Celiac disease in adults, children, infants: symptoms, causes, analysis, diagnosis, treatment, diet. Celiac disease - allowed products without gluten: List

Celiac disease in adults, children, infants: symptoms, causes, analysis, diagnosis, treatment, diet. Celiac disease - allowed products without gluten: List

What is celiac disease? How to avoid this disease? How to protect yourself and children from the hereditary factor of this disease?

Many people know almost nothing about celiac disease, or their knowledge is that under the name of this disease, the immunity of the cereal protein gluten is hidden. But this is a wrong judgment.

  • Celiac disease is characterized by symptoms and etiology from ordinary allergies to gluten.
  • Unpleasant statistics - 97% of people do not know about their disease.
  • Often doctors make an incorrect diagnosis, as symptoms may indicate other diseases.
  • Therefore, it is important to know what celiac disease, its causes, manifestation.

What is celiac disease in children, adults, newborns: medical history

What is celiac disease in children, adults, newborns: medical history
What is celiac disease in children, adults, newborns: medical history

Gluten is a plant protein that has no analogues in nature. It is contained in wheat grains, rye, oats and barley.

  • Celiac disease in children, adults and newborn arises with immunity to cereal protein.
  • In the history of this disease, an abnormal autoimmune reaction of the human body played an important role.
  • Human immunity perceives gluten as aggressive and foreign protein. It triggers the synthesis of special antibodies to this protein, which leads to severe sensitivity and an autoimmune failure.
  • The constant impact on the immune system leads to exhaustion. Based on this, a serious illness and complications are formed, which can threaten the patient's life.

Important: do not confuse the celiac disease with allergies to gluten protein. Celiac disease is a multi -factor disease that leads to damage to the villi of the small intestine.

This disease is launched after consuming gluten in large quantities, especially, modified. Such substances are used for the manufacture of confectionery and different semi -finished products. You can read everything about gluten in this article on our website.

Celiac disease in adults, children, infants: symptoms, causes

Celiac disease in adults, children, infants: symptoms, causes
Celiac disease in adults, children, infants: symptoms, causes

Doctors call celiac disease intestinal infantilism. Despite the fact that this disease is associated with damage to the intestinal mucosa and the development of atrophy in it, celiac disease in adults proceeds with such unexpressed symptoms:

  • rarely occurring abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation;
  • anemia and unreasonable weight loss;
  • often an alarming state, long -term depressive states and mood swings;
  • a desire to perform actions, seizures, conversations with oneself may appear for a person;
  • chronic fatigue - increased sweating, dizziness, lack of air, headaches, nausea, weakness;
  • female and male infertility, frequent miscarriages;
  • joint pain and muscles, osteoporosis, arthritis and frequent bone fractures arise;
  • stomatitis, glossitis, different dermatitis;
  • caries that affects almost all teeth;
  • thirst, the development of diabetes of the 1st type in every fourth patient;
  • traces of hemorrhage in the abdomen or limbs;
  • intestinal bleeding is manifested in the form of black feces.

In babies and infants, the symptoms of this disease are pronounced and indicate damage to the small intestine:

  • stench diarrhea of \u200b\u200bgray or green;
  • lives of blood in feces, mucus and fragments of undigested food;
  • the feces do not drown in water, but blurred into pieces-these are characteristic signs of celiac disease in children under 2 years old;
  • nausea, frequent vomiting;
  • infants have no weight gain, anorexia develops;
  • a swollen stomach, which seems large compared to thin handles and legs;
  • unreasonable excitement of the psyche, tearfulness, tremor of the limbs.
Celiac disease in adults, children: symptoms, causes
Celiac disease in adults, children: symptoms, causes

In older children, symptoms do not indicate the presence of an intestinal disease and are manifested as follows:

  • constant constipation and diarrhea;
  • poor appetite or hunger, despite the fact that the child only had eaten;
  • anemia;
  • low growth and small weight compared to other healthy children;
  • manifestation of allergies - diathesis, urticaria;
  • osteoporosis, destruction of milk teeth;
  • alopecia;
  • autism.

