How to get acquainted correctly: the rules of etiquette when meeting and presentation. How to learn to get acquainted with girls, guys, people on the Internet, in contact, facebook, social networks, on the street, rest, club: tips and recommendations

How to get acquainted correctly: the rules of etiquette when meeting and presentation. How to learn to get acquainted with girls, guys, people on the Internet, in contact, facebook, social networks, on the street, rest, club: tips and recommendations

This article describes tips and recommendations on how to meet a girl.

Fear of acquaintance with a girl is the most serious barrier that prevents the guy from living normally and make a worthy choice.

  • The young man is afraid to come up and talk to the girl, and she sees in front of her an uncertain man who is defenseless and has already prepared to feel like a loser.
  • In this article, we will talk about how to overcome your fear and approach the girl for acquaintance.
  • We will tell you how it is easy to feel in this situation and also describe how to meet a girl with a guy or how parents can help their child so that he is not afraid to make friendship with peers.

How to stop being afraid and start getting to know girls?

How to stop being afraid and start getting to know girls?
How to stop being afraid and start getting to know girls?

Psychologists have several techniques that help to cope with fear in a particular situation. Here are a few points that will help you stop afraid and start getting to know girls:

  • Promise yourself firmly that you will approach the girl right now. If you do not fulfill this promise, then you deceived yourself, and this is unacceptable. Therefore, you need to think about yourself, respect yourself, because the most important person is you! Therefore, the promise given to yourself must be fulfilled. Better get a rejection of a girl than a deception of your personality.
  • There is nowhere to retreat. This item can be compared with military operations, when the soldiers aloud utter a phrase that they will win this battle, or die. If we consider any war in more detail, then generals with soldiers who did not retreat, basically, won the battles. Imagine that a wall has grown behind you and you need to go only forward - go and get acquainted. Go to the girl and say one word - “Hello”, and then everything will go along the dangled.
  • The rule "three seconds". Psychologists use this rule for different life situations, and for acquaintance, it is great. For example, you need to do something, but you are afraid, then count up to three and go and do. At this time, the brain turns off and turns on even when the feeling of fear leaves.
  • Conversation with a famous beautiful actor. Mentally talk with him as with a friend and even compete, as if he wants to go first to the girl. Tell him: "Wait, she is mine!" Your subconscious mind will push you forward to your friend Evil, and, Voila - you are already talking to her!
  • The mental representation of oneself. All people are afraid of condemning others. But you introduce yourself to one of the others - here it stands and looks at you. You come to the girl and get acquainted, and the brain of a person standing next to you think that what a well done the guy - brave, came up - was not afraid. Now rewind everything back, return to your body and go!
  • To argue with friends and win a dispute. If you cannot respond, then argue with your friends that you will come up and get to know the girl in front of everyone. It is a shame to argue, so you have to go and overcome your fear.
  • Spare phrases. It’s always scary that the girl will refuse. What to do in this case, what to say? Focus in advance what you will say in case of refusal. Tell the girl that she will lose a lot and at point blank does not see her happiness. Then just leave with an arrogant look. There is nothing wrong with that someone does not like you-you are not a kitten, so that everyone likes it.
  •   Come up with the first phrase in advance. At first you can say the banal "hello", but then you should not be silent and boldly continue. You can introduce yourself: "Hello, my name is Sasha." Then the conversation will be tied by itself. You can ask the name of the girl. Although these are banal words and phrases, they will give confidence, and this is what girls in the guys appreciate.
  • Negative experience is also needed. People learn from their mistakes. A person falls, gets up and goes on, but already more confident and experienced. Many scientists, before inventing something, made thousands of unsuccessful attempts, and only then they succeeded. Just think - thousands. So act!

But only this is not enough to know, read on to know where to get acquainted and how to do it beautifully in social networks.

Correct acquaintance with a girl: Rules

Correct acquaintance with a girl: Rules
Correct acquaintance with a girl: Rules

Those guys who have experience of acquaintance behind them highlight several gold rules of success. These capital truths will help you act correctly in a specific situation and you will find out where you need to look for a girl to get acquainted. So, four rules of correct acquaintance with a girl:

  1. How to come. Go to the club where parties and pati-flirt are constantly held. Girls usually come here in search of a man of their dreams. The girl knows how to like it: she is beautiful and fashionably dressed, she has impeccable makeup and hairstyle, a sincere and playful smile, and a great mood. Feel free to approach such girls with a blank from a couple of phrases and a good evening is provided to you.
  2. Dating process. Take the first step and just imagine. Even if the girl was not going to get acquainted that evening and she plans to send everyone who approaches her, the effect of surprise will still work and she will definitely call her name. Now you are familiar.
  3. What to talk to the girl about. Firstly, it is important to remember her name the first time, but it is also necessary that the girl remembers your name, otherwise she will feel awkward. Therefore, during the conversation, it is necessary to repeat her name and her own several times. For example: “Hello, my name is Sergey, what is your name? Very nice, Oksana. You know, Oksana, even though my name is Sergey, I like it more when they just call me - Seryozha. So, Oksana, call me just - Seryozha. " Then tell me a little about yourself. After that, you can ask the girl about her life. If she willingly maintain a conversation, then you are doing well. Next, lead the conversation only about her - this is important.
  4. What to do to like it. You have already created the first impression and if you are interested in the girl, now she thinks about how you like it. At this moment, show how you like the girl, and after meeting her, all the people around have ceased to exist.

