How to recognize and how to treat lichen by a cat? Lichen a cat for a man for a person? List of recipes for traditional medicine, pharmacy and ointments from lichen in cats

How to recognize and how to treat lichen by a cat? Lichen a cat for a man for a person? List of recipes for traditional medicine, pharmacy and ointments from lichen in cats

Signs, symptoms, methods of treatment depriving in cats.

Lichen from a cat - a disease that is provoked by a fungus with a dermatophytus. The animal can catch it when contacting another pet, or, having visited the place where the pathogens are located. In this article we will talk about symptoms depriving in a cat and about the methods of its treatment, as well as give a list of effective drugs. 

ToaK looks like lichen at cats?

A mushroom that causes dermatophytosis lives for a long time even without the necessary conditions. That is, fungi do not have to be on the skin of the animal. Maybe once an infected cat was running in this place, and there were spores of the fungus. They can live in a regular room up to 2 years. Perhaps you moved to a new apartment, and the pet began to contact with similar areas where there are mushrooms. Thus, infection occurs.

Photo depriving a cat
Photo depriving a cat
Lichen over the eye
Lichen over the eye
Lichen at the kitten
Lichen at the kitten
Lichen at cats
Lichen at cats

Signs of depriving in cats

The symptoms that manifest in the cat during infection are lichen will easily notice the attentive host.

Signs of depriving in cats:

  • At the very initial stage, infection on the body of the animal occurs in the neck, side of the tail and muzzle, bald spots appear there. It was as if someone had shaved off the wool, she became a bald. At the initial stage, there are no redness, damage, bubbles.
  • The skin is absolutely clean, but the fungus continues its effect. As the disease develops, reddish spots appear that are covered with scales. From time to time, bubbles appear in these places, from which a transparent liquid may ooze.
  • If you do not treat, start it, then soon the cat will begin to have problems with wool, as well as claws. They crumble and break off pieces. In addition, the wool becomes greasy enough to moisturize dry areas covered with crusts and peeling spots. If you notice one of the symptoms, be sure to start treatment.
Infected pet
Infected pet

Deprive of cats: is it transmitted to a person?

There is an opinion that cats are sick with some other lichen, which people cannot catch.

Lichen from cats whether to a person:

  • This is actually a myth. After all, this is a cutting lichen, which people are sick. Therefore, the main task during the treatment of a pet is to arrange quarantine for him and limitfrom all the inhabitants of the house.
  • This is a very valuable advice, especially if there are children in the house, since they like to squeeze animals, kiss them. Therefore, earlier than all they are infected with cutting lichen. The fungus itself is very angry, in cats it can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations and symptoms.
  • People also have bald spots, on their heads, which are soon covered with crust and red bubbles, with yellow liquid. Therefore, in order to prevent the infection of children and domestic inhabitants, we are deprived of a cat, it is necessary to monitor its place, constantly treat antiseptics. Ordinary chlorine cope with spores of fungus. With its help, it is necessary to wash the floor, as well as clean the surfaces where the cat lives. 
A striking animal
A striking animal

Lichen in cats - how to treat: traditional medicine preparations

There are many ways to treat a cat in a cat. At the initial stage, you can resort not to drugs, but to folk methods. Many of them are quite effective, help to get rid of lichen in a short time. Remember, the sooner you go to treatment, the faster your pet will recover. 

Lichen in cats than treating, traditional medicine:

  • Celandine. If the animal fell ill in the summer, consider you lucky. It is necessary in the forest, or in some kind of landing, to tear the celandine and chop it into small pieces. You can grind in a blender, throw it on gauze and squeeze the juice. It is this orange liquid that is healing and copes with lichen perfectly. It is necessary to moisten a cotton wool in this liquid and treat the affected places in a cat. Even if there are no red spots in these places, peeling areas, bubbles and rash, continue to carry out processing until the hairline in these places completely recovers. 
  • You can process the affected places not only with celandine, but also iodine or green. These are dry antiseptics that need to be introduced about 2-3 times a day. Remember that when applying these funds, a pet may not be very pleasant, and it will cause painful sensations. Therefore, before conducting manipulations, ask one of the households to hold the animal. Perform all the manipulations in gloves so as not to come into contact with a cutting lichen, and disputes do not fall on your skin. 
  • You can get rid of depriving cats with the help of ordinary ashes. To do this, burn the newspaper, and mix the resulting mass with vegetable oil. It is necessary to get a viscous ointment. You need to lubricate lichen 2-3 times a day. 
Lichen on the muzzle
Lichen on the muzzle

Lichen in cats: drugs for treatment

Remember that for treatment, depriving the cat will have to be spent 2-3 months. This is provided that the lesions are not extensive, are local and represented by one or two spots on the animal’s hair. If the lesion is strong enough, you will have to spend up to six months of treatment.

