How to live longer: five factors of longevity according to scientists

How to live longer: five factors of longevity according to scientists

Ways to extend life.

For 34 years, scientists of Harvard University have collected data in order to find out what helps to increase life expectancy and longevity. In this article we will talk about 5 factors that will help to extend your life.

Five longevity factors

It is worth noting that scientists have studied several groups of people, and found only 5 factors that are characteristic of every person who has lived a fairly long life, that is, more than the average indicator.


  1. Almost all long -livers do not smoke. That is, in order to live longer, you must quit smoking. According to studies, the life expectancy of a person who does not smoke increases by an average of 12 years. Therefore, we recommend that you fight this habit in order to live longer.
  2. There are many fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts, seeds. It is noted that nuts and seeds contain a huge amount of healthy fats that are processed into healthy cholesterol. Accordingly, a person removes harmful cholesterol from the body, thereby the good accumulates in it and provoke stimulation of metabolic processes. Do not overdo it, only 50 g is enough in the sum of nuts and seeds for the whole day in order to replenish the daily rate of saturated fatty acids, as well as trace elements.
  3. Necessarily 30 minutes of exercise per day. It can be a simple charging, some kind of walk with a quick step or running. It all depends on your physical condition, while it is not necessary to train in the gym for several hours. It is necessary that the muscles simply be in order. To do this, it is enough to make a bar during the day, squats, and devote several minutes to the muscles of the press. Nothing complicated and supernatural. This may be the simplest charging after waking up early in the morning.
  4. In addition, people who live for a long time, adhere to the mass index bodies within the permissible, that is, 18-25. People who have excess weight live much less than people who differ in thinness. Therefore, constantly control your weight. The fact is that excess fat significantly affects the products of hormones, increasing the number of estrogen. Diseases of the female genital organs may occur, which are associated with a lack of progestin and an excess of estrogen. After all, it is subcutaneous fat to produce a small amount of estrogen. Of great weight stimulates the onset of heart disease, as well as atherosclerosis of blood vessels, problems with blood circulation. We advise you to reconsider our nutrition towards a decrease in calorie content.
  5. Reduce the amount of alcohol in your diet. People who constantly drink, and in large quantities, die much earlier. This does not mean that it is necessary to completely exclude alcohol from your diet. But it must be consumed on a minimum.
A happy family
A happy family

How to live longer?

Accordingly, in order to live longer, you need to adjust your diet, move more, and also quit smoking. Everything is quite simple, but requires great efforts and willpower in order to put your life in order. To normalize food, you do not need to immediately sit on a hard diet and abandon a variety of products. It is necessary to gradually reduce the calorie content of food, that is, refuse the original one or two sandwiches per day.

Then reduce the amount of harmful products, completely eliminate the processed meat. That is, these are sausages, semi -finished products (meatballs, meatballs), frozen cutlets, sausages. The products are very harmful because it contains a huge number of preservatives. It leads to an increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and also contributes to obesity. These products cannot be consumed.

Active grandmother
Active grandmother

It will also not be superfluous to abandon mayonnaise and a huge amount of fatty products. Change thermal treatment of food, instead of frying, it is best to bake food, boil or steam. Please note that a huge amount of protein provokes putrid processes in the intestine. Therefore, it is allowed to eat no more than 100 grams of meat per day. The rest of the food is best replaced with grain, and not a porridge of quick cooking, but with solid varieties. For example, macarons made of hard wheat varieties, as well as buckwheat, unstable rice, barley and millet cereals. These products contain a huge amount of fiber, help clean the intestines, and stimulate the introduction of feces from it.

In winter, it is much more difficult to eat a huge amount of fruits and vegetables, because there are not many of them on the shelves. Basically they are foreign, are very expensive. Accordingly, in the summer you can take care of the workpieces, freeze foods, fruits, vegetables, and cook useful dishes from them in winter. In addition, you can prepare salads from beets, cabbage, as well as carrots. These vegetables are always in large numbers on store shelves, and at low prices.

Long -livers
Long -livers

As you can see, to increase the duration of your life in fact seems like a fairly simple occupation. But to adhere to a constantly certain diet, to sleep, not to smoke in the modern world and with active life, it is quite difficult. That is why the life expectancy of the inhabitants of our country is relatively low.

Video: How to live longer?

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