Say her compliments, but they should only be turned to her appearance. Do not overdo it with the words of admiration for the girl so as not to cause distrust about your attention.

How to get acquainted correctly: the rules of etiquette when meeting and presentation

How to get acquainted correctly: the rules of etiquette when meeting and presentation
How to get acquainted correctly: the rules of etiquette when meeting and presentation

The norms of etiquette during acquaintance have existed since ancient times. Modern etiquette is not as complex as in the Middle Ages, but all civilized people should adhere to it. How to meet you correctly? Here are the rules of etiquette when meeting and presentation:

  • Official or business situation. If you need to turn to a person, introduce yourself to him - name the name and surname. Naturally, this rule will not work if you, for example, need to ask something from a passerby on the street.
  • Acquaintance of a man and a woman. The man calls himself the first to call himself. But, if you are a student and get acquainted with the teacher, then a woman should first introduce herself.
  • People who are on the same career stage get acquainted with age. The one who is younger is called the first.
  • One person gets acquainted with the company, then he is the first to call his name. When a woman gets acquainted with a married couple, she is the first to appear.
  • During your acquaintance, smile to create a good impression.
  • If you are represented among several people, then wait for your turn.

After you introduced you, you need to name your name and add the words “very nice” or “I am glad to get to know”. With a barely familiar person, you need to talk to "you." If you are introduced to the company of people, then you need to spread a pair of phrases with each of them. Do it unobtrusively during the conversation. To give preference to one person in this case is unethical.

How to represent other people when meeting, who is represented when meeting the first?

How to represent other people when meeting, who is represented when meeting the first?
How to represent other people when meeting, who is represented when meeting the first?

When presented, use such generally accepted phrases: “Let me introduce you ...” and “Meet, please, here is Igor, but Inna” and so on. Say the names of those whom you represent and those you imagine. The name must be uttered loudly and legibly, since asking for the name is unethical. Therefore, all those with whom you introduce you must hear the name of the one you represent. How to represent other people when meeting, who is represented when meeting the first? This is what the rules of etiquette say:

  • If you introduce two people, then you need to bring them to each other and name the names. Ugly forced them to get acquainted on their own.
  • When meeting a man and a woman, the first to call a lady, saying her name.
  • The first person who was presented to whom they presented. But the woman gives a hand to the man, and the senior by age or service to the youngest.
  • If you need to introduce one person to two who are talking at the same time, then wait for the end of the conversation. If their conversation was dragged out, then you will have to find another case to get acquainted.
  • The man gets up if he is introduced. A woman gets up if she is represented by a lady, older in age or with a very respected man.
  • When you imagine someone to your relatives, first tell us about them-“this is my dad” or “this is my sister”.
  • If your friend is late to the feast, and you need to present him to guests, then you should not call his name with the words "this is my friend." This is unethical in relation to other gathered and can offend someone.

Remember: At the official acquaintance, it is necessary to name not only the name of the person, but also the position. In other cases, the presentation is enough to name the name or name with the middle name.

How to learn to get acquainted with girls, guys, people on the Internet, in contact, facebook, social networks, on the street, rest, club: tips and recommendations

How to learn to get acquainted with girls, guys, people on the Internet, in contact, facebook, social networks, on the street, rest, club: tips and recommendations
How to learn to get acquainted with girls, guys, people on the Internet, in contact, facebook, social networks, on the street, rest, club: tips and recommendations

The Internet has discovered enormous opportunities for people. They can get acquainted with each other, establish social ties. Social networks help in this. How to learn to get acquainted with girls, guys, people on the Internet, in contact, facebook, social networks, on the street, rest, in the club? Here are some tips and recommendations:

  • Choose a good photo for the profile. It should be of high quality, because this is the first thing the girl will see.
  • Remove photos from your party with friends and other similar events from the profile. You will have to delete photos with different girls, whom you saw once, for example, with models at the exhibition. You do not need a photo with the former. Let your pictures talk about hobbies and work: fishing, sport or something else.
  • Profile with true facts. Do not need hackneyed quotes from the Internet, write something of your own-original.
  • Remove games from the page and other entertainment applications. Subscribe to the "smart" groups. You can issue a subscription to Vedomosti and other similar publics.
  • Add a little evidence that you took place as a person. If your wall has many original records, music and photos, and they are “like” the girl, then it will be a plus. You will get the impression that you took place as a man and are successful with women.
  • Many friends. No need to specially make a wrapping and add strangers. The girl then still finds out that this is all played, and this fact will not play in your favor. Remember with whom you went to kindergarten, school, or studied at the university.
  • Plus, a large number of friends are girls who comment on the notes. Follow the comments in the news and updates. Write your comment on the record or to the words of the girl you like. It should be an appropriate joke, and she should like it.
  • Add the girl as a friend. Now you can send a request for adding to friends. If it adds - excellent, no - continue the search.
  • Comment on the notes on her page and photo. Here you are already in her friends. Write what you liked how you talked on a friend's page. Publish comments on the notes on her page. If you are not interesting to her, it will be seen right away: she will answer your messages with banal phrases. But do not remove her from friends, let it complement your profile.
  • Offer a meeting. If the girl showed interest, invite her to meet. Tell me what you want to see her firsthand. She may agree and it will be your victory either to refuse or postpone the meeting.

