How to sketch the ovarian cyst? Treatment of ovarian cysts

How to sketch the ovarian cyst? Treatment of ovarian cysts

From the article you will learn everything about the reasons for the development of the ovarian cyst, as well as get acquainted with the methods of treating this pathology.

No matter how many years the representative of the fair sex, she always strives to follow her female health. After all, even the most insignificant problems with well -being can have a negative impact on the work of such an organ as ovaries. Therefore, even if there are no visible reasons, do not forget to periodically visit the gynecologist.

Because if you do this rarely, you can miss the moment when you start to form a cyst. It is very important to start in time treats this pathology, because only in this way you can avoid possible degeneration of benign education into malignant. How to do this correctly we will figure out this article.

What is a cyst?

The ovarian cyst is a benign, a hollow neoplasm, which is filled with liquid. It can be completely different. It can be blood, jelly like a mass or just red-brown liquid. In some remote cysts, even rudiments of hair and teeth were found.

  • Most often, this education has an oval shape and a fairly large size. The ovarian cyst is characterized by the malignant tumors in that it will not sprout into neighboring organs and blood vessels. But still, if you do not pay her treatment of proper attention, then there is a probability that it will become malignant
  • Usually this neoplasm develops in the fair sex of childbearing age. But there are times when such problems appear in very young girls
  • Therefore, if you noticed that your daughter began to grow very early in your daughter and discharge began, somewhat similar to menstruation, then see a doctor right away. All these symptoms may indicate that the girl develops a cyst. After all, even the smallest neoplasm distinguishes specific hormones that stimulate the process of early growing up

Symptoms of the ovarian cyst

Very often, women, in general, do not suspect that they have any health problems. They consider quite normal tolerant pain, which periodically occurs in the lower abdomen. With the same indifference, they relate to severe pain, which occurs during menstruation.

Women simply go to the pharmacy, buy painkillers, drink them and begin to go about their business again. But no matter how long a woman set off a trip to the doctor, sooner or later it will have to do it all exactly.

Symptoms that indicate the development of ovarian cysts:
• Bloating of the abdominal cavity
• A sharp increase in the size of the abdomen
• severe pain after intercourse
• Constant stupid pain in the lower abdomen
• Set of weight
• Urination problems
• Diseases of the cardiovascular system
• regular increase in body temperature

The causes of the ovarian cyst

Despite the fact that modern medicine is quite developed, it still cannot find the exact cause of the appearance of the ovarian cyst. Some experts suggest that there are women prone to the development of this pathology, while other doctors believe that increased female hormones are the main provoking factor.

But whoever says the number of women who overtook a similar problem, increases every year. Cases have already been recorded when pathology began to develop perfectly sex, which took drugs that stimulate the ovarian work.

The reasons for the development of cysts:
• Early puberty
• Bad habits
• Excess weight
• oncomalism
• Reproductive system operations
• irregular menstruation
• Problems with the thyroid gland
• Abortion
• genital infections

Diagnosis of the ovarian cyst

Not a single woman can diagnose this pathology on their own. Therefore, if you have at least one of the above symptoms, then immediately sign up for an appointment with a gynecologist. He must carefully ask you about all visible symptoms, conduct an inspection and prescribe a full examination.

And do not be scared if the doctor asks you to appear several times during the cycle. He needs this in order to have a more complete picture of the development of pathology. Before starting a more accurate examination, each woman must take a pregnancy test without fail. This must be done in order to exclude the development of ectopic pregnancy as this pathology has the same symptoms as the ovarian cyst.

Diagnostic rules:
• Inspection of the gynecologist
• Full examination of the body
• Ultrasound pelvic examination
• TAZ and cavity tomography
• Laparoscopy

Complications of the ovarian cyst

Very often, women themselves complicate their lives. They drown out severe pain with pills, if only not to go to the doctor. And the longer the girl ignores unpleasant symptoms, the more the likelihood becomes that she will have complications.

First of all, this will affect its appearance, because if the girl brings to the fact that she is removed one ovary, then this will reduce the number of female hormones in the body, and they, as you know, greatly affect the appearance and emotional state. But this is not the worst thing that can happen. The most poor consequence for a woman can be infertility.

Complications that can occur with the ovarian cyst:
• Rupture of neoplasms
• Runula's torsion
• Abscess cysts
• rebirth into a malignant tumor
• chronic ovarian inflammation

Physiotherapy in the treatment of ovarian cysts

Very often, physiotherapy is prescribed to enhance the action of medicines. A special device, using the current, is influenced by the cyst. This procedure allows you to maximize the treatment period and helps the female body recover faster after surgery.

