How to develop a child at 1 year? What fairy tales, cartoons, developing classes at home, what gymnastics, dancing, rhymes, crafts, modeling of plasticine, drawing, developing and outdoor games do the child need at 1 year? What toys are needed for a boy and a girl at 1 year?

How to develop a child at 1 year? What fairy tales, cartoons, developing classes at home, what gymnastics, dancing, rhymes, crafts, modeling of plasticine, drawing, developing and outdoor games do the child need at 1 year? What toys are needed for a boy and a girl at 1 year?

The article will tell you how to develop a child who turned 1 year old and what toys he should choose.

What fairy tales do the child need at 1 year?

The one -year -old baby is already a fairly conscious person to understand easy stories, children's fairy tales and rhymes. It is at this age that the child first shows interest in books, carefully considering colorful pictures, recognizing the figures of animals, objects and colors on them. One year is a good age in order to begin to instill a love of reading.

Of course, the mother reads the first books to the child and it depends on her how much the baby will love reading. It is important to select those publications that have dense pages, beautiful images (the book is perceived as a toy and it must definitely feel, turn, twist, lick).

Choosing a book to your child, parents should take into account the fact that the child will not be interested in her meaning, but precisely how beautiful she will be. Choose those publications that have thick multilayer cardboard pages, many good images of animals, toys, children. Editions with poems will be more sonorous for children than prose.

Pay attention to such famous authors:

  • K. Chukovsky
  • A. Barto
  • S. Marshak
  • S. Mikhalkov
  • V. Berestov
  • E. Blaginin
  • A. Usachev

Important: for one -year -old children, you can often find soft books with textile pages in toys stores. They can be felt, rustling with them, crumple, squeeze, play them and chew them. Such books, as a rule, have several images and signatures to them, for example, “drum”, “puppy”, “Christmas tree”.

Wishes for the choice of books to one -year -old children:

  • With simple illustrations on a white background
  • Pictures in books should be familiar to the baby
  • There should be very few texts
  • Avoid untrue and computer illustrations
  • The material of the book should be environmentally friendly
Soft book for a one -year -old child
Soft book for a one -year -old child

What developing classes at home do a child need at 1 year?

Additional classes with a child at home will help to develop the child correctly and properly. To do this, you should stock up on a sufficient number of working materials: paints, toys and other inventory.

Developing classes:

  • Game in cubes.Let the baby build a turret of 2, 3 cubes, destroy it and restore it again. It is advisable to choose colored plastic or wooden cubes, with pictures or numbers.
  • Game with balls.The game will require several types of balls or balls (preferably with different surfaces: rubberized, prickly, shaggy). Roll the balls to each other on the floor or throw it in your hands, call the colors of the balls and sizes: large, small.
  • Game with the designer.To do this, you will need a colored large designer for kids from which you can fold figures or build small houses.
  • Collecting the pyramid.There are many varieties of pyramids for small children: large, small, luminous, musical, imitating the sounds of animals and birds, counting rings on the pyramid.
  • The passage of the maze.This is a special toy in the form of a curved metal arc with beads. The task of the baby is to conduct a bead all over the maze, nimbly moving his fingers.
  • Games with accounts.Classic scores or accounts on the piano, toys, houses. The scores will help the baby not only get acquainted with numbers and quantity, but also develop fine motor skills.
  • Sorters.Special toys with molds and cells in which the figures should be stuck. There is a large selection of sorcerer toys: soft, plastic, wooden.
  • Puppet show.To do this, you can use special finger dolls or dolls-drifts on the hand, as well as ordinary soft toys. Put out ordinary everyday situations with them: stacking to sleep, tea drinking, dancing and so on.
  • The development of fine motor skills of the hands.To do this, you should have several fabric bags, which must be filled with different types of cereals (large and small): buckwheat, peas, millet. These bags should be given to feel the baby so that he guessed the filling with his hands.
  • The game "What is there?"For this, a box and several small toys will come in handy. Each time you should put a toy in the baby in the eyes of the baby and ask him to guess what lies there, or open the box and get the contents.
  • Games with water.Such games should be carried out while bathing in the bathroom or in the pool, allowing the baby to pour the contents of the bottles, to draw water into the molds.
  • Sand games.It can be ordinary games in the sandbox, home games with kinetic sand or drawing on a sandboard.
  • Drawing with colored colors.With the help of brushes or fingers (for this there are special finger edible paints). Such games will help the baby closely get acquainted with flowers and teach to draw.
  • Puppet show.You can arrange such a theater as with special dolls on hand, and with ordinary toys. The theater’s task is to entertain the child.
Sorter - a good toy for a one -year -old child
Sorter is a good toy for a one -year -old child

