How does the estrus in cats of different breeds go? Features of estrus in thoroughbred cats

How does the estrus in cats of different breeds go? Features of estrus in thoroughbred cats

Features of estrus in cats of different breeds.

Most thoroughbred cats that young girls love so much are bred artificially. These breeds were obtained by genetic engineering when crossing different breeds. Accordingly, the usual physiological process is estrus, in different breeds it passes unequally.

Does the cat's breed affect the estrus?

The cat breed affects the duration of estrus and the ability to mate. In many cats, the first discharge can be observed at the age of 9 months, but the readiness for mating comes a little later.

By multiple trials and errors, the owners of expensive cats of cats determined that during the first estrus, the cat was not ready to mate with the male. Pregnancy may occur, but there may be complex birth or dead kids will be born.

Features of estrus in the Scottish cat

This is a pretty breed, the representatives of which are distinguished by silky wool, flattened ears and children's eyes. The first discharge in cats can be seen at 9-12 months of life. But do not rush to mate your favorite with a male.

When and how to knit a Scottish cat:

  • The knit is best carried out in the period of 2 or 3 estrus
  • Make sure that the process of copulation is on the 2-3 days of the beginning of estrus. At this time, the highest chance to get pregnant
  • Do not knit a female with flattened ears with exactly the same cat. The male should have straight ears. If the shape of the ears of partners will be the same, kittens with spine problems and fragile limbs are born
  • The estrus of the Scottish breed is repeated 3-4 times a year for 4-6 days
  • The more often the knitting is carried out, the less tenaches per year
  • Females who regularly mate with males flow 2 times a year
Scottish cat
Scottish cat

Estrus at the Persian cat

The first estrus of the Persian is observed in 5-6 months. During this period, she is not yet ready for mating due to the underdevelopment of the genitals. The duration of estrus is 3-7 days. The frequency depends on the characteristics of the female. If it regularly mating with the male, the periods between the heat increase. Females who are not brought to “men” can flow every 2 weeks.

Features of the estrus of the Persians:

  • Anxiety of the female
  • You can mate a kitty starting from the age of 12-18 months
  • If you do not have a viscous, then after 3 estrus, a cat can get sick

In the absence of a male and regular mating, a female after 10 years of life can get cancer of the mammary glands or ovaries.

Persian cat
Persian cat

Abissin cats

Usually comes at 8 months of life. The frequency is different, depending on the characteristics of the cat. Some flow once every 3 months, but there are individuals who are ready to mate every 2 weeks.

Features of the estrus of Abbisinsky cats:

  • The first knit is carried out at a year and a half
  • Do not give tables from estrus if you plan to mate a female with a cat in the future
  • If you are not going to knit a cat at all, conduct sterilization. This will protect her from health problems
Abissin cats
Abissin cats

Bengal cat

Features of the estrus in Bengalka:

  • Readiness for "coating" occurs from 5 to 8 months of life
  • The first knit should be carried out after 3 leaks
  • Frequency of leaks every 2-3 months
  • In the absence of knitting, the animal flows every 2 weeks
  • Duration of estrus 5-8 days
Bengal cat
Bengal cat

How is the estrus of the flyer cats?

The duration of the estrus and behavior depends on a specific individual. Typically, the Vysloukhiy actively behave during the readiness for knitting. They scream, can ride the floor. It is advisable at the age of 12 months to find your favorite “groom”. The duration of the estrus is 3-7 days. Most often, the estrus is repeated with the frequency of once every 2 weeks.

If the animal has offspring, then the cat is ready for re -mating a month after the end of breastfeeding.

Vysloguyu cat estrus
vysloguyu cat estrus

Tychka in cats of British breed

Features of the estrus of the British:

  • Starts flowing at the age of 8-9 months
  • Period between estrus 20 days
  • Cat flows 8 days
  • You need to mate at the age of 12-24 months
  • If you do not plan to mate a cat, sterilize it
Tychka in cats of British breed
Tychka in cats of British breed

Tychka in Siamese cats

Usually the first estrus of cats of this breed passes asymptomatic. The owner may not understand that his favorite is ready for mating. The sheated estrus is observed in individuals more than weight.

Features of the estrus of the Siamese cat:

  • Duration 5-8 days
  • Frequency - every 30 days. Some individuals may have 1 estrus per year
  • With age, the female flows less often
  • Ready for mating at the age of 1.5 years
Tychka in Siamese cats
Tychka in Siamese cats

The estrus of the sphinx cat

Cats of this breed during the active period become extremely aggressive. Your favorite can simply become uncontrollable. She screams, and at night, too, rides on the floor. The female annoys everything.

If you plan to mate it, then be patient. You need to wait when the female matures a little. Vitus can begin from one -year -old age. During this period, the animal is ready for mating in physiological terms.

He has the genital organs. The female will be able to endure offspring. To calm the animal a little, you can give soothing drops. Do not give hormonal drugs.

Estrus features:

  • Duration 5 days
  • Repeated with the frequency of once a month
  • Readiness for pregnancy occurs after 12 months
The estrus of the sphinx cat
The estrus of the sphinx cat

How is the estrus of thoroughbred cats: tips and reviews

If you plan to receive offspring, then you need to tolerate the first 2-3 estrus until the animal ripens.

How to calmly survive the estrus:

  • If your favorite is very active and aggressive during the period of estrus, you can give her soothing drops
  • Suprastin can be used, it relieves swelling and reduces the pain of the genitals in the animal
  • Homeopathic preparations and pheromones have proven themselves well
  • Distract the animal with games
  • Reduce nutrition and give more water
  • So that the animal does not interfere with sleeping, get it in the bathroom and put your favorite rug on the washing machine. Do not forget to put water
  • If after 3 estrus you do not make a viscous, the cat can get endometritis, cancer of the mammary glands
  • If you start the animal as a "pillow", sterilize it

Mating with a castrated cat will not lead to anything. Your favorite will still be worried. The female needs not sexual contact, but childbirth. Only after them does she calm down.

Reassure the cat during estrus
Reassure the cat during estrus

As you can see, it is not easy to be the master of a thoroughbred cat. You must immediately decide for what purposes you need an animal. If you do not plan to grow offspring, sterilize the animal.

Video: How to calm a cat during estrus?

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