The first impression of a person: the main components, the effects of perception, the opinions of psychologists. Why is the first impression erroneous?

The first impression of a person: the main components, the effects of perception, the opinions of psychologists. Why is the first impression erroneous?

In this topic, we will discuss the first impression of a person, as well as his main aspects to please others.

Nowadays, people want to develop, make new acquaintances and expand their connections. The process of communication between people is a very important bar in the development of social being. Communicating with new faces, each of us has an opinion about every new acquaintance. And this is not surprising, because the process of human perception of a person when acquainting is studied even by science. Therefore, today we want to share interesting aspects of the topic about the first impression of each of us.

What is the first impression of a person?

Indeed, the topic is interesting. After all, the first impression of a new acquaintance lays a priority and long -term attitude to each person. And very often, in order to change the opinion of a person after the first acquaintance, it should pass for a long time. It is quite interesting that at first glance the topic is simple, but whole scientific research is being conducted about the first impression of a person.

Like it or not, they meet us by clothes
Like it or not, they meet us by clothes

And it is not surprising that this topic is considered by science from all sides. After all, very often it happens that this particular impression is not reliable, or simply is deceptive. In general, having analyzed the opinions of the first impression, the following components of the process can be distinguished:

  • appearance and its design. This is the very first component of the first impression. Indeed, basically, when meeting a person, attention is paid precisely to clothes, hairstyles, shoes, cleanliness of the body, hands, etc. This is a psychological feature of everyone to believe that cleanliness, accuracy, taste in clothing necessarily indicate only the positive qualities of a new familiar person;
  • human behavior. Confidence always indicates a strong spirit and significance of a person. Therefore, special attention is also paid to this;
  • the manner of communication. Always appreciated and appreciated educated people. After all, being educated and restrained is also a great work on independent work;
  • emotional condition. A positive and smiling person attracts attention, and is well perceived by others;
  • posture. It is beautiful posture that is considered to be an indicator of the confidence and dignity of a person. Since stooping signals the opposite qualities of a person.
See how the posture changes a person?
See how the posture changes a person?

Also considering the effect of the first impression, the following patterns were highlighted:

  • a charming person according to external criteria is evaluated better than a less attractive person;
  • attentiveness and respect for the interlocutor are evaluated more than inattention. By the way, this applies not only to the communication process;
  • if a person prevails in a conversation or in psychological perception, then he will also be appreciated above all others;
  • the ability of good self -serving for people always attracts positive attention from others;
  • support and admiration for the new acquaintances of your interlocutors will laid in you only the good features of this new person;
  • a joyful person, regardless of the presence of a smile on his face, always seems to be one that can be trusted;
  • the effect of the first impression has been working from the first minutes of communication or observation of a person;
  • a pleasant smell from a person also affects a good first impression.
Sincerely smile sets a lot
Sincerely smile sets a lot

Errors of the first impression or why is it deceptive?

We brought you generalized characteristics of such a phenomenon as the first impression. As noted above, that the first impression in most cases is deceptive, and this is because it is perceived at the level of intuition. The reason for the occurrence of such disorientation relative to the positive phenomena of a person occurs through the property to distinguish a new friend precisely according to the above factors. Which in most cases lead to errors of the first impression. Such errors are usually divided into the following 3 types.

  • An error of attitude towards you. This is due to the presence of the impression of significance, but not a new friend, but each of us. This sign is laid down on a subconscious level. After all, each person wants to be appreciated, respected, reckoned with his opinion and admired.
    • Therefore, when you, like your interlocutor, see such an attitude towards yourself, you again begin to overestimate a person at a subconscious level. It is very good when you were not mistaken, and a person really deserves such an attitude. But, as practice shows, in fact, everything is quite the opposite.
  • An error of attractive appearance Also laid in a person at a subconscious level. After all, general admiration focuses on everything beautiful. Therefore, this is what happens to people. Outwardly, a good interlocutor in most cases during the first impression is considered kind, responsive, interesting and smart. And on the contrary, a less attractive outward person for the first acquaintance may seem much worse than he really is.
    • You can separate really worthy people after further communication. And as happens in most cases, but very ordinary people have positive qualities. But with fairly attractive personalities, it often happens the other way around - they were simply overestimated during the first acquaintance. Of course, there are exceptions, but in most cases this revaluation of a person goes through an intuitive level.
But the appearance is deceiving
But the appearance is deceiving
  • An error of prevailing interlocutors. This advantage may be in the prestige of things and accessories, in clothes, a manner of communication of a higher person with a lower personality in the classroom, the availability of funds, etc. It is the presence of these indicators that leads to the fact that when a person’s first acquaintance is simply overestimated. And in most cases, trust in such a person is useless. After all, later it may turn out that a new acquaintance does not correspond at all endowed with positive qualities.
  • Since very often things such as an expensive car, jewelry or clothing are not an achievement of the interlocutor himself, but, for example, his parents. A person just knows how to show himself. And there are completely opposite cases when the interlocutor, in the absence of such components as money, expensive clothes or accessories, is perceived much lower than he deserves at all. To evaluate a person by belonging, the time must pass, which will set up all points over "and."

