How to develop a child at 2 years old? What fairy tales, cartoons, developing classes at home, gymnastics, dances, rhymes, crafts, modeling of plasticine, developing and outdoor games do the child need at 2 years? What toys are needed for a boy and a girl at 2 years old?

How to develop a child at 2 years old? What fairy tales, cartoons, developing classes at home, gymnastics, dances, rhymes, crafts, modeling of plasticine, developing and outdoor games do the child need at 2 years? What toys are needed for a boy and a girl at 2 years old?

The article will tell you how to develop a child 2 years old at home.

What fairy tales do the child need at 2 years old?

The age of the child at 2 years is a complex and interesting period of the development of the baby, when he begins to realize himself as a person. The child actively learns the world, absorbing the information literally like a sponge. That is why it should be surrounded by kind, instructive fairy tales with many positive examples, bright heroes, colorful pictures.

Naturally, at this age, the child does not know how to read, and the perception of fairy tales will depend only on the nature of the pronunciation of words by mother, her intonation, and desire to pay attention to a separate accent. Pediatricians recommend selecting literature strictly corresponding to the age of the baby (manufacturers should indicate this on the covers of publications).

Important: fairy tales and books for a 2-year-old child should have many bright pictures, light syllable, familiar words in order to interest the baby.

What books are recommended:

Books: Author and Tale name
Books: Author and Tale name

What developing classes at home do a child need at 2 years old?

Psychologists call the 2-year-old age of the child (up to 3 years) transitional, this is the line in which you can still notice the features of infancy and, nevertheless, see how the baby is growing quickly and rapidly. The first signs of growing up the baby: his activity, frequent whims, obstinacy, disobedience and disobedience. All this is far from being so bad, because the child strives to simply be independent.

Important: at the age of 2, you need to deal with the child, because this is a prerequisite for the formation of his personality. In addition, such classes will open the world to him from a new side, interested in and discovering the craving for knowledge.

What classes are needed:

  • Games with a designer.This is not only useful, but also very interesting to the child. Kids love to “mess around” with different shapes and figures of different colors, creating and destroying structures. In modern stores, you can find a variety of designer species: wooden, plastic large Lego, magnetic designer.
  • Drawing.This is one of the most important classes for kids. You can draw with pencils, brushes, felt -tip pens, ordinary or finger paints, draw on sand or magnetic tablet. Drawing will allow you to study colors, draw different shapes, mix paints.
  • Modeling plasticine or salty dough.It perfectly develops the motility of the baby’s hands, allows him to know the structure of materials, create figures and forms with his own hands. Such classes can only be carried out together and ensure that the child does not take plasticine in his mouth.
  • Game with bags.Games for the development of motor skills. In several bags, you need to pour different types of cereals or pasta (millet, buckwheat, peas, horns. Such bags should be given to feel the baby or allow you to lower your hand, guessing what exactly is there).
  • Game with balls.For such games, a large number of large and small balls will come in handy that you need to roll, throw, rotate, throw, feel (for this it is advisable to choose balls with different surfaces: soft, prickly, flush, smooth).
  • Game with cubes.It is very similar to a game with a designer, cubes can have pictures or just to be different colors. They can be considered, folded in design or line.
  • Developing cartoons.The modern way of developing babies, it is only important to choose a cartoon suitable for age (it will not be interesting to him too complicated, and simple will cause boredom).
  • Finger games.Games with nozzles on the fingers, creating figures with the help of palms, with poles and songs (for example, "forty raven").
  • Scores.In modern toys stores, you can purchase a variety of labyrinths in which you can move beads, count them and study their forms.
  • Games in water.They can be carried out in the summer of the year in reservoirs, in the pool and in the home bath at any time of the year. To do this, you should have several bottles, cups or containers that allow you to pour fluid from one to another.
  • Active games in the fresh air.A variety of games with balls, toys, in the sandbox, distillation and hide and seek, games with other children.
Developing classes for the baby 2 years
Developing classes for the baby 2 years

What gymnastics do the child need at 2 years old?