What gymnastics do the child need at 1 year?

The physical development of the child is the basis of the health of the baby from the first years of life. You can not underestimate children's gymnastics and its benefits for a one -year -old baby. For example, gymnastics in the morning will strengthen all muscle groups, as well as a bone system (especially the spine). Teach your child to gymnastics and physical exercises from the first days of life. This will favorably affect his well -being in the future.

Important: gymnastics for children of 1 year is not at all complicated and consists of the simplest exercises that you can ask you to do your baby yourself or help him with his hands.

What exercises can be done:

  • Bending the torso back and back (tilting)
  • Walking on different surfaces (soft, flat, ribbed).
  • The obstacle course (various boxes in which you can climb into, hoops into which you can take place).
  • Fitball exercises (swaying, jumping, stretching, kicking).
  • Fitball squats or floor
  • Small jumps
  • Raising pens and legs, breeding them to the sides
  • Throwing the ball

Important: if the child does not want to perform any exercise, you should not insist and force it. In addition to exercises, the child should also constantly walk in the fresh air, and carry out physical education at home only in a ventilated room.

Video: "Gymnastics for children 1 year old"

What dances are suitable for the child in 1 year?

As a rule, at 1 year the child does not know how to dance. However, some particularly active girls and boys react very positively to music and begin to respond violently with jumps and small movements. If you notice this in your child, do not rush to laugh or scare him with your reaction, just support and show what other movements can be made:

  • Squats
  • Waves with your hands
  • Twisting his head
  • The movements of the shoulders
  • Circular movements hips

Video: "Game dances"

What toys do the boy need and a girl at 1 year?

Toys are an important part of the development of children and therefore should always be chosen correctly. In your choice, bet not only on the entertainment part, but also on the educational.

What is suitable for a one -year -old child:

  • Pyramid.A good toy for a child, you can choose colored or musical pyramids that will teach the baby to distinguish between sizes, shapes and colors.
  • Cubes with pictures or colored.Such cubes can be studied, examined, spread in strips or figure, built a building from them.
  • Mosaic.For a one -year -old baby, you should choose a large mosaic that the baby could not swallow. From such figures you can make figures and drawings.
  • Sorter.The toys are soft, in the form of a box, a house or a car with a body. They have special cells and figures that should be lowered in them.
  • Interactive toys.Dolls or little animals that have special buttons. They reproduce sounds, music or words.
  • Magnetic or ordinary designer.It will develop the baby, creating different figures and forms, to build houses.
  • Beads.Decorative, manual rosary or toy, which are necessary for the account of beads, their skiing and feeling.
  • Doll.Allow the kids to get acquainted with the body of a person, his movements.
  • Telephone.An interesting toy with buttons that can be pressed, a disk that can be twisted.
  • Stuffed Toys.Toys must be with cute faces and faces to cause positive emotions.
  • Tableware.Will introduce the baby to how to behave in everyday life, at the table.
  • Dollhouse.Allows the child to get acquainted with everyday life, teach them how to sleep, feed, open doors and windows.
  • Set in the sandbox.Will introduce the child to the forms and figures that can be created from sand.
  • Set to the bathroom.A few ducks, frogs or boat, which will favors the overall development of the baby.
Toys for children aged 1 year
Toys for children aged 1 year

What rhymes do the child need at 1 year?

