How to cook porridge in complementary foods for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 monthly, one -year -old child, 1.5, 2 years in milk and on water: the best recipes. What porridge can a child at 4 months? At what age can you give a child porridge and which ones?

How to cook porridge in complementary foods for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 monthly, one -year -old child, 1.5, 2 years in milk and on water: the best recipes. What porridge can a child at 4 months? At what age can you give a child porridge and which ones?

You can give porridge to the baby from 4 months. Thanks to this complementary foods, the baby will receive all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.


Paint 4 months of age is often prescribed complementary foods. More than 20 years ago, WHO recommended up to 6 months to feed children only with breast milk. All pediatricians adhere to these recommendations, explaining to young mothers that the baby with breast milk receives all the necessary vitamins and trace elements for growth.

  • But the situations are different: a mother does not have enough milk or she completely disappeared. What to do then? Add feeding!
  • Useful vitamins and trace elements help to get a younger body of porridge, which can be introduced already of 4 months of age.
  • The rules for introducing mixed nutrition must be discussed with a pediatrician. After all, often, when a young mother begins to lactate, she panic, aggravating the situation. The doctor will tell you what ways this process can be restored, and what to do if this does not work.
  • But, if all measures are taken, but unsuccessfully, then complementary foods are introduced. What porridge of the baby at a particular age can you? How to cook them? To these and other questions, you will find answers in this article.

Is it possible and what kind of porridge can a child at 4 months?

Is it possible and what kind of porridge can a child at 4 months?
Is it possible and what kind of porridge can a child at 4 months?

Power feeding at 4 months for different children will be unequal. If the baby has a lack of weight, then he is prescribed cereals, and the kids with good weight are introduced by vegetable puree. Therefore, to the question: is it possible to give cereals to the child at 4 months, only the pediatrician can give the answer.

  • Vegetable mashed potatoes You can purchase in special departments of baby food in stores and pharmacies, or you can cook yourself.
  • To do this, one vegetable is taken, for example, zucchini, boiled until cooked, grinded in a blender, and then passed through a sieve.
  • By 6 months, children are allowed to give vegetable puree from several boiled vegetables: zucchini and carrots, colored cabbage and pumpkin, broccoli and other vegetables.

Important: If a child is allergic to some vegetable, it should be canceled and addressed with the baby to the pediatrician.

  • Porridge - This is a source of trace elements and vitamins. Even during the youth of our mothers and grandmothers, children were given a 5%semolina porridge as complementary foods.
  • Modern pediatricians do not recommend feeding the child with a mankoo, since there are no useful substances in it, but only calories.
  • The best option for feeding this age is liquid oatmeal, which is cooked on water or 1%milk.
  • In the finished form, it must be wiped through a sieve and start giving the baby with 10 grams, increasing the portion daily to 100 grams. Such complementary foods are given up to 6 months, and by 1 year the portion increases to 200 grams.

Important: At 4 months, you can give mixtures and cereals of industrial production (such as "baby" and others). They are sold in dry form and are ready to use only after breeding with water or breast milk.

What porridge can a child at 4 months?
What porridge can a child at 4 months?
  • There are also a lot of vitamins in juices and fruit puree. But the juices should be freshly squeezed and light (apple or pear). Start entering a baby in a baby’s diet 1/4 teaspoon, bringing to 100 grams per day.
  • Cook fruit puree from an apple or ripe and soft pear. Technology: Drive the pulp from an apple or pear with a wooden spoon. Let's immediately so that the pulp does not oxidize. Start with a small portion (1/4 teaspoon) and bring to 50-100 grams per day.
  • Baked apple It is also very useful for children, but it must be kneaded and pass the pulp through a sieve.

Important: When you introduce a new product in complementary foods, watch the baby. If an allergic reaction appears, the product is removed from the diet. In addition, you need to seek advice to the pediatrician.

What porridge can be and how to cook porridge in complementary foods for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 monthly child?

What porridge can be and how to cook porridge in complementary foods for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 monthly child?
What porridge can be and how to cook porridge in complementary foods for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 monthly child?

The first cereals should have easy digestibility. They should not be gluten - vegetable protein. In addition, gluten causes allergies and is harmful not only to children, but also to adults. Read more about this in another article on our website. What porridge can be and how to cook porridge in complementary foods for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 monthly child?

At 5 months The child will be useful to porridge from oats, rice, buckwheat and corn.