The physical development of the child is also not unimportant at the age of 2 years. The baby should be selected and exercised to select classes and exercises, taking into account his features, as well as his development of the psyche. In no case do not force the baby to do exercises, and if he treats gymnastics negatively, just put the whole process into the game.

What can be done with the child:

  • Slow and fast walking - He teaches the child coordination, correctly own his body and control weight.
  • Games with the ball -from the transfer of the ball to each other, to its skidding with arms and legs. Effective and also useful classes on children's fitball with handles.
  • Games with flags -an interesting addition to simple gymnastic exercises that can interest the child.
  • Climbing -you can ask the child to crawl through a hoop, under a chair, crawl on his hands (like a turtle) or knees.
  • Overcoming obstacles -it is useful to conduct such games and classes in the fresh air and playgrounds, where there is a choice of obstacles: slides, horizontal bars, swings.

Important: gymnastics should be carried out every day once or twice a day. The time of classes should not last more than 15 minutes, as the children quickly overwork. Gymnastics should be carried out 40 minutes after eating and 15 minutes after sleep.

How to conduct gymnastics:

  • In comfortable and practical clothes made of natural fabrics
  • You need to wear socks on your feet, instead of shoes (if classes are held at home).
  • The room in which you are doing must be well ventilated.
  • Have a sufficient amount of inventory: ball, hoop, rug, toys.
  • Below in the picture, see a set of exercises with poems.
Classes for kids
Classes for kids

What dances are suitable for the child at 2 years old?

After 2 years, the child is just beginning to know his body and walk confidently. Psychologists recommend doing dancing to the child from 5 years old, but if the baby is active and wants to attend classes, then you should definitely give him to those groups where children will be the same age (2-3 years). Dancing at this age is more like active games with movements to the music, however, this can become an important part of the physical development of the child.

What movements are suitable for kids:

  • Jumping to the music
  • Rounders
  • Luggles upwards up, to the sides, forward and backward
  • Lifted legs raised
  • Leap from the leg to the leg
  • Head movements left and right
  • Movement of the pelvis

Video: “Dance with flowers. Dancing kids for 2-3 years "

What toys do the boy need and a girl at 2 years old? What developing games do the child need at 2 years?

When buying toys to a child aged 2-3 years, it is important to give preference to what will be able to develop it, and not just interest.

What can you buy a child:

  • Constructor.You can choose any type of designer and everyone will be interesting to a child of this age. The main thing is not to choose the one that has small details.
  • Large puzzles.Of the 4 or more parts, so that the child can easily fold the drawing together. You can also choose cubes with a pattern.
  • Scores.In the form of real accounts, labyrinth or toys for knowing forms, colors and figures, as well as an elementary account.
  • Puzzles.Toys of various shapes (ball, house, square) with figures for figures or labyrinths for the ball.
  • Pyramid.Large and small pyramids for studying shapes, figures and colors.
  • Beads.A set for the compilation of beads from a thick lace and large beads.
  • Interactive toys.Talking and singing toys teaching words, animal voices, numbers.
  • Stuffed Toys.Large and small, bright and realistic, the main thing is with good faces and faces (monsters and horror stories will cause aggression in a child).
  • Books.With bright pictures, voluminous drawings, musical pages.
  • Set in the sandbox.A standard set of buckets, shoulder blades, grabella and set for sand figures.
  • Doll.It will be useful for girls to have a favorite doll, preferably large and realistic.
  • Machine.A useful and interesting toy not only for boys, but also for girls.
  • Ball.Each child should have not one, but several balls of different shapes for games on the grass, in water or at home.
  • Mosaic.A large mosaic that will teach children to compose drawings, learn figures and colors.

A very large selection of such toys can be found on the site Aliexpress. If you are interested in this topic, go to this link to the catalog of developing toys for kids.

Toys for young children 2 years old
Toys for young children 2 years old

What rhymes do the child need at 2 years old?

Games, bathing, meals and dressing a baby can be combined with reading poems. This will allow any process, even the most boring and not beloved by the baby to turn into fun and game.

Our Tanya cries loudly,
I dropped the ball into the river.
Hush, tanechka, do not cry!
Do not drown in the river the ball!
I sailed past the duck
Tanya served the ball.

