old

Speech development in a child at 3 years old: exercises

Best classes:

  • Repeaters.Very downtime, which involves the repetition of an adult’s words (from simple to complex).
  • The sounds of animals.Imiting the sounds of domestic and wild animals. In some cases, you can repeat the sounds of cars, helicopters and aircraft (buzzing, ringing and growling letters).
  • Name the subject.To do this, you can use toys or cards with bright pictures, all words should be familiar to the child.
  • The game "My name is."The game is based on memorizing a personal name and surname, names of relatives and friends.

How to develop a child's speech:

  • Start pronunciation of simple words and end with complex(or new).
  • To teach a child to describe the situation and find solutions (For example: the tummy fell ill with an elephant. You need to call the doctor. The doctor gives the medicine. The elephant is good, no longer sick).
  • Teach the child to distribute words into groups.For example, clothes (dress, pants, T -shirt, T -shirt), dishes (plate, cup, fork), toys (doll, bear, machine).
  • Learn to bind the subject and action: The cat eats, the boy drinks, the flower smells.
  • Learn to use intonation: speak loudly, quietly, “blow” a voice, whisper.

Where can I go with a child for 3 years?

In large cities there is a large selection of entertainment and educational institutions:

  • State or private kindergarten
  • Groups of creative development of children (each has its own methodology).
  • Dance club
  • Drawing circle
  • Creative courses
  • Entertainment center (slides, trampolines, obstacles)
  • Amusement park
  • Swimming pool
  • Game electronic machines
  • Zoo
  • The circus
  • Oceanarium
  • Puppet show
  • Children's entertainment room

Video: "Child at 3 years old"

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Comments K. article

  1. Fairy tales. Developers and other things should be colorful and beautiful for the child. To educate the beautiful in a child, kindness and care. The main thing is that this development is easy to give. After a tale read, we also try to fantasize to retell the plot. Do not forget that the brain needs support not only in the form of classes, but also in proper nutrition. I always give my Baby formula to Mishka Multivitamins, containing iodine and choline, what is needed for the child.

  2. It is necessary to give vitamins with the baby, since he still does not receive everything necessary with food. I give my baby to Vitamitsy Multi and we constantly play developing games: both as a keepsake and logic. My child copes well and easily grasps everything)

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