There are three types of physiotherapy: electrophoresis, ultrafonoresis and SMT therapy. All of them help to normalize the ovarian work, remove inflammatory processes and restore damaged nerve endings.

Advantages of physiotherapy with ovarian cysts:
• Norms female sex hormones
• prevents the formation of adhesions
• reduces the likelihood of renewal of the disease
• has anti -inflammatory and analgesic properties
• improves blood circulation and metabolic processes

Treatment of ovarian cysts

How to properly treat the ovarian cyst can be determined exclusively by a specialist. And he should do this based on the general condition of the body and the severity of the course of the disease.

If the fair sex has no other pathologies, then the gynecologist can offer to take oral contraceptives a couple of months and see how the neoplasm will respond to drugs. If it is possible to normalize the hormonal background, then there is a high probability that the sank will stop growing or, in general, will disappear.

Basic rules of therapeutic treatment:
• taking hormonal drugs
• regular use of vitamins
• Physiotherapy
• Healthy nutrition
• Full rejection of bad habits

Preparations and drugs from the ovarian cyst

  • Most often, hormonal drugs are used to treat such a pathology. They quickly and effectively restore the physical functions of the ovaries and block the growth of sick cells. The best option for hormonal therapy is the drug Duphaston. Its composition contains Didrogestron, which can serve as a replacement for the missing progesterone
  • If a woman against the background of pathology has problems with menstruation, then she must take monophasic or two -phase contraceptives. Substances that are in such drugs not only normalize the menstrual cycle, but will also prevent the formation of follicles that can be transformed into cysts
  • We must also not forget to deal with inflammatory processes in the pelvis. Usually, against the background of pathology, they are very aggravated and if they are not treated, this can lead to even more terrible consequences. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to introduce a fibrinolytic solution with an antibiotic into the cyst area
  • And since the disease is an additional load on the psyche, it would also mix about its condition. You can take pharmacy sedatives or prepare soothing herbal decoctions at home

Removing the ovarian cyst surgically

But not always, even in time, the treatment begins, gives a positive result. And if, according to the incident of a certain time, the cyst does not stop growing, only one thing remains - it is to be appreciated by the surgical method. How the operation will be carried out solely on the size of the neoplasm and its location.

In order for this manipulation to go as painlessly as possible for it to prepare correctly. So the cyst is removed under anesthesia, then the day before its conduct, you need to cut your diet, and six hours before the operation, in general, refuse any food and drinks.

Ovarian cyst methods:

  • Laparoscopy. This method is considered less than herbs mathetical as after surgery, a woman has a chance to become a mother
  • Crap operation. Dena manipulation is carried out if the neoplasm was struck by the entire ovary, and it can no longer function normally. The operation is quite painful, but the worst thing is that after her a woman can never get pregnant
  • Laser. Removing cysts in this way has recently become very popular. Due to the fact that a laser is used to carry out the procedure, the risk of postoperative bleeding is reduced

Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies

As you probably already understood the cyst, this is not a sentence at all, and with the right and timely treatment, this pathologists can be rid of this. But there are times when the problem returns again and again. A regular intake of hormonal drugs can begin to give side effects and the body will fight the disease more poorly.

Folk remedies can help the body and stop growth of cysts. But before starting such treatment, be sure to consult your doctor. He will tell you how to correctly combine traditional treatment and traditional medicine so that they do not cause even greater harm to your body.

We treat cyst tincture and green walnuts

Take a green nut, rinse it thoroughly with water and cut into small slices. Put them in a clean glass jar and pour everything with medical alcohol or strong vodka.

The bank should be filled with nuts by about a quarter. At the end, tightly close the container and put it in a cool dark place. For about a month, the liquid will darken and it will be possible to start treatment. It is necessary to take the resulting liquid four months, three times a day, a tablespoon. During menstruation, you need to take a break.

Treatment of ovarian cysts of burdock juice.

Another popular means to combat the ovarian cyst is considered burdock juice. Typically, the course lasts a month, after which the examination is carried out UZD and if the neoplasm does not disappear, then the juice must be drinking another month.

RECIPE: So, take fresh burdock leaves, clean them of dirt and with the help of a juicer, squeeze the juice from them. For one trick, 30–40 ml of chilled juice will be enough. It must be drunk 20 minutes before meals. And remember, after cutting, burdock leaves retain their healing properties for two days. Therefore, in no case do not harvest them at once for the whole week.

Video: What is the ovarian cyst? Do I need to remove it?

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