In any case, the first step is taken, and you can continue to continue looking for a girl of your dreams on the Internet.

How to meet a guy correctly: tips

How to meet a guy correctly: tips
How to meet a guy correctly: tips

Any girl is lost at the sight of a beautiful guy. Time passes, and she regrets that she did not approach him first and did not meet. Below you will read tips on how to meet a guy correctly. They will help to be bold so that you can not miss your chance, what if this is a guy of your dreams or your fate? So, tips and recommendations:

  • No need to shy! If you really want to meet him, then pay attention to yourself. No need to run right away and rush to the neck, let him see at first, appreciate and then you can start acting.
  • It is important to look good. Ideal makeup, hairstyle, manicure, beautiful and fashionable dress are the main components of your image. Everything should be thought out to the smallest detail.
  • To attract attention. Be in the field of his vision. But do not look directly at him, look away. Smile coquettishly and rehearse your gaze in front of the mirror so that it is a little surprised. When your eyes meet, the guy should be interested, and it is precisely the eyes and eyes.
  • All men are hunters. Give him a chance to come first to you and get to know you. If this does not happen, then you come. After all, he can be shy or simply distracted by a conversation with other people or some kind of event.
  • In a conversation, behave gracefully and dignity. Do not "throw" so as not to create the impression of a stupid girl.

After the conversation is tied up, everything is suitable as for a bent, especially if he liked it. If not, then the guy will let you know and do not be upset - you already have experience of the first acquaintance.

How to appear correctly by phone with an outgoing call?

How to appear correctly by phone with an outgoing call?
How to appear correctly by phone with an outgoing call?

The outgoing call is the one who calls, that is, if you call, it will be an outgoing call. During such a call, you need to adhere to certain etiquette rules. How to appear correctly by phone with an outgoing call? Here are the norms of etiquette:

  • Give hello first. Specify whether you got through there. But, if the interlocutor answers standardly, as when calling the organization, then you don’t have to ask and everything is clear. Do not use such hackneyed phrases as “bothers you ...” or “worries you”. Better say "you are calling you ...".
  • The right person is not in place. If you called, and the person you would like to talk with is absent, then you should not immediately hang up. Ask when he comes. Then thank the interlocutor and put the phone. The conversation always ends the conversation who called the first.
  • If you are conducting a business conversation, then do not be distracted from the topic so that the conversation does not drag on. It is unacceptable for etiquette to talk for more than 3-5 minutes. If you are sure that the telephone conversation is delayed, then you must warn the interlocutor in advance so that he himself appoints a convenient call time.

Important: During the conversation, build under the pace of speech of the interlocutor. Speak clearly and clearly. It is unacceptable to drink or chew something. Do not rude to the interlocutor.

How to teach a child to get acquainted?

How to teach a child to get acquainted?
How to teach a child to get acquainted?

The first lessons of friendship are always so interesting for the baby and interesting for adults. Friendship is important for children, and parents understand this. It’s good when the baby goes to kindergarten and there he will definitely find friends. But what to do if I had to move to another city, and the baby does not go to kindergarten yet? How to teach a child to get acquainted and where? Here are the tips:

  • The sandbox is a school of friendship. We all found the first friends in the sandbox.
  • If it is not in your yard, then just go with the baby to take a walk. Surely, there are other children in the yard.
  • Tell the child to come up and meet himself. If he does not want, then come up with him and ask another crumbs: “Boy, what is your name? And this is Vitya. " Many children draw information from people and parents. Now your child will be able to repeat after you and come to meet yourself.
  • The next step - I must say "let's be friends." If your baby refuses to do this, then you ask another child yourself: “Vitya wants to be friends with you, you will be his friend (or a girlfriend, if you approached the girl)?” Children usually always answer immediately positively. Now, they already play together and talk about something.

Gradually, the baby will already relate to other children, not as participants in the game, but as true friends. He wants to see them more often, play, meet, and it was you who taught him all this.

Scroll through your head all the tips that were given in this article. You will see your surprise that you once had doubts and fear. Good luck in your life and be more confident in yourself!

Video: How to meet a girl. 10 best phrases for dating. How to get to know the girl unusual?

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Comments K. article

  1. Dating on the Internet can help both lonely, who want to meet their “half”, and just wishing to have a good time and “relax”. Yes, and it is simply useful to have at least friends. So the tips are very useful.

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