The one -year -old child does not yet perceive the adult speech as it can be with older children. Steams for babies should choose sonorous, light, with soft rhyme. Such rhymes can be present in any business: morning washing, charging, dressing for a walk and so on.

Sucks for one -year -old children
Sucks for one -year -old children
Poems for kids
Poems for kids
Wagges and poems for small children
Wagges and poems for small children

What crafts do the child need at 1 year? Drawing with a child 1 year

In 1 year, children can do not know much, but they seek to feel and try everything. You can calm their ardor and benefit with the benefits of crafts:

  • Sand apia.To do this, you can play in the sandbox or order kinetic sand and practice at home.
  • Drawing with your palms.To do this, you should dip the baby’s palm in paint and leave it with prints on white paper leaves.
  • Drawing on the sand.To do this, have a special table with lamp lighting from below and sand poured onto the surface. Turning your fingers on the sand, you can draw patterns and figures.
  • Mosaic drawings.By rearranging the colored particles of mosaics, you can also create beautiful patterns and pictures.

What model of plasticine is suitable for a child at 1 year?

Some particularly creative and active children can show interest in modeling. To do this, you can use ordinary plasticine, plasticine dough or salty colored dough. Before you start modeling, be sure to show the baby to work properly with this material: roll out, form balls or tubes.

Important: of course, do not expect any figures from a one-year-old child, your goal is to finish off the child’s interest and to dip it into the world of creativity for a while. If he is hunting and enthusiastic for this business, you have achieved what you want.

Video: “Application and crafts with children 1-2 years old. Developing games and creativity "

What developing games do the child need at 1 year?

What other toys are useful:

  • Domino childish.Such dominoes have images of fruits and vegetables, musical instruments, animals or toys. Such pictures can be studied and memorized by the baby.
  • Cards.Cardboard cards with different images that should be shown and called the baby so that he memorizes them.
  • Car.Big car for skiing the baby. You can also get a horse or donkey.
  • Puzzle cubes.A picture of 4 or 6 cubes with a simple and bright image. In the spread out form, the picture is not complete, but in the assembled - integral.
  • Toys "Vegetables and fruits."Plastic figures of vegetables, fruits and other foods that the baby will playfully study.
  • Rubber toys.Small or large toys of the squeaks of various shapes.

What outdoor games do the child need at 1 year? How to play with a child at 1 year?

Outdoor games are very useful for children, as they are an integral part of their physical education.

What can you play with the baby:

  • Catching up.Draw that you are trying to catch up and grab the baby, while repeating "I will catch up, catch up, catch up."
  • Hide and seek or "ku-ku."Hide nearby and so that the baby sees you, and then call him.
  • Jumpers.I simulate small or large jumping of the baby on a soft surface or ball.
  • Finger games.Games with poems and nursery rhymes like "Magpie-Voron".
  • Balls or balloons.Children are very fond of balloons, inflate a few and throw each other.
Games with a one -year -old child
Games with a one -year -old child

Which cartoons are suitable for children 1 year old and how much can you watch TV?

It is not advisable for children to watch TV at the age of 1 year old, if you notice its strong traction or if the baby needs to be liquefied, you can use special developmental cartoons. But you can watch them no more than half an hour per day, dividing into two sessions.

Important: you can find such developing cartoons in any video hosting, choose those that are suitable for the category of "for a one -year -old baby." As a rule, such cartoons are very simple and resemble color cards for children, offering them to consider different images of animals, children and toys.

Where can I go with a child for 1 year?

In large cities, entertainment centers must be there for young children, where there are special labyrinths, trampolines, toys and developing puzzles. In addition to such centers, children's rooms can also exist, where teachers and psychologists are engaged in children.

Video: “What should the baby be able to be in 1 year? Walking a child. Vocabulary. Skills, etc.

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