The cause of celiac disease is gluten intolerance, heredity, constant use of this substance in a modified state in the form of sweets, chocolate, other confectionery, pasta, sausage and other semi -finished products.

How is celiac disease transmitted, is this disease cured?

How is celiac disease transmitted, is this disease cured?
How is celiac disease transmitted, is this disease cured?

Modern medicine is known for the causes of celiac disease. Doctors and nutritionists are alarming and say about the need for proper nutrition. Gastroenterologists, if the first symptoms of glutenic enteropathy, are prescribed a strict diet for their patients for prevention. How is celiac disease transmitted? There is a clear connection with such pathologies:

  • Heredity (HLA genes - DQ8, HLA - DQ2). If parents have a violation of gluten splitting, then it is highly likely that children will have the same health problems. But these risks are reduced with each new generation.
  • Allergy - sensitivity to gluten leads in the body to the formation of special antigens.
  • Autoimmune reaction. Unexplored gluten, falling into the small intestine, activates the immunity reaction directed against the intestinal epithelium.
  • Adenoviruses. Simultaneously with inflammation, increased sensitivity of the intestinal mucosa to the cereal protein develops.

People who are diagnosed with Celiac disease are often wondering: is this disease curable? The treatment of the disease is to prescribe effective drugs and a lifelong diet.

If the diagnosis was made in a timely manner, then the prognosis in the treatment will be favorable. The gluten -free diet helps to achieve the effect after 3 weeks. But at a microscopic level, the mucous membrane of the small intestine will be recovered only after 2-3 years of a strict diet.

Can there be a celiac disease acquired?

Can there be a celiac disease acquired?
Can there be a celiac disease acquired?

Celiac disease is an innate disease that occurs in the presence of special genotypes in a person. This disease occurs several times more often in the closest relatives of one particular person than in general in terms of indicators among the population.

People often ask the question, can there be a celiac disease acquired? Yes maybe. If you omit genetic factors, then external factors for the formation of glutenic disease are of great importance. These include the presence of gluten in the food in a modified form.

Celiac disease - diagnosis, analysis, decoding

Celiac disease - diagnosis, analysis, decoding
Celiac disease - diagnosis, analysis, decoding

The doctor will diagnose "Celiac disease" based on a single picture, which consists of patient complaints and diagnostic results. The presence of a disease in a person is indicated by the following factors:

  • pale skin, a problem with growth and weight;
  • patient complaints about pain in the abdomen;
  • improving well -being when using a gluten -free diet;
  • undigested food particles in feces;
  • hidden blood in feces;
  • biochemical blood test - low cholesterol, lack of calcium and phosphates;
  • the x -ray reveals horizontal intestinal loops, the dyskinesia of the small intestine;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - a violation of the liver and pancreas is revealed;
  • biopsy of the small intestine for assessing the degree of atrophy;
  • serological analysis - the degree of sensitivity and the presence of antibodies to endomesia are determined.

Important: only a specialist should be done by decryption of tests. He will be able to give a competent conclusion to make a diagnosis based on all the data obtained.

Celiac disease - diagnosis and forbidden products
Celiac disease - diagnosis and forbidden products

When blood donation to biochemistry, a sharp decrease in the level of calcium, iron, sodium and cholesterol is observed. Strong or low blood sugar can also be observed, protein levels are reduced. An increase in prothrombin time may indicate the presence of celiac disease.

The analysis of feces for celiac disease may indicate steator and increased content of undigested fats and particles of food. Immunological tests indicate the presence of antibodies to gluten.

Celiac disease is a diet, what can you eat?

Celiac disease is a diet, what can you eat?
Celiac disease is a diet, what can you eat?

It is important for patients with celiac disease to adhere to a certain diet. What can you eat?

  • Products should contain a small amount of gluten.
  • At first after making a diagnosis, it is important to eat duffed food.
  • The daily diet should be divided into 5 doses in small portions.
  • Food is steamed or boiled. You can bake in the oven only after 2-3 months of treatment.
  • The first two months is forbidden to eat rough fiber. Fruits and vegetables, legumes and nuts are removed from the diet. If there are improvements to health, then after this time you can gradually introduce natural fruits and vegetables into the diet.
  • Milk in a small amount is added when preparing cereals and cottage cheese.
  • It is useful to take a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and honey. But these products should be introduced into the diet from a few drops or grams.