In this case, local drugs can be ineffective and prescribe combined therapy, which contains drugs administered inside with tablets or injections. It is best at the very initial stage to contact the veterinarian and vaccinate. 

Lichen in cats, drugs for treatment:

  • Microderm 
  • Vakerma 
  • Polivak 

These drugs are administered two or three times, with an interval of 10-15 days. The result can be seen after the first injection in two weeks. You will see that the animal will begin to recover, and the spots will become smaller, itching, peeling and redness will stop.


Lichen ointment for cats

Also recommended antifungal drugs, which are most often applied in the form of an ointment or gel. Usually they are made of funds that contain clritrimazole, mycozole. 

Ointment from lichen for cats:

  1. Fungin. This is the drug that contains inyourself Clotrimazole. In the manufacture of the product, propolis and isopropyl alcohol were also used. These ingredients increase the effectivenessclotrimazole And accelerate the healing of the wound. Apply once a day with a gauze swab. Please note that to apply the product, it is necessary to cut off the wool in the affected areas and another 1 cm after the wound boundary. The product is applied to these limits, and are used until the scraping results are negative. 
  2. Yam BC. The product is used in case of minor lesions in one or two areas of the skin. To carry out manipulation, it is enough to lubricate the skin of the animal 2-3 times a day. Please note that it is applied another 4 cm outside the defeat. It is not necessary to remove the wool, because the drug acts on the wool, and is also absorbed through it into the skin. The composition contains salicylic acid, zinc and sulfur. Thanks to such a combined composition, it is possible to quickly cope with the fungus. 
  3. SanDerm. This is a combined tool that consists of antifungal tolotrimazoleas well as antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. Thanks to this, it is possible not only to cope with the fungus, but also to impede the connection of a bacterial infection, which often happens due to the fact that the animal combs, defeats the affected areas due toexcessive itching. It is necessary to lubricate the destruction place once a day with a very thin layer. Remember that the course of treatment is about 2-3 weeks. You should not use the drug longer, due to the fact that it can adversely affect the health of the kidneys. Be sure to control the indicators of the composition of the urine in the animal to avoid unpleasant situations and exacerbation of chronic ailments of the excretory system. 
  4. Clotrimazole. Now in the pharmacy you can find funds, both in the form of an ointment and in the form of a gel, cream. The product is inexpensive, it costs a penny, but quite effective and is part of some more expensive drugs. It is applied 2-3 times a day with a thin, rubbing layer. In this case, it is necessary to capture about 1 cm of the skin around the wound.
Yam BC

How not to become infected by depriving from a cat?

Remember, in order to cure a cutting lichen in a cat, it is necessary to disinfect. Otherwise, treatment may be ineffective.

How not to become infected by depriving from a cat:

  • This is due to the fact that the mushrooms that cause lichen are capable of living on different surfaces for more than 2 years, including on a couch, walls and floor. Therefore, try to carry out processing and comply with all the rules of sanitation.
  • You can use a quartz lamp for this, if it is on the farm, or processed chlorine. Remember that at this time it is necessary to change the diet of a cat and introduce nutrient components, as well as vitamin preparations.
  • Consult a veterinarian, perhaps he will appoint a pet some additional vitamins. Most often, drugs with vitamin B content are administered, which stimulates the restoration of the skin. It will also be usefulPanthenol.
  • Some feed for cats contain substances that contribute to the growth of wool. For a while, it is necessary to abandon the use of such food, because it will stimulate hairs, and difficult to treat and detect new foci of the disease.

Petisians need to be careful in order to recognize the disease in the very first stages, because it is then that treatment can be quite effective. 

Video: Treatment depriving in cats


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