  • To cook liquid porridge, you need to take 10-15 grams of dry mix or separate cereal and 100 ml of 1%milk.
  • To make milk of 1%fat content, it is enough to dilute the usual store milk (3.5%) with water 1: 3.
  • Cook the cereal in milk or water for 10 minutes, then cool, wipe through a sieve and serve the baby.

At 6 months Continue cooking the same porridge as at 5 months.

  • If the baby does not eat this dish poorly, then try to salt a little or pour with sweet syrup.
  • You can’t sprinkle porridge for a child, but you can cook light sugar syrup and pour them to them. Syrup recipe: Dissolve 10 grams of sugar in 50 ml of water, and put on fire. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Pour the finished porridge with such a sweet orphaRop water, but not more than 10-15 grams per 100 grams of porridge.
  • Observe your child if a rash appears, cancel sugar. At this age, you can put up to 3 grams of butter and a little baked apple pulp in the finished porridge.
What porridge can be prepared in complementary foods for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months old?
What porridge can be prepared in complementary foods for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months old?

At 7 months The diet is the same as in 5 and 6 months. If the child has an unstable chair, then give preference to rice and corn porridge, and with constipation, cook a dish of oats and buckwheat.

At 8 months You can try to cook porridge from barley if there is confidence that the child tolerates glutenic cereals well. You can also combine several cereals: barley and oats, wheat and rye, and so on.

At 9, 10, 11 months Enter millet foods. Continue to give cereals from other cereals: oats, barley, rice, buckwheat and corn. In addition, at 9 months, one breast feeding is completely replaced by 200 grams of porridge.

Important: By 11 months, your baby will already use almost all cereals except semolina. It has a lot of gluten and there are almost no vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, if you still want to introduce semolina into the diet, then do it not earlier than a year.

What porridge can be and how to cook porridge in complementary foods of a one -year -old, 1.5 and 2 -year -old child?

What porridge can be and how to cook porridge in complementary foods of a one -year -old, 1.5 and 2 -year -old child?
What porridge can be and how to cook porridge in complementary foods of a one -year -old, 1.5 and 2 -year -old child?

Please note that semolina reduces calcium assimilation, and if you give it to the child up to a year, rickets may develop. Therefore, as mentioned above, semolina should be introduced into the diet of the baby no earlier than 12 months.

What other porridge can be given in complementary foods by one year old, 1.5 and 2 year -old child, and how to cook? Here are some tips:

  • Buckwheat It should be present in the child’s menu every day, since it has a lot of dietary fibers and vitamins. This is the most valuable porridge, it does not have gluten and a lot of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Prepare simply: wash 30 grams of buckwheat and pour 100 ml of milk (1.5% fat content). Cook for 10 minutes, cool and serve the child. You can cook on the water and give with meat meatballs.
  • Rice porrige rich in amino acids. But it is contraindicated in children who suffer from constipation. For preparation, rinse 30 grams and pour with low-fat milk or water (100-150 ml). Cook until rice is ready. If the porridge is thick, add a little boiled water.
  • Corn porridge rich in minerals and vitamins. A large amount of fiber. You need to cook on the water according to the recipe for rice porridge. Serve such a dish with meat meatballs or souffli.
  • Oatmeal Contains a lot of plant proteins, dietary fibers, vitamins. If the child has constipation, then such porridge perfectly normalizes a chair. Cook liquid porridge - the recipe is higher.
What porridge can be and how to cook porridge in complementary foods of a one -year -old, 1.5 -year -old child?
What porridge can be and how to cook porridge in complementary foods of a one -year -old, 1.5 -year -old child?

Advice: At this age, you can add syrup and oil to 5 grams to the porridge. Also for taste, instead of sugar, you can add apple or banana puree.

After 1.5 years, the baby can be given cereals that do not need to be boiled. Such mixtures are sold in dietary nutrition departments. It is enough to pour dry porridge with boiling water and put in a microwave oven for a minute-the porridge is ready.

Important: But be sure to look at the composition of dry porridge. Often, flavorings and taste additives are added to it. Such porridge cannot be given to the baby!

From what age can you give a child and how delicious to cook semolina on milk and water for children: Recipe

From what age can you give a child and how delicious to cook semolina on milk and water for children: Recipe
From what age can you give a child and how delicious to cook semolina on milk and water for children: Recipe

It was said above that semolina can be given to the child no earlier than a year. However, doctors and nutritionists advise completely abandoning this cereal. If you still want a child to give semolina, then cooking it is very simple.