Important: diet with celiac disease is special. Follow the doctor's recommendations.

Celiac disease - allowed products without gluten: List

Glutenova diet allows you to include foods that do not contain gluten protein or contains in a small amount in the menu. List of allowed products without gluten - List:

Celiac disease - allowed products without gluten: List
Celiac disease - allowed products without gluten: List

Celiacia: Is disability possible in children?

Celiacia: Is disability possible in children?
Celiacia: Is disability possible in children?

Parents of children with a diagnosis of celiac disease are wondering whether it is possible to issue disability in order to receive payments for food? This is possible if the disease is serious in shape, the child shows that it is exhausted, and the presence of the disease is confirmed by analyzes and another diagnosis. Often, the results of a biopsy are required to prescribe disability.

The right to apply for disability can be enjoyed by all parents whose child has such a diagnosis, but the commission will prescribe the degree of disability only in special cases.

Is it possible to play sports with celiac disease?

Physical activity has a beneficial effect on digestion. Therefore, with celiac disease, you can play sports.

Is celiac disease treated with homeopathy?

Is celiac disease treated with homeopathy?
Is celiac disease treated with homeopathy?

Only a doctor should prescribe any treatment. Homeopaths prescribe drugs that help the body change in the best way and find treatment itself. Celiac disease can be treated with homeopathy, but under the supervision of a doctor, and in each case everything will be individually: medicine and forecasts.

Is celiac disease treated with folk remedies?

Folk remedies can be used to treat any disease, but as additional funds. The main treatment and diet with celiac disease is prescribed by the doctor. Folk remedies will help reduce the clinical manifestations of this disease.

Celiac disease: Clinical recommendations

Celiac disease: Clinical recommendations
Celiac disease: Clinical recommendations

Clinical recommendations for celiac disease are prescribed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. They indicate the following:

  • Constant observation of the patient.
  • Children and adults with severe manifestations of the disease should be hospitalized in a hospital in a gastroenterological profile.
  • Patients with little pronounced symptoms should be prescribed a complex of primary diagnosis.
  • The tactics of observation and treatment are determined by the severity of the disease.
  • Drug treatment is prescribed according to individual indications.
  • Anticlogenic treatment should be in the appointment of a gluten -free diet, which must be observed for life.
  • Any preventive vaccinations should be carried out during remission.

Important: take into account the fact that gluten can fall into the body with non -food products: some types of lipstick, toothpaste, glue products on postage stamps and envelopes. This substance is usually contained in tablets covered with a shell or other drugs. This is indicated in the preparations.

Celiac disease: reviews

Celiac disease: reviews
Celiac disease: reviews

Read the reviews of people with celiac disease that facilitated their condition with diet therapy. These live examples of personal experience of adults and parents, in whom children are sick with such a disease, will help to cope with the disease.

Irina, 32 years old

The diagnosis of Celiac disease was made 2 years ago. Doctors made a biopsy and said that subject to a diet, the forecast would be comforting. I eat only gluely products, I feel good, there is no fatigue and abdominal pain.

Maria, 35 years old

My daughter is 3 years old. The diagnosis was made six months ago. We observe a diet, but still the appetite is bad, and the daughter does not gain weight. Doctors said that you need to wait for about 2 years. The disease has ceased to progress and this is the main thing. I teach my daughter to sports - we go to the pool, we are engaged in swimming.

Antonina Nikolaevna, 68 years old

The diagnosis of Celiac disease was made last year. I observe a diet, but sometimes my stomach hurts. Doctors say that this can be, but when fulfilling all the recommendations, it should pass. I realized that in the treatment of this disease, it is important to observe a diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Now the digestion is good, there is no constipation and diarrhea. The mood is good, as well as the appetite.

Video: Celiac disease - Symptoms in children: Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky in one of his issues talks about celiac disease in children. In the following video, you will learn about the symptoms of the disease in children, whether there is prevention. Komarovsky will answer the questions of the parents.

Video: what is gluten - Dr. Komarovsky - Inter

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