For swimming
Bathing poem
For Game
A poem for the game
Educational poems
Educational poems for kids 2 years
For games and entertainment
Rim for games and entertainment
Steam for games

What crafts do the child need at 2 years old?

How to take a child:

  • An application of colored paper.Using dry glue (for neat and quick work). Allows you to get acquainted with flowers and handicaps.
  • Modeling plasticine.You can replace with plasticine dough or salty dough, knowing the structure, forms, developing motor skills.
  • Application from cotton wool and cotton sponge.Allow you to create volumetric applications.
  • Crafts from cereals.This is not only the active development of hands motor skills, but also an interesting activity for the child.
  • In the pictures below, see examples of crafts and applications for 2 summer babies.
Crafts from cereals
Crafts from cereals for a child 2 years old
Crafts with cotton
Crafts with cotton
Crafts with colored paper
Crafts from colored paper
From salt dough and plasticine
Crafts of salt dough and plasticine for 2 year old kids
With colored and corrugated paper
Crafts with colored and corrugated paper

What model of plasticine is suitable for the child at 2 years old?

For modeling you can use:

  • Ordinary plasticine
  • Plasticine dough (Play-dah)
  • Salt homemade dough

What can be blinded:

  • Tubes
  • Balloons
  • Flat figures
  • Printing of figures by forms
  • Below in the pictures, see the sculpting figures for 2 summer babies.
Figure Flower
Figure "Flower"
Plasticine pipe candy
Plasticine pipe candy
Caterpillar from plasticine balls
Caterpillar from plasticine balls

What outdoor games do the child need at 2 years old? How to play with a child at 2 years old?

How to entertain the child:

  • Games with the ball (Football, basketball, water polo, golf, tennis).
  • Catching up(game between children or with parents)
  • Hide and seek(game with children and parents)
  • Games with a juice(Catch the ball, butterfly, ball)
  • Lapal bubbles games(inflate and catch)
  • Cycling and scooter
  • Games in children's labyrinths
  • Fishing
  • Battle jumps

Important: parents need to instill a love of active games in the fresh air to their children, with pleasure to spend time with children and actively participate in entertainment.

Which cartoons are suitable for children for 2 years and how much can you watch TV?

Pay attention to such cartoons:

  • Merry carousel -the old Soviet multi -part cartoon with a modern continuation. The cartoon is saturated with fun music and instructive stories.
  • Tini Love (duplicated) -the cartoon designed for children from 1 year of life, it has a lot of music, teaching and developing moments.
  • Kids -a cartoon with funny characters who teach children to behave correctly in different life situations and develop.
  • Masha and the Bear -a cartoon with a good sense of humor, learning children to behave correctly, recognize the world, make friends and have fun.

Important: you can choose a suitable cartoon in any video hosting, the main thing is to hold the search criteria and select cartoons of the corresponding age (2 years). Cartoons should teach flowers, forms, figures, new words.

By the duration of the views of the TV shows, focus on the 1st series of the cartoon “Masha and the bear per day” plus in the evening “Good night kids” lasting 15 minutes. Total 30 minutes per day. This is the norm.

Where can I go with a child for 2 years?

In modern large and small cities, there are always entertaining and developing rooms for children:

  • Closed playgrounds
  • Batuts and labyrinths
  • Montessori school for the smallest
  • Drawing lessons (any creativity)
  • Dance and gymnastics circle

Where else can you go with a child of 2 years:

  • To the dolphinarium
  • In the pool
  • To the park (Lunopark, Park of attractions)
  • To the zoo
  • To the puppet theater

Video: “Developing cartoons for children. Cartoons for the smallest from 2 years old "

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Comments K. article

  1. The best option in my opinion, this cognitive games myself use on this site there is not so much advertising here

  2. Well, the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", perhaps, will teach himself to behave correctly! Do not laugh my slippers!
    And personally, according to my experience, not a single 2-year-old child is able to do such a craft.

  3. A wonderful article, thanks!

    And we love to draw and I often have to print different coloring. It is cheaper to print yourself than buying coloring, in addition, you can choose what children like.

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