Milk recipe:

  • Put a glass of low-fat milk on the fire and pour 1-1.5 tablespoons of semolina.
  • Stir constantly so that there are no lumps.
  • When the porridge boils, pour a little sugar syrup and put 5 grams of butter.
  • Cool porridge and serve the baby.

Water recipe:

  • Put a glass of water on the gas and pour 2 tablespoons of semolina.
  • Stir until boiling.
  • Then add sugar syrup and butter.

For taste, a wiped apple or banana can be added to such porridge.

From what age can you give a child and how to cook buckwheat porridge in milk and water for children: a recipe in a slow cooker

From what age can you give a child and how to cook buckwheat porridge in milk and water for children: a recipe in a slow cooker
From what age can you give a child and how to cook buckwheat porridge in milk and water for children: a recipe in a slow cooker

Buckwheat porridge will be the most useful food for the baby after breast milk. Therefore, every mother should cook such a dish for her crumbs daily. From what age you can give the child the buckwheat porridge was written above - from 5 months. At this age, finished porridge should be wiped through a sieve, and at 8-9 months, when the child has several teeth, you can feed it with whole porridge.

How to cook buckwheat porridge on milk and water for children - a recipe in a slow cooker:

  • Rinse 50 grams of buckwheat under running water. Fold the multicooker in a pan.
  • Pour 150-200 ml of low-fat milk or water. Simple a little and put 5 grams of sugar.
  • Turn on the slow cooker in the "Porridge in milk" or "buckwheat" mode for 30 minutes.
  • When the signal works, put the porridge on the plate and add 5 grams of butter.

Your child will like such porridge, as it will turn out soft, tasty and healthy.

From what age can you give a child and how to cook millet porridge on milk and water for children: a recipe in a slow cooker

From what age can you give a child and how to cook millet porridge on milk and water for children: a recipe in a slow cooker
From what age can you give a child and how to cook millet porridge on milk and water for children: a recipe in a slow cooker

Millet is also a useful grip for a younger organism. It has many nutrients and there is no gluten at all. But you can give millet porridge no earlier than 9 months, since millet is a heavy food product for a delicate digestive tract of the baby. How to cook millet porridge on milk and water for children? Recipe in a slow cooker:

  • Wash 50 grams of millet under water. Put it in a multicooker bowl.
  • Add 200 grams of milk and 100 grams of water. Put a little salt and sugar.
  • Put the “porridge” mode for 30 minutes.
  • When the porridge is ready, put it on a plate and add 5 grams of butter.

If the baby is already large (more than a year), then you can put in a dish steamed and chopped into small pieces of dried apricots, raisins. Instead of sugar, half a teaspoon of honey is added to the finished dish.

From what age can you give a child and how to cook oatmeal in milk and water for children: recipe

From what age can you give a child and how to cook oatmeal in milk and water for children: recipe
From what age can you give a child and how to cook oatmeal in milk and water for children: recipe

Oat porridge can be introduced in complementary foods already at 4 months. But it should be liquid. How to cook oatmeal in milk and water for children? To begin with feeding, the recipe for this porridge was described above. If the baby is older, then prepare him such a porridge of oatmeal:

  • Put 200 grams of low -fat milk on the fire.
  • When the milk boils, pour 50 grams of oatmeal. Add a little sugar and salt.
  • Cook for 5 minutes, then turn off the fire and cover the pan with a lid.
  • After 10 minutes, put the dish on the plate and serve the baby.

During cooking in such porridge, you can add raisins or dried apricots, previously washed and finely cut, and instead of sugar, honey, but only in a finished dish.

Remember: when heated in honey, harmful substances are formed, so it is placed in a dish when it cools down a little.

Try not to sweeten the porridge, but add a slightly crushed banana or a scorched apple to small children.

From what age can you give a child and how to cook barley porridge for children with milk and water: recipe

From what age can you give a child and how to cook barley porridge for children with milk and water: recipe
From what age can you give a child and how to cook barley porridge for children with milk and water: recipe

Enter the barley porridge into the feeding of the child, starting from 8 months. It will turn out delicious if you cook it on the water. Barley porridge recipe - how to cook tasty on water for children? Adhere to the following instructions:

  • If the barley is incorrectly boiled, then the porridge will turn out to be tasteless and stiff. The children's stomach will not be able to digest such a dish. When preparing, there should be a sufficient amount of water and time.
  • Rinse 50 grams of pitch. Fold in a saucepan. Pour warm boiled water for 2 hours.
  • After this time, pour a glass of water into another pan and put on the fire. When the water boils, drain the liquid from the yoke and put the cereal in boiling water.
  • Stir constantly so that the cereal does not stick to the bottom.
  • Silent porridge a little and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  • When the dish is ready, put 5-10 grams of butter in it and put on a plate.