As you can see, all the described errors arise for one simple reason that lies in the psychology of the person himself. Everyone wants only a respectful attitude towards themselves, and everyone also wants to be surrounded only by the beautiful. And as we see, not always beautiful aspects are something worthy. All circumstances need to be taken into account.

All mistakes are hidden in our psychology
All mistakes are hidden in our psychology

The first impression and effects of perception, as part, to like others

It is impossible not to mention such important components of the first impression as the effects of perception that significantly affect it. Usually highlight:

  • boomerang effect. A person subconsciously seeks to prevent pressure on himself. Therefore, accordingly, when the interlocutor insists on something, you try to contradict him. Perhaps outside you agree with such pressure, but in the middle, the volcano of counteraction is seething;
  • primary effect. The first perception serves as a priority, because a person has always been interested in something new. Such a vision also applies to already well -known people - the last information about human life, and not the entire previous one, which is already known;
  • stereotype effect. Your first impression of a person is formed on the basis of existing signs of such behavior. Although such an association can be called imperfect, it is quite valid in practice. A person himself forms the expected results from people in behavior and in relation to others.
    • For example, you want everything surrounding you to have good qualities. That already subconsciously inappropriate signs are eliminated, as unacceptable for perception. Therefore, errors arise during the first impression, because a person is not always the same as it seems at first glance;
Stereotypes play an important role
Stereotypes play an important role
  • the effect of the halo or "shortcut". The first general impression is the basis for the perception of a new friend. A person is capable of at the first stages not to pay attention to real actions that really point to the interlocutor. In the mind, a label was printed on a favorable or negative attitude towards a person, depending on various of the above factors. For a real assessment of a person, it is already required for a long time. After all, the objectivity of the assessment of the assessment is not immediately noticed;
  • production effect. A person transfers to all new acquaintances the qualities of another person embedded in his subconscious. It turns out that the usual design of the planned intuitive indicators about a person occurs. That is, there is one’s own attitude to everything new, but according to its criteria;
  • the effect of indulgence. Usually everyone loves a good assessment of their actions from others, without any criticism. It is this indicator that leads to the fact that you are inclined to friendly, at first glance, to you to people.
Some simply fall under the projections of our selection criteria
Some simply fall under the projections of our selection criteria

What do psychologists say about the first impression?

See how troublesome the very process of the first impression is, and how many factors that affect the perception of a person of another person. That is why this effect is widely studied by science. We want to bring to your attention more visions of several scientists.

  • O. Bodalov (Soviet psychologist): the first impression of a person depends on the situation of acquaintance.
    • If a person ran into the room for a few seconds and quarreled with someone, the impressions will remain the corresponding (annoyed, evil).
    • If I just looked into the room, then the information will be perceived by others on that part of the body or clothing that was noticed. For example, if a beautiful and well -dressed personality looked into the room, then the impressions will remain positive. And with opposite features - negative responses.
    • The scientist is sure that everything is affected by the appearance and its design.
The first impression depends on the situation of dating
The first impression depends on the situation of dating
  • G. Kelly (American psychologist). They proved that The first impression is affected by preliminary information about the future interlocutor.
    • The experiment was conducted on students. Before starting classes, students were divided into two groups. One group was told that the future unfamiliar lecturer is responsive, polite, kind. And the other group, on the contrary, is that it is angry, irreducible and rude.
    • At the end, it was clear that the first impression of one group, with good preliminary characteristics about the lecturer, was reflected in their perception. And they saw in a new acquaintance such positive qualities that were given before class.
    • And the other group of students pointed to the opposite qualities of the teacher, or rather those that they informed the day before. It remains interesting that these two groups listened to the lecturer at the same time. But their vision was completely opposite.
And from preliminary information of other people
And from preliminary information of other people
  • R. Wilson (Austrian psychologist). Based on the experiment, he proved that the first impression is affected by the social status of the future interlocutor.The study was also conducted on groups of students:
    • the first group received information that the future speaker in the lesson is a professor of a famous university;
    • the second group found out that he was the rector of the famous university;
    • the third group that he is just a lecturer;
    • the fourth group was informed that he was a laboratory assistant;
    • and the fifth group thought he was a student.
  • Groups of students at the same time listened to the report of an unfamiliar specialist. And according to the results, it was revealed that each group of people perceived a new person precisely according to the announcements. And the difference between the first impression was dependent on the previous information.
Status also says a lot
Status also says a lot

Everyone has to meet new people even in everyday life. And you can check the short facts and signs in this article. We are sure that you will be surprised how exactly the described criteria affect the effect of the first impression. A rather complicated process that has been studied and continues to be studied by science, although at first glance everything is quite simple.

Important: the first impression is really the effect that is formed in a person under the influence of various factors. A phenomenon that acts for a long period of time. And a person has to make efforts to change the opinion of himself, which is very often opposite to the impression in the first acquaintance. Each new person is perceived by others at a subconscious level, so a person is not able to objectively evaluate a new friend.

It is precisely because of the mistakes of the first perception that it often happens that over time a person begins to be disappointed in his friends. And this is precisely because the error took place precisely at the stage of the first impression, in the first minutes of acquaintance. The information is interesting, and you need to know it in order to teach yourself to understand people. Although not the first time. Let everything be fine, and you are surrounded only by really good friends!

Video: What is the first impression or how will people like it?

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