How to calculate the growth of a child in the future by the growth of parents: 5 main formula

How to calculate the growth of a child in the future by the growth of parents: 5 main formula

Each parent, watching his sleeping or carefully playing the baby, wishes him a better future, in addition to a wealthy life, a favorable environment and personal happiness, they wish the child, of course, health for the body and soul. I would like to believe that the grown -up child will have both internal self -confidence and a physically developed body, not susceptible to ailments.

At all times, physical attractiveness was considered a sign of success and health. A harmoniously folded figure, the proportions of the torso and limbs, formed the attractive appearance of a person, regardless of his height. Of course, men are more important to be growth above average, unlike women, for whom low growth is rather an advantage. Nevertheless, it is interesting how to calculate the potential growth of the child, based on the data of his parents?

How to calculate the growth of a child in the future by the growth of parents: 5 best formulas

In fact, calculate the growth of the child Not so difficult, moreover, there are a great many formulas of calculation. We will get acquainted with some of them.

Will it be high?
Will it be high?

Their developers suggest the following: what will be the growth of the child in the future, on 75-90% Depends on the inheritance of the genes of his ancestors, especially the parents.

  1. The formula "from the people", Since it is not known exactly who is its author, however, is popular among parents, since the final data is confirmed by almost 100%.
  • To calculate the final growth of a male baby, we put moms of growth data with daddy (in cm), and multiply the resulting figure by 0.54, and then take 4.5 cm.
  • Formula: pr (potential growth of the boy) \u003d (RP (pope growth) + RM (mother growth)) x 0.54 - 4.5.
  • The calculation formula for a female child: (RP + RM) x 0.51 - 7.5.
  1. The formula of Dr. J. Hoker from the Clinic "Mayo".
  • Pr at a boy (see) \u003d (pope growth + mother's height): 2 + 6.4.
  • Prik Girls (cm) \u003d (pope growth + mother growth): 2 - 6.4.
  1. The authorship of the third formula is attributed to the Czechoslovak scientist (times of the USSR), V. Karkusu.
  • BP (possible growth) Son (cm) \u003d (Dad data + data data, multiplied by 1.08), divided in half.
  • BP daughter (cm) \u003d (dad data multiplied by 0.923 + mom data), divided in half.
  1. The developers of this formula were the co-authors of the article on low-stature problems in children, Professor V. Smirnov and the endocrinologist Gorbunov. The calculations resemble the formula of the hocerian, but their error is +/- 8 cm.
  • Pr at a boy (see) \u003d (Dad data + mom data + 12.5): 2 ± 8.
  • Prik Girls (cm) \u003d (Dad data + mom data - 12.5): 2 ± 8.

These calculations derive the result from the minimum child growth data to the most possible with the available growth data of the father and mother.

  1. This formula, also unknown authorship, counts, proposes to derive the final growth of the baby in adulthood, given the growth, which he reached the year.
  • PR little boy (see) \u003d baby growth per year + 100 cm.
  • Prikovy pr (see) \u003d Baby growth per year + 100 cm - 5 cm.

Each of the aforementioned formula will help to derive the “perfect” growth of your child in adulthood under favorable development conditions. The presence of diseases in a chronic form, the lack of a full diet, due to which the body does not receive vitamins or trace elements (or they come in excess), leads to the fact that the child develops differently.

  • For example, the consequences of excessive physical exertion can be problems with sleep and psychological instability that can lead to stress, which adversely affects the development of the baby.
  • In your power to influence the harmonious physical development of the child, to achieve good results of increasing the indicators of his growth, creating for him not only a favorable psychological situation in the family, but also acting in a special way on his growth zones to a certain age.
  • How? They are suitable for this exerciseshelping stimulate metabolism, By acting, thus, on the enhanced increase in bone tissue. These include: swimming, exercises on the horizontal bar, yoga.
  • In addition to physical activity, it is necessary balance the diet, regularly communicate with the baby, without fencing off his problems. All this contributes best to the full physical development of the child and guarantees his formation in the future as a full -fledged person.

Video: Calculation of boy growth

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