Such porridge will turn out to be delicate, soft, air and juicy. The child will definitely like it.

From what age can you give a child and how to deliberately prepare pea porridge for children: Recipe

From what age can you give a child and how to deliberately prepare pea porridge for children: Recipe
From what age can you give a child and how to deliberately prepare pea porridge for children: Recipe

Pea porridge is given to children at the age of 1 year. The peas are useful, but it is very heavy for the digging gastrointestinal tract, so it is not recommended to introduce such porridge in complementary foods before. How to make pea porridge for children deliciously? Here is the prescription:

  • In the evening, wash 100 grams of peas under water, pour water and leave it overnight.
  • In the morning, rinse the cereal again, put in a pan and pour 200 grams of water.
  • Put the container with cereals on a small gas and cook for 30 minutes. If the water is quickly boiled, then you need to add it a little. Do not forget to constantly stir the porridge.
  • When the cereal is almost ready, salt a little and cook until the peas boils completely.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, beat with a blender until smooth, add a little cream or butter. Pea porridge is ready.
From what age can you give a child and how to deliberately prepare pea porridge for children: Recipe
From what age can you give a child and how to deliberately prepare pea porridge for children: Recipe

Porridge according to this recipe will turn out to be delicate, soft and tasty. You can diversify this recipe if you add vegetable puree to porridge. Boil onions, carrots, bell pepper. Grind in a blender and a tablespoon of this puree put in porridge, mix a little.

From what age can you give a child and how to cook wheat porridge on milk and water for children: Recipe

From what age can you give a child and how to cook wheat porridge on milk and water for children: Recipe
From what age can you give a child and how to cook wheat porridge on milk and water for children: Recipe

Wheat porridge can be started at 8 months. There is a lot of fiber in wheat, as well as gluten. Therefore, when introducing wheat porridge in the diet of a child, observe him. If there are signs of allergies, rash, bloating, gases, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea, then the child should not give wheat porridge. If the baby tolerates this product well, feel free to cook such a dish 1-2 times a week.

From what age can you give a child and how to cook wheat porridge in milk and water for children deliciously?
From what age can you give a child and how to cook wheat porridge in milk and water for children deliciously?

It is better to cook such porridge on water, with the addition of milk and butter. For porridge, buy flakes, as the dish will turn out to be softer and more tender than from cereals. How to cook wheat porridge for children deliciously? Recipe:

  • Put a pan on the gas. Pre -pour 150 ml of water and 150 ml of milk into it.
  • When the liquid boils, pour 30 grams of wheat flakes.
  • Cook porridge for 10-15 minutes. Simple a little, add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar and 5 grams of butter.
  • Remove the porridge from the fire.
  • Beat it with a mixer, put it on a plate and serve the baby.

If the porridge is hot, then it first needs to be cooled, and then feed the baby.

From what age can you give a child and how to cook corn porridge for children tasty with milk and water: recipe

From what age can you give a child and how to cook corn porridge for children tasty with milk and water: recipe
From what age can you give a child and how to cook corn porridge for children tasty with milk and water: recipe

Porridge of corn flakes can be given to the child at 5 months. At this time, liquid porridge is cooked, and older children can cook thick porridge and add vegetable puree. How to cook corn porridge in milk for children deliciously? Recipe:

  • Instead of corn flakes, you can buy corn flour.
  • In 250 ml of cold milk, pour 3 tablespoons of corn flour.
  • Put the container with the mixture on the gas and stir.
  • When the mixture boils, add a little salt and 1/4 teaspoon of sugar.
  • Cook the porridge for 2 minutes, and remove from the heat.
  • Add 5 grams of butter, cool and serve.

Sugar can not be added to such porridge, and when the child gets off, make a dish with honey or steamed in boiling water and chopped dried apricots and raisins.

On water, corn porridge is cooked simply and quickly:

  • In 200 ml of boiling water, pour 2 tablespoons of corn flakes.
  • Cook for 5 minutes, add a little salt and 5 grams of butter.
  • Remove from heat, cool and serve the baby.

A boiled and ground pumpkin, carrots and broccoli can be added to corn porridge. You will get a great variety of menu for a small child.

From what age can you give a child and how to cook pearl barley porridge on milk and water for children: Recipe

From what age can you give a child and how to cook pearl barley porridge on milk and water for children: Recipe
From what age can you give a child and how to cook pearl barley porridge on milk and water for children: Recipe

There is a lot of gluten in barley, and it is poorly absorbed. Therefore, it is better to start introducing pearl barley porridge from 1 year. How to cook pearl barley porridge on milk and water for children to get soft and delicate? Milk recipe:

  • Rinse 50 grams of pearl barley and soak in water for 4 hours.
  • After time, rinse again and pour 250 ml of water.
  • When the porridge is almost ready, add 250 ml of milk and cook until cooked.
  • Add a little salt, a little sugar and turn off the fire.
  • Then the porridge can be ground in a blender or put in the oven for 15 minutes so that the dish reaches ready.

You can also add butter to such porridge. On water, the peeling dish is cooked as well as in milk, only without adding sugar. It is better to serve such porridge with stewed and ground vegetables or meat souffle.

From what age can you give a child and how to cook rice porridge for children tasty on milk and water: a recipe in a slow cooker

From what age can you give a child and how to cook rice porridge for children tasty on milk and water: a recipe in a slow cooker
From what age can you give a child and how to cook rice porridge for children tasty on milk and water: a recipe in a slow cooker

Rice is very useful for the entire digestive tract, especially for the children's stomach and intestines. Rice porridge is introduced into feed from 5 months. Remember that the rice is boiled 5 times, so prepare one portion to prepare a fresh dish the next day. Accordingly, 5-6 parts of liquid are taken for 1 part of the rice: milk or water. How to cook rice porridge for children deliciously on milk and water? Recipe in a slow cooker:

  • Rinse 50 grams of rice. Put the cereal in the multicooker bowl.
  • Pour it 100 ml of water and 150 ml of milk.
  • Add a little salt and sugar.
  • Turn on the “porridge” mode for 30 minutes.
  • When the porridge is ready, grind it until a homogeneous mass in a blender. Add 5 grams of butter and serve to the baby's table.

When the child grows up, such porridge can be served without grinding in a blender, and when cooking, add raisins and dried apricots. Put a meat souffle or meatballs to porridge, cooked on water, which must be flooded with a fork in advance. Such a second dish will like your child.

From what age can you give a child and how to cook flax porridge on milk and water for children: Recipe

From what age can you give a child and how to cook flax porridge on milk and water for children: Recipe
From what age can you give a child and how to cook flax porridge on milk and water for children: Recipe

If the child has constipation, then linen porridge is shown for daily use. Flax dish can be introduced in complementary foods from 1 year. But carefully observe the baby, if after consuming this porridge, it has a liquid chair, then it is worth it to wait for such a complementary foods and postpone it until 2-3 years. Before the introduction of complementary foods, consult a pediatrician.

It is better to cook not whole -grain porridge, but first make flour from flax, and then cook a dish. How to cook linen porridge for children deliciously on milk and water? Recipe:

  • 50 grams of ground flax seeds pour 150 ml of milk or water.
  • Put on the gas and cook until cooked-5-10 minutes.
  • Slide, add a little sugar, butter.
  • Turn off the fire and remove the porridge from the stove. Cool it and put it in a plate.
  • You can serve porridge cooked on water with meat souffli or vegetable puree. A dish with milk goes well with a banana, strawberry or apple. Fruit pulp must first be chopped in a blender, and then put in finished porridge.

In linen porridge, sugar can also be replaced with honey - it is tasty and healthy.

What porridge can be with constipation, diarrhea, allergies to children?

What porridge can be with constipation, diarrhea, allergies to children?
What porridge can be with constipation, diarrhea, allergies to children?

Every mother wants her baby to be healthy and feel great. After all, his mood depends on the well -being of the child, as well as the mood of his mother and all households. What porridge can be with constipation, diarrhea, allergies to children? Using this dish, welded from a specific cereal, you can stop diarrhea or help with constipation.

  • If the child is allergic to gluten, then do not cook him such cereals: oatmeal, wheat, pearl barley, barley, semolina.
  • With constipation Do not give rice porridge. Cook oatmeal, linen, pearl barley, corn, millet.
  • With diarrhea Do not give the baby linen porridge, millet (heavy for the digestive tract), pearl barley, corn. Give preference to cereals from which viscous cereals are obtained to help cope with liquid stool: oatmeal, semolina, rice. Cook these porridge on water without sugar and salt.

Porridge is an important dish for the child's body. With its help, you diversify the menu and the baby will receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, which means that it will develop correctly and grow rapidly.

Video: Super-cheat for kids. Where to start complementary foods?

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